继续我们关于解决各种Discord 应用程序(Discord application)错误的系列文章,今天,我们将介绍另一个常见问题——“No Route”错误。No Route 错误(No Route error)会阻碍用户加入特定的Discord语音(Discord voice)频道,并且许多人都经历过。虽然尚未查明问题背后的确切原因,但该错误似乎类似于ICE 检查并卡(ICE checking and stuck)在RTC连接问题上。当Discord(Discord)面临语音连接问题时,会同时遇到这些错误消息和无路由错误消息。(route error)
Discord无法连接到特定语音服务器(voice server)的原因有多种。在大多数情况下,第三方防病毒程序或您的网络防火墙(network firewall)会阻止Discord正常运行。此外(Furthermore),Discord的桌面客户端(s desktop client)设计为只能与具有UDP的(UDP)VPN(VPNs)协同工作。如果您使用非UDP VPN ,则会经常遇到no route 错误。(route error)服务(Service feature)质量(Quality)功能_ ,当启用但不支持时,也可以提示应用程序行为不端。同样,如果服务器托管在不同的大陆或地区(continent or region),也不会出现路由错误(route error)。
根据No Route 错误(No Route error)的根源,有多种解决方法。逐一遵循以下解释的解决方案,直到问题停止存在。
如何修复 Discord 上的“无路线”错误?(How to fix the ‘No Route’ error on Discord?)
修复 Discord 的No Route 错误(No Route error)没什么大不了的,只需几分钟即可完成。此外,如果你足够幸运,一个简单的 system-wide restart (computer as well as router/modem)将解决问题。
为您提供要点,由于其成本效益,我们大多数人都由我们的Internet 服务(Internet service)提供商 ( ISP ) 提供了一个(ISPs)动态 IP 地址。(dynamic IP address)虽然动态IP(IPs)更安全且维护成本(maintenance cost)低,但它们的稳定性也差很多,并且一直在变化。动态 IP 的这种波动性质可能会扰乱信息流并最终引发许多问题。只需(Simply)重新启动您的路由器(拔下电源线并(power cable and plug)在等待几秒钟后重新插入)将有助于它解决单个IP 地址(IP address)并可能解决 Discord 的无路由错误(route error). 当您使用它时,还请执行计算机重新启动(computer restart)。
您还可以尝试连接到另一个互联网网络(internet network)或移动热点,以摆脱“无路由”错误。
如果上述技巧(above trick didn)不能帮助您连接到语音通道(voice channel),那么是时候尝试一些更永久的解决方案了。
方法 1:禁用第三方防病毒程序和 VPN(Antivirus Programs & VPNs)
首先,确保您的防病毒程序或Windows Defender 本身没有阻止 Discord 的连接。众所周知,第三方防病毒应用程序中的实时 Web安全功能具有过度保护性,会(security feature)阻止(block content)实际上无害的内容。从不加载某些网站到禁止其他应用程序传输数据,大多数AV 阻止(AVs blocking)策略仍然是一个谜。
暂时禁用您的安全程序(security program)和Windows 防御者(Windows defender)(如何禁用Windows 10 防火墙(Firewall))并检查无路由错误(route error)是否已解决。如果确实如此,请将Discord添加到程序的例外/白名单(每个程序都是唯一的)或切换到另一个安全软件(security software)。要将不和谐(Discord)从Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)列入白名单:
1.使用热键组合 Windows key + I 设置 (Settings ),然后单击 更新和安全(Update & Security)。
2. 使用左侧导航菜单(navigation menu),移动到Windows 安全(Windows Security) 页面并单击 打开 Windows 安全(Open Windows Security)按钮。
3. 在以下窗口中,单击防火墙和网络保护。(Firewall & network protection.)
4. 单击允许应用程序通过防火墙(Allow an app through the firewall)超链接。
5. 首先,点击顶部的更改设置。(Change Settings)
6. 接下来,勾选Discord(Discord)左侧的框和Private 下(under Private)的框。
7. 如果Discord 不是(Discord isn)列出的程序之一,请单击Allow another app...然后单击Browse 按钮(Browse button)并找到 Discord( locate Discord)。找到后,单击添加。(Add.)
