WiFi密码很容易忘记,特别是因为我们倾向于将它们保存在我们的设备上。包括 iPhone 在内的大多数设备都会保存密码,以便当您在范围内时它们可以自动连接到您的网络。当您想将新设备连接到网络但无法调用WiFi密码时,会出现此问题。
找到您的 WiFi 密码(ways to find your WiFi password)的方法之一是查看您是否在某处记下了它。这是我们大多数人都不会做的事情,而且您可能不会将其保存在任何地方。在这种情况下,您现有的设备(例如 iPhone)可以帮助您找到密码。

当您将 iPhone 连接到WiFi网络时,它会为您保存WiFi密码。您可以使用各种方法在 iPhone 上查看WiFi密码。(WiFi)
使用路由器的 IP 地址查看 iPhone 上的 WiFi 密码(Use Your Router’s IP Address To See WiFi Password On iPhone)
在 iPhone 上查看已保存的WiFi密码时实际上存在限制。默认情况下,iOS 不允许您在设备上查看密码。要克服它,您需要首先在 iPhone 上找到路由器的 IP 地址,然后访问该 IP 以显示密码。
该程序可能听起来有点过于技术性,但相信我们并非如此。通过此过程,您将能够立即在 iPhone 上查看您的WiFi密码。(WiFi)
- 在 iPhone 的主屏幕上,打开“设置”(Settings)应用。
- 在以下屏幕上点击WiFi 。然后点击您的WiFi(WiFi)网络旁边的图标,它将打开详细说明您的WiFi信息的屏幕。

- (Scroll)在以下屏幕上向下滚动并点击DHCP选项(DHCP)卡(如果您还没有的话)。你会在路由器(Router)旁边看到一个 IP 地址。记下它,因为您将在以下步骤中使用它。

- 在 iPhone 上启动Safari浏览器,输入您之前记下的 IP 地址,然后按 Enter。
- 系统会要求您输入用户名和密码以访问路由器的设置页面。除非您更改了路由器的密码,否则用户名和密码字段都应该是admin和admin。

- 登录后,您需要找到“无线设置”(Wireless Settings)选项并点击它。此选项可能在您的路由器中被称为其他名称,但它应该是类似的名称,您在查找它时不会遇到任何问题。

- 在无线设置页面上,点击“无线安全(Wireless Security)”选项。在此页面上,您会找到一个条目,即Security Key。这是您的WiFi(WiFi)网络的密码。点击此字段应向您显示密码。

使用 iCloud 钥匙串查看 iPhone 上的 WiFi 密码(See WiFi Passwords On iPhone Using iCloud Keychain)
实际上,使用上述方法可以看到的 WiFi 密码是有限制的。(what WiFi passwords you can see)它只允许您显示当前连接的网络的密码。如果您想查找您过去连接的其他网络的密码,则需要使用此方法。
使用 iCloud 钥匙串同步 iPhone WiFi 密码(Sync iPhone WiFi Passwords With iCloud Keychain)
您需要做的第一件事是将 iPhone 上保存的所有WiFi密码与 iCloud(WiFi)钥匙串(Keychain)同步。只有这样,您才能在Mac上看到您的密码。
- 在 iPhone 上启动设置(Settings)应用程序,点击顶部的名称横幅,然后选择iCloud。

- 在以下屏幕上,找到并点击显示Keychain的选项。它可以让您访问您的 iCloud钥匙串(Keychain)设置。

- 将iCloud 钥匙串(iCloud Keychain)的切换开关转到ON 位置以开始同步您的密码。

您需要等待几分钟让 iPhone 完成 WiFi 密码的同步。
在 Mac 上访问 iPhone 保存的 WiFi 密码(Access iPhone Saved WiFi Passwords On Mac)
您现在要做的是访问Mac上的钥匙串(Keychain)并查看您的密码(view your passwords)。
- 在您的Mac上,单击屏幕左上角的Apple标志,然后选择(Apple)系统偏好设置(System Preferences)。

- 您会发现可以在Mac上的 iCloud 中启用和禁用的几个选项。将Keychain选项设置为 ON 状态。

- 单击Dock 中的Launchpad,搜索Keychain Access,然后在应用程序出现在屏幕上时单击它。

- 当钥匙串(Keychain)打开时,在搜索框中输入您的WiFi网络的名称,然后(WiFi)按 Enter(Enter)。
- (Double-click)当您在列表中找到该网络时,双击该网络。
- 选中以下屏幕上的显示密码选项以查看您保存的(Show password)WiFi密码。

