尽管复杂的计算任务、图表创建和财务分析需要一个功能齐全的电子表格应用程序(如Excel),但许多文本文档需要表格来充分构建和呈现数据。不用担心(Worry),Android用户:Microsoft Word在您最喜欢的平台上支持表格!让我们(Let)看看如何使用此应用程序将表格插入和编辑到您的文档中:
注意:在继续之前,为了格式化文档中的段落,启动Word并创建一个新文档并输入文本(document and enter text),或打开现有文档 - 按照所需步骤的链接进行操作。
如何在Microsoft Word for Android中插入表格(Android)
打开文档后,您首先需要点击菜单栏中(menu bar)的A 图标(A icon)。

现在点击主菜(Home menu)单项以打开其他菜单列表。

点击(Tap Insert)此列表上的插入以访问各种布局选项。


表格菜单(Table menu)现在处于活动状态,并且已将 3x3 表格插入到文档中。

如何在Microsoft Word for Android中的表格中插入行和列(Android)
当然,您可能需要更改表格以更好地满足您的需要。要向表格添加新行或新列,请点击表格菜单(Table menu)中的插入(Insert)。

在这里,您可以通过点击在上方插入或在下方插入(Insert Above or Insert Below)来插入新行,以在当前活动行的上方或下方插入新行。

要插入新列,请点击向左插入或向右插入(tap Insert Left or Insert Right),以在当前活动列的左侧或右侧插入新列。

请记住(Remember),如果您选择了许多行或列,则插入命令将在表中插入那么多行或列。如果您没有选择其中任何一个,您将获得一个新的row 或 column(row or column)。这就是我们的表格在插入两个额外的行和列后的样子。

删除行和列同样简单:首先点击表格菜单(Table menu)上的删除(Delete)。

要删除活动列或选定列,请点击删除列(Delete Columns)。

要删除活动行或选定行,请点击删除行(Delete Rows)。

点击删除表格(Delete Table)当然会从文档中删除整个表格。

如何在Microsoft Word for Android中设置表格样式(Android)
表格不必是简单的黑白单元格,您可以使用大量预设和可自定义的样式为它们增添趣味!要应用样式,请点击表格菜单(Table menu)上的表格样式(Table Styles)。

将出现一长串简单、网格和列表样式(grid and list table styles)的列表:点击最适合您的表格的样式(b est)。

如果您已应用样式,则可以进一步自定义其选项。为此,请点击表格菜单(Table menu)上的样式(Style) 选项(Options)。

在这里,您可以启用或禁用标题行(Header Row)和总行,以使第一行(Row)和/或最后一行填充统一的颜色,这对于定义表格标题和总计非常有用。

启用 Banded Rows使行具有交替的颜色,而 Banded Columns对列具有相同的效果。

第一列(First Column)和最后一列(Column)类似于标题和总计:启用它们使第一列和/或最后一列具有实心、统一的填充。

如果表格跨越多个页面,则最后一个样式选项(styling option)“重复标题行(Repeat Header Rows)”使标题行在(header row repeat)每一页上重复。当然,您需要打开Header Row设置才能使其正常工作。

如何在Microsoft Word for Android中对齐表格中的文本(Android)
为此,请点击表格菜单(Table menu)上的对齐(Alignment)。



如果您需要旋转文本,请点击表格菜单(Table menu)上的文本旋转(Text Rotation)。

在这里,您有三个选项,默认为“水平(Horizontal)”,但您也可以通过点击将所有文本旋转(Rotate)90º 或将所有文本旋转(Rotate)270º 来旋转文本。

如何在Microsoft Word for Android中自动调整表格大小(Android)
在触摸屏上更改行或列的大小(row or column sizes)会很困难,因此Word提供了不同的工具来调整它们的大小。要访问这些选项,请点击表格菜单(Table menu)中的自动调整(AutoFit)。

第一个选项,AutoFit Contents调整列的大小,使每个列都与其中的文本一样宽。

点击AutoFit Window使表格与纸张边距一样宽,因此表格将占据所有可用空间。

如果您点击 Fixed Column Width,您不会立即看到任何更改:此选项会固定当前的列宽,因此无论您输入或删除多少文本,列都将保持相同的宽度。

调整行和列的最后一种方法是通过分布。点击表格菜单(Table menu)上的分发(Tap Distribute)以访问这些选项。

在这里您可以点击Distribute Rows 和 Distribute Columns(Distribute Rows and Distribute Columns),它们分别使所有行和列具有相同的高度和宽度(height and width),因此表空间在它们之间均匀分布。在这里,您可以看到一个单元格中包含长文本且行和列均匀分布的示例。

