Microsoft Edge有一个简洁的小功能,允许用户存储他们打开的标签以供以后使用,以便他们将来可以快速返回。当您处理某事,您需要去某个地方并希望稍后尽快恢复您的工作时,这可能很有用。以下是如何在Microsoft Edge中将选项卡放在一边,如何访问已放在一边的选项卡,如何打开、删除它们、与他人共享或将它们保存到您的收藏夹:
如何在Microsoft Edge中留出标签,以便您以后可以使用它们
首先,打开您要留出供以后使用的选项卡,然后加载您感兴趣的网页。不要打开其他选项卡,只打开那些你想放在一边的选项卡。然后,单击或点击下面突出显示的“将这些选项卡放在一边”("Set these tabs aside")按钮。它是选项卡左侧的第一个按钮。

完成此操作后,“您已预留的选项卡”("Tabs you've set aside")按钮将被填充。请参阅下面的屏幕截图,并比较此按钮,当您没有预留标签时(顶部),然后当您有标签时(底部)。

您可以在不同的日子和场合保留任意数量的标签。它们由Microsoft Edge存储,直到你决定对它们执行某些操作。接下来,让我们看看可以使用预留的选项卡执行的操作。
如何在Microsoft Edge(Microsoft Edge)中查看您预留的选项卡
要查看所有已预留的选项卡,请单击或点击下方突出显示的“已预留的选项卡”按钮。("Tabs you've set aside")根据您将它们放在一边的时间,将显示一个包含所有这些选项卡的列表,按组划分。

如何在Microsoft Edge(Microsoft Edge)中打开您预留的选项卡
首先,使用之前共享的方法访问您预留的选项卡列表。如果要还原以使用整组选项卡,请单击或点击该组右侧的“还原选项卡”链接。("Restore tabs")

如果您只想打开一个组中的一个选项卡,请单击其缩略图。该选项卡将从组中删除,并在Microsoft Edge的新选项卡中打开。其组中的其他选项卡将保留供以后使用。
如何在Microsoft Edge(Microsoft Edge)中删除您预留的选项卡
您可能希望从已预留的组或整个选项卡组中删除一个选项卡。为此,首先访问您预留的选项卡列表。如果您只想删除一个选项卡,请将光标移到其名称上,然后您会看到一个X 按钮(X button),用于删除它。点击(Click)它。

如果要删除一组选项卡,请单击或点击该组右侧的X 按钮。(X button)
您还可以使用“邮件”(Mail)应用程序或其他支持共享的应用程序与其他人共享您留出的一组标签。在预留的选项卡列表中,单击要共享的选项卡组附近的更多按钮(看起来像三个点)。(More)这将打开一个包含两个选项的菜单。其中之一是“共享标签”。("Share tabs.")单击或点击它。


如果您选择了“邮件”(Mail)应用程序,请输入您要发送给的人的电子邮件地址,添加您想要的任何其他文本,然后按“(email address)发送(Send)” 。

如何将您在Microsoft Edge(Microsoft Edge)中预留的一些选项卡添加到您的收藏夹
您还可以将已预留的选项卡存储在收藏夹中。在Microsoft Edge中,打开您预留的选项卡,然后单击或点击您感兴趣的选项卡组附近的更多(More)按钮(看起来像三个点)。这将打开一个包含两个选项的菜单。选择“将标签添加到收藏夹”。("Add tabs to favorites.")



现在,您了解了有关Microsoft Edge中的设置选项卡的所有信息,以供以后使用。使用此功能并了解它的工作原理。然后,不要犹豫,发表评论并分享(comment and share)您的经验。我们很想知道您是否喜欢这个功能并且觉得它很有用。
How to set aside tabs in Microsoft Edge, and use them later
Microsoft Edge has a neat little feature that allows users to store their opened tabs for later so that they can quickly get back to them in the future. This may be useful when you work on something, you need to go somewhere, and want to resume your work later, as quickly as possible. Here is how to set tabs aside in Microsoft Edge, how to access the tabs that were set aside, how to open them, remove them, share them with others, or save them to your favorites:
How to set aside tabs in Microsoft Edge, so that you can use them later
First, open the tabs that you want to set aside for later use, and load the web pages that interest you. Do not keep other tabs open, only those you want to set aside. Then, click or tap the "Set these tabs aside" button highlighted below. It is the first button on the left side of your tabs.

After you do that, the "Tabs you've set aside" button gets filled. See the screenshot below, with a comparison of this button, when you have no tabs set aside (top), and then when you have tabs set aside (bottom).

You can set as aside as many tabs as you wish, on different days and occasions. They are stored by Microsoft Edge until you decide to do something with them. Next, let's see the actions that can be performed with the tabs that were set aside.
How to view the tabs that you set aside, in Microsoft Edge
To see all the tabs that were set aside, click or tap the "Tabs you've set aside" button highlighted below. A list is shown with all those tabs, split by groups, based on the time where you have set them aside.

For each group, you see how many tabs were set aside, their name, a thumbnail with a small preview, their logo, when they were set aside, and a few actions that can be performed.
How to open the tabs that you have set aside, in Microsoft Edge
First, access the list of tabs that you have set aside, using the method shared earlier. If you want to restore for use a whole group of tabs, click or tap the "Restore tabs" link on the right side of that group.

If you want to open only one tab from a group, click on its thumbnail. The tab is removed from the group, and opened in a new tab, in Microsoft Edge. The other tabs in its group will remain set aside for later use.
How to remove the tabs that you have set aside, in Microsoft Edge
You may want to remove a tab from a group that you have set aside, or a whole group of tabs. To do that, first access the list of tabs that you have set aside. If you want to remove just one tab, move the cursor over its name and then you see an X button, for removing it. Click on it.

If you want to remove a group of tabs, click or tap the X button on the right side of that group.
How to share the tabs you've set aside with other people
You can also share a group of tabs that you have set aside with other people, using the Mail app, or other apps with support for sharing. In the list of tabs that are set aside, click the More button (it looks like three dots) near the group of tabs that you want to share. This opens a menu with two options. One of them is "Share tabs." Click or tap on it.

Choose the person that you want to share with, from the list of people that are shown, or choose the Mail app.

If you chose the Mail app, enter the email address of the person you want to send this to, add any other text you want and press Send.

How to add to your favorites, some of the tabs that you have set aside in Microsoft Edge
You can also store the tabs you have set aside in your favorites. In Microsoft Edge, open the tabs you have set aside, and click or tap the More button (it looks like three dots) near the group of tabs that interests you. This opens a menu with two options. Choose "Add tabs to favorites."

The Hub opens and lists your favorites. If you look carefully, you see a new folder of favorites with today's date.

Open it, and you see the tabs that were in the group that you wanted to save to your favorites. Drag and drop your newly favorite pages to the folder where you want them.

Do you find this feature useful?
Now you know everything there is to know about settings tabs aside for later use, in Microsoft Edge. Play with this feature and learn how well it works. Then, do not hesitate to leave a comment and share your experience with it. We are curious to know whether you like this feature and you find it useful.