- 系统会要求您输入钥匙串(Keychain)密码。这样做并点击OK。

How to See Your WiFi Password on iPhone
WiFi passwords are easy to forget, especially because we tend to have them sаved on our deνices. Most devices including the iPhone save the passwords ѕo they can automatically cоnneсt to your network when yоu’re in range. The problem occurs when you want to connect a new device to your network but yоu сan’t recall the WiFi password.
One of the ways to find your WiFi password is to see if you’ve noted it down somewhere. It’s something not most of us do and you’ll likely not have it saved anywhere. In that case, your existing device like your iPhone can help you find the password.

When you connect your iPhone to a WiFi network, it saves the WiFi password for you. You can see the WiFi password on your iPhone using various methods.
Use Your Router’s IP Address To See WiFi Password On iPhone
There’s actually a limitation when it comes to viewing saved WiFi passwords on an iPhone. iOS by default doesn’t allow you to view your passwords on your device. To overcome it, you need to first find the IP address of your router on your iPhone and then access that IP to reveal the password.
Also, you must be connected to the WiFi network whose password you want to reveal.
The procedure may sound a bit too technical but believe us it’s not. You’ll be able to see your WiFi password on your iPhone with this procedure in no time.
- From the main screen of your iPhone, open the Settings app.
- Tap on WiFi on the following screen. Then tap on the icon next to your WiFi network and it’ll open the screen detailing your WiFi information.

- Scroll down on the following screen and tap on the DHCP tab if you aren’t already there. You’ll see an IP address next to where it says Router. Note it down somewhere as you’ll be using it in the following steps.

- Launch the Safari browser on your iPhone, type in the IP address you noted down previously, and hit enter.
- You’ll be asked to enter your username and password to access the router’s settings page. Unless you’ve changed your router’s password, it should be admin and admin for both username and password fields.

- Once you’re logged in, you’ll need to find the option that says Wireless Settings and tap on it. This option may be called something else in your router but it should be something similar and you won’t have any issues finding it.

- On the wireless settings page, tap on the option that says Wireless Security. On this page, you’ll find an entry saying Security Key. It’s the password for your WiFi network. Tapping on this field should reveal the password to you.

Now that you know the password for your network, you can connect your other devices to your network by manually inputting your password.
See WiFi Passwords On iPhone Using iCloud Keychain
There’s actually a limitation as to what WiFi passwords you can see using the above method. It only lets you reveal the password for the network you’re currently connected to. If you wish to find the passwords for other networks that you had connected to in the past, you’ll need to use this method.
iCloud Keychain is a repository of all of your passwords that you’ve decided to share across your devices. This Keychain contains passwords for your WiFi networks as well and you can access it on your Mac to reveal the passwords.
Sync iPhone WiFi Passwords With iCloud Keychain
The first thing you’ll need to do is sync all of the WiFi passwords saved on your iPhone with iCloud Keychain. Only then will you be able to see your passwords on your Mac.
- Launch the Settings app on your iPhone, tap on your name banner at the top, and select iCloud.

- On the following screen, find and tap on the option that says Keychain. It’ll let you access your iCloud Keychain settings.

- Turn the toggle for iCloud Keychain to the ON position to start syncing your passwords.

You’ll need to wait a couple of minutes for your iPhone to finish syncing your WiFi passwords.
Access iPhone Saved WiFi Passwords On Mac
What you’re going to do now is to access the Keychain on your Mac and view your passwords.
- On your Mac, click on the Apple logo at the top-left corner of your screen and select System Preferences.

- Click on iCloud on the following screen.

- You’ll find several options you can enable and disable in iCloud on Mac. Turn the Keychain option to the ON status.

- Click on Launchpad in the Dock, search for Keychain Access, and click on the app when it appears on your screen.

- When Keychain opens, type in the name of your WiFi network in the search box and hit Enter.
- Double-click on the network when you find it in the list.
- Checkmark the Show password option on the following screen to view your saved WiFi password.

- You’ll be asked to enter your Keychain password. Do so and hit OK.

The password for your selected WiFi network should appear on your screen. You can copy it to your clipboard if you want to save it or you can manually enter it on the device you want to connect to your WiFi network.