Siri在(Siri)Apple设备上的改进很大,但与Google Assistant 相去甚远(Google Assistant)。因此,如果您对Siri感到失望,我们将向您展示如何在 iPhone 上
使用Google Assistant 。

如何在 iPhone 和 iPad 上
安装和设置 Google Assistant(Set Up Google Assistant)
您可以在 iPhone 或 iPad 上从App Store下载Google Assistant。安装应用程序后,您就可以开始设置Google Assistant了。Google 助理(Google Assistant)应用程序将首先要求您使用Google帐户登录。完成后,您就可以开始使用该应用程序了。
为了充分利用该应用程序,Google 助理(Google Assistant)会要求您授予一些权限。作为初始Google Assistant设置过程的一部分,您应该点击屏幕底部应用程序中的麦克风图标。
现在,Google 智能助理(Google Assistant)将请求您允许访问 iPhone 或 iPad 上的麦克风。点击确定(Tap OK)以授予此权限。
点击应用主页左下角的图标。您会看到一条消息,通知您Google 助理(Google Assistant)需要蓝牙(Bluetooth)权限。如果您使用任何集成了Google Assistant的(Google Assistant)蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备,例如耳机或Google Home扬声器,则需要这样做。
点击此消息下方的继续按钮,然后在您看到请求(Continue)Google 助理(Google Assistant)蓝牙(Bluetooth)权限的弹出窗口时点击确定。

最后,Google 助理(Google Assistant)可能会要求您访问您的联系人以及保存在您的 Google 帐户下的网络与应用活动数据(Web & App Activity data saved under your Google account)。如果您打算让Google 助理(Google Assistant)给您通讯录中的人打电话或发送短信,您应该授予对您通讯录的访问权限。Google使用网络(Web)与应用活动(App Activity)数据来跨设备同步您的历史记录、位置数据和活动。
(Google Assistant)即使您不授予Google 助理访问您的网络(Web)和应用活动(App Activity)数据的权限,它也能正常工作。不过,如果您在多个平台上使用该服务,例如在Android设备上,您可能需要考虑启用它。
Google 助理(Google Assistant):iPhone 和 iPad 支持的语言
安装并设置Google Assistant后,请以您的首选语言启用它。支持的语言列表与iPhone、iPad 和Android的(Android)Google Assistant相同。以下是支持的语言的完整列表:
- 阿拉伯
- 孟加拉
- 简体中文)
- 中国传统的)
- 丹麦语
- 荷兰语
- 英语
- 法语
- 德语
- 古吉拉特语
- 印地语
- 印度尼西亚
- 意大利语
- 日本人
- 卡纳达语
- 韩国人
- 马拉雅拉姆语
- 马拉地语
- 挪威
- 抛光
- 葡萄牙语(巴西)
- 葡萄牙语(葡萄牙)
- 俄语
- 西班牙语
- 瑞典
- 泰米尔语
- 泰卢固语
- 泰国
- 土耳其
- 乌尔都语
- 越南语
Google会定期添加更多语言,并且此列表将来可能会更改。确认您的语言在列表中后,您可以在 iPhone 上打开Google 助理(Google Assistant),然后点击右上角的个人资料图标。
选择Languages > Add a language 并从列表中选择您的语言以将其与Google Assistant一起使用。

