Microsoft Excel使用其电子表格软件(spreadsheet software)帮助您组织和分析大量数据(organize and analyze extensive data)。从小工业到大工业,它起着至关重要的作用。用户可以使用这个强大的数据组织工具(organization tool)进行财务分析。它提供了大量应用程序,如业务分析(business analysis)、人员管理、项目管理(program management)、战略分析、管理目的、运营控制(operation control)和绩效报告(performance reporting)。但是,它主要用于存储和排序数据(mainly used to store and sort data),以便于分析。微软 Excel 2016(Microsoft Excel 2016)和 2019 支持一项功能,您可以通过该功能在Excel(Excel)中冻结一行或一列。因此(Hence),当您向上或向下滚动时,冻结的窗格将保留在同一位置。当您拥有涵盖多行和多列的数据时,这会派上用场。今天,我们将讨论如何在MS Excel中冻结或解冻行、(MS Excel)列或窗格(coulumns or panes)。

How to Freeze/Unfreeze Rows or Columns in MS Excel
Excel 中的1048576 行和 16,384(1048576 rows & 16,384) 列(columns in Excel )可以以有组织的方式存储过多的数据集合。Excel的其他一些令人兴奋的功能包括:
- 数据过滤,
- 数据排序,
- 查找和替换功能,
- 内置公式,
- 数据透视表,
- 密码保护等等。
此外,您可以在 excel 中冻结多行或多列。您可以在Ecel中冻结工作表的一部分,即行(sheet viz row)、列或窗格(column or panes),以在滚动工作表的其余部分时使其保持可见。这对于在不丢失标题或标签的情况下检查工作表其他部分中的数据很有用。继续阅读以了解如何在Microsoft Excel中冻结或解冻行、(Microsoft Excel)列或窗格(columns or panes)。
(Important Terminology Before You Begin
冻结窗格:(Freeze Panes: )根据当前选择,您可以在工作表的其余部分上下滚动时保持行和列可见。
冻结首行:(Freeze Top Row: )如果您只想冻结第一个header/top row,此功能将很有帮助。此选项将使第一行保持可见,您可以滚动浏览工作表的其余部分。
冻结第一列:(Freeze First Column: )您可以在滚动工作表的其余部分时保持第一列可见。
解冻窗格:(Unfreeze Panes: )您可以解锁所有行和列以滚动浏览整个工作表。
选项 1:如何在 Excel 中冻结一行(Option 1: How to Freeze a Row in Excel)
您可以按照以下步骤在Excel中冻结一行(Excel)或在 Excel 中冻结(Excel or freeze)多行:
1. 按Windows键。键入并搜索Excel并单击以将其打开。

2. 打开所需的Excel 工作表(Excel sheet)并选择任意( any) 行(row)。
注意 1:(Note 1:)始终选择要冻结的行下方的行。(below the row)这意味着如果要冻结到第 3 行,则必须选择第 4 行。
3. 然后,在菜单栏中选择查看,如图所示。(View)

4. 单击下拉菜单中的冻结窗格(Freeze Panes)>冻结窗格,如下所示。(Freeze Panes)

所选行下方的所有行都将被冻结(All the rows below the selected row will be frozen)。向下滚动时,所选单元格/行上方的行将保持在同一位置。在此示例中,当您向下滚动时,第 1行、第 2(row 2)行、第 3(row 3)行将保留在同一位置,并且工作表的其余部分将滚动。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Excel中(Excel)不使用公式复制和粘贴值(Copy and Paste Values Without formulas)
选项 2:如何在 Excel 中冻结第一行(Option 2: How to Freeze Top Row in Excel)
您可以按照给定的步骤冻结工作表中的标题行:(header row)
1.如前所述启动Excel 。
2. 打开您的Excel 工作表(Excel sheet)并选择任何( any) 单元格(cell)。
3. 如图所示,切换到顶部的查看选项卡。(View )

