曾经有一个朋友通过 iMessage 向您发送他们自己的卡通版本,并以他们的真实面部表情为动画,并想知道这是什么。Apple决定将拟我表情(Memoji)和动话表情(Animoji)功能添加到 iPhone X 系列手机和除此之外的新 iOS 版本
然后,当 iOS 13 发布时,它允许较旧的 iPhone 能够创建拟我表情(Memojis)并使用拟我表情(Memoji)贴纸功能。但是,要使用动话表情(Animoji),你的 iPhone 需要有Face ID。这是因为这些手机使用原深感摄像头来实现面容 ID 功能(TrueDepth camera for Face ID features)和动话表情(Animoji)。这些是 iPhone X 和更高版本的手机。

在 iMessage 中创建您的拟我表情
要创建您的拟我表情(Memoji),请前往 iMessage。请按照以下步骤制作您的 拟我表情(Memoji):
- 打开 iMessage,然后创建新消息或打开现有对话。
- 查看(Look)文本字段下方,寻找动话表情(Animoji)或拟我表情(Memoji)贴纸图标。点击(Tap)其中任何一个。

- 点击左侧的蓝色加号图标。或者,如果您以前从未使用或创建过拟(Memoji)我表情,系统可能会提示您创建一个。

- 您将被带到拟我表情(Memoji)创建屏幕。

移动您的脸部,使其对 iPhone 的原深感(TrueDepth)摄像头可见。您的拟我表情(Memoji)将自动更改为您的功能。
o 通过每个创建选项来更改您喜欢的拟我表情(Memoji)。以您想要的方式完成后,点击完成(Done)。您现在应该将您的拟我表情视为(Memoji)动话表情(Animoji)或拟我表情(Memoji)贴纸 的一个选项。
(Send Clips)使用Animoji(Your Memoji)发送拟我表情(Animoji)的剪辑
在 iMessage 中,点击文本字段下方的动话表情图标。(Animoji)当它打开时,您应该会看到您创建的拟我(Memojis)表情以及您可以使用的其他一些表情符号选项。
要创建动话表情(Animoji),首先要确保 iPhone 的摄像头可以看到你的脸。

然后,点击红色记录按钮(Red record button),您将有 30 秒的时间来创建Animoji。你可以做出面部表情,然后说话。
然后,您可以点击蓝色向上箭头将 Animoji 发送到您正在进行的文本对话。如果您想在发送之前重播 Animoji,请点击左上角的重播(blue up arrow to send your Animoji to the text conversation you’re in. If you want to replay your Animoji before sending it, tap the Replay)按钮。

如果您想与他人或其他平台分享,也可以保存您的动话表情。(Animoji)发送动话表情(Animoji)后,在消息中点击它。然后,点击左下角的蓝色共享图标。(Blue share icon)您可以点击保存视频(Save Video)以将其保存到您的相机胶卷,然后您可以从那里将其发布到您想要的任何地方。

如果您没有 iPhone X 或更新机型,您可能会觉得有点被遗忘了。不用担心,如果您将 iPhone 更新到 iOS 13 ,您就可以使用拟我表情。任何支持 iOS 13 且配备 A9 芯片或更新版本的手机都可以使用(Memojis)拟我表情(Memoji)贴纸。
首先,打开您的 iMessage 并导航到现有对话或创建一个新对话。在文本框下方,您应该会看到拟我表情贴纸图标(Memoji stickers icon)。
点击它,您可以点击蓝色加号来创建拟我表情(Memoji)。或者,您可以从其他可用的 3D 表情符号贴纸中进行选择。只需(Just)点击一个,您就可以发送它。

如何在 FaceTime 中使用拟我表情
另一种使用创建的拟我表情的方法是在(Memoji)FaceTime通话期间用它替换你的脸。或者您也可以使用其他表情符号。要使用此功能,您的 iPhone 需要配备原深感(TrueDepth)摄像头。
使用完拟我表情 后(Memoji),点击关闭 (X) 按钮(Close (X) button)停止使用它。
进入iMessage并打开对话。点击动话表情(Animoji)或拟我表情(Memoji)贴纸图标,然后选择您要编辑的拟我表情。(Memoji)点击省略号图标(Ellipses icon),您将看到编辑(Edit)、复制(Duplicate)或删除(Delete)拟我表情的选项。