同样,Discord不能很好地与VPN程序配合使用已经不是什么秘密,尤其是那些没有用户数据报协议(User Datagram Protocol)( UDP ) 技术的程序。执行快速Google 搜索(Google search)以检查您的VPN是否使用或支持UDP,如果不支持,请在使用Discord时禁用该服务。一些利用UDP的(UDP)VPN服务是NordVPN、OpenVPN等。
(Discord)如果您使用的是工作或学校网络, (work or school network)Discord可能无法加入语音服务器,并且Discord以及其他通信应用程序已被网络管理员阻止。这通常是为了保护网络安全,尽管这不太可能发生,但您唯一的解决方法是要求管理员放松阻止策略(blocking policy)。
您也可以尝试通过不同的DNS 服务器(DNS server)上网,但如果被抓到,您可能会遇到一些麻烦。
1. 启动Windows设置 (Settings )并单击 网络和 Internet(Network and Internet)。
2. 在右侧面板的高级网络设置(Advanced Network Settings)下,单击更改适配器选项(Change adapter options)。
3. 在以下网络连接窗口(Network Connections window)中,右键单击 (right-click )您当前的网络(current network),然后从随后的选项菜单中选择 属性。(Properties)
4.在“此连接使用以下项目:”部分(section and click)中选择Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) ,然后单击解锁的 属性 (Properties )按钮。
5. 单击使用以下 DNS 服务器地址(Use the following DNS server addresses)旁边的单选按钮(radio button):并输入以下值以使用 Google 的DNS 服务器(DNS server)。
首选 DNS 服务器:
备用 DNS 服务器:
6. 点击OK 保存新的DNS 服务器(DNS Server)设置并重新启动计算机(computer restart)。您现在应该能够连接到任何Discord 语音(Discord voice)服务器而不会遇到 no route 错误(route error)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 10 个最佳公共 DNS 服务器
(Voice connection)当用户尝试连接到从另一个地区或完全不同的大陆托管的语音频道时,(voice channel)语音连接错误很常见。要解决此问题,您可以要求服务器所有者(server owner)更改服务器区域(server region)或要求他/她授予您必要的授权并自行更改区域。
1. 显而易见,首先启动Discord 应用程序(Discord application),然后单击服务器名称旁边的向下错误。(downward-facing error)从下拉列表中选择服务器设置。(Server Settings)
2. 在服务器概览页面上(server Overview page),单击当前服务器区域旁边的更改 按钮。(Change )
3. 在以下窗口中单击不同的服务器区域(different server region)以切换到它。
4.更改服务器区域后,您将在不和谐窗口(discord window)底部收到一个弹出窗口,提醒您有关未保存的更改。单击保存更改 (Save Changes )以完成。
方法 4:禁用 Discord 的服务质量(Quality)功能(Service feature)
Discord包含一项服务质量功能(service feature),该功能指示您的路由器/调制解调器应用程序发送的数据具有高优先级。这有助于应用程序提高语音通道质量(voice channel quality)和整体性能;但是,该功能有很多错误,并且已知会提示许多问题,包括听不到其他人和 no route 错误(route error)。因此,如果出现任何此类错误,请考虑禁用QoS 功能。(QoS feature)
1. 单击Discord 用户名(Discord username)旁边的齿轮图标(cogwheel icon)以访问用户设置(User Settings)。
2. 在应用程序设置下,单击语音和视频(Voice & Video)。
3.在右侧面板上向下滚动并关闭(Scroll)服务质量下的“启用服务质量高数据包优先级” (toggle off the ‘Enable Quality of Service High Packet Priority’ )选项。
方法 5:设置新IP 地址(IP address)并重置DNS 设置(DNS Settings)
如前所述,系统范围的重启是修复 no route 错误(route error)的一种众所周知的方法。虽然它似乎并不适合所有人。不幸的用户可以通过在命令提示符(command prompt)中执行一些命令来手动尝试设置新的IP 地址(IP address)并重置现有的DNS设置。
1. 按Windows key + R 启动运行命令(Run command)框,在文本框中键入 cmd ,然后按 ctrl + shift + enter以管理员(Administrator)身份启动命令提示符(Command Prompt)。
注意:(Note:) 您将收到一个用户帐户控制(account control)弹出窗口,询问是否应允许命令提示符对设备进行更改。(Command Prompt)单击(Click)“ 是” (Yes )授予所需的权限。
2.打开命令提示符窗口(Command Prompt window)后,仔细输入以下命令,然后按 Enter(below command and press enter)键执行。
ipconfig /release
注意:(Note:)上述命令会释放DHCP 服务器(DHCP server)自动分配给您的IP 地址(IP address)。
3.接下来,是时候在设置新的IP地址之前删除现有的(IP address)DNS缓存(DNS cache)了。为此,请执行以下命令 -
ipconfig /flushdns
4. 最后,由于我们发布了之前的IP 地址(IP address),我们需要分配一个新的。
5.运行以下命令(below command)并在执行后关闭命令提示符窗口(Command Prompt window)。
ipconfig /renew
6.重新启动计算机并检查无路由错误(route error)是否继续存在。
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上面列出的五种方法之一应该可以解决Discord No Route 错误(Discord No Route error)并帮助您连接到有问题的语音通道(voice channel)。但是,如果它们都不起作用,您可以联系 Discord 的支持团队(support team)寻求进一步的帮助——提交(– Submit)请求。使用 Discord 的网络版本,而他们的团队会通过官方解决方案与您联系。
How to Fix No Route Error on Discord (2022)
Continuing our series of articles on troubleshooting various Discord application errors, today, we will be covering yet another common issue – the ‘No Route’ error. The No Route errоr obstructs users from joining specific Discord voice channеls and has been experienced by many. While thе exact reason behind the problem has not been pіnpointed yet, the error seems to bе similar to the ICE checking and stυck оn RTC connecting issυes. Both of these and the nо route еrror messages are encountered when Discord is faсing voіce connection issues.
