如今,当谈到共享文件时,它不再只是在计算机之间共享。现在,您使用Android 手机(Android phone)的朋友可能想要一些您从 iPhone 拍摄的视频,或者您可能想要将一堆图片从Windows PC复制到您的 iPad。
注意:本文将链接到我之前在 Online Tech Tips 和 Help Desk Geek 上的许多帖子,因为这些文章逐步解释了某些任务。 (Note: This article will link out to a lot of my previous posts on Online Tech Tips and Help Desk Geek because those articles explain certain tasks step by step. )

在计算机之间共享文件时,您可以将其分为两种类型:本地共享或远程共享。如果您需要将一些文件复制到本地网络上的另一台计算机,速度会更快,因为您将使用以太网或 Wi-Fi(Ethernet or Wi-Fi)来执行传输。
这是将大量数据快速传输到另一台计算机的最佳方式。在LAN(局域网)(area network)之外复制文件时,您会受到Internet 速度(Internet speed)的限制。如果您有 Verizon FIOS和 75 Mbps上传/下载连接(我现在有),那么将大量数据传输到远程计算机也会很快。
但是,如果你被 AT&T 困住并且上传速度只有 1.5 Mbps(我过去有过),那么上传几 GB 的数据需要很长时间。我们先来谈谈本地数据传输。
如果您尝试仅在Windows计算机之间共享数据,微软(Microsoft)终于通过在Windows 7中引入家庭组让事情变得更容易了。希望(Hopefully)您运行的不是 Windows XP 或 Windows Vista(Windows XP or Windows Vista),因为家庭组不适(t work)用于这些操作系统。如果你是,我仍然会解释你可以用来在所有版本的Windows之间共享的方法。
Windows 家庭组

要开始使用,请先阅读我关于在 Windows 7 中设置家庭组的帖子。请注意,该过程在Windows 8和Windows 10中完全相同。
如果您运行的是Windows 8,请阅读我关于如何将Windows 8 机器加入 Windows 7 家庭组的(join a Windows 8 machine to a Windows 7 homegroup)帖子。如果您在将Windows 计算机(Windows computer)连接到家庭组时遇到任何其他问题,请阅读我在 Windows 中的家庭组故障排除帖子。
Mac 和 PC 文件共享
这就是Windows PC(Windows PCs)的内容。这是最简单的方法,而且效果很好。现在假设您需要在 PC 和Mac之间共享文件,您需要做什么?

好吧,这仍然很容易,因为苹果和微软(Apple and Microsoft)在过去几年中一直在支持彼此的操作系统。这意味着现在Mac访问Windows共享文件夹非常简单,反之亦然(folder and vice versa)。
首先,您可以阅读我关于从Windows PC(Windows PC)访问Mac共享文件夹的详细教程。这很简单,(straightforward and something)大多数人应该能够做到。
如果你想反其道而行之,请阅读我关于从运行OS X的(OS X)Mac访问(Mac)Windows共享文件夹的帖子。
使用这种创建共享文件夹的方法还允许您在旧版本的Windows(如XP 和 Vista(XP and Vista) )与新版本之间共享数据,也可以在Windows、Mac 和 Linux(Mac and Linux)操作系统之间共享数据。
如果您有两台计算机都有无线网卡,您可以通过创建一个 ad-hoc 网络以无线方式连接它们。这是一个相当长的过程,并且这种方法有一些限制,所以我只建议您在无法使用(t use)家庭组或无法访问 Wi-Fi 或LAN 网络(LAN network)时使用它。

使用这种方法,您可以坐在沙滩上,仍然连接两台计算机并共享数据。如果两台计算机都有以太网(Ethernet)插孔,那么您可以购买交叉电缆(crossover cable)并通过电缆直接连接它们。
您可以阅读我关于通过交叉电缆连接两台计算机(connecting two computer via crossover cable)的帖子,但您可能会遇到一些问题,因为它更具技术性。

还有更多选项可以在本地有效地移动文件。一种选择是使用Dropbox并启用一个名为LAN 同步( LAN sync)的选项。此功能将自动确定另一台安装了Dropbox的计算机在同一网络上,而不是先将其上传到Dropbox,然后再将其同步回来,它只会通过LAN将数据传输到另一台计算机。
USB 驱动器

最后但同样重要的是,使用传统的USB 闪存(USB flash)驱动器在计算机之间传输数据。我没有首先提到(t mention)它,因为我假设大多数人已经知道这一点并希望以其他方式执行传输。
但是,值得注意的是,与计算机的物理连接可能是传输大量数据的最快方式。如果您的计算机具有USB 3.0或 eSATA 端口,则传输速度非常快。所以不要忘记(t forget)这种简单的做事方式。
以上所有内容均用于本地数据传输。现在让我们继续进行远程数据传输。假设(Suppose)您有一个朋友或家人(friend or family member),您想将数据传输给居住在世界其他地方的人,那么移动数据的最佳方式是什么?

