将多封Gmail电子邮件转移到另一个Gmail 帐户应该是(Gmail account)Gmail内置的一个非常简单的功能,但事实并非如此。不过幸运的是,您仍然可以使用此页面上的提示在帐户之间批量传输Gmail邮件。(Gmail)
当然,您可以将一两封电子邮件转发到另一个帐户,但如果您想一次移动大量电子邮件,转发并不是最佳选择。您需要的是一个 Gmail 到 Gmail 的传输工具(transfer tool),以便在几分钟内将来自一个帐户的电子邮件转移到另一个帐户。

也许您刚刚获得了一个全新的Gmail 帐户(Gmail account),并且想将其用作主要帐户而忘记所有其他帐户,或者您希望将Gmail电子邮件备份到具有更多存储空间的其他帐户。
使用 Gmail 传输 Gmail 电子邮件(Transfer Gmail Emails With Gmail)
Gmail 有一个名为“导入邮件和联系人(Import mail and contacts)”的工具,您可以使用它来执行此操作。这是如何做:
- 从源Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)(包含您要传输的电子邮件的帐户),从选项菜单中打开设置(Settings),然后转到Forwarding and POP/IMAP。
- 选择Enable POP for all mail (即使是已经下载的邮件)(Enable POP for all mail (even mail that’s already been downloaded))旁边的气泡。

- 向下滚动并选择保存更改(Save Changes)。
- 注销(Sign)并再次登录,但这次登录到另一个Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)(将从另一个帐户接收电子邮件的那个)。
- 转到设置(Settings )>帐户和导入(Accounts and Import)。
- 选择导入邮件和联系人(Import mail and contacts )链接。

- 键入您的其他Gmail 帐户的(Gmail account)电子邮件地址(email address),然后选择继续(Continue)。
- 在第 1 步屏幕上再次选择继续。(Continue)
- 登录到您的其他 Gmail 帐户。
- 在出现提示时选择允许(Allow),授予Gmail(Gmail permission)访问其他帐户的权限。
- 关闭显示身份验证成功(Authentication successful)的窗口。
- 选择开始导入(Start import)。
- 选择确定(OK)返回 Gmail 的设置页面。
现在Gmail正在(Gmail)Gmail帐户之间传输您的所有电子邮件,您只需要等待。您可以从Accounts and Imports屏幕监控流程。

此方法也允许您从其他帐户发送邮件。导入完成后返回上面的屏幕,然后选择make default以使所有外发邮件默认(mail default)为该Gmail 地址(Gmail address)(您仍然可以通过手动选择另一个来使用它)。
使用您的桌面电子邮件客户端传输 Gmail 电子邮件(Use Your Desktop Email Client to Transfer Gmail Emails)
如果您将两个Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)都连接到计算机上的电子邮件程序,则将部分或全部电子邮件转移到另一个帐户非常简单。
让我们看一个如何使用Microsoft Outlook在(Microsoft Outlook)Gmail帐户之间传输电子邮件的示例。大多数其他电子邮件客户端的工作方式非常相似。
首先,我们首先将两个Gmail帐户添加到 Outlook:
- 转到文件(File )>信息(Info )>帐户设置(Account Settings)>帐户设置(Account Settings)。
- 从电子邮件(Email )选项卡中选择新建。(New)

- (Type one)输入您的Gmail 电子邮件地址(Gmail email)之一,然后按照提示登录并将您的电子邮件下载到该程序。

- 添加帐户后,再次重复前三个步骤以添加另一个Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)。
- 最后,关闭“帐户设置”(Account Settings )屏幕,以便您返回Outlook中的电子邮件列表。
- 让来自两个帐户的所有电子邮件完全下载到Outlook中。
- 从包含您要移动的电子邮件的帐户中,打开包含邮件的文件夹。
- 选择要转移到其他Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)的电子邮件。您可以通过使用Ctrl键选择多个或使用Ctrl+A抓住所有这些来执行此操作。
提示(Tip):您想一次从每个文件夹中移动所有内容吗?(everything)按照此处的 PST 导出(PST export directions here)说明了解如何将PST 文件(PST file)(Outlook数据文件)与您的Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)合并。
- 单击(Click)突出显示的电子邮件并将其拖动到其他Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)中的文件夹中。如果电子邮件落在错误的文件夹中,您可以稍后再次移动它们,但现在请尽力选择正确的电子邮件(稍后再次传输它们可能是一个乏味的过程)。

