请勿打扰——又名(Disturb—a.k.a)。DND — 是Mac 的(Mac)一项内置功能,可在您需要专注于某项活动时消除干扰。它会阻止所有应用程序通知、短信提醒和电话,同时让您可以选择允许特定应用程序和人员联系您。
注意:以下说明适用于运行 macOS Ventura或更高版本的(Ventura)Mac。如果您使用的是较旧的系统软件版本,请打开“系统(System)偏好设置(Preferences)”并选择“软件更新”(Software Update)来更新您的Mac。
在Mac上启用请勿打扰模式(Disturb Mode)
默认情况下,请勿打扰会阻止Mac上的所有应用程序和系统通知、横幅和警报。它还会阻止FaceTime通话,包括 iPhone 转接的常规电话。激活免打扰(DND):
- 选择Mac 菜单栏右上角的控制中心图标,然后选择(Control Center)“焦点”(Focus)。
- 选择(Select Do)请勿打扰(Disturb)。或者,如果您希望Mac(Mac)在定义的时间段后自动
禁用DND,请选择“1 小时”或“直到今天晚上”选项。
提示:激活“请勿打扰”(Disturb)的更快方法是在按住Option键的同时选择“通知中心”(Notification Center)图标(显示日期和时间) 。
- 重新打开控制中心(Control Center)并选择“请勿打扰”(Disturb)两次。
- 选择Mac 菜单栏上的月亮图标,然后选择“请勿(Moon)打扰”(Disturb)两次。
- 按住Option键并选择通知中心(Notification Center)图标。
在Mac上自定义请勿打扰模式(Disturb Mode)
- 打开Apple菜单并选择“系统设置”(System Settings)。
- 选择侧边栏上的“焦点”(Focus)选项卡,然后选择“请勿打扰”(Disturb)。
- 可用的“勿扰(Disturb)模式”自定义设置如下:“允许通知”、“设置(Set)计划”(Schedule)和“焦点过滤器”(Focus Filters)。以下是如何使用它们:
允许的通知 - 允许的人员
使用“添加人员”(Add People)按钮指定当“请勿打扰”处于活动状态时谁可以通过(Disturb)“消息”(Messages)应用程序与您联系。如果您只想阻止您添加的人员,请将通知(Notifications)模式从“允许(Allow)某些人”(People)更改为“让某些人(People)静音” 。
允许的通知 -允许的应用程序(Allowed Apps)
下次打开“时间敏感通知”(Time Sensitive Notifications)开关可以让需要立即关注的通知(例如即将发生的日历事件)发出。详细了解(Learn)macOS 中的时间敏感通知(Time Sensitive notifications in macOS)。
注意:在撰写本文时,只有有限数量的 macOS 应用程序支持焦点过滤器(Focus Filters)。
在Mac上启用和自定义焦点配置文件(Customize Focus Profiles)
默认情况下,macOS 提供对五个Focus配置文件的访问:驾驶、健身(Fitness)、个人(Personal)、睡眠(Sleep)和工作(Work)。例如,工作(Work)配置文件自动允许来自旨在提高生产力的应用程序的通知。
您还可以通过“焦点”(Focus)设置创建自定义配置文件,并添加三个额外的预设 - 游戏、正念(Mindfulness)和阅读 - 如果(Reading—if)您愿意(稍后会详细介绍)。
启用“焦点”(Focus)配置文件与激活“请勿打扰”类似 - 只需(Disturb—just)打开“控制中心”(Control Center),选择“焦点”(Focus),然后选择所需的配置文件即可。
如果需要,您可以自定义默认的Focus配置文件。(Focus)转至System Settings > Focus,然后选择所需的“焦点”(Focus),例如“工作”(Work)。
然后,与常规DND模式一样,您可以包含和排除人员和应用程序、添加或修改时间表以及设置焦点过滤器(Focus Filters)。
注意:您必须使用 iPhone 来完全自定义驾驶和睡眠配置文件(use your iPhone to fully customize the Driving and Sleep profiles)。
(Create Custom Focus Profiles)在Mac上(Mac)创建自定义焦点配置文件
- 打开“系统设置”(System Settings)应用程序,选择“焦点”(Focus),然后选择“添加焦点”(Add Focus)按钮。
- 选择自定义(Custom)类别。如果您想添加额外的预设焦点(Focus)配置文件,请选择游戏(Gaming)、正念(Mindfulness)或阅读(Reading)。
- 命名焦点(Focus)配置文件(例如,学习)并(Studying—and)选择合适的图标。
- 通过自定义选项以允许来自选定人员和应用程序的通知、设置时间表并激活焦点过滤器(Focus Filters)。
- 通过 Mac 的控制中心(Control Center)激活Focus配置文件。
在 Mac 上删除焦点配置文件
- 进入System Settings > Focus并选择要删除的
- 选择删除焦点按钮。
- (Select Delete Focus)在确认弹出窗口中
如果删除预设配置文件,您可以通过“添加焦点”(Add Focus)向导轻松将其添加回来。
您可以调整 macOS 中的多项设置,以进一步
停止在 Apple 设备之间同步 DND(Stop Syncing DND)和Focus(Focus Between Apple Devices)
默认情况下,当您在Mac上启用“请勿打扰”(Disturb)或“焦点”(Focus)配置文件时,它还会自动将焦点状态与您拥有的其他 Apple 设备(syncs the Focus status with other Apple devices you own)(例如 iPhone、iPad 和Apple Watch)同步。
如果您想停止此操作,请转至System Settings > Focus共享”(Share)旁边的开关。
共享焦点状态(Focus Status)
如果这听起来可能侵犯隐私,请转至System Settings > Focus > Focus Status“共享焦点(Share Focus)状态”旁边的复选框。
激活(Activate)Always-On DND/Focus Status Indicator指示灯
