Kodi的真正优势来自其第三方插件,尤其是那些提供实时流媒体的插件。在几乎任何设备上,您都可以使用正确的工具观看来自世界各地的电视节目和体育赛事。还有官方和未经授权的NFL附加组件可用!可能很难跟踪哪些附加组件仍然可以观看NFL比赛,因为附加组件的Kodi 生态系统(Kodi ecosystem)正在不断发展。在提供建议之前,我们已经为您完成了每一项工作。继续阅读以了解如何在Kodi上观看(Kodi)NFL。所以,继续阅读!

如何在 Kodi 上观看 NFL(How to Watch NFL on Kodi)
国家橄榄球联盟( National Football League)或NFL是为其观众提供最大乐趣的赛季。NFL是独一无二的,因为它迎合了广泛的兴趣。它为铁杆球迷提供整个NFL 赛季(NFL season),以及为普通观众提供的超级碗赛事(Super Bowl event)。由于超级碗(Super Bowl)一年只举行一次,许多美国人(United) 认为NFL 超级碗比赛是(NFL Super Bowl game)有史以来(States)最重要的体育赛事。
在线观看NFL(NFL)比赛不再是问题,因为除了独立的OTT流媒体提供商之外,您还可以使用Kodi插件来观看NFL直播。阅读我们关于如何(How)在智能电视(Smart TV)上安装 Kodi(Install Kodi)的指南以进行设置。
要记住的要点(Points to Remember)
- 本指南将仅包含合法的 Kodi 附加组件(will only include legal Kodi add-ons)。这不仅可以保护您免受病毒侵害,还可以保护您免受侵犯版权的重大法律处罚。
- Kodi 的附加组件可能会使您的安全面临风险(might put your security at risk)。大多数Kodi附加组件是由与视频流服务无关的志愿者创建和维护的。
- 在某些情况下,恶意插件可能伪装成合法插件,升级到以前安全的插件可能包括恶意软件。因此,我们始终建议使用带有 Kodi 的 VPN(we always advise utilizing a VPN with Kodi)。虽然Kodi 软件(Kodi software)是开源、免费和合法的,但某些附加组件可能不是。您当地的ISP尤其可能会监控直播、电视和电影插件并向政府和商业机构(government and business authorities)报告。每次您上网在Kodi 上流(Kodi)式传输时,这可能会让您暴露在外。因此,您可以使用虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)来保护自己免受对服务提供商的监视,因为它们作为您与下载内容之间的屏障。请注意(Please note)如果您使用VPN,您还可以克服地理内容限制。在此处阅读有关如何(How)在Windows 10上设置VPN的指南。
如何安装第三方插件(How to Install Third-party Add-ons)
按照给定的安装指南(installation guide)安装附加组件以在Kodi上观看(Kodi)NFL。一些附加组件可能在被认为是官方的Kodi 存储库(Kodi repository)本身上可用,而其中一些附加组件只能从第三方来源获得。
注意:(Note: )某些第三方加载项可能包含病毒或恶意软件。因此,最好在将它们安装到您的Kodi之前对其进行验证。
1. 打开Kodi应用程序并单击设置(Settings )图标,如图所示。
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make sure)您使用的是最新的Kodi 版本(Kodi version)(v18 Leia 或 Kodi(Leia or Kodi) 19.x – 预览版)。

2. 单击系统(System )设置。

3. 在左侧窗格中,从列表中选择加载项(Add-ons ),如下所示。

4. 在常规(General )部分下切换标记为未知来源的选项。(Unknown sources)

5. 出现警告(Warning)提示时,单击是(Yes)按钮,突出显示。

6.再次单击设置(Settings)图标,然后从给定的图块中选择文件管理器。(File manager)

7. 点击添加源(Add source),如图所示。

8. 键入第三方URL并输入此媒体源的名称(Enter a name for this media source)。点击OK,如下图所示。

9. 在加载项(Add-ons )页面上,单击加载项浏览器图标(Add-on browser icon)。

10. 单击从 zip 文件安装(Install from zip file )选项,突出显示。

11. 选择zip 文件(zip file)并安装(install)它以在 Kodi 上使用它。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何安装 Exodus Kodi (2022)
在 Kodi 上观看 NFL 的 7 个最佳附加组件(7 Best Add-ons to Watch NFL on Kodi)
1. NFL 游戏通行证(1. NFL Game Pass)
尽管它只允许您观看美国的季前赛(only allows you to watch pre-season matches in the United States),但NFL Game Pass几乎提供了新赛季可观看的所有比赛。其他国家可以以大约 $29.99赛(season live)的大部分时间。该插件可在Kodi 插件存储库(Kodi Add-on Repository)中找到。将NFL(NFL)游戏添加到您的Kodi 帐户(Kodi account)后,您将能够将其直播到您心中的内容。
1.从GitHub下载(Download)zip 文件。
2. 按照安装第三方插件指南( Install Third-party add-on guide)安装插件。

