Windows 10的分屏功能非常适合多任务处理,尤其是在您使用大显示器的情况下。您可以并排、叠加或同时查看Windows 10中的应用程序,因为可以同时在屏幕上捕捉多达四个应用程序窗口。(Windows 10)借助Snap Assist,将每个窗口放置在您想要的位置比以往任何时候都更容易。以下是如何在Windows 10上分屏并并排查看应用程序:
第一件事(First thing):关于Windows中的Snap 和 Snap Assist(Snap and Snap Assist)
Snap是Windows 分(Windows split) 屏功能的正式名称,它自(screen feature)Windows 7以来一直存在。在早期的Windows版本中,Snap允许用户并排排列两个窗口,每个窗口占据屏幕的一半,这在比较两个文档或将文件从一个地方移动到另一个地方时特别有用。

在Windows 10中,分屏(split screen)已升级。您现在还可以在屏幕上捕捉三个或四个应用程序窗口(每个角落一个),您可以使用鼠标、键盘或手指(如果您有触摸屏)来完成此操作。这使您可以比较或复制和粘贴数据,而无需切换窗口和忘记您在做什么的麻烦。

顾名思义,Snap Assist是一项帮助用户并排捕捉窗口的功能。如果启用,一旦您将窗口捕捉到位,Snap Assist可让您在其他打开的窗口之间进行选择,以选择您希望适合屏幕其余部分的窗口。

有些应用程序根本无法在分屏模式下(split screen mode)使用。其他的,比如照片(Photos)应用程序,只能在一定程度上最小化,同时仍然有用。因此,根据您的显示器,它们可能不会像您预期的那样自动调整大小,因为它们会占据您屏幕的四分之一。
在Windows 10中启用分屏(Split screen)( Snap ) 和(Snap)Snap Assist等相关设置
默认情况下应启用Windows 10 分屏及其相关设置,但您始终可以确保它们已打开。(split screen)同时按下键盘上的Win + I打开设置应用程序,然后访问(Settings app)系统(System)。

如果需要,在左侧滚动,然后访问“多任务处理(Multitasking)”选项卡。分屏设置显示在右侧。要有效地使用Snap和Snap Assist ,应启用“使用多个窗口”("Work with multiple windows")部分中的所有选项。确保(Make)Snap windows开关处于On状态,并选中下面的三个框。

如何在Windows 10(Windows 10)中并排查看两个应用程序
使用分屏(split screen)和快照应用程序窗口的最快方法是使用键盘快捷键。转到要捕捉的窗口之一,同时按Win + Left arrow键将其捕捉到屏幕左侧,或按Win + Right arrow将其移动到右半部分。如果您更喜欢使用鼠标或触摸屏进行捕捉,请单击或按下(click or press)窗口的标题栏(title bar)以抓住它并将其拖动到屏幕的左边缘或右边缘。将出现一个透明覆盖,显示窗口位置的预览。释放鼠标按钮(mouse button)或将手指从屏幕上移开,将窗口捕捉到指定的空间。

无论您是使用鼠标还是键盘,只要第一个窗口就位, Snap Assist就会显示在屏幕的空白部分。(Snap Assist)单击(Click)或点击要占据屏幕另一半的窗口。您还可以使用箭头键(arrow keys)在显示的窗口预览之间移动,然后按Enter选择您想要占据屏幕其余部分的窗口。

要退出Snap Assist而不捕捉第二个应用程序窗口(app window),请按Esc键(或单击或点击(click or tap)屏幕上的任何其他位置)。捕捉的应用程序窗口(app window)保持原位,其他窗口返回到它们的初始位置。如果您想稍后手动捕捉第二个窗口,请使用与屏幕的空闲部分相对应的鼠标或键盘快捷键。
注意:您可以通过单击(或点击触摸屏,但需要几次尝试)它们之间的黑色(NOTE:)分隔线(divider line)并将其拖动到屏幕的任一侧来轻松调整两个并排窗口的大小。由于它们是对齐的,因此窗口会同时调整大小。

将光标悬停在应用程序窗口之间的边缘上会突出显示分隔线(divider line)并使其更易于单击。
提示:(TIP:)如果您使用平板电脑模式(Tablet mode),还有另一种方法可以在两个窗口之间拆分屏幕。有关更多详细信息,请阅读Windows 10 平板电脑模式(Tablet mode):了解它以及如何使用它!
如何使用Windows 10(Windows 10)中的键盘将窗口捕捉到屏幕的四个角
如果您有一个大显示器并且您需要访问两个以上的窗口,您可以使用Corner Snap在屏幕上同时容纳三个或四个窗口。如果您更喜欢键盘快捷键,最简单的方法是先将屏幕分成两半,如上一节所示,然后再使用角落捕捉。(Corner Snap.) 选择(Select one)对齐的两个窗口之一,然后使用键盘快捷键(keyboard shortcut) Win + Up arrow将其移动到屏幕一半的上角,或使用Win + Down arrow将其重新定位到下角。
移动窗口后,会弹出Snap Assist ,要求您选择其他打开的窗口之一来填充屏幕的空白部分。(Snap Assist)使用箭头在预览之间导航,然后按Enter选择要在屏幕上显示的第三个窗口。