4. 单击冻结窗格(Freeze Panes)>冻结顶行(Freeze Top Row),如突出显示的那样。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Outlook 应用程序无法在Windows 10中(Windows 10)打开(Open)
选项 3:如何在 Excel 中冻结列(Option 3: How to Freeze a Column in Excel)
1. 按Windows键。键入并搜索Excel并单击以将其打开。

2. 打开您的Excel 工作表(Excel sheet)并选择任意( any) 列(column)。
注意:(Note:)始终选择与您(right) 要冻结的列对应的(to the) 列。(column)这意味着如果要冻结 F 列,请选择 G 列,依此类推。
3. 切换到视图(View )选项卡,如下所示。

4. 单击冻结窗格(Freeze Panes)并选择冻结窗格(Freeze Panes)选项,如图所示。

所选列左侧的所有列都将被冻结(All the columns left of the selected column will be frozen)。向右滚动时,所选列左侧的行将保持在同一位置。在此示例中,当您向右滚动时,A 列、B 列、C 列、D 列、E 列和 F 列将保持在同一位置,工作表的其余部分将向左或向右滚动。
选项 4:如何冻结 Excel 中的第一列(Option 4: How to Freeze First Column in Excel)
1.如前所述启动Excel 。
2. 打开您的Excel 工作表(Excel sheet)并选择任何( any) 单元格(cell)。
3.如图所示,从顶部切换到视图选项卡。(View )

4. 单击冻结窗格(Freeze Panes),这一次,从下拉菜单中选择冻结第一列选项。(Freeze First Column)

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Microsoft Office无法在(Fix Microsoft Office)Windows 10上打开的问题
选项 5:如何在 Excel 中冻结窗格(Option 5: How to Freeze Panes in Excel)
例如,如果您在包含学生姓名和分数的成绩单(report card)中输入数据,则经常滚动到标题(包含学科名称)和标签(包括学生姓名)总是一项繁重的工作。在这种情况下,冻结行和列字段(row and column fields)将对您有所帮助。以下是如何做同样的事情:
1.如前所述启动Excel 。打开所需的(desired) 工作表(worksheet)并选择任何单元格(cell)。
注意 1:(Note 1:)始终确保选择列右侧和要冻结的行下方的单元格。(right of the column and below the row)例如,如果要冻结第一行和第一列,则选择第一(first row & first column)列窗格(column pane)右侧和第一行窗格下方的单元格,即选择 B2 单元格(select B2 cell)。
2. 单击顶部功能区中的查看选项卡。(View )

3. 单击冻结窗格(Freeze Panes),如图所示。

4. 选择标记为冻结窗格(Freeze Panes)的选项,如下图所示。


如何在 Excel 中解冻行、列或窗格(How to Unfreeze Rows, Columns, or Panes in Excel)
1. 选择工作表(worksheet)中的任意单元格( any cell)。
2. 导航到视图(View )选项卡。
3. 现在,选择Freeze Panes并单击Unfreeze Panes,如下图所示。
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make sure)您有任何单元格/行/列处于冻结状态。否则(Otherwise),将不会出现解冻窗格(Unfreeze Panes )的选项。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何阻止Microsoft Teams在(Microsoft Teams)启动(Startup)时打开
专业提示:如何创建魔术冻结按钮(Pro Tip: How to Create Magic Freeze Button)
您还可以在快速访问工具栏中创建一个神奇的(Quick Access toolbar)freeze/unfreeze button,只需单击一下即可冻结行、列、第一列、第一行或窗格。
1.如前所述启动Excel 。
2. 单击工作表顶部的向下箭头(down arrow),突出显示。

