无论您最近从Windows计算机切换过来,还是想要开始在Mac(而不是 iPhone、iPad 或Apple Watch)上收听Spotify播放列表,您都可以在Mac上安装(Mac)Spotify进行在线和离线收听。
您可以使用几种不同的方式来收听播客或播放Spotify音乐库中您最喜爱的曲目。在本快速教程中,我们将向您展示在 macOS 设备上
使用Spotify 的(Spotify)所有不同方法。
如何在Mac上使用(Your Mac)Spotify 网络播放器(Spotify Web Player)
在MacBook上使用Spotify最简单的方法是使用Spotify Web Player。如果您不喜欢在计算机上安装新应用程序或没有足够的存储空间(don’t have enough storage space)来容纳它们,那么此选项是完美的。登录Spotify帐户后,您可以像使用常规应用程序一样使用Spotify Web ,即从浏览器
此方法的唯一缺点是您需要互联网连接才能使用Spotify。如果您仅使用 Wi-Fi 收听Spotify,此方法适合您。
Spotify Web Player可供免费用户和拥有Spotify Premium帐户的用户使用。以下是在Mac计算机上使用(Mac)Spotify Web 的(Spotify Web)方法:
- 在 Mac 上打开网络浏览器。
- 在浏览器中,转至open.spotify.com以打开 Spotify(open Spotify)。
- 站点加载后,选择屏幕右上角的登录。(Log)您可以通过Facebook(Facebook)、Apple或Google登录您的Spotify帐户,或者使用您的电子邮件地址。
- 登录后,您可以使用Spotify Web Player播放Spotify播放列表中的高品质音乐。
为了快速访问,您可以将Spotify Web Player添加到 Web 浏览器的书签中。或者,您可以在Mac(Mac)上创建Spotify Web 快捷方式。为此,请将URL从浏览器拖放到桌面上。
如何在 macOS 上
安装Spotify Progressive Web 应用程序(Spotify Progressive Web App)
如果您在Mac上使用 Google (Mac)Chrome或Microsoft Edge,则可以使用该选项将网站安装为应用程序。此方法允许您将Spotify Web Player作为(Spotify Web Player)渐进式 Web 应用程序(Progressive Web App)或PWA安装在计算机上。请注意,使用此应用程序,您仍然仅限于在线使用。
要在Mac上安装(Mac)Spotify PWA,请按照以下步骤操作。
- 在计算机上
打开Google Chrome或Microsoft Edge浏览器。(Microsoft Edge)
- 访问open.spotify.com。
- 网站加载后,选择浏览器菜单栏右上角的三个点。
- 然后选择“安装 Spotify”(Install Spotify)(或Apps > Install Spotify)。
- 在弹出窗口中选择“安装”(Install)进行确认。
- Spotify Web 应用程序(Spotify Web App)将安装在您的Mac计算机上。它将在浏览器内部运行,但作为独立的应用程序运行。如果您按照路径应用程序(Applications)文件夹> Chrome Apps / Edge Apps您将能够在Finder中找到其应用程序图标。
如果稍后您改变主意并想要从计算机中删除Spotify PWA,请在浏览器中转至 edge://apps 或 chrome://apps,右键单击Spotify,然后选择从Edge/Chrome删除(Remove)以删除Spotify。
如何在Mac上(Mac)下载(Download)并安装 Spotify 应用程序(Install Spotify App)
对于那些需要离线播放和下载Spotify音乐的人来说,使用(Spotify)Spotify 的(Spotify)最佳方法是在Mac上安装Spotify桌面应用程序。
如果您尝试在Mac App Store中查找Spotify应用程序但失败,请不要担心。该应用程序是免费的,可从Spotify(Spotify)官方网站下载适用于 iOS、Android、Windows和 macOS 设备的应用程序。
- 在网络浏览器中打开Spotify官方网站,然后选择(Spotify)“下载”(Download),或前往spotify.com/us/download/mac/。
- 选择下载(Download)按钮。这会将Spotify 安装程序下载到您的(Spotify Installer)Mac上。
- 在Finder中,选择左侧边栏中的“下载”文件夹以查找下载的文件。(Downloads)双击(Double-click)该文件将其取消存档。
- 打开(Open)提取的安装 Spotify(Install Spotify)文件。在弹出窗口中选择“打开”(Open)进行确认。
- 等待(Wait)安装程序下载应用程序并将其安装到您的Mac上。
如果Spotify没有自动打开,您可以从 Launchpad 找到并打开该应用程序(Launchpad)。然后登录您的Spotify帐户并欣赏您最喜爱的音乐和播客。直接从应用程序下载Spotify(Spotify)歌曲的选项仅适用于Premium订阅者。不过,免费用户可以利用第三方Spotify音乐转换器从(Spotify)Spotify下载歌曲。
现在您已经知道如何在Mac上使用(Mac)Spotify,请务必学习特殊的Spotify 提示和技巧(Spotify tips and tricks),以充分利用它。包括如何调整音频质量或如何阻止Spotify在Mac启动时打开。
不是Spotify(Spotify)的粉丝?尝试另一种(Try one)音乐流媒体服务(alternative music streaming services),例如YouTube Music、Apple Music、Amazon Music、SoundCloud等。
How to Download and Use Spotify on Your Mac
Whether you’ve recently switched frоm a Windows machine or want to start listening to your Spotify playlists on your Mac instead of yoυr iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch, you can install Spotify on a Mac fоr online and offline listening.
