Siri是 Apple 广受欢迎的数字助理,已经存在了很长时间,实际上是 iPhone 的代名词。您可以要求它设置提醒、撰写信息、获取行车路线;名单还在继续。Siri也随着 iOS 的每一次主要迭代而得到改进,它足够聪明,可以从你的活动中学习,并提供漂亮的建议来增强你的 iPhone 体验。
但是,如果您刚刚设置了 iPhone 并跳过了激活Siri,您将在此处了解设置Siri所需的一切。以下说明也适用于任何运行 iPadOS 的 iPad。

如何在 iPhone 上激活 Siri
您可以通过iPhone 上的“设置”(Settings)应用快速设置Siri 。你只需要准备好花几分钟训练Siri来识别你的声音。
1. 从iPhone的主屏幕(Home Screen)启动设置(Settings )应用程序。如果找不到,请执行向下滑动手势来调用Search。然后,键入Settings并选择Go。
2. 向下滚动设置(Settings )应用程序屏幕并点击Siri 和搜索(Siri & Search)。
3. 打开收听“嘿 Siri”(Listen for “Hey Siri”)旁边的开关或按下 Siri 侧边按钮(Press Side Button for Siri)。

4. 点击启用 Siri(Enable Siri)以确认您要激活Siri。

5. 点击继续(Continue )并通过大声说出屏幕上的短语和句子来完成启动屏幕。像与真实的人一样自然地说话而不是慢慢地读出来是个好主意。这应该有助于Siri稍后轻松识别您。
6. 完成后点击完成(Done )即可完成Siri的设置。

如何管理 Siri 的出现方式
完成设置Siri后,您可以使用(Siri)Siri 和搜索(Siri & Search)屏幕顶部的三个切换来确定如何调用它。
- 聆听“Hey Siri”:(Listen for “Hey Siri”: )允许您通过大声说“Hey Siri ”来调用Siri 。
- 按下 Siri 侧边按钮:(Press Side Button for Siri:)允许您通过按住iPhone 上的侧边(Side )按钮来调用Siri 。
- 锁定时允许 Siri:(Allow Siri When Locked:)允许您使用上述两种方法访问Siri ,即使您的 iPhone 已锁定。(Siri)如果隐私是一个问题,您应该禁用它。

注意:(Note:)您不能同时关闭“Hey Siri”收听(Listen for “Hey Siri”)和Siri侧边按钮(Press Side Button for Siri)。如果这样做,您最终会停用Siri。
如何在 iPhone 上使用 Siri
现在您已完成激活Siri,您可以立即开始使用它。根据您设置它的显示方式,说“嘿 Siri”(“Hey Siri”)或按住侧边(Side )按钮来调用Siri。屏幕底部有一个旋转的紫色圆球表示Siri处于活动状态并正在聆听。

- 打电话。
- 检查天气。
- 启用和禁用系统设置,例如暗模式(Dark Mode)和夜班(Night Shift)。
- 进行翻译。
- 设置提醒和警报。
- 检查您的电子邮件。
- 撰写短信。
- 宣布(Announce)消息和电话(更多关于如何在下面进行设置)。
- 提供行车路线。
- 做数学。
- 播放音乐。
- 教 Siri(Teach Siri)你的人际关系。
- 给你讲个笑话。
- 讲睡前故事!
只要你想问 Siri(Siri)就行。随着时间的推移,您将了解Siri能做什么和不能做什么。Siri的个性也很有趣。因此,如果您感到无聊,可以问(fun things you can ask)一些有趣的事情。
如何更改 Siri 的语言
Siri 支持(Siri)多种语言。如果您更喜欢以不同的语言与之交互,请先前往设置(Settings )> Siri 和搜索(Siri & Search)>语言(Language)。

选择您要使用的语言,然后点击更改语言(Change Language)进行确认。这会禁用Siri,因此您必须重新激活该功能并用新语言教它您的声音。
如何改变 Siri 的声音
Siri有多种口音和声音。前往“设置”(Settings ) > “ Siri 和搜索(Siri & Search )” > “语音”(Voices ),然后在所选语言的可用选项之间进行选择。例如,如果您已将英语(English)设置为默认语言,您可以将Variety设置为American、Australian、British等。

