如果您使用笔记本电脑、二合一设备或任何其他类型的移动计算机,您也可能使用触摸板。因此,您应该将触摸板设置为按您希望的方式工作。Windows 10为您提供了许多用于处理简单设置(例如调整触摸板灵敏度(touchpad sensitivity))的选项,以及用于配置触发不同操作的触摸板手势的高级设置。当然,一切都取决于您的特定硬件和驱动程序(hardware and drivers)。让我们看看如何在Windows 10中配置您的触摸板:
注意:(NOTE:)本指南专为带有2019 年 5 月(May 2019)更新的(Update)Windows 10设计。以前版本的Windows 10可能不具备我们在本教程中介绍的所有功能。如果您不知道您拥有的Windows(Windows 10) 10 版本,请阅读:如何检查Windows 10版本、操作系统构建(OS build)、版本或类型。
- Precision Touchpads - 是为运行(Touchpads)Windows 10的现代笔记本电脑和平板电脑设计的触摸板。这些类型的触摸板支持各种触摸手势,可帮助您更快地使用 PC。它们提供了出色的用户体验,但缺点是它们不能在任何笔记本电脑或平板电脑上使用。为了获得精密触摸板(precision touchpad)可以提供的所有手势、功能和选项,Microsoft要求触摸板制造商遵守一组特定的硬件要求。如果您想了解这些要求,请阅读Windows Precision Touchpads - Device Integration。
- 普通触摸板(Normal Touchpads)- 不符合Microsoft精密触摸板标准的所有其他触摸板。默认情况下,这些触摸板不支持Windows手势,并且与精密触摸板相比,可用的功能和选项更少。根据触摸板的制造商和型号(manufacturer and model),其驱动程序可能包含一些精密触摸板上的功能。
既然您知道有两种类型的触摸板,那么您如何知道您的Windows 设备(Windows device)上有哪种类型的触摸板?要找出答案,您必须使用“设置”(Settings)应用。打开它,导航到设备(Devices),然后选择窗口左侧的触摸板。(Touchpad)
如果您的 Windows 10笔记本电脑或平板电脑(laptop or tablet)配备精密触控板,则在(precision touchpad)“设置”窗口(Settings window)的右侧,您应该会看到一条消息:“您的电脑配备精密触控板(precision touchpad)。” 此外,如果您的 Windows 10笔记本电脑或平板电脑(laptop or tablet)具有精密触摸板(precision touchpad),您可以配置许多设置,分为多个部分,例如触摸板(Touchpad)、点击(Taps)、滚动和缩放(Scroll and zoom)或三指手势。
如果您的笔记本电脑或平板电脑(laptop or tablet)没有精密触摸板(precision touchpad),您将不会看到前面显示的声明。此外,您可以配置的唯一设置是触摸板灵敏度(Touchpad sensitivity)。
在本教程的下一部分中,我们将向您介绍 Windows 10 中可用的触摸板设置、如何在Windows 10中调整触摸板灵敏度(touchpad sensitivity)、如何在Windows (Windows 10)10(Windows 10)中启用触摸板等等。我们涵盖了精密触控板和普通触控板(在本指南的末尾),因此请继续阅读并使用适用于您的信息,具体取决于您拥有的触控板类型(touchpad type)。
如何在Windows 10中启用或禁用(Windows 10)精确触摸板(precision touchpad)
如果您的 Windows 10笔记本电脑或平板电脑(laptop or tablet)具有精密触摸板(precision touchpad),您可以通过打开或关闭(Off)触摸板开关(Touchpad switch)来启用或禁用它。
Windows 10 还允许您选择在将鼠标连接到笔记本电脑或平板电脑(laptop or tablet)时是保持启用触摸板还是自动禁用它。要选择您喜欢的触摸板行为(touchpad behavior),请选中或取消选中“连接鼠标时保持触摸板(Leave touchpad)打开”设置。
如何在Windows 10中调整(Windows 10)触摸板光标速度(touchpad cursor speed),以实现精密触摸板(precision touchpad)
不幸的是,许多触摸板的光标速度(cursor speed)默认设置得非常高或非常低,如果您不习惯使用触摸板,这不是一件好事。但是,如果您的触摸板是精密触摸板(precision touchpad),您可以通过调整触摸板(Touchpad)设置中的 *"* Change the cursor speed " 滑块轻松更改其光标速度。(cursor speed)
当你有一个精确的触摸板(precision touchpad)时,如何改变触摸板的灵敏度(touchpad sensitivity)
如果您有精密触控板(precision touchpad),Windows 10 的“设置”应用(Settings app)还可以让您调整它对点击的敏感程度。当您开始在笔记本电脑上打字并意外用手触摸触摸板时,这非常有用。在这种情况下,您可能会发现光标移动了,并且您正在随机输入内容,或者您双击了某些内容而您甚至没有注意到您这样做了。为避免这种情况,请在Taps 区域(Taps area)中,单击或点击(click or tap)触摸板灵敏度(Touchpad sensitivity),然后选择您是否希望触摸板具有低灵敏度(Low sensitivity)、中等灵敏度(Medium sensitivity)、高灵敏度(High sensitivity)或尽可能高的灵敏度。
