在Microsoft Word(Microsoft Word)中制作表格可能很棘手,但只需几个简单的步骤,即可轻松创建和自定义满足您需求的表格。在本文中,我们将教您如何在Microsoft Word中制作表格并完美自定义它。
表格是一种方便的工具,用于组织数据、使用公式进行数据计算(data calculations using formulas)、以引人注目的方式显示信息,甚至创建视觉上吸引人的图表和图表(creating visually appealing charts and diagrams)以帮助分解长段落的内容。
有七种方法可以将表格导入MS Word文档。您可以通过绘图、插入图形网格、使用插入功能、添加新的Microsoft Excel电子表格、插入现有的Excel 电子(Excel Spreadsheet)表格、使用快速表格(Quick Tables)或将现有文本转换为表格来从头开始创建它们。
无论您选择哪个选项,都必须首先打开Word文档,找到要插入表格的位置,然后在该位置单击光标。让我们使用上述方法在Microsoft Word中创建一个表格。
这是创建Microsoft Word(Microsoft Word)表格的最简单方法之一。请按照以下简单步骤操作:
- 转到功能区上的“插入”选项卡,然后单击(Insert)“表格”(Table)按钮。
- 当“插入表格”(Insert Table)对话框打开时,它将显示基本的网格图案及其下方的菜单选项。
- 使用光标选择第一个网格单元格并将其向下滑动以选择所需的列数和行数。例如,选择六列和四行。
- 该表格将在文档中自动创建。
使用插入函数(Insert Function)创建表
- 转到“插入”,然后按“表格”。
- 不要拖动光标来选择网格,而是从网格正下方的菜单中
选择“插入表格” 。(Insert Table)
- 将出现一个对话框,您可以在“表格大小”(Table Size)面板下输入表格中所需的行数和列数。在“自动调整行为”(AutoFit Behavior)面板中,选择“自动”(Auto)。您还可以尝试其他选项,看看您是否喜欢它们。自动调整(AutoFit)内容将生成一个狭窄的列,该列的大小会随着您输入数据而变化。自动调整(AutoFit)到窗口(Window)将扩展您的表格以适合文档的大小。
- 如果您希望未来的表保持此大小,请选中“记住(Remember)新表的尺寸”选项。单击(Click)“确定”按钮完成并创建表。
- 转到“插入”(Insert),选择“表格”(Table)按钮,然后从“网格”(Grid)下方的菜单中选择“绘制表格”(Draw Table)。
- 您的光标将变成一支铅笔。将其向下拖动并穿过文档以绘制一个框。您不必担心尺寸;您可以稍后修改它们。
- 现在您可以开始在其中绘制单元格和列。只需(Simply)拖动光标即可一次绘制一个。
- 如果稍后需要添加或删除列或行,可以转到“布局”(Layout)选项卡并选择“绘制表格”(Draw Table)或“橡皮擦”(Eraser)按钮。这将允许您继续使用铅笔光标绘制线条或使用橡皮光标擦除现有线条。
(Insert)在Word中(Word)插入新的 Excel 电子(New Excel Spreadsheet)表格
您可以直接在 Word 中创建 Excel 电子表格(create an Excel spreadsheet directly in Word)。请按照以下简单步骤操作:
- 转到“插入”(Insert),选择“表格”(Tables),然后从菜单中
选择“Excel 电子表格” 。(Excel Spreadsheet)
- 新的电子表格将在您设置光标的位置创建。
- 您还可以使用 Excel 的菜单和命令,并且可以使用它们来编辑表格。
复制并粘贴(Paste)现有 Excel 电子(Existing Excel Spreadsheet)表格
- 打开Excel 工作表(Excel Worksheet),突出显示所需的电子表格,然后选择“复制”(Copy)按钮。
- 打开Word并将光标置于需要插入电子表格的位置。
- 在Word(Word)的“主页”(Home)选项卡上选择“粘贴”(Paste)下拉菜单,然后选择“保留源格式”(Keep Source Formatting)。
- 您还可以右键单击鼠标并选择“粘贴选项”(Paste Options)下的“保留源(Keep Source)格式” 。
如果您不想自定义表格,请从“快速表格”(Quick Tables)菜单中选择一种 Word 模板。您还可以创建自己的设计并将其保存在快速表格库(Quick Tables Gallery)中以供以后使用。
- 转到“插入”(Insert),然后选择“表格”(Tables)和“快速表格”(Quick Tables)。