然后,您可以点击语音变体来收听预览。如果你喜欢它,就让它保持原样,你的 iPhone 会自动下载相关的语音包到本地存储。
如何自定义 Siri 响应
您可以通过前往“设置”(Settings ) > “ Siri 和搜索(Siri & Search )” > “Siri 响应”来自定义Siri的(Siri)响应(Siri Responses)方式。
例如,当您将 iPhone 设置为静音模式时, (Silent)Siri不会大声响应,但您可以使用“Hey Siri”将其更改为“始终(Always )”或“仅”(Only with “Hey Siri”)(如果您以“Hey Siri ”开头, (Siri)Siri只会说话)如果你想。

您还可以打开始终显示Siri 字幕(Alway Show Siri Captions )和始终显示语音(Always Show Speech)旁边的开关。
如何使用 Siri 通知来电
Siri能够通知来电。如果你使用一对 2 代AirPods,你也可以选择不说“嘿 Siri(Hey Siri) ”来接听。
前往“设置”(Settings ) > “ Siri 和搜索(Siri & Search )” > “来电通知”(Announce Calls ),然后在“始终”(Always)、“耳机与汽车(Headphones & Car)”和“仅限耳机”(Headphones Only )选项之间进行选择。您也可以通过选择从不(Never)完全关闭该功能。

如何使用Siri 发布通知(Siri)
除了通话(Calls)之外,您还可以配置Siri来宣布通知。前往“设置”(Settings ) > “ Siri 与搜索(Siri & Search )” > “通知通知(Announce Notifications)” 。然后打开Announce Notifications(Announce Notifications)旁边的开关。您还必须从Announce Notifications From(Announce Notifications From )部分 激活您想要的应用程序的功能。
如果应用程序支持回复,您可以在Siri完成通知通知时开始口述回复。如果您希望 Siri 发送您的回复而不将其回读给您,您也可以打开“不经确认回复”(Reply Without Confirmation )旁边的开关。

如何更改 Siri 联系信息
您还可以通过指定包含您的个人信息的联系人卡片让Siri知道您是谁。为此,请前往“设置”(Settings ) > “ Siri 和搜索( Siri & Search)” > “我的信息”(My Information ),然后选择正确的联系人卡片。

例如,您可以说“嘿 Siri(Hey Siri),[联系人姓名] 是我爸爸”,Siri应该记住这一点。例如,您可以通过简单地说“嘿 Siri(Hey Siri),给我爸爸打电话”来拨打电话。
如何禁用 Siri 建议
当您继续使用 iPhone 时,Siri会从您的行为中学习并提出有价值的建议。
例如,它可能会建议您在调出 iPhone 的搜索功能(bringing up the iPhone’s Search functionality)时最常使用的应用程序,或者告诉您全天以主屏幕(Home Screen)或锁定屏幕(Lock Screen)通知的形式执行特定应用程序的功能。此外,每当您调用应用程序的Share Sheet时,您可能会看到建议的联系人。
您可以使用Siri Suggestions部分中的切换来管理所有这些(同样,在Settings > Siri & Search 下找到)(Siri & Search))。
- 搜索时的建议:(Suggestions while Searching:) 在 iPhone 上搜索应用程序、照片和文档时显示 Siri建议。(Show Siri)
- (Suggestions on Lock Screen:) 锁定屏幕上的建议:在锁定(Lock Screen)屏幕上显示(Show)基于应用程序的建议。
- (Suggestions on Home Screen:) 主屏幕上的建议:在主(Home Screen)屏幕上显示(Show)基于应用程序的建议。
- 共享时的建议:在(Suggestion when Sharing: )共享表(Share Sheet)顶部显示(Show)建议的联系人。

如何允许应用程序使用 Siri
您还可以配置Siri如何与特定应用程序配合使用。向下滚动(Scroll)Siri & Search屏幕并点击一个应用程序。然后,您可以确定是否希望Siri从应用程序中学习、在搜索中建议其名称、在(Siri)主屏幕(Home Screen)上显示基于它的建议等等。
- 从此应用中学习:(Learn from this App:) 允许 Siri(Allows Siri)从应用中学习并根据过去的活动提出建议。
- 显示来自应用程序的建议:(Show Suggestions from App:)让Siri在主屏幕(Home Screen)或锁定屏幕(Lock Screen)上显示来自应用程序的建议(您应该会在屏幕上看到单独的切换)。
- 建议应用程序:(Suggest App:)让Siri在调用搜索(Search)时建议应用程序。
- 在搜索中显示应用:(Show App in Search:)允许Siri在(Siri)搜索(Search)中显示应用。
- 在搜索中显示内容:(Show Content in Search:)授予Siri在(Siri)搜索(Search)中显示来自应用程序的内容(例如来自邮件(Mail)应用程序的单个消息)的权限。

