你想在Mac上删除 i(Mac)消息(Messages)吗?无论是出于隐私相关原因、减少混乱还是释放磁盘空间,消息(Messages)应用程序都可以让您快速删除不需要的文本、附件和对话。
因此,在下文中,您将了解在MacBook Pro、MacBook Air、iMac 和Mac mini上删除消息、对话或所有 iMessage 的多种方法。但首先,您可能想要禁用 iCloud 中的信息。

关于 Mac 上 iCloud 中的“信息”
iCloud 中的信息可让您在 iPhone、iPad 和Mac等(Mac)Apple设备上同步您的信息(常规信息和 iMessage 信息) 。
但是,如果您在 macOS 设备上启用了该服务,则删除任何消息也会导致它们从您使用相同Apple ID登录的其他设备中删除。如果您想停止这种情况,您必须停用 iCloud 中的“信息”。
1. 打开消息(Messages)应用程序并在菜单栏上选择消息(Messages)>首选项。(Preferences)

2. 切换到iMessage选项卡并取消选中(iMessage)Enable Messages in iCloud旁边的框。

3. 选择禁用此设备(Disable This Device)为您的Mac停用 iCloud 中的消息。

如果您的Mac(Mac)上未启用 iCloud 中的消息,并且您希望您的更改应用到您的其他Apple设备,只需重复上述步骤,但选中启用 iCloud 中的消息(Enable Messages in iCloud)旁边的框。然后,选择立即同步(Sync Now)。
删除单个文本(Delete Individual Texts)和附件
您可以从Mac的“(Mac)信息(Messages)”应用程序上的对话线程中删除任何SMS或 iMessage 文本。这同样适用于附件——视频、图片、链接等。您还可以同时选择和删除多条消息以加快处理速度。
1. 打开消息应用程序。
2. 选择侧边栏上的对话线程。
3. 按住 Control 键单击或右键单击副本中右侧的文本消息气泡或附件。然后,选择删除(Delete)。

如果要同时删除多条消息,请按住Command键并选择项目。然后,按住 Control 单击或右键单击任何突出显示的消息并选择Delete。
4. 选择删除(Delete)按钮进行确认。

5. 对您要删除的其他对话线程中的任何消息重复此操作。尝试使用侧边栏顶部的搜索栏(Search)更快地找到特定文本和附件(locate specific texts and attachments faster)。
如果您只想通过删除大型 iMessage 附件来节省 Mac 上的空间,请不要浪费时间在“(save space on your Mac)信息(Messages)”中挖掘对话线程。相反,请使用 macOS 中的存储管理(Storage Management)应用程序从本地存储中快速清除它们。
1. 打开Apple菜单并选择关于本机(About This Mac)。

2. 切换到存储(Storage)选项卡并选择管理(Manage)。

3. 选择侧栏上的消息(Messages)并选择大小(Size)列以按大小对附件进行排序。
4. 选择要删除的附件(按住Command键选择多个项目),然后选择删除(Delete)。

5. 选择删除(Delete)确认。

可以从消息(Messages)应用程序中删除对话中的所有消息以及线程本身。这是删除旧 iMessage 聊天和垃圾邮件的快捷方式。
1. 打开消息。
2. 按住 Control 键单击或右键单击侧边栏上的对话。如果您在查找对话时遇到问题,请使用边栏顶部的搜索栏按联系人或群组名称对其进行过滤。(Search)
3. 选择删除对话(Delete Conversation)。

4. 选择删除(Delete)以确认您要删除整个对话。

如果您想稍后向同一联系人或群组发送消息,则必须通过选择消息(Messages)侧栏顶部的新消息(New Message)按钮来创建新对话。
1. 打开消息应用程序。
2. 选择侧边栏上的对话。

3. 选择菜单栏上的编辑(Edit)>清除成绩单。(Clear Transcript)

4. 选择清除(Clear)确认。

自动设置(Set Up Messages)要删除的消息(Deletion)
默认情况下,Mac上的“(Mac)信息(Messages)”应用会无限期地保留 iMessage 文本和附件。但是,可以指示消息(Messages)应用程序在定义的时间段后删除您的消息。这避免了堆积的混乱并有助于节省磁盘空间。
1. 打开消息应用程序。

3. 打开保留消息(Keep messages)旁边的下拉菜单,然后在菜单栏上选择30 天(30 Days)或1 年。(1 Year)

4.关于删除旧消息?(Delete Older Messages?)然后出现的弹出窗口,选择Delete。

在 Mac 上删除所有消息
如果您想删除Mac上的所有(Mac)SMS文本和 iMessage 信息,您不必费力地逐个删除每个对话。相反,您可以通过将包含您的邮件的文件和文件夹移到垃圾箱(Trash)中来删除所有内容。
重要提示(Important):如果您在 iCloud 中使用“信息”,则会导致所有已删除的信息重新出现在您的Mac上。为避免这种情况,请确保在开始之前禁用该服务(本教程开头的说明)。
1. 按住 Control 键单击或右键单击Dock 上的消息图标并选择(Messages)退出(Quit)。

2. 打开Finder并在菜单栏上 选择前往(Go)>前往文件夹。(Go to Folder)

3. 输入以下路径并按Enter:

3. 在随后出现的Finder窗口中,按住Command键的同时选择以下文件夹和文件:
- 附件(Attachments)
- 聊天数据库(chat.db)
- 聊天.db-shm(chat.db-shm)
- 聊天.db-wal(chat.db-wal)

4. 将文件拖到Dock上的(Dock)废纸篓(Trash)图标中。或者,按住 Control 单击或右键单击任何突出显示的项目,然后选择“移至废纸篓”(Move to Trash)。