- 从“快速表格”(Quick Tables)菜单中选择适合您的项目的
- 如果您想更改详细信息,可以继续修改。
- 在Word(Word)文档中输入您的数据。请记住(Remember)用逗号将所需的每个数据条目分隔到各个单元格中。通过按 Enter 并开始一个新段落来分隔行。您的列表应该如下所示:
- 选择列表,转到“插入(Insert)”、“表格”(Tables),然后选择“将文本转换(Convert Text)为表格”选项。
- 在对话框中,确保在面板的分隔(Separate)文本下选择逗号。(Commas)然后单击“确定”。
- Word将为您进行转换,然后会出现一个表格。然后,您可以使用“表设计”(Table Design)和“布局”(Layout)选项卡对其进行修改。
如何调整Microsoft Word 表格的大小(Microsoft Word Table)
- 选择您的桌子。
- 抓住右下角出现的小方块。
- 将表格拖动(Drag)到您想要的大小。
- 将光标放在列或行边框上,直到看到双向箭头。对于列,箭头将面向左和向右;对于行,箭头将面向上和向下。
- 单击(Click)并向右或向左拖动箭头可调整列大小,向上或向下拖动箭头可调整行大小。
- 完成后,只需松开鼠标按钮即可。
如何在 MS Word 中对齐表格
- 选择表并转到“主页”(Home)选项卡。
- 在“段落”(Paragraph)部分中,您将找到“左对齐”(Align Left)、“居中对齐(Center)”和“右对齐(Right)”按钮。用它们来对齐你的桌子。
如何插入(Insert)或删除列(Remove Columns)和行(Rows)
- 将光标放在列的顶部或行的左侧,直到出现加号。
- 单击(Click)此加号可添加新列或行。
- 选择相同数量的现有行或列(如果要添加两列,请选择两个现有列)。
- 右键单击(Right-click),然后转到“插入”(Insert)菜单并选择在左侧或右侧插入列以及在上方或下方插入行。
要删除行或列,请选择它们,右键单击,然后选择删除列(Delete Columns)(或行)。
表格边框和底纹对于让您的表格看起来专业至关重要。使用这些简单的工具,您可以使您的表格脱颖而出并更易于阅读。您将在“表格设计”(Table Design)选项卡中找到这两个工具。
- 单击“边框”(Click Borders)。下拉菜单将允许您选择要添加的边框类型。将它们添加到每个单元格周围,或者仅突出显示带边框的表格外部。将光标放在选项上,您将预览每个选项如何更改您的表格。
- 一旦您决定了边框样式,请单击它以将其应用到您的表格。
- 要在特定单元格、行或列周围放置边框,请首先选择它,然后选择边框样式。
通过为表格添加背景颜色来(adding a background color to your tables)增添趣味。使用阴影下拉菜单选择用于为表格着色的颜色。您可以在“表格设计”(Table Design)选项卡中找到它。
Microsoft Word提供多种表格样式,您可以选择一种让您的表格看起来更专业。您还可以执行此操作以跳过添加边框样式和阴影。
- 选择表并转到“表设计”(Table Design)选项卡。
- 找到窗口顶部的“
表格样式”框,然后使用向上和向下箭头或“更多”箭头浏览图库。(Table Style)
- 如果将光标放在特定样式上,您将在表格上看到其预览。
- 单击(Click)所选样式将其应用到您的表格。
要调整预制表格样式,请返回“表格设计”选项卡,然后选中或取消选中(Table Design)“表格(Table Style) 样式选项”(Options)部分中的框。通过执行此操作,您可以添加或删除标题行(Header Row)、第一列(First Column)或带状行。还有更多选项,因此您可以尝试它们,看看它们如何影响您的表格设计。
- 选择您的表并右键单击它。然后,从菜单中选择表属性。
- 当对话框打开时,使用“表格”、“行(Row)”、“列(Column)” 、 “单元格(Cell)”和“替代文本”(Alt Text)来调整其大小、文本换行、对齐方式等。
- 完成调整后,单击“确定”按钮将其应用到您的表格。
How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word
Making a table in Microsoft Word can be tricky, but with just a few simple steps, creating and cυstоmizing one for yоυr needs is еаsy. Іn this article, we’ll teach yoυ how to make a table in Miсrosoft Word and customize it perfectly.