用于在Microsoft Word(Microsoft Word) for Android中自定义表格的可用工具非常丰富 -桌面版(desktop edition)的几乎所有功能都包含在移动应用程序中,因此您基本上可以对表格做任何您想做的事情。幸运的是,这些工具也适用于移动设备,因此您拥有可能需要和使用的功能。在移动设备上处理表格可能会令人沮丧,但Microsoft Word的一键式工具和自动功能使这项工作变得更容易。如果您对Android上的(Android)Microsoft Word有任何疑问,请在评论部分继续提问,并继续关注更深入的教程。
How to insert and edit tables in Microsoft Word for Android
Althoυgh complex calculation tasks, chart creation and financial analysis require a fully featured spreadshеet application like Excel, many text documents require tables to adequately struсture and present dаta. Worry not, Android users: Microsoft Word has tablе sυpport on your favourite platform! Let's see how can you can use this app to inѕert and еdit tables into уour documents:
NOTE: Before going any further, in order to format paragraphs in your document, launch Word and create a new document and enter text, or open an existing one - follow the links for the required steps.
How to insert tables in Microsoft Word for Android
As soon as you have your document open, you will first need to tap the A icon in the menu bar.

Now tap the Home menu item to open up the list of additional menus.

Tap Insert on this list to access the various layout options.

Now tap Table to insert a new table into the document.

The Table menu is now active, and a 3x3 table has been inserted into the document.

How to insert rows and columns in tables in Microsoft Word for Android
Of course you will probably need to alter the table to better suit your needs. To add new rows or columns to the table, tap Insert in the Table menu.

Here you can insert new rows by tapping Insert Above or Insert Below to insert a new row above or below the currently active one.

To insert new columns, tap Insert Left or Insert Right , to insert a new column to the left or the right of the currently active one.

Remember, that if you have a number of rows or columns selected, the insertion commands will insert that many rows or columns in the table. If you don't have any of them selected, you will get a single new row or column. This is how our table looks after inserting two additional rows and columns.

Deleting rows and columns is just as simple: first tap Delete on the Table menu.

To delete the active column, or the selected columns, tap Delete Columns .

To delete the active row, or the selected rows, tap Delete Rows.

Tapping Delete Table will of course remove the entire table from the document.

How to set table styles in Microsoft Word for Android
Tables don't have to be simple black-and white cells, you can spice them up with tons of preset and customizable styles! To apply a style, tap Table Styles on the Table menu.

A long list of plain, grid and list table styles will appear: tap the one that suits your table the b est.

If you have applied a style, you can further customize its options. To do so, tap Style Options on the Table menu.

Here you can enable or disable Header Row and Total Row to have the first and/or last row filled with a uniform color, which is great for defining table headers and totals.

Enabling Banded Rows makes the rows have alternating colors, while Banded Columns has the same effect on columns.

First Column and Last Column are similar to headers and totals: enabling them makes the first and/or last columns have a solid, uniform fill.

The last styling option, Repeat Header Rows makes the header row repeat on each page if the table spans multiple pages. Of course you need to turn on the Header Row setting for this to work.

How to align text in tables in Microsoft Word for Android
To make table content look the way you want it, you might need to change its alignment.
To do so, tap Alignment on the Table menu.

The first three icons control horizontal alignment: tap them to align text to the Left, Center or to the Right, respectively.

The second row controls vertical alignment: use these to align text to the Top, Middle or the Bottom of the cell.

If you need to rotate text, tap Text Rotation on the Table menu.

Here you have three options, Horizontal being the default, but you can also rotate your text by tapping Rotate all text 90º or Rotate all text 270º.

How to automatically size tables in Microsoft Word for Android
Changing row or column sizes on a touchscreen would be hard, so Word offers different tools to size them. To access these options, tap AutoFit in the Table menu.

The first option, AutoFit Contents resizes the columns, so that each one is just as wide as the text inside it.

Tapping AutoFit Window makes the table as wide as the paper margins, thus the table will occupy all available space.

If you tap Fixed Column Width, you won't see any immediate changes: this option fixes the current column widths, so no matter how much text you enter or delete, the columns will stay at the same width.

The last way you can adjust rows and columns is by distribution. Tap Distribute on the Table menu to access these options.

Here you can tap Distribute Rows and Distribute Columns, which make all rows, and columns respectively, have the same height and width, thus tablespace is distributed evenly amongst them. Here you can see an example with long text in a cell and evenly distributed rows and columns.

The available tools for customizing tables in Microsoft Word for Android are surprisingly rich - almost every feature from the desktop edition has been included in the mobile app, so you can basically do whatever you want with your tables. Fortunately, these tools are also mobile-friendly, so you have the features you will possibly need and use. Handling tables can be frustrating on a mobile device, but Microsoft Word makes the job a bit easier with its one-tap tools and automatic features. If you have any questions regarding Microsoft Word on Android, keep asking them in the comments section, and stay tuned for even more in-depth tutorials.