Microsoft Word是一款多功能应用程序,您可以将其用于论文和文章之外。除了制作小册子(making a booklet)和传单(creating a flyer)之外,您还可以设置自己的表格或清单。
表单和清单的共同点是复选框。如果您计划创建其中一项,我们将向您展示如何在Windows、Mac和 Web

- 打开您的Word文档,转到“文件(File)”选项卡,然后选择左下角的“选项”。

- 出现Word 选项(Word Options)窗口时,选择左侧的
- 在右侧,选择自定义(Customize)功能区(Ribbon)下拉菜单
中的主选项卡。(Main Tabs)
- 选中列表中的Developer复选框。
- 选择确定以保存您的更改。

- 确保(Make)您的光标位于文档中您想要复选框的位置。
- 转到功能区的控件(Controls)部分并选择复选框内容控件(Check Box Content Control)。

- 您会看到您的复选框立即弹出。

- 将光标放在复选框的右侧并键入空格或使用Tab键。这在您的文本之前提供了更多间距。然后,添加您的复选框项目。
- 继续相同的过程为清单或可填写表格(fillable form)添加更多复选框。

- 选中复选框,转到“开发人员”选项卡,然后在功能区的“(Developer)控制(Control)”部分中
选择“属性” 。

- 在“内容控制属性(Content Control Properties)”窗口中,您将看到所有可以调整的项目。
- 使用常规(General)区域为复选框添加标题或标签,或使用锁定(Locking)区域防止复选框被编辑或删除。

- 如果要更改用于复选框的 X 符号,请转到底部的复选框属性区域。(Check Box Properties)选择选中(Checked)符号旁边的更改(Change),然后选择您要使用的符号,例如复选标记。选择确定(Select OK),您将看到新符号出现在属性(Properties)窗口中。如果您愿意,您也可以更改未选中的符号。

- 完成属性调整后,选择确定以保存更改。

在 Mac 上的 Word 中插入复选框
虽然在Mac上的(Mac)Word中插入复选框与在 Windows 上类似,但在自定义和标记复选框方面存在一些差异。
- 要在Mac上的(Mac)Word中显示(Word)开发人员(Developer)选项卡,请转到菜单栏中的Word >首选项(Preferences)。
- 选择功能区和工具栏。

- (Select Main Tabs)在自定义(Customize)功能区(Ribbon)下拉列表
- 选中列表中的Developer复选框。
- 选择保存。

- 前往“开发人员(Developer)”选项卡,然后选择功能区“旧版控件(Legacy Controls)”部分中的
“复选框”(Check Box)按钮。

- 您会看到您的复选框出现在文档中。

- 将光标放在复选框的右侧并输入空格或使用Tab键在框和文本之间增加间距。然后,输入您的复选框项目。
- 继续相同的过程为清单或表单添加更多复选框。

- 双击复选框或选择它并在“开发人员”选项卡上功能区的“(Developer)旧版控件(Legacy Controls)”部分中选择“选项”。

- 使用默认值(Default Value)部分来选中或取消选中该框,并使用复选框大小(Check Box Size)部分来调整复选框的大小。如果要在进入或退出时运行宏(run a macro),请使用下拉框选择要运行的宏(Macro)。最后,您可以根据需要调整字段设置(Field Settings)。

- 选择确定以保存您的更改。
方法一(Method one):双击复选框或选中它并在功能区中选择选项。在Default Value(Default Value)下选择 Checked(Choose Checked) ,然后选择 OK。

方法二(Method two):在开发人员(Developer)选项卡上选择保护表单。(Protect Form)然后,单击一个框将其标记为已选中。完成后,您可以再次选择保护表单(Protect Form)以禁用它。

Web 上的Microsoft Word(Microsoft Word)的工作方式与桌面版 Microsoft Word 的工作方式略有不同。您不会看到用于添加复选框的表单控件。相反,您可以使用项目符号列表功能。
由于此限制,您无法以数字方式选中您插入的框。这使得Word for web 成为打印件更可行的选择,因此您可以用钢笔或铅笔标记复选框。
- 访问Web 上的 Word并使用您的(Word on the web)Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)登录。打开一个文档或创建一个新文档。
- 将光标放在需要复选框的文档中。
- 转到主页(Home)选项卡并选择项目符号(Bullets)下拉箭头。
- 在子弹库(Bullet Library)中选择右下阴影白色方块(Lower-Right Shadowed White Square)。

- 当该框出现时,在其旁边键入您的第一个项目。

- 要以这种方式创建清单(create a checklist),请在添加第一个列表项后
按Enter或Return 。
- 您会看到另一个框出现在下方,准备好您的第二个项目。如您所见,项目符号样式与Word中项目符号列表的其他样式相同。

- 要打印您的表格或清单,请选择File > Print并按照提示下载您的文件。然后,像往常一样从您的计算机打印文档。
既然您知道如何在Word中插入复选框,请查看这些在Microsoft Word中执行其他操作的有用提示和技巧(useful tips and tricks)。
How to Insert Checkboxes in Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is a versatile application that you can use for more thаn essays and articles. Alоng with making a booklet and creating a flyer, you set up your own form or checklist.
One thing that forms and checklists have in common is the checkbox. If you plan to create one of these items, we’ll show you how to insert a checkbox in Word on Windows, Mac, and the web.