Tables are a handy tool for organizing data, making data calculations using formulas, displaying information in an eye-catching way, or even creating visually appealing charts and diagrams to help break up long paragraphs of content.
How to Create a Table
There are seven ways to import a table into an MS Word document. You can create them from scratch by drawing, inserting a graphic grid, using the insert function, adding a new Microsoft Excel spreadsheet table, inserting an existing Excel Spreadsheet table, using Quick Tables, or converting the existing text into a table.
No matter which option you choose, you’ll have to first open your Word document, find a spot where you want to insert the table, and click your cursor on that spot. Let’s use the above-mentioned methods to create a table in Microsoft Word.
Create a Table with Graphic Grid
This is one of the simplest ways of creating a Microsoft Word table. Follow these simple steps:
- Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and click the Table button.
- When the Insert Table dialog box opens, it’ll show a basic grid pattern and menu options below it.
- With the cursor, select the first grid cell and slide it down to select the number of columns and rows you want. As an example, choose six columns and four rows.
- The table will be automatically created in the document.
Once there’s a table in your document, you’ll notice two new tabs on the ribbon: Table Design and Layout. You can use these tabs to modify and stylize your newly created table. More on that later.
Create a Table with the Insert Function
Using the insert function is as easy as selecting your table layout from the grid. Here’s how it works:
- Go to Insert, then press on Table.
- Instead of dragging your cursor to select the grid, select Insert Table from the menu just below the grid.
- A dialog box will appear where you can enter the number of rows and columns you want in your table under the Table Size panel. In the AutoFit Behavior panel, select Auto. You can also experiment with other options to see how you like them. AutoFit to Contents will produce a narrow column that changes in size as you enter data. AutoFit to Window will expand your table to fit the size of your document.
- If you want your future tables to remain this size, check the Remember dimensions for new tables option. Click the OK button to finish and create a table.
Draw a Table
You can manually draw a basic table in Word. Here’s how:
- Go to Insert, select the Table button, and choose Draw Table from the menu below the Grid.
- Your cursor will turn into a pencil. Drag it down and across the document to draw a box. You don’t have to worry about the dimensions; you can modify them later.
- Now you can start drawing cells and columns inside it. Simply drag the cursor to draw them one at a time.
- If you need to add or remove columns or rows later, you can go to the Layout tab and select the Draw Table or Eraser button. This’ll allow you to continue drawing lines with a pencil cursor or to erase existing lines with an eraser cursor.
Insert a New Excel Spreadsheet in Word
You can create an Excel spreadsheet directly in Word. Follow these simple steps:
- Go to Insert, select Tables, and choose Excel Spreadsheet from the menu.
- The new spreadsheet will be created where your cursor is set.
- Excel’s menu and commands will also be available to you, and you can use them to edit your table.
Copy and Paste an Existing Excel Spreadsheet
If you have prepared data in an Excel spreadsheet but need to move it to your Word document, you can simply copy and paste it.
- Open your Excel Worksheet, highlight the spreadsheet you need, and select the Copy button.
- Open Word and position your cursor where you need to insert the spreadsheet.
- Select the Paste drop-down menu on the Home tab in Word and choose Keep Source Formatting.
- You can also right-click your mouse and select Keep Source Formatting under Paste Options.
Quick Tables
If you don’t want to customize your tables, choose one of Word’s templates from the Quick Tables menu. You can also create your own design and save it in the Quick Tables Gallery for later use.
- Go to Insert, then select Tables, and Quick Tables.
- Select the template from the Quick Tables menu that fits your project.
- You can continue modifying it if you want to change the details.
Convert Text to Table
Converting text to a table used to be messy in Word. The data in a table would end up misplaced. That’s because previously, we had to use tabs to separate the data in individual cells.
Microsoft improved this feature, and now you can separate the table fields with commas, paragraphs, or any other separation characters. Let’s see how to convert a simple grocery shopping list into a table.
- Enter your data in a Word document. Remember to separate each data entry you want into individual cells with a comma. The rows will be separated by hitting enter and starting a new paragraph. Your list should look something like this:
- Select the list, go to Insert, Tables, and choose the Convert Text to Table option.
- In the dialog box, make sure that Commas are selected under the Separate text at the panel. Then click OK.
- Word will do the conversion for you, and a table will appear. You can then use the Table Design and Layout tabs to modify it.