提示(Tip):如果您愿意,可以在目标帐户(destination account)中创建一个名为“旧电子邮件”或“来自 XYZ 帐户的电子邮件”的新文件夹,以便将它们与其他邮件区分开来。
- 等待(Wait)Outlook将本地邮件与您的Gmail帐户(Gmail account)同步。它们很快就会出现在您的在线帐户(online account)中,因此可以在您的手机、平板电脑、网络浏览器或您访问Gmail的任何地方看到。
如果您有兴趣,还可以从Gmail中查看您的所有电子邮件帐户。如果您喜欢Gmail 界面(Gmail interface)但又想保留来自不同电子邮件服务的其他帐户,这是理想的选择。
How to Transfer Emails Between Two Gmail Accounts
Moving multiple Gmail emails into another Gmail account should be a dead-simple feature built into Gmail, but it’s not. Fortunately though, you can stіll transfеr Gmail messages between accounts in bυlk υsing the tipѕ on this page.
Sure, you could forward an email or two into another account, but if you want to move a massive number of emails at one time, forwarding just isn’t the best option. What you need is a Gmail-to-Gmail transfer tool so that the emails from one account are moved into the other account in just a few minutes tops.

Maybe you just got a brand-new Gmail account and you want to use it as your primary one and forget about all your other accounts, or maybe you’re wanting to back up your Gmail emails to a different account with more storage.
No matter the reason, the best options for transferring Gmail emails between accounts are described below. If you need to transfer emails between Yahoo, Outlook, Gmail, etc., then check the link.
Transfer Gmail Emails With Gmail
Gmail has a tool called Import mail and contacts that you can use to do just that. Here’s how:
- From the source Gmail account (the one that has the emails you want to transfer), open Settings from the options menu and then go to Forwarding and POP/IMAP.
- Select the bubble next to Enable POP for all mail (even mail that’s already been downloaded).

- Scroll down and select Save Changes.
- Sign off and log in again, but this time into the other Gmail account (the one that will receive the emails from the other account).
- Go to Settings > Accounts and Import.
- Select the Import mail and contacts link.

- Type the email address of your other Gmail account, and then select Continue.
- Choose Continue again on the Step 1 screen.
- Log in to your other Gmail account.
- Give Gmail permission to access the other account by selecting Allow when prompted.
- Close the window that says Authentication successful.
- Choose Start import.
- Select OK to return to Gmail’s settings page.
Now that Gmail is transferring all your emails between the Gmail accounts, you just need to wait. You can monitor the process from the Accounts and Imports screen.

This method lets you send mail from the other account, too. Return to the screen above after the import has finished, and select make default to make all outgoing mail default to that Gmail address (you can still use the other one by selecting it manually).
Use Your Desktop Email Client to Transfer Gmail Emails
If you have both your Gmail account connected to an email program on your computer, transferring some or all of your emails into the other account is very simple.
Let’s look at an example of how to transfer emails between Gmail accounts with Microsoft Outlook. Most other email clients will work very similarly.
First, we’ll start with adding the two Gmail accounts to Outlook:
- Go to File > Info > Account Settings > Account Settings.
- Select New from the Email tab.

- Type one of your Gmail email addresses and follow the prompts to sign on and download your emails to the program.

- Once your account has been added, repeat the first three steps again to add the other Gmail account.
- Finally, close out of the Account Settings screen so that you’ll return to the list of emails in Outlook.
- Let all the emails from both accounts fully download into Outlook.
Now it’s time to actually move the Gmail emails in bulk:
- From the account that has the emails you’re moving, open the folder that contains the messages.
- Select the emails you want to move over to the other Gmail account. You can do this by selecting multiple with the Ctrl key or by grabbing all of them with Ctrl+A.
Tip: Do you want to move everything over at once, from every folder? Follow the PST export directions here to learn how to merge a PST file (Outlook data file) with your Gmail account.
- Click and drag the highlighted emails into a folder in the other Gmail account. You can always move the emails again later if they land in the wrong folder, but do your best to pick the right one now (transferring them again later might be a tedious process).

Tip: If you prefer, make a new folder in the destination account that’s entitled “Old Emails” or “Emails From XYZ Account” so that it’ll be easier to distinguish them from other messages.
- Wait while Outlook synchronizes the local messages with your Gmail account. They’ll appear in your online account shortly, and thus visible from your phone, tablet, web browser, or wherever you access Gmail.
If you’re interested, you can also check all of your email accounts from Gmail. This is ideal if you like the Gmail interface but you want to hold onto your other accounts from different email services.