如何在精密触摸板上配置水龙头的功能(precision touchpad)
即使您的触摸板有左键和右键单击(left and right-clicks)按钮,您也可能更喜欢点击它来执行单击。如果您有精密触摸板(precision touchpad),则可以通过启用“用单指点击单击”设置来确保(Tap)发生这种情况。如果不这样做,请取消选中此设置。
您还可以选择在用两根手指触摸精确触摸板时右键单击它。为此,请检查 *"*用两根手指点击以右键单击" 设置。(Tap)在Windows 10和大多数应用程序中,此操作会显示一个上下文菜单,类似于用鼠标右键单击。
您也可以点击然后再次快速点击并在触摸板上拖动手指以选择多个元素,例如文件、文件夹或文本。但是,这仅在您启用 *"* Tap two and drag to multi-select"触摸板设置(touchpad setting)时才有效。
如果您有精密触控板(precision touchpad),您还可以在按下触控板右下角时让 Windows 10 右键单击。如果要启用此选项,请确保“按下(Press)触摸板的右下角以右键单击”设置已打开。
如何配置精密触摸板滚动和缩放设置(precision touchpad scroll and zoom settings)
在精确触摸板设置的(precision touchpad)滚动和缩放(Scroll and zoom)部分,您可以选择如何使用触摸板进行滚动和缩放:如果您想通过将两根手指放在触摸板上然后在其上滑动来水平或垂直滚动,启用“拖动两根手指滚动”("Drag two fingers to scroll")设置。
点击或单击“滚动方向”("Scrolling direction"),然后选择是否要在触摸板上向下移动以向上或向下滚动。
最后,如果您希望能够将两根手指放在触摸板上,然后捏合以放大或伸展以缩小,请启用“捏合缩放”设置。("Pinch to zoom")
如何在精密触控板上(precision touchpad)配置三指和四指设置
在精密触控板上,您还可以使用三指和四指手势。设置(Settings)应用程序为您提供了单独的部分,它们中的选项是相同的。但是,Windows 10默认设置的操作在三指和四指手势之间是不同的,因此请确保将它们设置为您的偏好。让我们看看它们是什么:
首先,有滑动(Swipes):当您在触摸板上滑动三个或四个手指时,Windows 10可以设置为“切换应用程序并显示桌面(apps and show desktop)”、“切换桌面并显示桌面(Switch desktops and show desktop)”、“更改音频和音量(Change audio and volume)”或执行“没什么(Nothing)。” 当您在触摸板上滑动三个或四个手指时,根据您选择将Windows 10设置为执行的操作,使用“滑动”列表下方的箭头图来说明这些滑动。(Swipes)
点击(Taps)列表可让您选择用三个或四个手指点击触摸板时发生的情况。您可以将Windows 10设置为启动 Windows 搜索(Launch Windows Search)、打开操作中心(Action Center)、Play/pause正在播放的媒体、充当鼠标中(Middle mouse)键或什么都不(Nothing)做。
提示:(TIP:)通常,在Web 浏览器(web browser)中的链接上按鼠标中键(mouse button)会在新选项卡中打开它。使用精密触摸板(precision touchpad),您可以通过三指或四指点击该链接来执行相同的操作。
如何重置精密触摸板(precision touchpad)设置
在精密触摸板(precision touchpad)设置页面的最后,还有一个小部分,称为重置(Reset)您的触摸板。它只有一个按钮,称为Reset,如果您不再喜欢配置触摸板的方式并希望将其设置和手势重置为Windows 10提供的默认值,则可以单击或点击该按钮。
这就是您在 Windows 10 设备上安装精密触摸板时所获得的。(precision touchpad)如您所见,有很多设置和选项可供选择。
如何在Windows 10中配置常规触摸板(更改触摸板灵敏度)(Windows 10)
如果您的笔记本电脑或设备(laptop or device)没有精密触摸板(precision touchpad),则 Windows 10 仅允许您设置在触摸板上进行的轻按的延迟。当您开始在笔记本电脑上打字并意外用手触摸触摸板时,这非常有用。在这种情况下,您可能会发现光标移动了并且您在错误的位置输入。
为避免这种情况,Windows 10 允许您将触摸板设置为低灵敏度(Low sensitivity)、中灵敏度(Medium sensitivity)、高灵敏度(High sensitivity)或最高灵敏度(Most sensitivity)。这意味着您在触摸板上进行的点击可以有长延迟、中等延迟(medium delay)、短延迟或根本没有延迟。如果您不想使用此功能,您应该选择最(Most)敏感的选项,这意味着您在触摸板上进行的点击与其反应之间没有延迟。
默认情况下,Windows 10 将您的触摸板设置为中等灵敏度(Medium sensitivity)。如果您的 Windows 10 设备上有传统的触摸板,那么您几乎可以为其配置所有这些。
Windows 10 有很多设置,如果它是精密触摸板(precision touchpad),您可以为触摸板进行配置。如果你这样做了,我们打赌你会对你得到的东西感到非常满意。如果您没有精密触控板(precision touchpad)或有异国情调的触控板(例如联想 Yoga Book平板电脑上的(Lenovo Yoga Book)Halo键盘),您还应该检查您的笔记本电脑或平板电脑制造商(laptop or tablet manufacturer)是否通过他们的自定义驱动程序提供其他应用程序或选项(apps or options).
