在从Windows 8中移除备受争议的“开始”菜单后,开始菜单(Start Menu)在Windows 10中卷土重来。为了取悦整个用户群(user base),微软(Microsoft)从头开始重新设计了“开始”菜单(Start Menu),使其高度可定制且比以往任何时候都更好。Windows 10中最好的开始菜单(Start Menu)功能之一是可以调整大小。阅读本指南,了解如何使用鼠标、键盘或触摸屏轻松更改“开始”菜单的(Start Menu's)大小:
注意:(NOTE:)提供的功能在Windows 10 版本 1903(Version 1903)(2019 年 5 月(May 2019) 更新(Update))或更高版本中可用。如果您使用的是旧版本的Windows 10,您可能无法访问所有功能。检查您的Windows 10版本,并在必要时获取适用于您的最新Windows 10更新。
Windows 10 开始菜单(Start Menu)以及如何访问它
当您启动 Windows 10 时,开始菜单(Start Menu)可能是您在桌面上首先注意到的内容之一。它本质上是Windows 8的开始(Start)屏幕和Windows 7的经典(Windows 7)开始菜单(Start Menu)之间的混合。因此,默认情况下,它会在左侧显示应用程序和设置列表,在右侧显示动态磁贴和快捷方式。

但是,不要以为您会被这种外观所困扰。可以修改Windows 10 开始菜单(Start Menu)以满足您的需求,无论您是想将所有内容固定到它、配置它显示的应用程序和项目(apps and items),还是阻止它推广应用程序。
从本质上讲, Windows 10中的“(Windows 10)开始”菜单(Start Menu)与操作系统(operating system)中的任何其他应用程序相似,因此,在调整大小时,可用的选项几乎相同。但是,要按照下面说明的任何步骤更改其大小,您首先需要打开“开始菜单(Start Menu)” 。您可以使用键盘上的Windows键或单击或点击屏幕左下角的“开始”按钮来访问它。(Start)

1.使用鼠标或触摸板调整Windows 10中(Windows 10)开始菜单(Start Menu)的大小
在Windows 10中,调整“(Windows 10)开始”菜单(Start Menu)大小的最简单方法是借助鼠标光标(mouse cursor),它允许您调整其高度、宽度或同时调整两者。要更改“开始”菜单(Start Menu)的高度,请将鼠标悬停在上边缘上,直到它变成一个垂直的双头箭头(也称为“调整大小(Resize)”图标)。

与垂直调整大小相反,它可以帮助您将开始菜单的(Start Menu's)高度设置为从半个屏幕高到几乎达到显示器的上边缘,更改宽度更具限制性。调整大小的工作方式类似:当指针变为水平双头箭头时单击开始菜单的(Start Menu)右边缘(right edge),然后将其向左拖动以缩小开始菜单(Start Menu),或向右拖动放大它。

水平调整大小是有限的,因为它只允许您通过添加或删除等于一组图块宽度的长度来增加或减小“开始”菜单窗格的大小。(Start Menu)因此,如果您想最大化宽度,您需要通过选择在开始菜单(Start Menu)中显示更多图块来增加一组图块中包含的列数。
自Windows 10 Fall Creators Update起,开始菜单(Start Menu)也可以对角调整大小,让您一举决定其高度和宽度。将指针悬停(Hover)在“开始”菜单的(Start Menu)右上角(right corner)。当它变为调整大小图标(resize icon)时,单击它,然后根据您的喜好拖动它,结合上面说明的两种调整大小的方法。

请注意,同样的限制也适用:开始菜单(Start Menu)在调整其高度时平滑地调整大小,但当您调整其宽度时,它会卡入到位以匹配磁贴组。
2.使用键盘调整Windows 10中(Windows 10)开始菜单(Start Menu)的大小
虽然有些用户在没有鼠标的情况下迷失了方向,但其他用户则对将手指从键盘上移开而嗤之以鼻。幸运的是,在Windows 10中,您还可以使用Ctrl和键盘上的箭头键调整(arrow keys)开始菜单(Start Menu)的大小。

在按下向上(Up)或向下(Down)箭头的同时按住Ctrl键可以调整高度。要调整宽度,请使用向左(Left)或向右(Right)箭头,同时按住 Ctrl(Ctrl)键。宽度的变化受瓦片组大小的限制,只能使用预定的位置。虽然在修改开始菜单(Start Menu)的高度时没有类似的限制,但如果您尝试微调这方面,使用键盘快捷键不如使用鼠标高效。
3.使用触摸屏显示器调整(touchscreen display)Windows 10中(Windows 10)开始菜单(Start Menu)的大小
如果您在Surface Pro等(Surface Pro)Windows 10设备上使用触摸屏显示器,则还有另一个选项可以调整“开始”菜单(Start Menu)的大小。按住(Grab)开始菜单(Start Menu)的顶部或右侧边框,然后向内或向外拖动以调整高度或宽度。

不幸的是,您需要点击以抓住边缘的区域非常狭窄,我们似乎最终要么滚动开始菜单(Start Menu) 应用程序或磁贴(apps or tiles),要么移动磁贴组。
提示:(TIP:)如果您希望彻底改变开始菜单的(Start Menu)大小和外观(size and appearance),您可能还想阅读如何(How)将Windows 10开始菜单(Start Menu)设置为占据整个屏幕以及如何(screen and How)将Windows 10开始菜单(Start Menu)变成单列.
您更喜欢哪种方法来调整开始菜单(Start Menu)的大小?
开始菜单是(Start Menu)Windows 10中最常用的功能之一,根据您的喜好自定义其大小应该可以提高您的舒适度和工作效率(comfort and productivity)。虽然使用鼠标或键盘(mouse or keyboard)调整“开始”菜单(Start Menu)的大小很简单,但我们在使用触控方面却遇到了困难。我们发现此选项使用起来不舒服且具有挑战性,但为了彻底起见,我们将其包括在内。你呢?你最喜欢哪个选项?你是一个每次都能抓住窄边框的触屏忍者吗?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
How to resize the Start Menu in Windows 10 (3 methods)
After its highly controversial removal from Windows 8, the Start Menu made a comeback in Windows 10. In an effort to please its entire user base, Microsoft redesigned the Start Menu from scratch, making it highly customizable and better than ever before. One of the best Start Menu features in Windows 10 is that it can be resized. Read this guide to find out how you can use your mouse, keyboard, or touchscreen to easily change the Start Menu's size:
NOTE: The features presented are available in Windows 10 Version 1903 (May 2019 Update) or newer. If you're using an older version of Windows 10, you might not have access to all the features. Check your Windows 10 build and, if necessary, get the latest Windows 10 update available for you.
The Windows 10 Start Menu and how to access it
When you start Windows 10, the Start Menu is probably one of the first things you notice on the desktop. It is essentially a mix between Windows 8's tile-riddled Start screen and the classic Start Menu from Windows 7. Thus, by default, it displays a list of applications and settings on the left, and live tiles and shortcuts on the right.

However, don't think for one moment that you are stuck with this look. The Windows 10 Start Menu can be modified to fit your needs, whether you want to pin everything to it, configure the apps and items it shows, or stop it from promoting apps.
At its core, the Start Menu from Windows 10 is similar to any other app from the operating system, so, when it comes to resizing, the options available are pretty much the same. However, to follow any of the steps illustrated below and change its size, you first need to open your Start Menu. You can access it either by using the Windows key on the keyboard or by clicking or tapping on the Start button from the bottom left corner of the screen.

1. Resize the Start Menu in Windows 10 using the mouse or the touchpad
In Windows 10, the easiest way to resize the Start Menu is with the help of the mouse cursor, which allows you to adjust either its height, width, or both at the same time. To change the height of the Start Menu, hover your mouse over the upper edge until it changes into a vertical double-headed arrow (also known as the Resize icon).
Click and drag the top edge inwards or outwards to either decrease or increase the height. Release when you are happy with your choice.

As opposed to the vertical resizing, which helps you set Start Menu's height anywhere from as high as half a screen to almost reaching the upper edge of your display, changing the width is more restrictive. The resize works in a similar fashion: grab the right edge of your Start Menu by clicking on it when the pointer changes into a horizontal double-headed arrow, and then drag it either to the left to shrink the Start Menu, or to the right to enlarge it.

Horizontal resizing is limited, as it only allows you to increase or decrease the size of the Start Menu pane by adding or removing lengths equal to the width of a group of tiles. Therefore, if you want to maximize the width, you need to increase the number of columns included in a group of tiles by choosing to display more tiles in the Start Menu.
Since Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, the Start Menu can also be resized diagonally, allowing you to decide both its height and its width in one move. Hover your pointer over the upper right corner of the Start Menu. When it changes into the resize icon, click on it and then drag it according to your preferences, combining the two resizing methods illustrated above.

Note that the same limitations apply: the Start Menu resizes smoothly when it comes to its height, but it snaps into place to match the tile groups when you adjust its width.
2. Resize the Start Menu in Windows 10 using the keyboard
While some users are lost without their mouse, others turn up their noses at taking the fingers off the keyboard. Luckily, in Windows 10, you can also resize the Start Menu by using Ctrl and the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Holding down the Ctrl key while pressing either the Up or Down arrows lets you adjust the height. To adjust the width, use the Left or Right arrows, with the Ctrl key pressed. The change in width is limited by the size of the tile groups, and you can only use predetermined positions. While there are no similar restrictions when it comes to modifying the height of the Start Menu, using the keyboard shortcuts is not as efficient as using the mouse, if you are trying to fine-tune this aspect.
3. Resize the Start Menu in Windows 10 using your touchscreen display
If you are using a touchscreen display on a Windows 10 device like the Surface Pro, there is yet another option to resize the Start Menu. Grab either the top or the right border of the Start Menu, by pressing-and-holding on it, and then drag it inwards or outwards to adjust the height or the width.

Unfortunately, the area you need to tap in order to grab the edges is quite narrow, and we seem to end up either scrolling through Start Menu apps or tiles, or moving tile groups instead.
TIP: If you are looking to drastically change the size and appearance of your Start Menu, you might also want to read How to set the Windows 10 Start Menu to take the whole screen and How to turn the Windows 10 Start Menu into a single column.
Which method do you prefer for resizing the Start Menu?
The Start Menu is one of the most used features in Windows 10, and customizing its size according to your preferences should enhance both your comfort and productivity. While using your mouse or keyboard to resize the Start Menu is simple, we had a hard time when it came to using touch. We found this option uncomfortable and challenging to use, but we included it for the sake of thoroughness. What about you? Which option do you like best? Are you a touchscreen ninja, who manages to grab the narrow border every time? Comment below and let's discuss.