您可以将永久的“请勿打扰”(Disturb)或“焦点”(Focus)状态指示器添加到Mac 的菜单栏(Mac’s menu bar),以便更快地访问“免打扰(DND)”选项和“焦点”(Focus)配置文件。
转到System Settings > Control Center“焦点”(Focus)旁边的菜单,然后选择“始终(Always Show)在菜单栏中(Menu Bar)显示”选项。
不要让干扰分散(Distractions Get)你的
“请勿打扰”(Disturb)和“专注”(Focus)配置文件是出色的功能,可帮助您避免分心(avoid getting sidetracked)、克服拖延(beat procrastination)并专注于重要的事情(focus on the stuff that matters)。继续尝试各种DND自定义设置,尝试默认的Focus配置文件,创建您自己的自定义Focus模式,您应该能够找出充分利用这两个功能的最佳方法。
How to Turn On Do Not Disturb in macOS
Do Not Disturb—a.k.a. DND—іs a built-in Mac feature that eliminates distractions when you need to concentrate on an activity. It blockѕ all aрp notifications, text alerts, and phone callѕ while giving you the option to allow specific apps and people to reаch you.
Additionally, you can use custom DND modes (Apple calls them “Focus” profiles) to set boundaries for the multitude of tasks you engage in on your Mac, such as working, studying, and gaming.
This tutorial will walk you through everything you need to know about setting up, enabling, and using Do Not Disturb and Focus profiles on a Mac computer.
Note: The instructions below apply to a Mac running macOS Ventura or later. If you’re on an older system software version, open System Preferences and select Software Update to update your Mac.
Enable the Do Not Disturb Mode on Mac
By default, Do Not Disturb blocks all application and system notifications, banners, and alerts on your Mac. It also blocks FaceTime calls, including regular phone calls forwarded by your iPhone. To activate DND:
- Select the Control Center icon on the upper-right corner of the Mac’s menu bar and choose Focus.
- Select Do Not Disturb. Or, pick the For 1 hour or Until this evening options if you want your Mac to disable DND automatically after the defined period.
Tip: A faster way to activate Do Not Disturb is to select the Notification Center icon—which displays the date and time—while holding down the Option key.
When it’s time to disable Do Not Disturb, use any of the following methods:
- Re-open the Control Center and select Do Not Disturb twice.
- Select the Moon icon on the Mac’s menu bar and choose Do Not Disturb twice.
- Hold down the Option key and select the Notification Center icon.
Customize the Do Not Disturb Mode on Mac
Your Mac provides several Do Not Disturb options to customize how the feature works. To configure DND:
- Open the Apple menu and select System Settings.
- Select the Focus tab on the sidebar and choose Do Not Disturb.
- Available Do Not Disturb customization settings are as follows—Allow Notifications, Set a Schedule, and Focus Filters. Here’s how you can use them:
Allowed Notifications — Allowed People
Use the Add People button to specify who can reach you over the Messages app when Do Not Disturb is active. If you only want to block the people you add, change the Notifications mode from Allow Some People to Silence Some People.