如何删除 Siri 听写历史(Delete Siri Dictation History)
(Siri)根据您的隐私设置,Siri可能会将您的交互传输到Apple服务器以帮助改进功能。(Apple)但是,您可以随时选择从Apple服务器中删除它们。为此,请前往“设置”(Settings ) > “ Siri 和搜索(Siri & Search)” > “ Siri 和听写历史”(Siri & Dictation History),然后轻点“删除 Siri 和听写历史”(Delete Siri & Dictation History)。

您还可以通过前往“设置”(Settings ) > “隐私(Privacy )” > “分析和改进”(Analytics & Improvements )并关闭“改进 Siri 和听写”旁边的开关来阻止(Improve Siri & Dictation)Siri存储您的交互。
是时候开始使用 Siri了
上面的提示应该可以帮助您在 iPhone 上设置和配置Siri 。继续定期使用 Apple 的数字助理,它应该会从您的活动中学习并随着时间的推移变得更好。但是,如果您觉得Siri 很烦人或喜欢直接与您的 iOS 设备交互,您可以永久停用它。(permanently deactivate Siri)
How to Set Up and Configure Siri on Your iPhone
Siri, Apple’s immensely popular digital assіstant, has been around for a long time and is practiсally synonymous with the iPhone. You can аsk it to set rеminders, compose messages, get drіving directions; the list goes on. Siri has also іmрrоved with each major iteration of iOS, is smart enоugh to learn frоm your activity, and offers niftу suggestions to enhance your iPhone expеrience.
But if you’ve just set up your iPhone and skipped activating Siri, you’ll learn everything you need to know to set up Siri here. The following instructions also apply to any iPad running iPadOS.

How to Activate Siri on iPhone
You can set up Siri quickly via the Settings app on your iPhone. You just need to be prepared to spend a couple of minutes training Siri to identify your voice.
1. Launch the Settings app from the Home Screen of your iPhone. If you can’t find it, perform a swipe-down gesture to invoke Search. Then, type Settings and select Go.
2. Scroll down the Settings app screen and tap Siri & Search.
3. Turn on the switch next to Listen for “Hey Siri” or Press Side Button for Siri.

4. Tap Enable Siri to confirm that you want to activate Siri.

5. Tap Continue and work your way through the splash screens by saying the phrases and sentences on the screen aloud. It’s a good idea to speak naturally like you’d with an actual person instead of reading them out slowly. That should help Siri recognize you easily later on.
6. Tap Done once you reach the end to complete setting up Siri.

How to Manage the Way Siri Shows Up
Once you’ve finished setting up Siri, you can determine how to invoke it using the three toggles to the top of the Siri & Search screen.
- Listen for “Hey Siri”: Allows you to invoke Siri by saying “Hey Siri” aloud.
- Press Side Button for Siri: Allows you to invoke Siri by pressing and holding the Side button on the iPhone.
- Allow Siri When Locked: Allows you to access Siri using the two methods above even with your iPhone locked. If privacy is a concern, you should disable it.

Note: You can’t turn off both Listen for “Hey Siri” and Press Side Button for Siri at the same time. If you do, you end up deactivating Siri.
How to Use Siri on the iPhone
Now that you’ve finished activating Siri, you can start using it immediately. Depending on how you’ve set it to show up, say “Hey Siri” or press and hold the Side button to invoke Siri. A swirling purple orb to the bottom of the screen denotes that Siri is active and listening.

Follow that by making your request, and it should oblige. Here are a few things that Siri can do:
- Make calls.
- Check the weather.
- Enable and disable system settings such as Dark Mode and Night Shift.
- Perform translations.
- Set reminders and alarms.
- Check your emails.
- Compose text messages.
- Announce messages and calls (more on how to set that up below).
- Provide driving directions.
- Do math.
- Play music.
- Teach Siri about your relationships.
- Tell you a joke.
- Tell a bedtime story!
Just keep asking Siri whatever you want. Over time, you’ll get to know what Siri can and cannot do. Siri also has a hilarious personality. So if you feel bored, here are some fun things you can ask.
How to Change Siri’s Language
Siri is available in multiple languages. If you prefer interacting with it in a different language, start by heading to Settings > Siri & Search > Language.

Follow that by selecting the language you want to use and tap Change Language to confirm. This disables Siri, so you must reactivate the functionality and teach it your voice in the new language.
How to Change Siri’s Voice
Siri comes in multiple accents and voices. Go to Settings > Siri & Search > Voices and pick between available options for the chosen language. For example, if you’ve set English as the default language, you can set Variety to American, Australian, British, and so on.

You can then tap on a voice variant to hear a preview. If you like it, just leave it as it is, and your iPhone shall automatically download the associated voice package to local storage.
How to Customize Siri Responses
You can customize how Siri responds by heading over to Settings > Siri & Search > Siri Responses.
For instance, Siri will not respond aloud when you’ve set your iPhone to Silent mode, but you can change that to Always or Only with “Hey Siri” (where Siri will only speak if you start with the phrase “Hey Siri”) if you want.

You can also turn on the switches next to Alway Show Siri Captions and Always Show Speech.
The latter option shows your requests in text form and is particularly useful since you can edit them that way. Say something, tap on your speech on top of the swirling Siri orb, make the necessary change using the onscreen keyboard, and tap Go. That’s ideal for instances where Siri repeatedly transcribes a request incorrectly.
How to Announce Calls With Siri
Siri is capable of announcing incoming calls. If you use a pair of 2nd generation AirPods, you can also choose to answer without saying “Hey Siri.”
Go to Settings > Siri & Search > Announce Calls and pick between the Always, Headphones & Car, and Headphones Only options. You can also turn off the feature entirely by selecting Never.

How to Announce Notifications with Siri
Calls aside, you can configure Siri to announce notifications. Go to Settings > Siri & Search > Announce Notifications. Follow that by turning on the switch next to Announce Notifications. You must also activate the functionality for the apps you want from within the Announce Notifications From section.
If an app supports replies, you can start dictating a reply whenever Siri finishes announcing a notification. You can also turn on the switch next to Reply Without Confirmation if you want Siri to send your responses without reading them back to you.

How to Change Siri Contact Info
You can also let Siri know who you are by specifying the contact card containing your personal information. To do that, head over to Settings > Siri & Search > My Information and pick the correct contact card.

It’s also a good idea to follow that by training Siri to learn about your relationships with other contacts. You can do that by directly interacting with Siri itself.
For example, you can say, “Hey Siri, [contact name] is my dad,” and Siri should remember that. You can then, for example, make a call simply by saying, “Hey Siri, call my dad.”
How to Disable Siri Suggestions
As you keep using your iPhone, Siri learns from your behavior and throws out valuable suggestions.
For example, it could suggest an app that you use the most when bringing up the iPhone’s Search functionality or tell you to perform an app-specific function in the form of Home Screen or Lock Screen notifications throughout the day. Additionally, you may see suggested contacts whenever you invoke an app’s Share Sheet.
You can manage all that using the toggles within the Siri Suggestions section (again, found under Settings > Siri & Search).
- Suggestions while Searching: Show Siri suggestions while searching for apps, photos, and documents on your iPhone.
- Suggestions on Lock Screen: Show app-based recommendations on the Lock Screen.
- Suggestions on Home Screen: Show app-based recommendations on the Home Screen.
- Suggestion when Sharing: Show suggested contacts to the top of the Share Sheet.

How to Allow Siri for Apps
You can also configure how Siri works with specific apps. Scroll down the Siri & Search screen and tap on an app. You can then determine if you want Siri to learn from the app, suggest its name in searches, show suggestions based on it on the Home Screen, and so on.
- Learn from this App: Allows Siri to learn from the app and make suggestions based on past activities.
- Show Suggestions from App: Lets Siri display suggestions from the app on the Home Screen or Lock Screen (you should see separate toggles on the screen).
- Suggest App: Lets Siri suggest the app while invoking Search.
- Show App in Search: Permits Siri to show the app within Search.
- Show Content in Search: Gives Siri permissions to show content from the app within Search (such as individual messages from the Mail app).

How to Delete Siri Dictation History
Siri may transmit your interactions to the Apple servers to help improve the functionality depending on your privacy settings. However, you can choose to delete them from the Apple servers whenever you want. To do that, go to Settings > Siri & Search > Siri & Dictation History and tap Delete Siri & Dictation History.

You can also stop Siri from storing your interactions by heading to Settings > Privacy > Analytics & Improvements and turning off the switch next to Improve Siri & Dictation.
It’s Time to Start Using Siri
The pointers above should’ve helped you set up and configure Siri on the iPhone. Keep using Apple’s digital assistant regularly, and it should learn from your activity and become better over time. But you can permanently deactivate Siri if you find it annoying or prefer interacting with your iOS device directly.