There are multiple reasons why Discord might fail to connect to a particular voice server. In most cases, third-party antivirus programs or your network firewall is blocking Discord from functioning normally. Furthermore, Discord’s desktop client is designed to only work in tandem with VPNs that have UDP. If you use a non-UDP VPN, the no route error will be regularly encountered. The Quality of Service feature, when enabled but not supported, can also prompt the application to misbehave. Similarly, if the server is being hosted from a different continent or region, no route error will arise.
Depending on the root of the No Route error, there are multiple ways to resolve it. Follow the below-explained solutions one by one until the issue stops to persist.
How to fix the ‘No Route’ error on Discord?
Fixing Discord’s No Route error is no biggie and can be achieved in a couple of minutes. Also, if you are lucky enough, a simple system-wide restart (computer as well as router/modem) will resolve the issue.
To give you the gist, most of us are provided with a dynamic IP address by our Internet service providers (ISPs) due to its cost-effectiveness. While dynamic IPs are more secure and have a low maintenance cost, they are also a lot less stable and keep changing all the time. This fluctuating nature of dynamic IP can disrupt the flow of information and end up prompting a number of issues. Simply restarting your router (unplug the power cable and plug it back in after waiting for several seconds) will help it settle on a single IP address and may resolve Discord’s no route error. While you are at it, also perform a computer restart.
You can also try connecting to another internet network or to your mobile hotspot to get rid of the ‘No Route’ error.
If the above trick didn’t help you connect to the voice channel, it is time to try some more permanent solutions.
Method 1: Disable Third-party Antivirus Programs & VPNs
First, ensure that your antivirus program or the Windows defender itself isn’t blocking Discord’s connection. The real-time web security feature in third-party antivirus applications is known to be overly protective and block content that isn’t actually harmful. From not loading certain websites to prohibiting other applications to transmit data, most AVs blocking policy remains a mystery.
To temporarily disable your security program & the Windows defender too (How to Disable Windows 10 Firewall) and check if the no route error resolves. If it indeed does, either add Discord to the program’s exception/white list (the procedure is unique for each) or switch to another security software. To whitelist Discord from Windows Firewall:
1. Launch Settings by using the hotkey combination Windows key + I and click on Update & Security.
2. Using the left navigation menu, move to the Windows Security page and click on the Open Windows Security button.
3. In the following window, click on Firewall & network protection.
4. Click on the Allow an app through the firewall hyperlink.
5. First, click on Change Settings at the top.
6. Next, tick the boxes to the left of Discord and the one under Private.
7. If Discord isn’t one of the listed programs, click on Allow another app… followed by a click on the Browse button and locate Discord. Once found, click on Add.