Next, use the menu next to Allow calls from to let through calls from all or specific people. For example, choose Everybody to allow all calls or Allowed People Only to let in calls from the contacts you’ve added to the list above.
If you pick anything other than Everybody, turn on the switch next to Allow repeated calls to allow a person through if they call for a second time within three minutes.
Allowed Notifications — Allowed Apps
Use the Add button to select programs that send alerts to you during Do Not Disturb. If you want to block notifications from the apps you add, switch the Notifications mode from Allow Some Apps to Silence Some Apps.
Turning on the switch next Time Sensitive Notifications lets through notifications that require immediate attention, such as upcoming calendar events. Learn more about Time Sensitive notifications in macOS.
Set a Schedule
Set up multiple Do Not Disturb schedules with Time, Location, and App automations. For example, you can set DND to activate and deactivate within a specific time, when you arrive at a location, or when you open a particular app.
Focus Filters
Decide how apps work in Do Not Disturb. For example, if you have multiple mailboxes in the Mail app, you can choose which can notify you about incoming email messages.
Note: At the time of writing, only a limited number of macOS apps support Focus Filters.
Enable and Customize Focus Profiles on Mac
Although it’s possible to customize Do Not Disturb repeatedly to match the activities you perform on your Mac, the process can get tedious. That’s where Focus comes into the picture. It’s a feature you can use to create and save multiple DND profiles, each with its own customizations and automation triggers.
By default, macOS provides access to five Focus profiles—Driving, Fitness, Personal, Sleep, and Work. For example, the Work profile automatically allows notifications from apps geared toward productivity.
You can also create custom profiles through your Focus settings and add three additional presets—Gaming, Mindfulness, and Reading—if you want (more on that later).
Enabling a Focus profile is similar to activating Do Not Disturb—just open the Control Center, select Focus, and pick the profile you want.
You can customize the default Focus profiles if you want. Go to System Settings > Focus, and pick the Focus you want—e.g., Work.
Then, like with the regular DND mode, you can include and exclude people and apps, add or modify schedules, and set up Focus Filters.
Note: You must use your iPhone to fully customize the Driving and Sleep profiles.
Create Custom Focus Profiles on Mac
The pre-set Focus profiles aside, you can create as many custom profiles on your Mac as you want. To do that:
- Open the System Settings app, select Focus, and choose the Add Focus button.
- Select the Custom category. If you want to add an additional pre-set Focus profile, choose Gaming, Mindfulness, or Reading.
- Name the Focus profile—e.g., Studying—and pick a suitable icon.
- Work through the customization options to allow notifications from selected people and apps, set a schedule, and activate Focus Filters.
- Activate the Focus profile through your Mac’s Control Center.
Delete a Focus Profile on Mac
You can delete a preset or custom Focus profile on the Mac anytime. To do that:
- Go to System Settings > Focus and select the Focus you want to delete.
- Select the Delete Focus button.
- Select Delete Focus on the confirmation pop-up.
If you delete a preset profile, you can easily add it back through the Add Focus wizard.
Other Ways to Customize DND and Focus
You can tweak several settings in macOS to customize how Do Not Disturb and Focus work on your Mac even further.
Stop Syncing DND and Focus Between Apple Devices
By default, when you enable Do Not Disturb or a Focus profile on your Mac, it also automatically syncs the Focus status with other Apple devices you own, such as the iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.
If you want to stop that, go to System Settings > Focus and disable the switch next to Share across devices.
Disable Focus Status Sharing With Other Apple Users
Your Mac transmits your Do Not Disturb and Focus status with other Apple users on apps like Messages to let them know you aren’t receiving any notifications.
If that sounds like a possible breach of privacy, go to System Settings > Focus > Focus Status and disable the checkbox next to Share Focus status.
Activate an Always-On DND/Focus Status Indicator
You can add a permanent Do Not Disturb or Focus status indicator to the Mac’s menu bar for faster access to your DND options and Focus profiles.
Go to System Settings > Control Center, open the menu next to Focus, and pick the Always Show in Menu Bar option.
Don’t Let the Distractions Get to You
Do Not Disturb and Focus profiles are excellent features that help you avoid getting sidetracked, beat procrastination, and focus on the stuff that matters. Keep experimenting with the various DND customization settings, try out the default Focus profiles, create your own custom Focus modes, and you should be able to figure out the best way to get the most out of both features.