Insert a Checkbox in Word on Windows
In Word on Windows, you can insert a checkbox and adjust its properties. This allows you to mark the checkbox digitally or print the document to mark one physically.
Enable the Developer Tab
Before you can add the checkbox in Word, you’ll need to display the Developer tab which contains the checkbox form control.
- Open your Word document, go to the File tab, and select Options on the bottom left.

- When the Word Options window appears, choose Customize the Ribbon on the left side.
- On the right, select Main Tabs in the Customize the Ribbon drop-down menu.
- Check the box for Developer in the list.
- Select OK to save your change.

Add the Checkbox
Now that you have the Developer tab visible, head over to it.
- Make sure your cursor is placed in your document where you want the checkbox.
- Go to the Controls section of the ribbon and select the Check Box Content Control.

- You’ll see your checkbox pop right in.

- Place your cursor to the right of the checkbox and type a space or use your Tab key. This provides more spacing before your text. Then, add your checkbox item.
- Continue the same process to add more checkboxes for a checklist or fillable form.

Customize the Checkbox
Once you add your checkbox, you can adjust its properties. This lets you lock the box so it can’t be edited and change the checkbox symbol.
- Select the checkbox, go to the Developer tab, and pick Properties in the Control section of the ribbon.

- In the Content Control Properties window, you’ll see all those items you can adjust.
- Use the General area to add a title or tag to the checkbox or the Locking area to prevent the checkbox from being edited or deleted.

- If you want to change the X symbol used for a checked box, go to the Check Box Properties area at the bottom. Select Change next to Checked symbol and pick the symbol you’d like to use such as a checkmark. Select OK and you’ll see the new symbol appear in the Properties window. You can also change the unchecked symbol if you like.

- When you finish adjusting the properties, choose OK to save your changes.
Check or Uncheck the Box
If you want to use the checkboxes in Word on your desktop, simply click the checkbox to mark or unmark it.

Insert a Checkbox in Word on Mac
While inserting a checkbox in Word on Mac is similar to that on windows, there are a few differences for customizing and marking the checkbox.
Enable the Developer Tab
You’ll still start the same way which is by enabling the Developer tab to add the form control.
- To display the Developer tab in Word on Mac, go to Word > Preferences in the menu bar.
- Select Ribbon & Toolbar.

- Select Main Tabs in the Customize the Ribbon drop-down list.
- Check the box for Developer in the list.
- Select Save.

Add the Checkbox
To add the checkbox, place your cursor in the document where you want it.
- Head to the Developer tab and select the Check Box button in the Legacy Controls section of the ribbon.

- You’ll see your checkbox appear in the document.

- Place your cursor on the right side of the checkbox and enter a space or use your Tab key for more spacing between the box and your text. Then, type your checkbox item.
- Continue the same process to add more checkboxes for a checklist or form.

Customize the Checkbox
Once you insert your checkbox, you can adjust a few of its properties although different than the options on Windows.
- Either double-click the checkbox or select it and pick Options in the Legacy Controls section of the ribbon on the Developer tab.

- Use the Default Value section to check or uncheck the box and the Check Box Size section to resize the checkbox. If you want to run a macro on entry or exit, use the drop-down boxes to Select the Macro to Run on. Finally, you can adjust the Field Settings if you like.

- Select OK to save your changes.
Check or Uncheck the Box
If you plan to use the checkboxes in Word on your Mac rather than printing, you have two ways to mark a checkbox.
Method one: Double-click the checkbox or select it and pick Options in the ribbon. Choose Checked under Default Value and select OK.

Method two: Select Protect Form on the Developer tab. Then, click a box to mark it as checked. When you finish, you can select Protect Form again to disable it.

Insert a Checkbox in Word on the Web
Microsoft Word on the web works a bit differently than its desktop counterparts. You won’t see a form control to add a checkbox. Instead, you can use the bullet list feature.
Because of this limitation, you are unable to digitally check the boxes that you insert. This makes Word for the web a more viable option for printed pieces so you can mark the checkboxes with a pen or pencil.
- Visit Word on the web and sign in with your Microsoft account. Open a document or create a new one.
- Place your cursor in the document where you want a checkbox.
- Go to the Home tab and select the Bullets drop-down arrow.
- Pick the Lower-Right Shadowed White Square in the Bullet Library.

- When the box appears, type your first item next to it.

- To create a checklist this way, press Enter or Return after adding your first list item.
- You’ll see another box appear beneath ready for your second item. As you can see, the bullet style works the same as other styles for bullet lists in Word.

- To print your form or checklist, select File > Print and follow the prompts to download your file. Then, print the document from your computer as you normally would.
Now that you know how to insert checkboxes in Word, take a look at these useful tips and tricks for doing other things in Microsoft Word.