3. 点击更多命令(More Commands),如图所示。

4. 在列表中选择冻结窗格(Freeze Panes),然后单击添加(Add)。

5. 最后,点击OK。冻结(Freeze) 窗格(Panes) 快速访问选项(Quick Access option)将在MS Excel的工作表顶部提供。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。为什么我的工作表中的“冻结窗格”选项显示为灰色?(Q1. Why is the Freeze Panes option greyed out in my worksheet?)
答。(Ans.)当您处于编辑模式( in editing mode)或工作表受到保护时,“(worksheet is protected)冻结窗格(Freeze Panes)”选项呈灰色显示。要退出编辑模式,请按Esc 键(Esc key)。
Q2。如何在 Excel 中锁定单元格而不是冻结它们?(Q2. How can I lock cells in Excel instead of freezing them?)
答。(Ans.)您可以使用“视图”菜单中的“(View)拆分(Split)”选项来拆分和锁定单元格。Ctrl + T创建表。当您向下滚动时,创建表格将锁定列标题。(column header)阅读我们关于如何(How)在Excel中锁定或解锁单元格(Lock Or Unlock Cells)的指南。
- 如何(How)在Windows 10 上检查我有多少(How)VRAM
- 如何访问 Microsoft Teams 管理中心登录(Access Microsoft Teams Admin Center Login)
- 如何在Excel中交换(Excel)列或行(columns or rows)
- 如何使用Microsoft Teams 秘密(Microsoft Teams Secret)表情符号
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够在 Excel 中冻结和解冻行、列或窗格。(freeze and unfreeze rows, columns or panes in Excel. )请(Feel)随时通过下面的评论部分与我们联系,提出您的疑问和建议。
How to Freeze Rows and Columns in Excel
Microsoft Excel helps you to organize and analyze extensive data with its spreadsheet software. It plays a vital role starting from a small-scale industry to a large-scale industry. The users can perform financial analysis with this powerful data organization tool. It offers a heap of applications like business analysis, people management, program management, strategic analysis, administration purposes, operation control, and performance reporting. However, it is mainly used to store and sort data for easy analysis. Microsoft Excel 2016 and 2019 support a feature by which you can freeze a row in or a column in Excel. Hence, when you scroll up or down, the frozen panes remain in the same place. This comes in handy when you have data covering multiple rows and columns. Today, we will discuss how to freeze or unfreeze rows, coulumns or panes in MS Excel.

How to Freeze/Unfreeze Rows or Columns in MS Excel
1048576 rows & 16,384 columns in Excel can store an excessive collection of data in an organized manner. Some other exciting features of Excel include:
- Data filtering,
- Data sorting,
- Find and replace feature,
- Built-in formulae,
- Pivot table,
- Password protection, and many more.
Moreover, you can freeze multiple rows or columns in excel. You can freeze a portion of the sheet viz row, column or panes in Ecel to keep it visible while you scroll through the rest of the sheet. This is useful for checking out the data in other parts of your worksheet without losing your headers or labels. Keep reading to learn how to freeze or unfreeze rows, columns or panes in Microsoft Excel.
Important Terminology Before You Begin
Freeze Panes: Based on the current selection, you can keep the rows and columns visible while the rest of the worksheet scrolls up and down.
Freeze Top Row: This feature will be helpful if you want to freeze only the first header/top row. This option will keep the top row visible, and you can scroll through the rest of the worksheet.
Freeze First Column: You can keep the first column visible while you can scroll through the rest of the worksheet.
Unfreeze Panes: You can unlock all the rows and columns to scroll through the entire worksheet.
Option 1: How to Freeze a Row in Excel
You can freeze a row in Excel or freeze multiple rows in Excel by following the below-mentioned steps:
1. Press the Windows key. Type & search Excel and click on it to open it.

2. Open your desired Excel sheet and select any row.
Note 1: Always choose the row that is below the row you want to freeze. This means if you want to freeze up to the 3rd row, you must select the 4th row.
3. Then, select View in the menu bar as shown.

4. Click Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes in the drop-down menu as depicted below.

All the rows below the selected row will be frozen. The rows above the selected cell/row will stay in the same place when you scroll down. Here in this example, when you scroll down, row 1, row 2, row 3 will remain in the same place and the rest of the worksheet scrolls.
Also Read: How to Copy and Paste Values Without formulas in Excel
Option 2: How to Freeze Top Row in Excel
You can freeze the header row in the worksheet by following the given steps:
1. Launch Excel as earlier.
2. Open your Excel sheet and select any cell.
3. Switch to the View tab at the top as shown.