2. 洛卡斯特(2. Locast)
Locast 将在周四和周日(on Thursdays and Sundays)播出 NFL 比赛,这将取悦Kodi NFL爱好者。它的一些重要特点是:
- Locast插件(Locast add-on)设置简单,使用方便(easy to use)。
- Locast是一项很棒的服务,可以免费(free to) 加入(join)。但是,您也可以选择一个可选的付款计划。(payment plan)

另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Kodi 中添加收藏夹
3. 达赞(3. DAZN)
DAZN最近已经发展到许多国家和市场,使其在国际上可用。现在,这已成为它的最强套装。话虽如此,如果您订阅DAZN,您还可以在Kodi上观看每(Kodi)场 NFL 比赛(NFL game)。以下是此附加组件的一些功能:
- 这个OTT 网站为流式传输(OTT site)NFL游戏提供非常有吸引力的优惠,以及价格合理的订阅(reasonably priced subscription)计划。
- DAZN将在 2021 赛季播出每场 NFL 比赛。(NFL game)这意味着您将能够观看常规赛以及每一场季后赛比赛(Playoff contest)。这些游戏可按需访问,也可实时访问(accessible on-demand as well as in real-time)。
- 从其官方存储库中,DAZN提供了一个高度完善的Kodi 插件(Kodi add-on)。
- 它提供高清流媒体(high-definition streaming)、最新素材和频繁升级。

安装 VPN(Install VPN)并按照我们关于如何(How)安装Kodi 附加组件(Kodi Add Ons)的指南安装DAZN。
4. ESPN 3
Kodi有一个特定的ESPN 插件(ESPN addon),可让您以高清直播多个 NFL 比赛(live-stream several NFL games in high definition)。这个名为ESPN 3的插件允许您观看ESPN、ESPN2、ESPN3、ESPNU、ESPNews、ESPN Deportes、SEC、Longhorn、SECPlus和ACCExtra。结果,我们谈论了很多体育内容。

唯一的问题是您必须首先验证您的帐户(you must validate your account first)。这意味着要使用此插件,您必须已经订阅了有线电视或 OTT(cable or OTT subscription)。除非您付费,否则只有某些免费节目可用,例如ESPN3 和 ACCExtra(ESPN3 and ACCExtra)。
5. NetStream 体育中心(5. NetStream Sports Hub)
以提供一些最棒的体育附加组件而闻名的Stream Army 存储库(Stream Army repo)刚刚为其之前发布的体育视频附加组件发布了一个新版本。NetStreams Sports Hub让您可以在一个方便的位置(convenient location)访问(access everything)与体育相关的所有内容。
1.如图所示,从Streamarmy 网页下载。(Streamarmy webpage)

2. 按照安装第三方插件指南(Install third-party add-on guide)安装NetStream Sports Hub以在Kodi上观看NFL。
6. NBC Sports Live Extra
NBC Sports是最受欢迎的体育电视网络之一,也是Kodi附加组件,因为:
- 您可以使用NBC Sports Kodi 附加组件(NBC Sports Kodi Add-on)观看各种体育赛事(watch various sporting events),如足球、网球、赛车、高尔夫、马德比等等。
- 它是Kodi(Kodi)的顶级运动插件之一,可以通过 VPN 从全球任何地方查看(can be viewed via VPN from anywhere on the globe)。

1.启动科迪应用程序(Kodi application)。
2. 在菜单的左侧窗格中,单击附加组件(Add-ons)。

3. 点击左上角的插件浏览器图标。(Add-on browser icon)

4. 单击列表中的从存储库安装(Install from repository)选项,如图所示。

5. 选择视频插件(Video add-ons)选项,突出显示。

6. 找到并安装附加组件,(add-on)例如NBC Sports Live Extra,如下图所示。

7. 要加载您的附加组件,请转到主页左侧窗格中的附加组件选项,然后选择(Add-ons)NBC Sports Live Extra 附加(NBC Sports Live Extra) 组件(add-on)。您现在将在“视频插件(Video add-ons )”部分找到已安装的插件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Hulu 错误代码 P-dev302
7.原子重生(7. Atom Reborn)
这个附加组件以前称为Atom,它在一些地方受到限制。这使得广播公司很难获得他们想要观看的内容。它已更新并(has been updated and is working properly)再次正常工作。