How to Customize a Table
Table Design and Layout tabs are filled with helpful table tools you can use to format tables. Use Table Design to stylize your table and change its looks. Here you’ll find tools for shading, painting borders, and setting their thickness, style, and color. You can also select one of the many offered table styles.
In the Layout tab, you’ll find tools to add or remove cells, rows, and columns, merge cells, split them, or split the whole table into several ones. You’ll also use this tab to set other table properties, such as the table’s dimensions, or to align the text.
However, there are quicker ways to achieve anything these tools allow you to do. Let’s see how to quickly resize, align, add, or remove columns, rows, cells, and much more in Word tables.
How to Resize a Microsoft Word Table
Resizing the table manually means you can adjust its size or modify rows and columns individually. It’s as easy as dragging and dropping.
Resize the Whole Table
You’ll have to grab and drag to make the entire table larger or smaller.
- Select your table.
- Grab the little square that appears at its bottom-right corner.
- Drag the table to the size you want.
That’s it.
Resize a Column or a Row
Adjusting only the column or a row is just as easy.
- Place your cursor over a column or a row border until you see a double-sided arrow. The arrows will face left and right for columns and up and down for rows.
- Click and drag the arrow right or left to resize a column and up and down to resize a row.
- When you are done, simply release the mouse button.
How to Align the Table in MS Word
You can align your table to the left, center, or right to best fit your Word document. This is especially useful if you resize the table to fit text around it. Here’s how:
- Select the table and go to the Home tab.
- In the Paragraph section you’ll find Align Left, Center, and Right buttons. Use them to align your table.
How to Insert or Remove Columns and Rows
If your table has too few or too many rows and columns, you can easily fix it.
Add Columns and Rows
Adding a single column or a row is simple:
- Place your cursor on top of the columns or on the left side of the rows until a plus sign appears.
- Click this plus sign to add a new column or row.
If you want to insert multiple rows and columns:
- Select the same number of already existing rows or columns (if you want to add two columns, select two existing ones).
- Right-click, then go to the Insert menu and select to insert columns to the left or right and rows above or below.
Remove Columns or Rows
To delete rows or columns, select them, right-click, and select Delete Columns (or rows).
How to Add Borders or Shading
Table borders and shading are crucial to making your table look professional. With these simple tools, you can make your table stand out and make it easier to read. You’ll find both tools in the Table Design tab.
Adding Borders
Go to the Table Design tab and:
- Click Borders. A drop-down menu will let you choose the type of borders you want to add. Add them around each cell, or only highlight the outside of the table with borders. Place the cursor over the options, and you’ll get a preview of how each one changes your table.
- Once you decide on the border style, click it to apply it to your table.
- To place borders around a specific cell, row, or column, first select it and then choose the border style.
Add Shading
Spice things up by adding a background color to your tables. Use the shading drop-down menu to choose a color with which you’ll shade your table. You’ll find it in the Table Design tab.
If you want to shade a specific row, column, or cell, first select it and then choose the color. You can also shade only the selected cells.
How to Apply a Style
Microsoft Word has many table styles to offer, and you can choose one to make your table look professional. You can also do this to skip adding border style and shading.
- Select the table and go to the Table Design tab.
- Locate the Table Style box at the top of the window, and use the up and down arrows, or the “More” arrow, to browse the gallery.
- If you place your cursor over a specific style, you’ll see its preview on your table.
- Click on the selected style to apply it to your table.
To adjust the premade table style, go back to the Table Design tab and check or uncheck the boxes in the Table Style Options section. By doing this you can add or remove the Header Row, First Column, or Banded rows. There are more options so you can experiment with them and see how they influence your table design.
Use Table Properties
If you need to set a specific row height and a column width, you should use Table Properties. Here’s how:
- Select your table and right-click it. Then, choose Table Properties from the menu.
- When a dialog box opens, use the Table, Row, Column, Cell, and Alt Text to adjust their size, text wrapping, alignment, and more.
- When you’re done with adjustments, click the OK button to apply them to your table.
Word offers you a lot of tools, but creating and customizing tables is a quick and easy task. Not only can you use the pre-formatted table templates, but you can also easily customize your own table based on the needs of your project. Whether it’s adding new rows or columns for different parts of your data or varying the widths and heights of cells, you have all the tools you need to create a professional table. Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions!