在家工作时,麦克风和网络摄像头(microphone & webcam)已成为每个计算机系统(computer system)中最重要的组件。因此,保持其功能处于最佳状态应该是您的首要任务。对于在线会议,您需要一个可用的麦克风,以便其他人可以听到您的讲话。但是,您可能已经注意到Windows 10中的麦克风电平(microphone level)有时过低,需要您对着设备大声喊叫才能看到指示器上的任何动作。大多数时候,这个麦克风太安静的问题Windows 10突然出现,即使在重新安装USB 设备后仍然存在(USB device)司机。我们为您带来了一个完美的指南,将教您如何通过学习增加麦克风提升来修复麦克风太安静的(microphone boost)Windows 10问题。
如何在 Windows 10 上修复麦克风太安静(How to Fix Microphone Too Quiet on Windows 10)
- 日常使用不需要昂贵的麦克风或隔音录音室设置。(recording studio setup)只要限制周围的噪音量(limit the quantity of noise around you)就足够了。耳塞也可以用作替代品。
- 虽然您通常可以在安静的环境中逃脱,但在嘈杂的区域与Discord、Microsoft Teams、Zoom或其他呼叫应用程序上的某人聊天可能会导致问题。尽管其中许多应用程序可以修改音频设置(modify audio settings),但在Windows 10中调整或提高(Windows 10)麦克风音量(microphone volume)要容易得多。
为什么你的麦克风太安静了?(Why Your Microphone is Too Quiet?)
当您尝试在 PC 上使用麦克风时,您会发现由于各种原因声音不够大,例如:
- 您的硬件和软件(hardware and software)与麦克风不兼容。
- 麦克风并没有变得更响亮。
- 麦克风质量不是很好。
- 麦克风可与声音放大器配合使用。
无论(Regardless)问题是硬件还是软件问题,都有一种技术可以提高麦克风的音量。根据您的特定需求调整麦克风参数是解决您的麦克风太安静的Windows 10问题的简单方法。您也可以将通信声音(communication sound)用作高级选项。请记住,您可以通过从制造商网站(manufacturer website)下载驱动程序来修复Realtek 麦克风(Realtek microphone)太安静的Windows 10问题,该网站也提供长期支持。请记住,更改系统声音设置并不能解决所有问题。可以想象,您的麦克风无法胜任这项任务,必须更换。
许多客户抱怨他们的麦克风音量太低,导致通话时太安静。以下是解决Windows 10中(Windows 10)Realtek 麦克风(Realtek microphone)太安静的问题的一些选项。
方法 1:删除虚拟音频设备(Method 1: Remove Virtual Audio Devices)
您的PC 麦克风(PC mic)可能太安静了,因为需要调整操作系统设置,并且您可能需要在应用程序中提高(operating system)主音量(master sound level)。麦克风太安静可能是因为您安装了虚拟音频设备(virtual audio device),例如允许您在应用程序之间重新路由音频的应用程序。
1.如果你需要虚拟设备,去它的选项看看你是否可以放大或提高(amplify or raise the) 麦克风音量(mic volume)。
2. 如果问题仍然存在,如果不需要,请卸载虚拟设备,然后重新启动 PC。(uninstall the virtual device)
方法二:正确连接外接麦克风(Method 2: Connect External Microphone Properly)
此问题的其他可能性包括用于记录的损坏的硬件。Windows 10中的(Windows 10)麦克风(Microphone)音量通常开始低于满容量,以在保持质量的同时避免其他人的不适。如果您有低功率的音频输入(audio input)设备,那么您可能会发现您的Windows 10麦克风因此过于安静。对于USB(USB)麦克风和Realtek 麦克风(Realtek microphone)驱动程序尤其如此。
- 如果您使用的是外部麦克风而不是内置麦克风,请检查您的麦克风是否正确连接(properly connected)到您的 PC。
- 如果您的电缆连接松散(cable is loosely connected),也可能会出现此问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 未安装音频(No Audio) 设备(Devices)
方法 3:使用音量热键(Method 3: Use Volume Hotkeys)
1A。您可以使用箭头键按(arrow keys)Fn或按笔记本电脑上相应的音量增大或减小按钮(increase or decrease volume button)。
1B。或者,根据制造商提供的内置音量热键按键盘上的提高音量键。(Volume Up key)
方法四:增加输入设备音量(Method 4: Increase Input Device Volume)
如果在声音设置中未适当调整强度,则(Sound)Windows 10上麦克风的音量过低。因此,它必须在适当的级别同步,如下所示:
1. 同时按下Windows key + I keys打开 Windows 设置(Settings)。
2. 点击系统(System)设置,如图所示。
3.从左窗格转到声音选项卡。(Sound )
4. 单击输入(Input)部分下的设备属性。(Device properties)
5. 根据需要,调整突出显示的麦克风音量( Volume )滑块。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Windows 10 上增加音量
方法五:增加应用量(Method 5: Increase App Volume)
您不需要任何麦克风增强软件(microphone boost software)来增加麦克风音量(microphone volume),您的系统默认(system default)驱动程序和Windows设置就足够了。调整这些会提高Discord和其他应用程序的麦克风音量,但也可能会增加噪音。这通常比别人听不见你的声音要好。
可以在多个程序以及Windows 10中控制麦克风音量(microphone volume)。检查以验证正在使用您的麦克风的应用程序是否具有麦克风的音频选项。如果是,则尝试从Windows 设置(Windows Settings)中增加它,如下所示:
1. 导航到Windows Settings > System > Sound,如方法 4(Method 4)所示。
2. 在高级声音选项下,(Advanced sound options, )点击应用音量和设备(App volume and device) 偏好(preferences),如图所示。
3. 现在在App Volume部分,检查您的应用是否需要音量控制。
4. 向右滑动应用程序音量(app volume)(例如Mozilla Firefox)以增加音量,如下图所示。
现在检查您是否在Windows 10 PC中启用了麦克风增强功能。(microphone boost)
方法 6:增加麦克风音量(Method 6: Increase Microphone Volume)
Windows 10中的麦克风可能设置得太低。以下是修改它的方法:
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入控制面板(Control Panel)并单击打开(Open)。
2. 设置View by: > 大图标(Large icons )并单击声音( Sound)选项。
3. 切换到录制(Recording)选项卡。
4. 双击麦克风设备(microphone device)(例如麦克风阵列(Microphone Array))打开属性(Properties)窗口。
5. 切换到Levels选项卡并使用Microphone滑块增加音量。
6. 单击Apply > OK以保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复(Fix Device)Windows 10上的设备未迁移错误(Migrated Error)
方法 7:增加麦克风增强(Method 7: Increase Microphone Boost)
麦克风增强(Mic boost)是一种音频增强,除了当前的音量级别外,还应用于麦克风。如果您的麦克风在更改音量后仍然安静,您可以通过执行以下步骤来提高 Windows 10的麦克风音量:(boost Windows 10)
1. 重复方法 6的(Method 6)步骤 1-4(Steps 1-4)以导航到麦克风阵列属性(Microphone Array Properties)窗口的级别(Levels)选项卡。
2. 向右滑动Microphone Boost,直到麦克风的音量足够大。
3. 单击Apply > OK以保存更改。
方法 8:运行录制音频疑难解答(Method 8: Run Recording Audio Troubleshooter)
如果您之前已在声音(Sound)设置下验证了麦克风的音量,则可以使用录音音频疑难解答。(Recording Audio Troubleshooter)这可以帮助您在一个组织良好的列表中发现任何麦克风故障排除(microphone troubleshooting),并提供解决问题的建议。
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys启动 Windows设置(Settings)。
2. 选择更新和安全(Updates & Security)设置。
3. 单击左侧窗格中的(left pane)疑难解答(Troubleshoot)选项卡,然后向下滚动到查找并修复其他问题(Find and fix other problems)部分
4. 在这里,从列表中选择录制音频(Recording Audio ),然后单击运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter)按钮,如下图所示。
5. 等待故障排除程序检测并修复与音频相关的问题。
6. 该过程完成后,选择应用推荐的修复程序(Apply the recommended fix)并重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中使(Windows 10)麦克风静音(Microphone)
方法 9:禁止对麦克风的独占控制(Method 9: Disallow Exclusive Control of Microphone)
1. 如图所示,导航到控制面板(Control Panel)>声音(Sound)。
2. 转到录制(Recording )选项卡
3. 双击您的麦克风设备(microphone device)(例如麦克风阵列(Microphone Array))打开属性。(Properties.)
4. 在这里,切换到高级(Advanced)选项卡并取消选中标记为允许应用程序独占控制此设备(Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device)的框,如下图所示。
5. 单击Apply > OK以保存更改。
方法 10:禁止自动调整声音(Method 10: Disallow Automatic Adjustment of Sound)
以下是禁止自动调整声音以修复麦克风太安静的Windows 10问题的步骤:
1. 打开控制面板(Control Panel)并像之前一样选择声音(Sound)选项。
2. 切换到通讯(Communications )选项卡。
3. 选择什么都不做(Do nothing )选项来禁用音量的自动调整。
4. 单击应用(Apply)保存更改,然后单击确定(OK )并退出(Exit)。
5. 要应用修改,请重新启动(restart) 您的 PC(your PC)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Windows 10 中的 I/O 设备错误
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。如何在 Windows 10 中增加麦克风的音量?(Q1. How can I increase the volume of my microphone in Windows 10?)
答。(Ans. )当人们无法通过您的 PC 听到您的声音时,您可以调高Windows 10上的麦克风音量。要提高麦克风的音量,请单击屏幕底部栏中的声音图标并调整不同的(Sounds)麦克风和音量参数(microphone and volume parameters)。
Q2。我的麦克风突然变得这么安静是怎么回事?(Q2. What’s up with my microphone suddenly being so quiet?)
答。(Ans. )如果没有其他方法,请转到Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. 查找最近安装的更新,然后将其删除。
Q3。如何阻止 Windows 更改麦克风的音量?(Q3. How can I stop Windows from altering the volume of my microphone?)
答。(Ans. )如果您使用的是桌面版(Desktop version),请转到音频( Audio)设置并取消选中标题为自动更新麦克风设置(Automatically update microphone settings)的选项。
- 如何检查Windows 11是否支持现代待机(Standby)
- 修复 Xbox One 耳机不工作
- 修复(Fix Low Microphone Volume)Windows 11中的低麦克风音量
- 修复声音(Fix Sound Keeps)在Windows 10中不断中断(Windows 10)
我们希望这些信息可以帮助您通过使用麦克风增强(Microphone boost)功能来解决您的麦克风太安静的 Windows 10问题。(microphone too quiet Windows 10)让我们知道您发现哪种方法最成功地解决了这个问题。在下面的评论部分中删除(Drop)查询/建议。
How to Fix Microphone Too Quiet on Windows 10
While working from home, the microphone & webcam have beсome the most significant components of every computer system. As a result, keeping its features in top shape should be your top priority. For an online meeting, you will need a working microphone so that others can hear you speak. However, you may have noted that thе mіcrophone lеvel in Windows 10 is sometimes excessively low, requiring you to shout into the device to see any movеment on the indicator. Most of the time, this problem of the microphone being too quiet Windows 10 appears out of nowhere and persists еνen after reinstalling USB device drіvers. We bring to you a perfect guide that will teach you how to fix microphone tоo quiet Windows 10 issυe by learning to increаse microphone boost.
How to Fix Microphone Too Quiet on Windows 10
Laptops have built-in microphones, while on Desktops, you can buy an inexpensive mic to plug into the audio socket.
- A pricey microphone or a sound-proof recording studio setup is not necessary for regular usage. It will suffice if you limit the quantity of noise around you. Earbuds can also be used as an alternative.
- Though you can usually get away with a quiet environment, chatting to someone on Discord, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or other calling applications in a noisy area might cause problems. Although many of these apps can modify audio settings, it is significantly easier to adjust or boost the microphone volume in Windows 10.
Why Your Microphone is Too Quiet?
When you try to utilize your mic on your PC, you will discover that it is not loud enough for a variety of reasons, such as:
- Your hardware and software are incompatible with the microphone.
- The microphone was not made to be any louder.
- The mic quality is not very good.
- The microphone is made to work with sound amplifiers.
Regardless of whether the issue is hardware or software, there is a technique to raise the volume of your microphone. Adjusting the mic parameters to your specific needs is a simple method to solve your microphone too quiet Windows 10 problem. You may also use the communication sound as an advanced option. Remember that you may fix Realtek microphone too quiet Windows 10 problem by downloading drivers from the manufacturer website, which also provides long-term support. Keep in mind that changing your system sound settings will not cure all of your problems. It is conceivable that your microphone is not up to the task and has to be replaced.
Many customers complained that the volume on their microphone is too low, and as a result, too quiet during calls. Here are a few options for resolving this issue of Realtek microphone being too quiet in Windows 10.
Method 1: Remove Virtual Audio Devices
It is possible that your PC mic is too quiet because the operating system settings need to be adjusted and you may need to boost the master sound level in the app. It is possible that the mic is too quiet because you have a virtual audio device installed, such as an app that lets you reroute audio between applications.
1. If you need the virtual device, go at its options to see if you can amplify or raise the mic volume.
2. If the issue persists, then uninstall the virtual device if it is not required, and restart your PC afterward.
Method 2: Connect External Microphone Properly
Other possibilities for this issue include broken hardware being used to record. Microphone volumes in Windows 10 typically start below full capacity to spare other people discomfort while retaining quality. If you have low-powered audio input devices, then you may discover that your Windows 10 microphone is overly quiet resultantly. This is especially true with USB microphones and Realtek microphone drivers.
- If you are using an external microphone instead of a built-in one, check if your microphone is properly connected to your PC.
- This issue might also raise if your cable is loosely connected.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 No Audio Devices are Installed
Method 3: Use Volume Hotkeys
This problem might be related to your volume controls, making it perceivable as a microphone-related issue. On your keyboard check your volume manually.
1A. You can press the Fn with arrow keys or press the increase or decrease volume button if it is given on your laptop accordingly.
1B. Alternately, press the Volume Up key on your keyboard according to the inbuilt volume hotkeys provided by the manufacturer.
Method 4: Increase Input Device Volume
When the intensity is not adjusted appropriately in the Sound settings, the volume on the microphone on Windows 10 is too low. Thus, it must be synchronized at an appropriate level, as follows:
1. Press Windows key + I keys simultaneously to open Windows Settings.
2. Click on System Settings, as shown.
3. Go to the Sound tab from the left pane.
4. Click on the Device properties under the Input section.
5. As needed, adjust the Microphone Volume slider shown highlighted.
Also Read: How to Increase Volume on Windows 10
Method 5: Increase App Volume
You would not need any microphone boost software to increase your microphone volume, your system default drivers and Windows settings should suffice. Adjusting these will boost mic volume on Discord and other apps, but it may also increase noise. This is usually better than someone being unable to hear you.
The microphone volume may be controlled in several programs, as well as in Windows 10. Check to verify whether the app that is utilizing your microphone has an audio option for the microphone. If it does, then try to increase it from the Windows Settings, as follows:
1. Navigate to Windows Settings > System > Sound as shown in Method 4.
2. Under Advanced sound options, click on App volume and device preferences, as shown.
3. Now in the App Volume section, check if your app has required volume controls.
4. Slide the app volume (e.g. Mozilla Firefox) to the right to increase the volume, as depicted below.
Now check if you have enabled microphone boost in Windows 10 PC.
Method 6: Increase Microphone Volume
The microphone in Windows 10 may have been set too low. Here’s how to modify it:
1. Press the Windows key, type Control Panel and click on Open.
2. Set View by: > Large icons and click on Sound option.
3. Switch to the Recording tab.
4. Double-click on the microphone device (e.g. Microphone Array) to open the Properties window.
5. Switch to the Levels tab and use the Microphone slider to increase the volume.
6. Click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
Also Read: Fix Device Not Migrated Error on Windows 10
Method 7: Increase Microphone Boost
Mic boost is a type of audio enhancement that is applied to the microphone in addition to the present level of volume. If your mic is still quiet after altering the level, you can microphone boost Windows 10 by implementing the following steps:
1. Repeat Steps 1-4 of Method 6 to navigate to the Levels tab of Microphone Array Properties window.
2. Slide Microphone Boost to the right till the volume of your mic is loud enough.
3. Click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
Method 8: Run Recording Audio Troubleshooter
You can use the Recording Audio Troubleshooter if you have previously verified the volume of your mic under the Sound settings. This can help you discover any microphone troubleshooting in a well-organized list and provide suggestions to resolve the problem.
1. Launch Windows Settings by pressing Windows + I keys together.
2. Select the Updates & Security Settings.
3. Click on Troubleshoot tab in the left pane and scroll down to the Find and fix other problems section
4. Here, choose Recording Audio from the list and click on the Run the troubleshooter button as illustrated below.
5. Wait for the troubleshooter to detect and fix audio-related issues.
6. Once the process is completed, choose to Apply the recommended fix and restart your PC.
Also Read: How to Mute Microphone in Windows 10
Method 9: Disallow Exclusive Control of Microphone
1. Navigate to Control Panel > Sound as shown.
2. Go to the Recording tab
3. Double-click your microphone device (e.g. Microphone Array) to open Properties.
4. Here, switch to the Advanced tab and uncheck the box marked Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device, as depicted below.
5. Click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
Method 10: Disallow Automatic Adjustment of Sound
Here are the steps to disallow automatic adjustment of sound to fix microphone too quiet Windows 10 issue:
1. Open Control Panel and select the Sound option as earlier.
2. Switch to the Communications tab.
3. Select the Do nothing option to disable the automatic adjustment of sound volume.
4. Click on Apply to save changes followed by OK and Exit.
5. To apply the modifications, restart your PC.
Also Read: Fix I/O Device Error in Windows 10
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. How can I increase the volume of my microphone in Windows 10?
Ans. When people are having trouble hearing you via your PC, you may turn up the mic volume on Windows 10. To boost the level of your microphone, click the Sounds icon in the bottom bar of your screen and adjust different microphone and volume parameters.
Q2. What’s up with my microphone suddenly being so quiet?
Ans. If nothing else works, go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. Look for Updates that were recently installed, and delete them.
Q3. How can I stop Windows from altering the volume of my microphone?
Ans. If you are using the Desktop version, go to Audio Settings and uncheck the option titled Automatically update microphone settings.
We hope this information helped you to resolve your microphone too quiet Windows 10 issue by using Microphone boost feature. Let us know which method you found to be the most successful in resolving this problem. Drop queries/suggestions in the comments section below.