常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。如何安全谨慎地使用 NFL Kodi 插件?(Q1. How to use NFL Kodi addons securely and discreetly?)
答。(Ans. )插件劫持(Addon hijacking)是对所有Kodi用户最严重的威胁。当发布对知名插件的恶意更新、感染您的 PC 或将其变成僵尸网络时,就会发生这种情况。关闭Kodi(Kodi)中的自动更新将保护您免受附加劫持。为此,请启动Kodi。转到System > Addons > Updates并将选项更改为Notify,但不要安装更新(Notify, but do not install updates)。
Q2。为什么我的插件不起作用?(Q2. Why is my add-on not working?)
答。(Ans. )您的附加组件不起作用的原因之一是Kodi已过时。转到Kodi 的下载页面( download page for Kodi)并安装最新版本。
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我们希望您发现此信息有用,并能够学习如何在 Kodi 上观看 NFL(how to watch NFL on Kodi)。让我们知道您最喜欢哪个插件。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Watch NFL on Kodi
The true strength of Kodi comes from its third-рarty аdd-ons, particularly thоse that provide live streamіng. On practically any device, уoυ can watch television shows and sports from around the world with the correct tools. There are also official аnd unauthorized NFL add-ons avаilable! It might be difficult to keep track of which add-ons still function to watch NFL games because the Kodi ecosystem of add-ons is continuously evolving. We have done the legwork for you by putting each one through its paces before offering а reсommendаtion. Continue reading to know how to wаtch NFL on Kodi. So, continue reading!

How to Watch NFL on Kodi
The National Football League or NFL is the sports season that provides the greatest enjoyment to its viewers. NFL is unique as it caters to a wide range of interests. It offers the whole NFL season for die-hard fans, as well as the Super Bowl event for casual viewers. Since the Super Bowl takes place only once a year, many people in the United States believe the NFL Super Bowl game to be the most important athletic event of all time.
It is no longer an issue to watch NFL games online as you may utilize Kodi add-ons in addition to standalone OTT streaming providers to view live NFL broadcasts. Read our guide on How to Install Kodi on Smart TV to set it up.
Points to Remember
Before we go any further, it is vital to bear in mind the following points:
- This guide will only include legal Kodi add-ons. Not only will this protect you against viruses, but it will also protect you from the significant legal penalties of copyright infringement.
- Add-ons for Kodi might put your security at risk. The majority of Kodi add-ons are created and maintained by volunteers who are not linked with the video streaming service.
- Malicious add-ons can masquerade as legal in some situations, and upgrades to previously safe add-ons might include malware. As a result, we always advise utilizing a VPN with Kodi. While Kodi software is open-source, free, and legal, some add-ons might not be. Your local ISP is especially likely to monitor and report live streaming, TV, and movie plug-ins to the government and business authorities. This may leave you exposed every time you go online to stream on Kodi. Thus, you may use a Virtual Private Network to shield yourself from spying on service providers as they operate as a barrier between you and the downloaded content. Please note that if you use a VPN, you can also overcome geographic content limitations. Read our guide on How to set up a VPN on Windows 10 here.
How to Install Third-party Add-ons
Follow the given installation guide to install add-ons for watching NFL on Kodi. Some of the add-ons might be available on the Kodi repository itself which is considered official, while some of these add-ons are to be available only from third-party sources.
Note: Some third-party add-ons might contain viruses or malware. So, it is best to verify them before installing them on your Kodi.
1. Open Kodi application and click on the Settings icon, as shown.
Note: Make sure you are using the most recent Kodi version (v18 Leia or Kodi 19. x – preview version).