There are a few different ways you can use to listen to podcasts or play your favorite tracks from the Spotify music library. In this quick tutorial, we’ll show you all of the different methods to use Spotify on a macOS device.
How to Use Spotify Web Player on Your Mac
The easiest way to use Spotify on your MacBook is to use the Spotify Web Player. This option is perfect if you don’t like installing new apps on your computer or don’t have enough storage space for them. After you log in to your Spotify account, you can use Spotify Web as you would use a regular app, i.e., use all of the features of the Spotify app from the browser.
The only downside of this method is that you need an internet connection to use Spotify. If you only use Wi-Fi to listen to Spotify, this method is for you.
Spotify Web Player is available for both free users and those with Spotify Premium accounts. Here’s how to use Spotify Web on your Mac computer:
- Open a web browser on your Mac.
- In your browser, go to open.spotify.com to open Spotify.
- When the site loads, select Log in in the top right corner of the screen. You can sign into your Spotify account with Facebook, Apple, or Google or use your email address.
- Once you’re logged in, you can use Spotify Web Player to play high-quality music from Spotify playlists.
For quick access, you can add the Spotify Web Player to bookmarks in your web browser. Alternatively, you can create a Spotify web shortcut on your Mac. To do that, drag and drop the URL from the browser on your desktop.
How to Install Spotify Progressive Web App on macOS
If you use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on a Mac, you can use the option to install websites as apps. This method allows you to install the Spotify Web Player on your computer as a Progressive Web App or PWA. Note that with this app, you’re still limited to online usage only.
To install the Spotify PWA on your Mac, follow the steps below.
- Open Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser on your computer.
- Go to open.spotify.com.
- After the website loads, select the three dots in the upper-right corner of the browser’s menu bar.
- Then select Install Spotify (or Apps > Install Spotify).
- In the pop-up window, select Install to confirm.
- The Spotify Web App will be installed on your Mac computer. It will run inside the browser but function as an independent app. You’ll be able to find its application icon in Finder if you follow the path Applications folder > Chrome Apps / Edge Apps.
If later you change your mind and want to remove the Spotify PWA from your computer, go to edge://apps or chrome://apps in your browser, right-click on Spotify, and select Remove from Edge/Chrome to delete Spotify.
How to Download and Install Spotify App on Mac
For those of you who need offline playback and the ability to download Spotify music, the best way to use Spotify is to install the Spotify desktop app on your Mac.
If you tried looking for the Spotify app on the Mac App Store and failed, don’t worry. The app is free and available to download from the official Spotify website for iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS devices.
Here’s how to download and install the Spotify desktop app on your Mac.
- Open the official Spotify website in a web browser and select Download, or head to spotify.com/us/download/mac/.
- Select the Download button. This will download the Spotify Installer on your Mac.
- In Finder, select the Downloads folder in the left sidebar to find the downloaded file. Double-click the file to unarchive it.
- Open the extracted Install Spotify file. In the pop-up window, select Open to confirm.
- Wait for the installer to download and install the app on your Mac.
If Spotify doesn’t open automatically, you can find and open the app from the Launchpad. Then sign into your Spotify account and enjoy your favorite music and podcasts. The option to download Spotify songs straight from the app is only available to the Premium subscribers. However, free users can take advantage of a third-party Spotify music converter to download songs from Spotify.
How to Get the Most Out of Spotify
Now that you know how to use Spotify on your Mac, make sure to learn special Spotify tips and tricks to get the most out of it. Including how to adjust audio quality or how to stop Spotify from opening on Mac startup.
Not a fan of Spotify? Try one of the alternative music streaming services, like YouTube Music, Apple Music, Amazon Music, SoundCloud, and others.