要显示四个应用程序,您可以选择占据屏幕一半的窗口并重复该过程。首先(First),按Win + Up arrow或Win + Down arrow将窗口捕捉到剩余的角落之一,然后使用Snap Assist为显示预览的空白角落选择另一个窗口。


如果您想从头开始设置分屏角(split screen corner)窗口,并且想使用键盘快捷键进行设置,则该过程会稍微复杂一些。选择一个窗口并使用(window and use) Win + Right/Left arrow首先将其移动到屏幕的一侧。然后,在不释放Windows键的情况下,使用Win + Up/Down arrow将其移动到所需的角落。在应用程序处于角落之前释放Windows键会使(Windows)Snap Assist弹出,您的屏幕会被分成两半。如果发生这种情况,请按Esc退出Snap Assist并继续使用第二个键盘快捷键(keyboard shortcut)。

一旦一个角落已满,打开另一个应用程序窗口(app window)并使用相同的快捷方式将其捕捉到另一个角落。如果您将前两个窗口重叠在一起,则会弹出Snap Assist以填充另一半。(Snap Assist)但是您可以将它们放在对角以避免它。请记住,Snap Assist仅在您确定屏幕的哪个部分需要填满时才会出现。

您可以使用相同的方法将第三个窗口捕捉到位。在这种情况下,无法再避免快速辅助,并急切地出现以帮助剩余的角落。(Snap Assist)选择第四个窗口进行捕捉,您就完成了。

如何在Windows 10(Windows 10)中使用鼠标将窗口捕捉到四个角
在将应用程序窗口调整到屏幕的四分之一时,鼠标是最好的方法。按下应用程序的标题栏(title bar)将其拖动到屏幕的四个角之一,以显示透明覆盖(transparent overlay)。当您对放置预览(placement preview)感到满意时松开鼠标按钮(mouse button)。

然后,您可以打开另一个要使用的窗口并执行相同的操作。当左半部分或右半部分空闲或屏幕的四分之一为空时,Snap Assist会弹出以帮助您。(Snap Assist)如果您有触摸屏,您也可以使用此方法用手指将应用拖放到屏幕一角。但是,可能需要多次尝试,因为在Corner Snap(Corner Snap)时叠加层并不总是出现。
在Windows 10(Windows 10)中使用多台显示器时如何分屏
当您有两个或更多显示器时,并排对齐窗口在Windows 10中的工作方式几乎相同。(Windows 10)要了解更多信息,请阅读:如何并排捕捉Windows应用程序并在两个显示器上拆分屏幕。(Windows)

您在Windows 10中使用多少个应用程序来分屏(split screen)?
我们喜欢Windows 10(Windows 10)中的分屏功能,但我们通常只在两个窗口中使用它。添加更多应用程序会使它们在我们的显示器上变得太小,我们最终会浪费时间试图找到我们需要的信息。你呢?您的显示器是否足够大以容纳四个应用程序窗口?您是否将分屏功能用于工作或娱乐(work or fun)?在下面的评论部分让我们知道。
How to split screen on Windows 10 and view apps side by side
The Windows 10 split screen feature is excellent for multitasking, especially іf you're using a large dіsplay. You can view apps in Windows 10 side by side, on top of each other, or both, since it's possible to snap up to four app windows on the screen at the same time. And with Snap Assist, getting each window right where you want it is easier than ever. Here is how to split screen on Windows 10 and view apps side by side:
First thing first: About Snap and Snap Assist in Windows
Snap is the official name for the Windows split screen feature, and it has been around since Windows 7. In earlier Windows versions, Snap allowed users to arrange two windows side by side, each taking up half of the screen, which is especially helpful when comparing two documents or when moving files from one place to another.

In Windows 10, the split screen has been upgraded. You can now also snap three or four app windows on your screen (one for each corner), and you can accomplish this using either your mouse, keyboard, or finger (if you have a touch screen). This lets you compare or copy and paste data without the hassle of switching windows and losing track of what you were doing.

As the name implies, Snap Assist is a feature that assists users in snapping windows side by side. If enabled, once you snap a window into place, Snap Assist lets you choose between your other open windows for the one you want to fit on the remainder of the screen.

Some apps cannot be used in split screen mode at all. Others, like the Photos app, can only be minimized to a certain extent while still being useful. Therefore, depending on your display, they might not resize automatically as you'd expect when snapping them to take up a quarter of your screen.
Enable Split screen (Snap) and related settings like Snap Assist in Windows 10
The Windows 10 split screen and its related settings should be enabled by default, but you can always make sure they are turned on. Open the Settings app by simultaneously pressing Win + I on your keyboard, and access System.