Similarly, it is no secret that Discord doesn’t play well with VPN programs, particularly ones without the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) technology. Perform a quick Google search to check if your VPN uses or supports UDP and if it doesn’t, disable the service when using Discord. A few VPN services that utilize UDP are NordVPN, OpenVPN, etc.
Method 2: Switch your DNS server
Discord might fail to join a voice server if you are using a work or school network, and Discord, along with other communication apps, have been blocked by the network administrators. This is usually done to secure the network, and although this is unlikely to happen, your only way around this is to ask the admins to relax the blocking policy.
You can also try surfing the internet via a different DNS server, but you might end up in some trouble if caught.
1. Launch Windows Settings and click on Network and Internet.
2. Under Advanced Network Settings on the right-panel, click on Change adapter options.
3. In the following Network Connections window, right-click on your current network and select Properties from the ensuing options menu.
4. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) in the ‘This connection uses the following items:’ section and click on the Properties button that unlocks.
5. Click on the radio button next to Use the following DNS server addresses: and enter the following values to use Google’s DNS server.
Preferred DNS Server:
Alternate DNS Server:
6. Hit OK to save the new DNS Server settings and perform a computer restart. You should now be able to connect to any Discord voice server without encountering the no route error.
Also Read: 10 Best Public DNS Servers
Method 3: Change the server region
Voice connection errors are pretty common when users try to connect to a voice channel being hosted from another region or a different continent altogether. To resolve this, you can ask the server owner to change the server region or ask him/her to grant you the necessary authorization and change the region yourself.
1. As obvious, start by launching the Discord application and click on the downward-facing error next to your server’s name. Select Server Settings from the drop-down list.
2. On the server Overview page, click on the Change button next to your current server region.
3. Click on a different server region in the following window to switch to it.
4. Upon changing your server region, you will receive a pop-up at the bottom of the discord window alerting you about unsaved changes. Click on Save Changes to finish.
Method 4: Disable Discord’s Quality of Service feature
Discord includes a quality of service feature which instructs your router/modem that the data being sent by the application is of high priority. This helps the application improve voice channel quality and overall performance; however, the feature is quite buggy and known to prompt a number of problems, including cannot hear others and the no route error. So consider disabling the QoS feature if any such error appears.
1. Click on the cogwheel icon next to your Discord username to access User Settings.
2. Under App Settings, click on Voice & Video.
3. Scroll down on the right-panel and toggle off the ‘Enable Quality of Service High Packet Priority’ option under Quality of Service.
Method 5: Set a new IP address and reset DNS Settings
As mentioned earlier, a system-wide restart is a well-known way of fixing the no route error. Although it doesn’t seem to work for everyone. Unlucky users can manually try to set a new IP address and reset the existing DNS settings by executing a few commands in the command prompt.
1. Press the Windows key + R to launch the Run command box, type cmd in the textbox, and press ctrl + shift + enter to launch Command Prompt as an Administrator.
Note: You will receive a user account control pop-up inquiring if Command Prompt should be allowed to make changes to the device. Click on Yes to grant the required permission.
2. Once the Command Prompt window opens up, carefully type the below command and press enter to execute it.
ipconfig /release
Note: The above command releases the IP address that was automatically assigned to you by the DHCP server.
3. Next, it is time to delete the existing DNS cache before setting up a new IP address. To do this, execute the following command-
ipconfig /flushdns
4. Finally, since we released the previous IP address, we will need to assign a new one.
5. Run the below command and close the Command Prompt window after execution.
ipconfig /renew
6. Restart your computer and check if the no route error continues to persist.
One of the five methods listed above should have resolved the Discord No Route error and helped you connect to the problematic voice channel. However, if none of them worked, you can contact Discord’s support team for further assistance – Submit a request. Use Discord’s web version while their team gets back to you with an official solution.