2. Click on the System settings.

3. In the left pane, choose Add-ons from the list, as depicted below.

4. Toggle on the option marked Unknown sources under General section.

5. When the Warning prompt appears, click on Yes button, shown highlighted.

6. Click on the Settings icon once again and choose File manager from the given tiles.

7. Click on Add source, as shown.

8. Type the third-party URL and Enter a name for this media source. Click on OK, as depicted below.

9. On the Add-ons page, click on the Add-on browser icon.

10. Click the Install from zip file option, shown highlighted.

11. Choose the zip file and install it to use it on Kodi.
Also Read: How to Install Exodus Kodi (2022)
7 Best Add-ons to Watch NFL on Kodi
1. NFL Game Pass
Although it only allows you to watch pre-season matches in the United States, NFL Game Pass offers practically every game accessible for the new season. Other nations can watch the majority of the regular season live for roughly $29.99. This addon is available in the Kodi Add-on Repository. You will be able to live stream NFL games to your heart’s content after adding it to your Kodi account.
1. Download the zip file from GitHub.
2. Follow the Install Third-party add-on guide to install the add-on.

2. Locast
Locast is airing NFL games on Thursdays and Sundays, which will please Kodi NFL lovers. Some of its important features are:
- The Locast add-on is simple to set up and easy to use.
- Locast is a fantastic service that is free to join. However, there’s an optional payment plan that you can opt for, as well.
Note: Currently, this add-on is under repair as declared Broken by Kodi.

Also Read: How to Add Favorites in Kodi
DAZN has lately grown to a large number of nations and marketplaces, making it available internationally. This has now become its strongest suit. With that said, if you subscribe to DAZN, you will also be able to watch every NFL game on Kodi. Following are some features of this add-on:
- This OTT site features a very attractive offer for streaming NFL games, as well as reasonably priced subscription plans.
- DAZN will broadcast every NFL game during the 2021 season. That means you will be able to watch regular-season games as well as every single Playoff contest. These games are accessible on-demand as well as in real-time.
- From its official repository, DAZN provides a highly polished Kodi add-on.
- It offers high-definition streaming, up-to-date material, and frequent upgrades.

Install VPN and follow our guide on How to Install Kodi Add Ons to install DAZN.
4. ESPN 3
There is a specific ESPN addon for Kodi that allows you to live-stream several NFL games in high definition. This addon, dubbed ESPN 3, allows you to watch ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN3, ESPNU, ESPNews, ESPN Deportes, SEC, Longhorn, SECPlus, and ACCExtra. As a result, we are talking about a lot of sporting content.

The only catch is that you must validate your account first. This implies that to use this addon, you must already have a cable or OTT subscription. Unless you pay for it, only certain free programmings, such as ESPN3 and ACCExtra, are available.
5. NetStream Sports Hub
The Stream Army repo, known for delivering some of the greatest sports add-ons, has just released a new version for their previously released sports video add-on. NetStreams Sports Hub allows you to access everything connected to sports in one convenient location.
1. Download it from the Streamarmy webpage as shown.

2. Follow the Install third-party add-on guide to install NetStream Sports Hub to watch NFL on Kodi.
6. NBC Sports Live Extra
NBC Sports is one of the most popular sports television networks as well as Kodi add-on because:
- You can watch various sporting events like football, tennis, racing, golf, horse derbies, and much more with the NBC Sports Kodi Add-on.
- It is one of the top sports add-ons for Kodi, and it can be viewed via VPN from anywhere on the globe.

This is how to install video add-ons in-order to view NFL on Kodi:
1. Launch Kodi application.
2. On the left pane of the menu, click on Add-ons.

3. Click on the Add-on browser icon in the top-left corner.

4. Click on the Install from repository option from the list, as shown.

5. Choose the Video add-ons option, shown highlighted.

6. Locate and install the add-on e.g NBC Sports Live Extra as depicted below.

7. To load your add-ons, go to the Add-ons option on the left pane from the main page and select the NBC Sports Live Extra add-on. You will now find your installed add-ons under the Video add-ons section.
Also Read: Fix Hulu Error Code P-dev302
7. Atom Reborn
This add-on was previously known as Atom, and it was restricted in a few places. This made it difficult for broadcasters to obtain the content they wanted to view. It has been updated and is working properly once again.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. How to use NFL Kodi addons securely and discreetly?
Ans. Addon hijacking is the most serious threat to all Kodi users. This occurs when a malicious update to a well-known addon is released, infecting your PC or turning it into a botnet. Turning off automatic updates in Kodi will protect you against add-on hijacking. To do so, Launch Kodi. Go to System > Addons > Updates and change the option to Notify, but do not install updates.
Q2. Why is my add-on not working?
Ans. One of the reasons your add-on is not working is that Kodi is out of date. Go to the download page for Kodi and install the latest version.
We hope you found this information useful and were able to learn how to watch NFL on Kodi. Let us know which add-on was your favorite. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.