最后,在您确认要删除后 ,点击删除(Delete)以删除拟我表情。(Memoji)
如果需要,您可以在支持该功能的不同Apple设备上使用您的(Apple)拟我表情。(Memoji)例如,如果您有 iPad Pro,您可以在那里使用与 iPhone 上相同的拟(Memoji)我表情。
只需(Simply)确保您在其他设备上使用创建原始拟我表情的同一Apple ID 登录(Apple ID)iCloud(Memoji)。这样,拟我表情(Memoji)将在所有登录到同一Apple ID的设备上可用。另外,请确保您已打开 iCloud Drive 。
How to Use the Memoji Feature on iPhone
Ever had a friend send you a cartoon νersiоn of themselves animated by their real facial expressions over iMessage and wondered what this was. Apple decided to add the Memoji and Animoji feature tо the iPhоne X series of phones and new iOS versionѕ beyond that
Then, when iOS 13 came out, it allowed older iPhones the ability to create Memojis and use the Memoji sticker feature. However, to use Animoji, your iPhone needs to have Face ID. This is because these phones use a TrueDepth camera for Face ID features and Animoji. These are the iPhone X models of phones and later.

If your phone supports Memoji andAnimoji, follow this guide to find out how to create them, how to use Memoji, and how to share them with friends.
Create Your Memoji in iMessage
To create your Memoji, head over to iMessage. Follow these steps to make your Memoji:
- Open iMessage, then either create a new message or open up an existing conversation.
- Look underneath the text field and look for the Animoji or Memoji sticker icons. Tap either one of them.

- Tap the blue plus sign icon on the left side. Or if you’ve never used or created a Memoji before, you may be prompted to create one.

- You will be taken to the Memoji creation screen.

Move your face so it’s visible to the iPhone’s TrueDepth camera. Your Memoji will be automatically altered to your features.
o through each creation option to change your Memoji however you like. Once you have it the way you want, tap on Done. You should see your Memoji as an option now either for Animoji or Memoji stickers.
Send Clips of Your Memoji With Animoji
While in iMessage, tap on the Animoji icon just below the text field. When it opens, you should see your created Memojis as well as some other emoji options you can use.
To create an Animoji, first, make sure your face can be seen by your iPhone’s camera.

Then, tap on the Red record button and you’ll have 30 seconds to create an Animoji. You can make facial expressions and speak to make one.
Once finished, you can either tap the red stop button or wait for the time to run out.
Then you can tap the blue up arrow to send your Animoji to the text conversation you’re in. If you want to replay your Animoji before sending it, tap the Replay button in the top left corner.

You can also save your Animoji if you want to share it with others or on other platforms. Once you’ve sent your Animoji, tap on it in your messages. Then, tap on the Blue share icon in the bottom left corner. You can tap on Save Video to save it to your camera roll, and from there you can post it wherever you wish.

How to Use Memoji Stickers
If you don’t have an iPhone X or later models, you might feel a little left out. Don’t worry, you can use Memojis if you update your iPhone to iOS 13. Any phone that supports iOS 13 and has an A9 chip or newer can use Memoji stickers.
First, open your iMessages and navigate to an existing conversation or create a new one. Under the text box, you should see the Memoji stickers icon.
Tap on this, and you can tap on the blue plus sign to create a Memoji. Or, you can choose from the other 3D emoji stickers available. Just tap on one and you can send it.

How to Use Memoji During FaceTime
Another way you can use your created Memoji is by replacing your face with it during FaceTime calls. Or you can use the other emojis as well. To use this feature, your iPhone needs to have a TrueDepth camera.
When you’re in a FaceTime call, tap on the Effects button. You will see the Memojis you can choose from. Tap on one and make sure the camera can see your face. You’ll automatically see your face change into your selected Memoji.
When you’re done with using the Memoji, tap the Close (X) button to stop using it.
How to Edit Your Memoji
Want to change a Memoji you’ve created? You have the option to edit any of them whenever you wish.
Go into iMessage and open a conversation. Tap on the Animoji or Memoji stickers icon and select the Memoji you wish to edit. Tap the Ellipses icon, and you’ll see the options to Edit, Duplicate, or Delete your Memoji.

Tap Edit to go to the Memoji creation screen where you can select whatever feature you want to change. Once you’ve made all the changes you wish to, tap on Done and it will save your edited Memoji.
If you want a copy of your Memoji, tap on Duplicate. You can edit this copy further and save the original one.
Finally, tap on Delete to get rid of the Memoji after you confirm you want to do so.
Use Your Memoji on Multiple Devices
If you want, you can use your Memoji on different Apple devices that support the feature. For example, if you have an iPad Pro, you can use the same Memoji there as you use on your iPhone.
Simply make sure that you are signed in to iCloud on the other devices with the same Apple ID that you created your original Memoji in. This way, the Memoji will be available across all devices logged into the same Apple ID. Also, make sure you have iCloud Drive turned on.
Then have fun making faces with your friends on every supported Apple device you own.