How to configure your touchpad in Windows 10
If you use a laptop, a 2-in-1 device, or any other kind of mobіle computer, уou аre also probably using a touchpad. Thеrefore, you should set your touchpad to work the way you wаnt it. Windows 10 gives you many oрtions for handling simple settings like adjusting the touchpаd sensitivіty, along with advanced settings for сonfigurіng touchpad gestures that triggеr different actions. Of соurse, everything depеnds on your specific hardware and drivers. Let's see hоw to configυre your toυchpad іn Windows 10:
NOTE: This guide is designed for Windows 10 with May 2019 Update. Previous versions of Windows 10 might not have all the features that we present in this tutorial. If you do not know what version of Windows 10 you have, read: How to check the Windows 10 version, OS build, edition, or type.
Different types of touchpads
Microsoft divides the touchpads available on the market into two broad categories:
- Precision Touchpads - are touchpads designed for modern laptops and tablets, running Windows 10. These types of touchpads support a variety of touch gestures that can help you get around your PC more quickly. They offer a great user experience, but the downside is that they are not available on just any laptop or tablet. To get all the gestures, features, and options a precision touchpad can offer, Microsoft requires touchpad manufacturers to comply with a set of specific hardware requirements. If you'd like to see these requirements, read Windows Precision Touchpads - Device Integration.
- Normal Touchpads - all the other touchpads that do not fit into Microsoft's standards for precision touchpads. By default, these touchpads do not support Windows gestures and have fewer features and options available than precision touchpads. Depending on the manufacturer and model of the touchpad, its drivers could include some functions that are found on precision touchpads.
As a rule of thumb, more expensive Windows laptops and devices tend to have precision touchpads, while cheaper ones come with regular touchpads.
What kind of touchpad do you have?
Now that you know there are two types of touchpads, how do you know what kind of touchpad you have on your Windows device? To find out, you must use the Settings app. Open it, navigate to Devices, and select Touchpad on the left side of the window.
If your Windows 10 laptop or tablet has a precision touchpad, on the right side of the Settings window, you should see a message that says: "Your PC has a precision touchpad." Also, if your Windows 10 laptop or tablet has a precision touchpad, there are many settings that you can configure, split into various sections such as Touchpad, Taps, Scroll and zoom, or Three-finger gestures.
If your laptop or tablet does not have a precision touchpad, you're not going to see the statement shown earlier. Also, the only setting that you can configure is the Touchpad sensitivity.
In the next sections of this tutorial, we're going to tell you about the touchpad settings available in Windows 10, how to adjust the touchpad sensitivity in Windows 10, how to enable the touchpad in Windows 10, and more. We're covering both precision and regular touchpads (at the end of this guide), so read on and use the information that applies to you, depending on what kind of touchpad type you have.
How to enable or disable a precision touchpad in Windows 10
If your Windows 10 laptop or tablet has a precision touchpad, you can enable or disable it by turning the Touchpad switch On or Off.
Windows 10 also lets you choose whether you prefer to keep your touchpad enabled or automatically disable it whenever you connect a mouse to your laptop or tablet. To select the touchpad behavior that you prefer, check or uncheck the "Leave touchpad on when a mouse is connected" setting.
How to adjust the touchpad cursor speed in Windows 10, for a precision touchpad
Unfortunately, many touchpads have their cursor speed set very high or very low by default, which is not a good thing if you are not accustomed to working with touchpads. However, if yours is a precision touchpad, you can change its cursor speed easily by adjusting the *"*Change the cursor speed" slider from the Touchpad settings.
