Spotify是世界上最受欢迎的音乐流媒体(music streaming)服务之一。它设法收集了任何平台上最全面的艺术家、专辑和歌曲的音乐库。(music library)要在Spotify(Spotify)上播放所有您喜爱的音乐,甚至是播客,您只需要一个应用程序或网络浏览器。然而,尽管使用Spotify非常直观,但您可能想知道如何做一件事:重复播放一首歌曲,尤其是在您使用智能手机的情况下!因此,我们认为告诉您在Windows以及Android智能手机和 iPhone上的Spotify中哪里可以找到重复(Repeat)按钮是个好主意:
注意:(NOTE:)在Windows 10和网络播放器应用程序(web player app)中,将Spotify设置为重复播放歌曲是免费用户和付费订阅用户均可使用的功能。在Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)上,重复歌曲只是高级(Premium)用户的一项功能。免费用户不能重复播放歌曲、专辑或播放列表,因为他们只能选择随机播放音乐。
如何在Windows版(Windows)Spotify和网络播放器中重复播放同一首歌曲(web player)
如果您使用的是适用于 Windows 的 Spotify 应用程序,(Spotify app for Windows)或者您更喜欢在网络浏览器中访问 Spotify,请(Spotify in your web browser)打开它并开始播放您想要重复收听的歌曲。

在Spotify底部的“正在播放”(Now playing)栏中,寻找一个媒体控制按钮(control button),看起来像一个圆圈中的两个箭头。那是重复(Repeat)按钮。

如果您单击或点击重复(Repeat)一次,Spotify会重复您现在正在收听的整个专辑或播放列表。(album or playlist)按钮图标(button icon)将其颜色变为绿色,并在其下方出现一个小点。


如何在适用于 Android 和 iPhone 的 Spotify 上重复播放同一首(Android and iPhone)歌曲(Spotify)
注意:(NOTE:)在本节中,我们使用在Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)上截取的屏幕截图。在左侧,您会看到来自Android的屏幕截图,在右侧,您会看到来自 iPhone 的屏幕截图。只有高级用户才能在移动设备上使用重复功能。(repeat feature)
如果您在手机上使用Spotify ,无论是(Spotify)Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)还是 iPhone,请首先播放您想重复收听的歌曲。然后,点击屏幕底部的“正在播放”(Now Playing)栏。


点击重复(Repeat)一次,让Spotify重复播放您当前的专辑或播放列表(album or playlist)。


还有另一种重复播放歌曲、专辑或播放列表的方法:在显示当前播放歌曲及其插图的“正在播放”(Now Playing)视图中,点击屏幕右上角的“选项”按钮。(Options)如果您使用的是Android(Android) ,它看起来像三个垂直排列的点,或者如果您使用的是 iPhone,它看起来像水平排列的三个点。

Spotify 会向您显示附加选项列表。其中,还有另一个重复(Repeat)按钮,其外观和工作方式与我们之前介绍的相同。如果您使用的是Android(Android) ,您可以在艺术品上方找到重复(Repeat)按钮,如果您使用的是 iPhone,则可以在艺术品之后立即找到。轻按一次重复(Repeat)使Spotify重复当前专辑或播放列表(album or playlist),轻按两次可使Spotify一遍又一遍地播放当前歌曲。

我不了解你,但是当我对我喜欢的特定歌曲下定决心时,我情不自禁——我一遍又一遍地重复它。无论您是在Windows上、在网络浏览器(web browser)中还是在手机上使用Spotify ,这样做都很快。(Spotify)不幸的是,在Android 和 iPhone(Android and iPhones)中,只有高级订阅者才能获得重复选项。(Repeat)在结束这篇文章之前,告诉我们:你经常一遍又一遍地听同一首歌吗?
How to play the same song over and over on Spotify
Spotify is one of the most beloνed music streaming services in thе world. It manаged to gather the most comprehensive music library of аrtiѕts, albums, and songs available on anу platform. To play all your favorite music, or even podcasts, on Spotify, you оnly need an аpp or a web browser. However, although using Sрotify іs pretty intuitive, there is one thing that you might be wondering how to do: play a song on repeat, especіally if you're usіng a smartphone! So, we thought it would be a good idea to tell you where to fіnd the Repeat button in Spotify on Windows, as well as on Android smartphones and iPhones:
NOTE: In Windows 10 and on the web player app, setting Spotify to play a song on repeat is a feature that's available to both free users and to those who pay the premium subscription. On Android and iOS, repeating a song is a feature for Premium users only. Free users can't play songs, albums, or playlists on repeat, as they only have the option to shuffle music.
How to play the same song on repeat, on Spotify for Windows and in the web player
If you're using the Spotify app for Windows or if you prefer to access Spotify in your web browser, open it and start playing the song that you want to listen on repeat.

On the Now playing bar from the bottom of Spotify, look for a media control button that looks like two arrows in a circle. That's the Repeat button.

If you click or tap on Repeat once, Spotify repeats the entire album or playlist that you're listening to right now. The button icon changes its color to green, and a small dot appears beneath it.

Click or tap once more on the Repeat button, and Spotify is set to repeat the current song again and again until you decide that you've had enough. 🙂 Also, you can tell that you've set Spotify to repeat the same song over and over if the Repeat button has a small number 1 on its top-right corner.

If you decide that you no longer want to play the same song on repeat, push the Repeat button again.
How to play the same song on repeat, on Spotify for Android and iPhone
NOTE: In this section we are using screenshots taken both on Android and iOS. On the left, you see screenshots from Android, and, on the right, screenshots from an iPhone. Only premium users have the repeat feature available on mobile devices.
If you're using Spotify on your mobile phone, be it an Android smartphone or an iPhone, start by playing the song that you want to listen to on repeat. Then, tap on the Now Playing bar from the bottom of the screen.

Right beneath the artwork, you should see a few media play buttons. Among them, there's also the Repeat button on the right side.

Tap on Repeat once to make Spotify play your current album or playlist on repeat.

Tap once more on the Repeat button, and Spotify is going to play your current song over and over again.

When you decide you've played that song on repeat enough to last you for a while, repeat the process and tap the Repeat button one final time.
There's also another way of making a song, album, or playlist play repeatedly: on the Now Playing view, which shows the currently playing song and its artwork, tap the Options button from the top-right corner of the screen. It looks like three dots arranged vertically if you're on Android, or arranged horizontally if you're using an iPhone.

Spotify shows you a list of additional options. Among them, there's also another Repeat button, which looks and works the same way as the one we've covered earlier. You can find the Repeat button right above the artwork if you're using Android, or immediately after the artwork, if you're using an iPhone. Tapping Repeat once makes Spotify repeat the current album or playlist, and tapping on it twice makes Spotify play the current song over and over again.

That's it!
How often do you play songs on repeat in Spotify?
I don't know about you, but when I get my mind set on a particular song I like, I can't help myself - I put it on repeat, over and over again. Doing that is fast no matter whether you're using Spotify on Windows, in a web browser, or even on mobile phones. Unfortunately, in Android and iPhones, you only get the Repeat option if you're a Premium subscriber. Before closing this article, tell us: how often do you listen to the same song over and over?