
使Photoshop 中的图像修改变得容易的(image modification easy in Photoshop)原因在于它能够处理图层。每个单独的图像、文本和对象都在单独的图层上创建,以便以后进行编辑。
在 Photoshop 中旋转嵌入的图像(Rotate An Embedded Image In Photoshop)
- 启动 Photoshop 应用程序,单击顶部栏导航中的文件,然后单击(File)打开(Open )以选择要使用的图像。我们将在背景图片上旋转鲨鱼的图像。

2. 从右侧选择鲨鱼图像层。

- 从顶部导航栏的Edit选项中单击Transform并选择(Transform)Rotate。

- 抓住右上角的图像,旋转它,然后单击复选标记或按 Enter(Enter)以保存新方向。

如何在 Photoshop 中旋转背景图像(How To Rotate The Background Image In Photoshop)

我们将通过单击顶部菜单栏中的 Image > Image Rotation(Image Rotation) > 180°来旋转它。

如果您的图像是横向的,请按照相同的步骤操作,除了从图像旋转(Image Rotation)下的选项中选择90° 顺时针(Clockwise )或90° 逆时针(Counterclockwise)。

根据您想要旋转图像的方式,使用Image Rotation下的选项之一,如上所示。
走得更远:(Go Further: )您还可以在 Photoshop 中使这些背景图像透明(background images in Photoshop transparent)。
如何在 Photoshop 中拉直图像(How To Straighten An Image In Photoshop)
- 如果您的图像弯曲,您可以通过从左侧导航中选择裁剪工具来拉直它。(Crop Tool)

- 要旋转整个图像而不是截断部分图像,请单击顶部栏中的内容感知(Content Aware)。

- 确保您没有勾选删除裁剪像素。(Delete Cropped Pixels. ) 单击顶部工具栏上的拉直(Straighten)图标。

- 以直线在图像上拖动(Drag)一条线。当您松开鼠标时,图像将自动以线条为导向旋转。

- 当您释放该工具时, Photoshop(Photoshop)将自动旋转图像。单击Enter(Ente)键以接受更改。

- 如果您的图像没有覆盖整个窗口,您可以使用裁剪(Crop)工具扩展照片以填充画布并按Enter 键(Enter)。

保存您的文件(Save Your File)
有几种方法可以保存您的文件。首先(Start)单击File > Save或Save As。使用保存(Save )将用编辑的版本覆盖原始文件。
另存为(Save As )选项将提示您选择位置和文件类型的弹出窗口。

您的首选是将文件保存到云端(save your file to the cloud)或计算机上。如果您希望能够编辑您的项目,请务必将其保存为Photoshop文件以保持图层结构。您还可以将其保存为最流行的图像文件类型以与他人共享。

如何在 Photoshop 中旋转文本(How To Rotate Text In Photoshop)
如何使用自由变换更改文本方向(How To Change The Text Orientation Using Free Transform)
- 首先(Start)创建一个新文件。转到文件(File)>新建(New )>选择文档类型。(Select a Document Type. )我们将使用带有白色背景的默认(White Background)Photoshop 大小(Photoshop Size)。
- 从左侧边栏中,选择水平(Horizontal) 文字工具(Type Tool)。

- 从下拉菜单的下方工具栏中的选项中选择字体样式、类型、大小和大小写。

- 将光标放在背景上以打开一个文本框。在占位符文本上键入您想要的内容,然后单击复选标记以接受。
- 使用左侧栏中的移动工具(Move tool),您可以将文本拖动到画布上的任何位置。


- 要将方向从垂直更改为水平,请单击顶部栏中“编辑(Edit)”选项卡下的“自由变换”。(Free Transform)

- 您的文本周围会出现一个框。四处移动光标,直到您看到它从直线箭头变为弯曲箭头。按住光标并将文本旋转到垂直方向。


使用切换文本方向工具旋转文本(Rotate Text Using The Toggle Text Orientation Tool)
- 更改文本方向的一种直接方法是单击左侧栏中的类型(Type)。
- 现在在顶部栏中查找切换文本方向并单击它。(Toggle text orientation)

- 单击切换图标,您的文本将旋转。您可能需要编辑字体大小和位置以使其适合页面。

- 如果您的文本不适合页面,请单击文本工具以编辑字体大小。

将文本顺时针旋转 90°(Rotate Text 90° Degrees Clockwise)

选择文本层,导航到编辑(Edit)>变换(Transform)>顺时针旋转 90°(Rotate 90° Clockwise)。

如上面的屏幕截图所示,同样的过程可以将文本逆时针旋转 180° 和 90°。
最后提示(Final Tips)
请记住,如果您希望将来能够编辑或修饰您的 Photoshop 项目(retouch your Photoshop projects),则必须将它们保存为分层的Photoshop文件以保持层结构。
How To Rotate Text & Images In Photoshop
Have you ever taken a horizontal picture thаt you want to put in a vertical frame? Or have yоu embedded an image on top of a background and then wanted to rotate it?
With Photoshop, you can easily rotate and change the orientation of not only images but also the text on your photos.

What makes image modification easy in Photoshop is its ability to work with layers. Each individual image, text, and object is created on a separate layer so it can be edited later.
It is a good idea to name your layers. This makes it easier to identify when working with complex images and many layers.
Rotate An Embedded Image In Photoshop
- Launch the Photoshop app, click on File from the top bar navigation, and click Open to select an image you want to use. We are going to rotate the image of the shark on the background picture.

2. Select the shark image layer from the right-hand side.

- Click Transform from the Edit option in the top bar navigation and select Rotate.

- Grab the image by the top right-hand corner, rotate it, and click the checkmark or hit Enter to save the new orientation.

How To Rotate The Background Image In Photoshop
For this example, let’s say we scanned an image upside down.

We’ll rotate it by clicking on Image from the top menu bar > Image Rotation > 180°.

If your image is sideways, follow the same steps except choose 90° Clockwise or 90° Counterclockwise from the options under Image Rotation.

Depending upon how you want to rotate your image, use one of the options under Image Rotation, shown above.
Go Further: You can also make these background images in Photoshop transparent.
How To Straighten An Image In Photoshop
- If your image is crooked, you can straighten it by selecting the Crop Tool from the left-hand navigation.

- To rotate the entire image and not cut off parts of it, click on Content Aware in the top bar.

- Make sure you don’t check off Delete Cropped Pixels. Click the Straighten icon on the top toolbar.

- Drag a line across your image in a straight line. When you let go of the mouse, the image will automatically rotate using the line as a guide.

- Photoshop will automatically rotate the image when you release the tool. Click the Enter key to accept the changes.

- If your image isn’t covering the entire window, you can use the Crop tool to expand the photo to fill the canvas and hit Enter.

Save Your File
There are several ways to save your file. Start by clicking on File > Save or Save As. Using Save will overwrite the original file with the edited version.
The Save As option will prompt a pop-up window where you select the location and file type.

Your first choice is to save your file to the cloud or on your computer. If you want to be able to edit your project, be sure to save it as a Photoshop file to maintain the layer structure. You can also save it as the most popular image file types to share with others.

Keep Layers checked off when saving as a Photoshop file so you can edit them later.
How To Rotate Text In Photoshop
When it comes to rotating text in Photoshop, what is your goal? Do you want to rotate the axis around a single point or rotate the orientation?
How To Change The Text Orientation Using Free Transform
- Start by creating a new file. Go to File > New > Select a Document Type. We will use the default Photoshop Size with a White Background.
- From the left sidebar, select the Horizontal Type Tool.

- Choose the font style, type, size, and capitalization from the options in the toolbar below from the drop-down menus.

- Put your cursor on the background to open a text box. Type what you want over the placeholder text and click the checkmark to accept.
- Using the Move tool from the left bar will enable you to drag the text anywhere on the canvas.

We will start with a simple text in one layer and the white background as another layer.

- To change the orientation from vertical to horizontal, click on Free Transform under the Edit tab from the top bar.

- A box will appear around your text. Move your cursor around until you see it change from a straight to a curved arrow. Hold down the cursor and rotate the text to a vertical orientation.
Always remember to highlight the text layer when making edits to it.

You can use this same flexible method to rotate text in any direction you choose. Below are a few samples of different rotation effects.

Rotate Text Using The Toggle Text Orientation Tool
- A straightforward way to change the text orientation is to click on Type from the left bar.
- Now look for the Toggle text orientation in the top bar and click it.

- With one click on the toggle icon, your text will rotate. You might need to edit the font size and location to make it fit on the page.

- If your text doesn’t fit on the page, click on the text tool to edit the font size.

Rotate Text 90° Degrees Clockwise
We will start with the same simple text from above in one layer and the white background as another layer.

Select the text layer, navigate to Edit > Transform > Rotate 90° Clockwise.

As indicated in the screenshot above, this same process can rotate text 180° and 90° Counter-Clockwise.
Final Tips
Keep in mind that if you want to be able to edit or retouch your Photoshop projects in the future, you must save them as layered Photoshop files to maintain the layer structure.
To share images with others, you can also save them as popular image file types. When you do this, the layers are combined into one layer and can no longer be edited.