On the left-hand side, scroll if you need to, and access the Multitasking tab. The split screen settings are displayed on the right-hand side. To use Snap and Snap Assist efficiently, all the options in the "Work with multiple windows" section should be enabled. Make sure the Snap windows switch is On, and the three boxes underneath are checked.

How to view two applications side by side in Windows 10
The fastest way to use split screen and snap app windows is with keyboard shortcuts. Go to one of the windows you want to snap and press the Win + Left arrow keys simultaneously, to snap it to the left side of the screen, or Win + Right arrow to move it to the right half. If you prefer using the mouse or your touch screen to snap, click or press on the title bar of a window to grab it and drag it to the left or right edge of the screen. A transparent overlay appears, showing a preview of the window's placement. Release the mouse button or take the finger off the screen to snap the window into the indicated space.

Whether you're using your mouse or your keyboard, Snap Assist shows up on the empty half of the screen as soon as the first window is into place. Click or tap on the window you want to take up the other half of your screen. You can also use the arrow keys to move between the shown window previews and press Enter to choose the one you want taking up the remainder of the screen.

To exit Snap Assist without snapping a second app window, press the Esc key (or click or tap anywhere else on the screen). The snapped app window stays in place, and the other windows return to their initial position. Use the mouse or the keyboard shortcut corresponding to the free half of your screen if you want to snap a second window manually later on.
NOTE: You can easily resize the two side-by-side windows by clicking (or tapping on a touch screen, but it takes a few tries) on the dark divider line between them and dragging it to either side of the screen. Since they are snapped together, the windows resize simultaneously.

Hovering your cursor over the edge between the app windows highlights the divider line and makes it easier to click.
TIP: If you are using Tablet mode, there is an additional way to split your screen between two windows. For more details, read Windows 10 Tablet mode: Learn all about it and how to use it!
How to snap windows to the four corners of the screen using the keyboard in Windows 10
If you have a large display and you need to access more than two windows, you can use Corner Snap to fit three or four windows on your screen at the same time. If you prefer keyboard shortcuts, it's easiest to first split your screen into two halves, as seen in the previous section, before using Corner Snap. Select one of the two windows snapped into place and use the keyboard shortcut Win + Up arrow, to move it to the upper corner of its half of the screen, or Win + Down arrow to reposition it in the lower corner.
As soon as the window is moved, Snap Assist pops up, asking you to select one of the other open windows to fill the empty part of your screen. Use the arrows to navigate between the previews and press Enter to select a third window to display on your screen.

Your screen is now split between three windows.

To show four apps, you can select the window that takes up half of your screen and repeat the process. First, press Win + Up arrow or Win + Down arrow to snap the window to one of the remaining corners, and then use Snap Assist to select another window for the empty corner showing the previews.

You now have four app windows displayed on your screen at the same time.

If you want to start setting up your split screen corner windows from scratch, and you want to do it using keyboard shortcuts, the process is a bit more complicated. Select a window and use Win + Right/Left arrow to first move it to a side of the screen. Then, without releasing the Windows key, use Win + Up/Down arrow to move it to the desired corner. Releasing the Windows key before the app is in a corner makes Snap Assist pop up, and your screen just gets split in half. If this happens, press Esc to exit Snap Assist, and continue with the second keyboard shortcut.

Once one corner is full, open another app window and use the same shortcuts to snap it into another corner. If you snap the first two windows on top of each other, Snap Assist pops up to fill the other half. But you can place them in opposite corners to avoid it. Keep in mind that Snap Assist appears only when there is no doubt over which part of your screen needs filling up.

You can use the same method to snap a third window into place. Snap Assist can no longer be avoided in this case and eagerly shows up to help with the remaining corner. Choose a fourth window to snap, and you are done.

How to snap windows to the four corners using the mouse in Windows 10
When it comes to fitting app windows into a quarter of the screen, the mouse is the best way to do it. Press the app's title bar to grab it and drag it to one of the four corners of your screen to make the transparent overlay appear. Release the mouse button when you are happy with the placement preview.

You can then open another window you want to use and do the same. The Snap Assist pops up to help you when either the left or right half are free or when or a quarter of the screen remains empty. If you have a touch screen, you can also use your finger to drag and drop apps to the corner of the screen with this method. However, it might take several tries, because the overlay doesn't always show up when it comes to Corner Snap.
How to split screen when using multiple monitors in Windows 10
Snapping windows side by side works pretty much the same in Windows 10 when you have two monitors or more. To learn more, read: How to snap Windows apps side by side and split the screen on two monitors.

How many apps do you use with split screen in Windows 10?
We like the split screen feature in Windows 10, but we generally use it with two windows only. Adding more apps makes them too small on our monitors, and we end up wasting time trying to find the info we need. What about you? Is your monitor big enough to fit four app windows on it? Do you use the split screen feature for work or fun? Let us know in the comments section below.