答案是视情况而定。如果您的连接速度很快,尤其是上传速度很快,那么最好的选择是使用云存储服务(storage service)。只需(Simply)安装Dropbox、Box、OneDrive、Amazon CloudDrive、Google Drive、iCloud Drive等,上传您的数据,然后将其下载到远程机器上。
这对大多数人来说效果很好,但也有一些问题。首先,您通常必须在这些云存储服务上购买空间,这意味着它们对于尝试一次性传输 500GB 数据的人来说没有意义。其次,您必须信任Apple(Apple)、Amazon、Microsoft等第三方公司的数据。您传输的数据可能很敏感,您可能不想冒险将其放在第三方服务器上。
对于这些类型的情况,有几个不错的选择。我的最爱之一是BitTorrent Sync。使用BitTorrent Sync,没有云组件,因此您的数据传输更快、更安全。免费版没有文件夹大小限制或文件大小限制(folder size limit or file size limit)。它仅对可以同步的文件夹数量有限制。
我喜欢BitTorrent Sync的原因是它为您完成所有工作,并且非常易于使用,同时非常安全和快速。如果您更喜欢自己做这一切,您可以阅读我关于设置您自己的主文件服务器(home file server)的帖子。
在(Between) 计算机(Computers)和移动(Mobile)设备之间共享文件

如果您有运行OS X 10.7或更高版本的相对较新的Mac和运行 iOS 7 或更高版本的相对较新的(Mac)iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad),那么您可以使用称为AirDrop的功能在计算机和移动设备之间传输文件。AirDrop不适用于Android设备或(Android)Windows 或 Linux(Windows or Linux)等其他操作系统,因此它相当有限。
如果您使用Apple 设备(Apple device),但需要在Windows 机器(Windows machine)上使用您的数据,我建议您只需在 Windows 上安装 iCloud Drive(iCloud Drive on Windows)。您可以将任何类型的数据从Mac 或 Windows 机器复制到 iCloud (Mac or Windows machine)Drive。奇怪的是,在 iOS 上,您只能看到某些应用程序的 iCloud 文件,因为Apple(Apple hasn)尚未创建 iCloud Drive iOS应用程序。
如果您使用的是Android,您还有几个选项可以像AirDrop一样工作,甚至可能更好。我立即想到的几个应用是Filedrop、AirDroid和SHAREit。使用这些应用程序,您可以在您的Android 设备(Android device)、Windows、Mac甚至 iPhone、iPad 或 Windows Phone(iPad or Windows Phone)之间共享文件。
如果您的家用计算机(home computer)上已经有一些本地共享文件夹,另一个选择是使用Android 上的ES File Explorer 文件管理器或 iOS 上的(ES File Explorer File Manager)FileExplorer Free等应用程序。
这些应用程序可让您连接到Windows、Mac 或 Linux 机器(Mac or Linux machine)并访问任何共享文件夹。您可以轻松地双向传输文件。还有许多其他应用程序可以做同样的事情,所以请随意搜索。我刚刚提到这些是因为我以前使用过它们。他们可能不是最好的。
在这一点上,就可以使用哪些应用程序或服务(app or service)来完成某项任务而言,开始出现很多重叠。例如,您还可以轻松地使用云存储服务(storage service)在计算机和移动设备之间传输文件。您也可以使用BitTorrent Sync来做到这一点并绕过云。
仅在移动(Between Mobile)设备之间共享文件

如果您有Apple设备,请使用 iCloud Drive、AirDrop或 iCloud Shared Photo Albums。如果您在Android上运行4.1(version 4.1)或更高版本并带有NFC 芯片(NFC chip),那么您可以使用称为Android Beam的东西。这使您可以在两个靠近的Android设备之间无线传输数据。
对于非 Apple 设备,如果两部手机都有 microSD 卡,您也可以简单地交换它们。Android手机还支持蓝牙文件传输。Windows Phone还支持蓝牙文件共享(file sharing),所以理论上你应该可以将Android 和 Windows Phone(Android and Windows Phone)配对并共享文件,虽然我自己从未这样做过。
如果您想在iPhone 和 Android 设备(iPhone and Android device)之间共享数据,最好使用第三方云(party cloud) 存储服务(storage service),然后向对方发送共享链接(share link)。Dropbox、OneDrive、Google Drive等都可以让您共享文件或文件夹,然后对方可以下载这些文件或文件夹。
此外,如上所述,您可以为 iOS、Android 或 Windows Phone下载某些应用程序,例如(Android or Windows Phone)SHAREit ,因此您可以轻松地在任何移动(SHAREit)操作系统(operating system)之间共享文件。
我最好的建议是尝试几种不同的服务、程序、应用程序,看看哪些最适合你想做的事情。对我来说,我使用云存储服务进行某些传输,但我也经常使用AirDrop、USB 闪存(USB flash)驱动器、家庭组和共享文件夹来移动数据。
How to Share Files Between PCs, Smartphones and Tablets
When it cоmes to sharing files theѕe days, it’s no longer just about sharing between computers. Now your friend with an Android phone might want some videos уou took from your iPhone or you may want to copy a bunch of pictυres from a Windows PC to your iPad.
In this article, I hope to give you as complete a guide to sharing across devices as possible. It’s going to be long, so feel free to skip down to the section that applies to you. The sections will be broken down into sharing between computers, sharing between computers and mobile devices, and sharing between mobile devices only.
Note: This article will link out to a lot of my previous posts on Online Tech Tips and Help Desk Geek because those articles explain certain tasks step by step.
Sharing Files Between Computers

When it comes to sharing files between computers, you can break it down into two types: local sharing or remote sharing. If you need to copy some files to another computer on your local network, it will be much faster because you’ll either be using Ethernet or Wi-Fi to perform the transfer.
This is the best way to transfer a large amount of data to another computer quickly. When copying files outside of your LAN (local area network), you are limited by your Internet speed. If you have Verizon FIOS with a 75 Mbps upload/download connection (which I have now), then transferring large amounts of data to a remote computer will also be fast.
However, if you’re stuck with AT&T and have a miserable 1.5 Mbps upload speed (which I had in the past), it’ll take a long time to upload a few gigabytes of data. Let’s first talk about local data transfers.
Local Data Transfers
If you’re trying to share data between only Windows computers, Microsoft has finally made things easier with the introduction of homegroups in Windows 7. Hopefully, you’re not running Windows XP or Windows Vista because homegroups don’t work with those operating systems. If you are, I will still explain methods you can use to share between all versions of Windows.
Windows Homegroups

To get started, first read my post on setting up a Homegroup in Windows 7. Note that the procedure is exactly the same in Windows 8 and Windows 10.
If you’re running Windows 8, read my post on how to join a Windows 8 machine to a Windows 7 homegroup. If you have any other problems connecting a Windows computer to a homegroup, read my troubleshooting homegroups in Windows post.
Mac and PC File Sharing
So that’s about it for Windows PCs. It’s the simplest way and it works really well. Now let’s say you need to share files between a PC and a Mac, what do you have to do?

Well, it’s still pretty easy because both Apple and Microsoft have been supporting each other’s operating systems over the last several years. This means it’s now very simple for a Mac to access a Windows shared folder and vice versa.
First, you can read my detailed tutorial on accessing a Mac shared folder from a Windows PC. It’s pretty straightforward and something most people should be able to do.
If you want to do it the other way around, read my post on accessing a Windows shared folder from a Mac running OS X.
Using this method of creating shared folders also allows you to share data between older versions of Windows like XP and Vista with newer versions and also between Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.
Directly Connect Computers
Another way to share files between two computers is to connect them directly. You can do this if both computers have wireless cards or Ethernet jacks.
If you have two computers that both have wireless cards, you can connect them wirelessly by creating an ad-hoc network. It’s a fairly long procedure and there are some limitations with this method, so I only suggest you use it if you can’t use homegroups or don’t have access to a Wi-Fi or LAN network.

Using this method, you could be sitting on the beach and still connect the two computers and share data. If both the computers have Ethernet jacks, then you can purchase a crossover cable and connect them directly via cable.
You can read my posting on connecting two computer via crossover cable, but you might run into some issues as it’s a bit more technical.
Third-Party Options

There are still more options for getting files moved around efficiently locally. One option is to use Dropbox and to enable an option called LAN sync. This feature will automatically figure out that another computer that has Dropbox installed is on the same network and instead of uploading it to Dropbox first and then syncing it back down, it will simply transfer the data over the LAN to the other computer.
USB Drives

Last, but not least, is using traditional USB flash drives to transfer data between computers. I didn’t mention it first because I’m assuming most people already know this and want to perform the transfer some other way.
However, it’s worth noting that physical connections to your computer are probably the fastest way to transfer large amounts of data. If your computer has a USB 3.0 or eSATA port, the transfer speeds are blazing fast. So don’t forget about this simple way of doing things first.
Remote Data Transfers
All of that above was for local data transfers. Now let’s move on to remote data transfers. Suppose you have a friend or family member you want to transfer data to that lives in another part of the world, then what’s the best way to go about moving the data?
Cloud Services