如何在 iPhone 和 iPad 上
使用Google 助理(Google Assistant)
如果您想知道如何在 iPhone 上使用Google 助理,请不要再犹豫了。(Google Assistant)首先(First),您可以在Apple设备上打开(Apple)Google Assistant应用,点击麦克风图标,然后说话。
或者,您可以点击Google Assistant(Google Assistant)应用中的键盘图标并输入您的查询。键盘图标位于麦克风图标的右侧。
您还可以打开Google Assistant应用,使用“Hey Google”或“OK Google”等触发短语,然后说话。
最后,Google Assistant也是Google Home应用程序的一部分,它通过 iOS 控制智能家居设备。您可以从App Store下载Google Home并在那里使用语音助手。
将 Google 助理添加(Add Google Assistant)到iOS 上
的Hey Siri 命令(Hey Siri Command)
Apple不允许其他语音助手(如亚马逊的Alexa、微软的 Cortana 或 Google Assistant(Microsoft’s Cortana, or Google Assistant))取代Siri作为 iOS 上的默认选项。但是,一种解决方法可让您直接向iPhone 或 iPad 上的
Google Assistant发送语音命令。
我们将使用 Apple 的Shortcuts应用程序创建一个自动化例程来完成这项工作。您可以从App Store下载Shortcuts并按照以下步骤开始:
- 打开快捷方式(Shortcuts)应用程序,然后点击应用程序主屏幕左下角的
我的快捷方式选项卡。(My Shortcuts)
- 点击右上角的 + 图标以创建新的Siri 快捷方式(Siri Shortcut)。
- 点击添加操作按钮。
- 使用搜索栏查找Google Assistant。
- 点击助手(Assistant)图标,该应用程序将显示一个命令列表,供您为Siri Shortcut选择。
- 选择嘿谷歌。
- 点击右上角的 X 按钮以完成创建快捷方式。

这个简单的Siri 快捷方式(Siri Shortcut)将Google Assistant添加到iPhone 上的Hey Siri命令中。(Hey Siri)您现在可以在 iOS 设备上使用以下方式
快速启动Google Assistant :
- 如果您的 iPhone 上启用了Hey Siri,请说“ Hey Siri Hey Google ”。
- 如果您禁用了Hey Siri短语来启动Siri,您可以按住 iOS 设备上的电源按钮来启动 Apple 的语音助手,然后您只需说“ Hey Google ”。
这两种方法都会立即启动Google Assistant应用程序。唯一的限制是你必须解锁你的 iPhone 才能使用Google Assistant。如果您的 iPhone 被锁定并且您使用“ Hey Siri Hey Google”命令,Siri会要求您解锁您的 iPhone。当你这样做时,它会在Google Assistant中运行查询。
它不像在安卓手机上使用(Android)谷歌助手(Google Assistant)那样流畅,但它是在 iPhone 上使用谷歌语音助手的最快方式。很遗憾,您不能将Google Assistant与Apple Watch一起使用。即使您将此Siri Shortcut添加到Apple Watch,它也不起作用,因为Google Assistant应用程序不适用于 Apple 的可穿戴设备。
iPhone 上
有用的Google 助理设置(Google Assistant Settings)
在iPhone 上启动并运行Google Assistant后,进行一些调整以个性化您的体验。要开始使用,请在 iPhone 上打开Google Assistant应用,然后点击应用右下角的指南针图标。
这列出了流行的Google 助理(Google Assistant)查询并向您展示Google服务可以为您做什么。您可以点击每个热门操作旁边的三个水平线图标,然后点击页面顶部的书签图标。您可以通过点击Google Assistant应用主屏幕上的指南针图标并滚动到底部来访问这些内容。最后,点击您的操作以查看您的书签。
然后,您可以返回应用程序的主屏幕并点击右上角的个人资料图标。在这里,您可以查看Google Assistant语音和声音以更改Google Assistant的声音。在此期间,在设置页面上向下滚动并选择语音(Voice)匹配> Teach你的助手(Assistant)你的声音,以确保谷歌助手(Google Assistant)识别你的声音。

返回设置页面并向下滚动到所有设置(All Settings)部分。您可以一一浏览此处的选项来设置默认服务以播放音乐、视频、进行语音和视频通话、选择首选温度单位等。
最后,您应该点击运输(Transport)选项以选择您喜欢的运输方式。这将影响您从Google 地图(Google Maps)获得的方向,并省去您每次点击几个额外按钮来设置所需模式的麻烦。
使用(Use) 带有Google 助理的(Google Assistant)例程(Routines)来自动执行重复性任务(Automate Repetitive Tasks)
语音助手应该让你的生活更轻松,如果你被迫使用语音命令来处理你每天需要的每一点信息,那就不会发生这种情况。这就是为什么Google Assistant 有Routines,它允许您将单个语音命令分配给多个操作。

实际上,您可以启动Google Assistant并说“早上好”。语音助手可以告诉你天气、阅读你的电子邮件、通知你重要的提醒、生日和其他日历事件、阅读新闻,并让你知道你的电池电量是否不足。您可以将所有这些分配给单个语音命令。
如果这听起来像你需要的,你应该打开Google Assistant,点击右上角的个人资料图标,然后选择Routines。谷歌(Google)在这个页面上推荐了很多有用的例程,但如果没有你需要的,你可以点击右上角的新建(New)按钮并创建你自己的。
充分利用 Google 助理
Google Assistant 是您可以使用的最有用的语音助手之一。(one of the most useful voice assistants)一旦您释放了这项服务的全部潜力,就很难回头。但是,定期检查Google Assistant 的替代品(alternatives to Google Assistant)也是一个好习惯,因为更新的服务在不断改进。
尽管具有所有优势,但Google Assistant远非注重隐私的人的理想选择。但是,如果您担心隐私问题,以下是阻止 Google 不断倾听您(stop Google from constantly listening to you)的方法。
How to Use Google Assistant on iPhone
Siri has improved a lot on Apple devices, but it doesn’t hold a candle to Google Assistant. Sо if yoυ’re frustrated with Siri, we’ll show yoυ how to use Google Assistant on yоur iPhonе.

How to Install and Set Up Google Assistant on iPhone and iPad
You can download Google Assistant on your iPhone or iPad from the App Store. Once you’ve installed the app, you can begin setting up Google Assistant. The Google Assistant app will first ask you to sign in with a Google account. Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to start using the app.
To make the most of the app, Google Assistant will ask you to grant a couple of permissions. As part of the initial Google Assistant setup process, you should tap the microphone icon in the app at the bottom of the screen.
Now, Google Assistant will ask permission to access the microphone on your iPhone or iPad. Tap OK to grant this permission.
Tap the icon in the bottom-left corner of the app’s home page. You’ll see a message informing you that Google Assistant needs Bluetooth permission. This is required if you use any Bluetooth device with the Google Assistant integration, such as a pair of headphones or a Google Home speaker.
Tap the Continue button below this message and then tap OK when you see the pop-up requesting Bluetooth permission for Google Assistant.

Finally, Google Assistant may ask for access to your contacts and the Web & App Activity data saved under your Google account. If you plan to ask Google Assistant to make a phone call or send text messages to people in your contacts, you should grant access to your address book. Google uses Web & App Activity data to sync your history, location data, and activity across devices.
Google Assistant will work fine even if you don’t grant it access to your Web & App Activity data. Still, if you use the service on multiple platforms, such as on an Android device, you might want to consider enabling it.
Google Assistant: Supported Languages on iPhone and iPad
When you’ve installed and set up Google Assistant, enable it in your preferred language. The list of supported languages is the same on Google Assistant for iPhone, iPad, and Android. Here’s the full list of supported languages:
- Arabic
- Bengali
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Chinese (Traditional)
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Gujarati
- Hindi
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Kannada
- Korean
- Malayalam
- Marathi
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Portuguese (Portugal)
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Thai
- Turkish
- Urdu
- Vietnamese
Google keeps adding more languages periodically, and this list may change in the future. Once you’ve verified that your language is in the list, you can open Google Assistant on your iPhone and tap the profile icon in the top-right corner.
Select Languages > Add a language and pick your language from the list to use it with Google Assistant.

How to Use Google Assistant on iPhone and iPad
Look no further if you’re wondering how to use Google Assistant on your iPhone. First, you can open the Google Assistant app on your Apple device, tap the microphone icon, and speak.
Alternatively, you can tap the keyboard icon in the Google Assistant app and type your query. The keyboard icon is to the right of the microphone icon.
You can also open the Google Assistant app, use trigger phrases such as “Hey Google” or “OK Google”, and speak.
Finally, Google Assistant is also a part of the Google Home app, which controls smart home devices via iOS. You can download Google Home from the App Store and use the voice assistant there too.
Add Google Assistant to the Hey Siri Command on iOS
Apple doesn’t allow other voice assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, or Google Assistant to replace Siri as the default option on iOS. However, a workaround lets you send voice commands directly to Google Assistant on an iPhone or an iPad.
We will use Apple’s Shortcuts app to create an automation routine to make this work. You can download Shortcuts from the App Store and follow these steps to get started:
- Open the Shortcuts app and tap the My Shortcuts tab in the bottom-left corner of the app’s home screen.
- Tap the + icon in the top-right corner to make a new Siri Shortcut.
- Tap the Add Action button.
- Use the search bar to look for Google Assistant.
- Tap the Assistant icon, and the app will present you with a list of commands to choose for your Siri Shortcut.
- Select Hey Google.
- Tap the X button in the top-right corner to finish creating your shortcut.