5. 重新启动您的Mac并重新打开Messages应用程序。
提示:(Tip:)如果需要,您还可以选择停用 Mac 的消息应用程序(deactivate the Mac’s Messages app)并完全停止接收消息。
减少(Cut Down)消息中的混乱(Clutter)_(Your)
如您所见,您有多种方法可以在Mac上删除不需要的 iMessage 文本、附件和对话。只需(Just)选择最适合您的方法即可。在此过程中,您可能还想了解如何删除 iPhone 和 iPad 上的垃圾邮件(deleting junk messages on your iPhone and iPad)。
How to Delete Messages, Conversations or All iMessages on Mac
Do you want to delete iMessages on Mac? Whether it’s for privacy-related reasons, to reduce clutter, or to free up disk space, the Messages app lets you quickly remove unwanted texts, attachments, and conversations.
So below, you’ll learn about multiple ways to delete messages, conversations, or all iMessages on the MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iMac, and Mac mini. But first, you might want to disable Messages in iCloud.

About Messages in iCloud on Mac
Messages in iCloud allows you to sync your messages (regular and iMessage) across Apple devices such as the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
However, if you have the service enabled on your macOS device, deleting any messages will also result in their removal from other devices you’ve signed in to with the same Apple ID. If you want to stop that, you must deactivate Messages in iCloud.
1. Open the Messages app and select Messages > Preferences on the menu bar.

2. Switch to the iMessage tab and uncheck the box next to Enable Messages in iCloud.

3. Select Disable This Device to deactivate Messages in iCloud for your Mac.

If Messages in iCloud is not enabled on your Mac and you want your changes to apply to the rest of your Apple devices, simply repeat the steps above but check the box next to Enable Messages in iCloud. Then, select Sync Now.
Delete Individual Texts and Attachments
You can delete any SMS or iMessage text from conversation threads on the Messages app of your Mac. The same applies to attachments—videos, pictures, links, etc. You can also select and delete multiple messages simultaneously to speed things up.
1. Open the Messages app.
2. Select the conversation thread on the sidebar.
3. Control-click or right-click a text message bubble or attachment within the transcript to the right. Then, select Delete.

If you want to delete multiple messages at the same time, hold down the Command key and select the items. Then, control-click or right-click any of the highlighted messages and select Delete.
4. Select the Delete button to confirm.

5. Repeat for any messages from other conversation threads you want to delete. Try using the Search bar at the top of the sidebar to locate specific texts and attachments faster.
Delete Space-Consuming Attachments
If you’re only looking to save space on your Mac by deleting large iMessage attachments, quit wasting time digging through conversation threads in Messages. Instead, use the Storage Management app in macOS to purge them quickly from local storage.
1. Open the Apple menu and select About This Mac.

2. Switch to the Storage tab and select Manage.

3. Select Messages on the sidebar and select the Size column to sort attachments by size.
4. Select the attachments you want to delete (hold down the Command key to select multiple items) and choose Delete.
Tip: You can use Quick Look to preview attachments. Simply select an item and press Space.

5. Select Delete to confirm.

Delete Entire Conversation Threads
It’s possible to delete all of the messages within a conversation as well as the thread itself from the Messages app. That’s a quick way to delete old iMessage chats and spam.
1. Open Messages.
2. Control-click or right-click the conversation on the sidebar. If you have trouble locating a conversation, use the Search bar at the top of the sidebar to filter it by contact or group name.
3. Select Delete Conversation.

4. Select Delete to confirm you want to delete the whole conversation.

If you want to send a message to the same contact or group later, you must create a new conversation by selecting the New Message button at the top of the Messages sidebar.
Clear Conversation Transcripts Only
Alternatively, you can choose to delete all messages in a transcript while keeping the thread visible on the Messages sidebar. That way, you get to send messages later without having to create a new conversation from scratch.
1. Open the Messages app.
2. Select the conversation on the sidebar.

3. Select Edit > Clear Transcript on the menu bar.

4. Select Clear to confirm.

Automatically Set Up Messages for Deletion
By default, the Messages app on your Mac keeps iMessage texts and attachments indefinitely. However, it’s possible to instruct the Messages app to delete your messages after a defined period. That avoids the build-up clutter and helps conserve disk space.
1. Open the Messages app.
2. Select Messages > Preferences on the menu bar.

3. Open the pull-down menu next to Keep messages and select 30 Days or 1 Year on the menu bar.

4. On the Delete Older Messages? pop-up that then shows up, select Delete.

The Messages app will instantly delete all messages that precede the selected duration. It will also continuously delete any messages as soon as they reach the time limit.
Delete All Messages on Mac
If you want to delete all SMS texts and iMessages on your Mac, you don’t have to remove each conversation one-by-one painstakingly. Instead, you can get rid of everything by moving the files and folder that contain your messages into the Trash.
Important: If you use Messages in iCloud, it will cause all deleted messages to reappear on your Mac. To avoid that, make sure to disable the service before you begin (instructions at the start of this tutorial).
1. Control-click or right-click the Messages icon on the Dock and select Quit.

2. Open Finder and select Go > Go to Folder on the menu bar.

3. Type in the following path and press Enter:

3. On the Finder window that then shows up, select the following folder and files while holding down the Command key:
- Attachments
- chat.db
- chat.db-shm
- chat.db-wal

4. Drag the files into the Trash icon on the Dock. Or, control-click or right-click any of the highlighted items and select Move to Trash.

5. Restart your Mac and re-open the Messages app.
Tip: You can also choose to deactivate the Mac’s Messages app and stop receiving messages completely if you want.
Cut Down the Clutter in Your Messages
As you just saw, you’ve got multiple approaches to deleting unwanted iMessage texts, attachments, and conversations on the Mac. Just pick the approach that suits you the best. While you’re at it, you may also want to learn about deleting junk messages on your iPhone and iPad.