The answer is that it depends. If you have a fast connection, especially a fast upload speed, then the best option is to use a cloud storage service. Simply install Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Amazon CloudDrive, Google Drive, iCloud Drive, etc., upload your data and then download it on the remote machine.
This works well for most people, but there are some issues. Firstly, you normally have to purchase space on these cloud storage services, which means they don’t make sense for someone trying to do a one-time transfer of 500GB of data. Secondly, you have to trust your data with a third-party company like Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. The data you are transferring could be sensitive and you may not want to risk putting it on third party servers.
Peer to Peer
For those types of cases, there are a couple of good options. One of my favorites is BitTorrent Sync. With BitTorrent Sync, there is no cloud component and therefore your data is transferred more quickly and more securely. The free version has no folder size limit or file size limit. It only has a limit on the number of folders that can be synced.
Obviously, if you want to sync a bunch of data between computers, you’ll need to buy Pro, but if you just need to transfer some really large files often, then the free version is perfect.
Personal File Server
The reason I like BitTorrent Sync is because it does all the work for you and is really easy to use, while at the same time being very secure and fast. If you prefer to do it all yourself, you can read my post on setting up your own home file server.
It’s definitely time-consuming and technically challenging, but also very rewarding when you get it all setup. However, you do need to be more careful about possible security issues like open ports on your router or a misconfigured firewall.
Sharing Files Between Computers and Mobile Devices
In our second section, we’ll talk about sharing data between computers and mobile devices. As before, the type of solution that works for you depends on your hardware and operating systems. Let’s start off with the easy stuff first.
Apple Users

If you have a relatively new Mac running OS X 10.7 or higher and a relatively new iPhone or iPad running iOS 7 or higher, then you can use a feature called AirDrop to transfer files between your computer and mobile device. AirDrop does not work with Android devices or other operating systems like Windows or Linux, so it’s fairly limited.
If you use an Apple device, but need your data on a Windows machine, I would suggest simply installing iCloud Drive on Windows. You can copy any kind of data you want to iCloud Drive from a Mac or Windows machine. Oddly, on iOS, you can only see iCloud files for certain apps as Apple hasn’t created an iCloud Drive iOS app as of yet.
Android Users
If you’re on Android, you also have a couple of options that work just like AirDrop and probably even better. A couple of apps that come to my mind immediately are Filedrop, AirDroid, and SHAREit. Using these apps, you can share files between your Android device, Windows, Mac and even iPhone, iPad or Windows Phone.
Accessing Shared Folders
Another option if you already have some locally shared folders on a home computer is to use apps like ES File Explorer File Manager on Android or FileExplorer Free on iOS.
These apps let you connect to your Windows, Mac or Linux machine and access any shared folders. You can transfer files both ways easily. There are also many other apps that do the same thing, so feel free to search around. I just mentioned these because I have used them before. They may not be the best.
At this point, there starts to be a lot of overlap in terms of what app or service can be used to accomplish a certain task. For example, you can also easily use a cloud storage service to transfer files between a computer and mobile device. You could also use BitTorrent Sync to do it and bypass the cloud.
Sharing Files Between Mobile Devices Only

If you’re looking to share files between mobile devices only, then you can use one of the solutions mentioned above. Thankfully, there really isn’t anything extra to mention here.
If you have Apple devices, use iCloud Drive, AirDrop or iCloud Shared Photo Albums. If you are on Android and running version 4.1 or higher with an NFC chip, then you can use something called Android Beam. This lets you wirelessly transfer data between two Android devices in close proximity.
For non-Apple devices, you can also simply swap microSD cards, if both phones have them. Android phones also support bluetooth file transfers. Windows Phone also supports bluetooth file sharing, so theoretically you should be able to pair an Android and Windows Phone together and share files, though I have never done this myself.
If you want to share data between an iPhone and Android device, it’s best to use a third party cloud storage service and then just send the other person a share link. Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc all let you share out files or folders, which can then be downloaded by the other party.
Also, as mentioned above, there are certain apps like SHAREit that you can download for iOS, Android or Windows Phone, so you can easily share files between any mobile operating system.
Hopefully, this article gave you some better ideas on how to transfer your data and didn’t confuse you more! There are lots of options and ways to go about doing one thing.
My best advice is to try several different services, programs, apps and see which ones works best for what you are trying to do. For me, I use cloud storage services for certain transfers, but I also regularly use AirDrop, USB flash drives, homegroups and shared folders to move data too.
If you have a better idea, app, service that gets the job done for you, feel free to post a comment and let us know. Enjoy!