This simple Siri Shortcut adds Google Assistant to the Hey Siri command on your iPhone. You can now quickly launch Google Assistant using the following ways on your iOS device:
- If Hey Siri is enabled on your iPhone, say, “Hey Siri Hey Google.”
- In case you’ve disabled the Hey Siri phrase to launch Siri, you can press and hold the power button on your iOS device to fire up Apple’s voice assistant, and then you can just say, “Hey Google.”
Both these methods will launch the Google Assistant app instantly. The only limitation is that you will have to unlock your iPhone to use Google Assistant. If your iPhone is locked and you use the “Hey Siri Hey Google” command, Siri will ask you to unlock your iPhone. When you do, it’ll run the query in Google Assistant.
It’s not as smooth as using Google Assistant on Android phones, but it’s the fastest way to use Google’s voice assistant on an iPhone. Unfortunately, you cannot use Google Assistant with an Apple Watch. Even if you add this Siri Shortcut to the Apple Watch, it doesn’t work because the Google Assistant app is unavailable for Apple’s wearable devices.
Useful Google Assistant Settings on iPhone
Once you have Google Assistant up and running on your iPhone, make a few tweaks to personalize your experience. To get started, open the Google Assistant app on your iPhone and tap the compass icon in the bottom-right corner of the app.
This lists popular Google Assistant queries and shows you what the Google service can do for you. You can tap the three horizontal lines icon next to each of these popular actions and hit the bookmark icon at the top of the page. You can access these by tapping the compass icon on the Google Assistant app home screen and scrolling to the bottom. Finally, tap Your actions to see your bookmarks.
You can then return to the app’s home screen and hit the profile icon in the top-right corner. Here you can check out Assistant voice & sounds to change the voice of Google Assistant. While at it, scroll down on the settings page and select Voice match > Teach your Assistant your voice again to ensure that Google Assistant recognizes your voice.

This helps it recognize you and serve personal requests such as reading your emails from Gmail.
Return to the settings page and scroll down to the All Settings section. You can go through the options here one-by-one to set default services to play music, videos, make voice and video calls, choose preferred temperature units, etc.
Finally, you should tap the Transport option to select your preferred modes of transport. This will influence your directions from Google Maps and save you the trouble of tapping a few extra buttons to set the desired mode each time.
Use Routines With Google Assistant to Automate Repetitive Tasks
Voice assistants are supposed to make your life easier, and that can’t happen if you’re forced to use a voice command for every tiny bit of information you need daily. This is why Google Assistant has Routines, which allows you to assign a single voice command to multiple actions.

Effectively, you could launch Google Assistant and say, “Good morning.” The voice assistant can tell you about the weather, read your emails, inform you about important reminders, birthdays, and other calendar events, read the news, and let you know if your battery is running low. You can assign all these to a single voice command.
If this sounds like what you need, you should open Google Assistant, tap the profile icon in the top-right corner, and select Routines. Google suggests plenty of helpful routines on this page, but if that doesn’t have what you need, you can tap the New button in the top-right corner and create your own.
Make the Most of Google Assistant
Google Assistant is one of the most useful voice assistants you can use. Once you unlock the full potential of this service, it’s hard to look back. However, it’s also a good practice to periodically check out alternatives to Google Assistant because newer services are constantly improving.
For all its advantages, Google Assistant is far from ideal for the privacy-conscious. However, if you are concerned about privacy, here’s how to stop Google from constantly listening to you.