How to change the touchpad sensitivity for taps, when you have a precision touchpad
If you have a precision touchpad, Windows 10's Settings app also lets you adjust how sensitive it is to taps. That's quite useful for all those times when you start typing on your laptop and accidentally touch the touchpad with your hands. In such cases, you could find that the cursor moved and you're typing in random places, or that you have double-clicked on things and you didn't even notice you did. To avoid that, in the Taps area, click or tap on Touchpad sensitivity, and choose whether you want your touchpad to have a Low sensitivity, Medium sensitivity, High sensitivity or be the Most sensitive possible.
Note that selecting the Most sensitive option is the same as not using this feature, as there's no delay between your taps or touches and the reaction of the touchpad.
HINT: Most times, Ctrl-Z should put you back where you're supposed to be. 🙂
How to configure what taps do, on a precision touchpad
Even if your touchpad has buttons for left and right-clicks, you might prefer to tap on it to perform a click. If you have a precision touchpad, you can make sure that happens by enabling the "Tap with a single finger to single-click" setting. If you do not, uncheck this setting.
You can also choose to make your precision touchpad right-click whenever you touch it with two fingers. For that, check the *"*Tap with two fingers to right-click" setting. In Windows 10 and most apps, this action shows a contextual menu, similar to right-clicking with a mouse.
You can also tap and then quickly tap again and drag your finger on the touchpad to select multiple elements, like files, folders, or text. However, this only works if you enable the *"*Tap twice and drag to multi-select" touchpad setting.
If you have a precision touchpad, you can also make Windows 10 right-click whenever you press in the lower-right corner of the touchpad. If you want to enable this option, make sure that the "Press the lower right corner of the touchpad to right-click" setting is on.
How to configure the precision touchpad scroll and zoom settings
In the Scroll and zoom section of a precision touchpad settings, you can choose how you want to use your touchpad for scrolling and zooming: if you want to scroll horizontally or vertically by placing two fingers on the touchpad and then sliding them on it, enable the "Drag two fingers to scroll" setting.
Tap or click on "Scrolling direction" and choose whether you want a downward motion on the touchpad to scroll up or down.
Finally, enable the "Pinch to zoom" setting if you want to be able to place two fingers on your touchpad and then pinch to zoom in, or stretch out to zoom out.
How to configure the three-finger and four-finger settings on a precision touchpad
On precision touchpads, you can also use three-finger and four-finger gestures. The Settings app gives you separate sections for them, and the options in them are the same. However, the actions set by Windows 10 by default are different between three-finger and four-finger gestures, so make sure you set them to your preference. Let's see what they are:
First of all, there are Swipes: when you slide three or four fingers on your touchpad, Windows 10 can be set to "Switch apps and show desktop," "Switch desktops and show desktop," "Change audio and volume," or do "Nothing." Depending on what you choose to set Windows 10 to do when you swipe three or four fingers on the touchpad, the swipes are illustrated using arrow diagrams, beneath the Swipes lists.
The Taps lists let you choose what happens when you tap the touchpad with three or four fingers. You can set Windows 10 to Launch Windows Search, open the Action Center, Play/pause the media that's being played, act as the Middle mouse button or do Nothing.
TIP: Usually, pressing on the middle mouse button on a link in a web browser opens it in a new tab. With a precision touchpad, you can do the same thing with a three-finger or four-finger tap on that link.
How to reset the precision touchpad settings
At the end of the precision touchpad settings page, there is also a small section called Reset your touchpad. It only has one button, called Reset, which you can click or tap if you no longer like the way you've configured your touchpad and want to reset its settings and gestures to the defaults provided by Windows 10.
This is what you get when you have a precision touchpad on your Windows 10 device. As you can see, there are quite a lot of settings to make and options to choose from.
How to configure a regular touchpad (change touchpad sensitivity) in Windows 10
If your laptop or device does not have a precision touchpad, then Windows 10 only lets you set the delay for the taps you make on the touchpad. This is useful for all those times when you start typing on your laptop and accidentally touch the touchpad with your hands. In such cases, you could find that the cursor moved and you're typing in wrong places.
To avoid this, Windows 10 allows you to set your touchpad to have a Low sensitivity, Medium sensitivity, High sensitivity, or have the Most sensitivity. That means the taps you make on the touchpad can have a long delay, medium delay, short delay, or no delay at all. If you do not want to use this feature, the option you should choose is Most sensitive, which means that there's no delay between the tap you make on the touchpad and its reaction.
By default, Windows 10 sets your touchpad to have a Medium sensitivity. If you have a traditional touchpad on your Windows 10 device, this is pretty much all that you can configure for it.
Did you manage to configure your touchpad as you wanted?
Windows 10 has plenty of settings that you can configure for your touchpad if it's a precision touchpad. If you do, we bet that you are going to be more than pleased with what you get. If you don't have a precision touchpad or if you have an exotic touchpad (like the ones on Halo keyboards found on Lenovo Yoga Book tablets), you should also check if your laptop or tablet manufacturer offers additional apps or options via their custom drivers.