4. Click Freeze Panes > Freeze Top Row as shown highlighted.

Now, the first top row will be frozen, and the rest of the worksheet will scroll normally.
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Option 3: How to Freeze a Column in Excel
You can freeze multiple columns or a single column in Excel as follows:
1. Press the Windows key. Type & search Excel and click on it to open it.

2. Open your Excel sheet and select any column.
Note: Always choose the column that is right to the column you wanted to freeze. This means that if you want to freeze column F, select column G and so on.
3. Switch to the View tab as shown below.

4. Click Freeze Panes and select Freeze Panes option as depicted.

All the columns left of the selected column will be frozen. When you scroll right, the rows in the left of the selected column will stay in the same place. Here in this example, when you scroll right, column A, column B, column C, column D, column E, and column F will stay in the same place, and the rest of the worksheet will scroll left or right.
Option 4: How to Freeze First Column in Excel
You can freeze a column in Excel, i.e., freeze the first column in the worksheet by following the below steps.
1. Launch Excel as earlier.
2. Open your Excel sheet and select any cell.
3. Switch to the View tab from the top as shown.

4. Click Freeze Panes and this time, select Freeze First Column option from drop-down menu.

Thus, the first column will be frozen, where you can scroll through the rest of the worksheet normally.
Also Read: Fix Microsoft Office Not Opening on Windows 10
Option 5: How to Freeze Panes in Excel
For instance, if you are entering data in a report card containing students’ names and marks, it is always a hectic job to scroll to the header (containing subject names) and the label (including the name of students) often. In this scenario, freezing both the row and column fields will help you. Here’s how to do the same:
1. Launch Excel as earlier. Open desired worksheet and select any cell.
Note 1: Always ensure that you choose a cell to the right of the column and below the row you want to freeze. For example, if you want to freeze the first row & first column, select the cell to the right of the first column pane and below the first-row pane, i.e., select B2 cell.
2. Click on the View tab from the top ribbon.

3. Click Freeze Panes as shown.

4. Select option marked Freeze Panes as illustrated below.

All the rows above the selected row and all the columns to the left of the selected column will be frozen, and the rest of the worksheet scrolls. So here, in this example, the first row and the first column are frozen, and the rest of the worksheet scrolls as depicted below.

How to Unfreeze Rows, Columns, or Panes in Excel
If you have frozen any rows, columns, or panes, you cannot perform another freezing step unless it is removed. To unfreeze rows, columns, or panes in Excel, implement these steps:
1. Select any cell in the worksheet.
2. Navigate to the View tab.
3. Now, select Freeze Panes and click on Unfreeze Panes as depicted below.
Note: Make sure you have any cell/row/column in a frozen state. Otherwise, an option to Unfreeze Panes will not appear.

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Pro Tip: How to Create Magic Freeze Button
You can also create a magic freeze/unfreeze button in the Quick Access toolbar to freeze a row, column, first column, first row, or panes with a single click.
1. Launch Excel as earlier.
2. Click the down arrow, shown highlighted, from the top of the worksheet.

3. Click More Commands as shown.

4. Select Freeze Panes in the list and then click Add.

5. Finally, click OK. Freeze Panes Quick Access option will be available at the top of the worksheet in MS Excel.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Why is the Freeze Panes option greyed out in my worksheet?
Ans. The option Freeze Panes is greyed out when you are in editing mode or worksheet is protected. To exit the editing mode, press Esc key.
Q2. How can I lock cells in Excel instead of freezing them?
Ans. You can use the Split option in the View menu to split and lock cells. Alternately, you can create a table by Ctrl + T. Creating a table will lock the column header when you scroll down. Read our guide on How To Lock Or Unlock Cells In Excel.
We hope that this guide was helpful, and you were able to freeze and unfreeze rows, columns or panes in Excel. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via comments section below.