计算机技术(computer technology)日新月异,今天(passing day)可以进行比昨天更先进的活动。尽管此活动列表不断扩大,但很容易忘记您的 PC 也能够执行大量平凡的任务。其中一项任务是设置警报或提醒(alarm or reminder)。许多像您一样的Windows用户可能不知道操作系统(operating system)中本机存在的闹钟和时钟应用程序(Alarms and Clock application)。我们为您带来了一份完美的指南,将教您如何在Windows 10中设置闹钟以及如何启用唤醒计时器。所以,继续阅读!
如何在 Windows 10 中设置警报(How to Set Alarms in Windows 10)
闹钟和时钟应用程序最初随(Alarms & Clock)Windows 8推出,在以前的版本中不存在。令人震惊,对吧?人们使用 PC 来设置警报,或为他们的日常活动设置休息时间。在Windows 10中,除了闹钟,还有秒表和计时器的附加功能。在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在Windows 10中设置闹钟和唤醒计时器。
为什么在 Windows 10 中使用警报?
尽管我们使用时钟来设置闹钟,但Windows 闹钟(Windows alarm)功能将帮助您保持任务和工作生活井井有条。它的一些突出特点是:
- 您的会议不会被延迟或遗忘。
- 您不会忘记或错过(won’t forget or miss out)任何活动。
- 您将能够跟踪(keep track)您的工作或项目。
- 此外,您将能够跟上截止日期。
唤醒定时器的用途是什么?(What is the Use of Wake Timers?)
- 它会自动启用或禁用Windows 操作系统(Windows OS),以便在已安排任务的计时器上将您的 PC 从睡眠中唤醒。(wake your PC from sleep)
- 即使您的 PC处于睡眠模式(in sleep mode),它也会唤醒以执行(perform the task) 您之前安排(that you priorly scheduled)的任务。例如,如果您为Windows 更新设置了(Windows update)唤醒计时器(wake timer),它将确保您的 PC 唤醒并执行计划任务。
如果您是那些迷失在网页浏览(web browsing)、游戏或任何其他 PC 活动中并且完全忘记会议或约会的用户之一,只需设置警报将您带回现实。阅读下一部分以了解如何在Windows 10中设置警报。
方法一:通过Windows应用程序(Method 1: Through Windows Application)
Windows 10中的警报的工作方式与您的移动设备上的完全相同。要在您的 PC 上设置闹钟,请选择一个时间,选择闹钟铃声(alarm tone),您希望它重复的日子,然后一切就绪。很明显,警报通知只会在您的系统处于唤醒状态时出现,因此仅依靠它们进行快速提醒,而不是在早上将您从长眠中唤醒。以下是有关如何在(Below)Windows 10中设置警报的详细指南:
1. 点击开始(Start),输入闹钟和时钟,(Alarms and Clock,)然后点击打开(Open)。
注意:(Note:)应用程序保留其先前的状态(retains its previous state)并显示最后一个活动选项卡。
2. 如果这是您第一次启动闹钟和时钟(Alarms & Clocks),请从计时器(Timer)选项卡切换到闹钟(Alarm )选项卡。
3.现在,单击右下角的 + Add an alarm按钮。
4. 使用箭头键(arrow keys)选择所需的闹钟时间(alarm time)。在上午(AM)和下午(PM.)之间谨慎选择。
注意:(Note: )您可以编辑闹钟名称(alarm name)、时间、声音和重复次数。
5.在笔状图标( pen-like icon)旁边的文本框中输入(textbox)警报名称(alarm name)。
注意:(Note: )该名称将显示在您的警报通知(alarm notification)上。如果您设置闹钟以提醒自己某事,请输入整个提醒文本(reminder text)作为闹钟名称(alarm name)。
6. 选中重复警报(Repeat Alarm)框并单击日期图标(day icon)以根据需要在特定日期(particular days)或所有日期(all days)重复警报。
7. 单击音乐图标(music icon)旁边的下拉菜单,然后从菜单中选择首选的闹钟铃声。(alarm tone)
注意:(Note: )不幸的是,Windows不允许用户设置自定义音调(custom tone)。因此,如图所示,从现有列表中选择一个。
8. 最后,从贪睡图标(snooze icon)旁边的下拉菜单中选择贪睡时间(snooze time)。
注意:(Note:)如果你和我们一样是拖延症高手(master procrastinator),我们建议选择最小的贪睡时间,即5分钟。
9. 点击保存(Save )按钮保存您自定义的警报,如图所示。
您已成功创建新警报,它将列在应用程序的警报选项卡(Alarm tab)中。
当闹钟响起时,您将在屏幕右下角收到一张通知卡,以及打盹和关闭的选项。(notification card)您也可以从通知卡中(notification card)调整贪睡时间(adjust snooze time)。
注意:(Note: )拨动开关(toggle switch)允许您快速启用或禁用警报。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Windows 10时钟时间错误(Clock Time Wrong)?这是解决方法!
方法 2:虽然 Cortana(Method 2: Though Cortana)
在Windows 10(Windows 10)中设置警报的更快方法是使用内置助手,即(built-in assistant i.e). 小娜(Cortana)。
1. 同时按Windows + C keys启动Cortana。
2.对Cortana说(Cortana)设置晚上 9:35 的闹钟(set an alarm for 9:35 pm)。
3. Cortana会自动为你设置闹钟,并显示我已在晚上 9:35 打开你的闹钟,(I’ve turned on your alarm for 9:35 PM on )如下图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中启用(Windows 10)计算器绘图模式(Calculator Graphing Mode)
专业提示:如何在 Windows 10 中删除警报
(Pro Tip: How to Delete Alarm in Windows 10
1.如前所述启动闹钟和时钟。(Launch Alarms & Clock)
2. 点击保存的报警卡( saved alarm card),高亮显示。
3. 然后,单击右上角的垃圾桶图标(trash icon)以删除警报。
除了设置闹钟外,Alarms & Clocks 应用程序(Alarms & Clocks application)还可用于运行计时器和秒表。阅读下一部分以在WINdows 10中设置和允许唤醒时间。
另请阅读:将 Windows 10(Also Read:) 时钟(Clock)与Internet 时间服务器(Internet Time Server)同步(Synchronize Windows 10)
How to Create Task to Wake PC/Computer
如前所述,警报通知仅在您的 PC 处于唤醒状态时才会出现。要在特定时间自动将系统从睡眠中唤醒,您可以在任务计划程序应用程序(Task Scheduler application)中创建一个新任务并对其进行自定义。
步骤 I:在任务计划程序中创建任务(Step I: Create Task in Task Scheduler)
1.按Windows 键(Windows key),键入任务计划程序(Task Scheduler),然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 在右窗格中的Actions下,单击Create Task...选项,如图所示。
3. 在创建任务( Create Task)窗口中,在名称:字段中输入任务(Name: )名称(Name)(例如, Wake Up!)并选中标记为以最高权限运行(Run with highest privileges)的框,突出显示。
4. 切换到触发器(Triggers )选项卡并单击新建…(New…)按钮。
5.从下拉菜单中选择开始日期和时间。(Start date & time)按OK保存这些更改。
注意:(Note: )如果您希望您的 PC 定期唤醒,请在左侧窗格中选中“每日”。(Daily)
6. 导航到条件(Conditions)选项卡,选中标题为唤醒计算机以运行此任务(Wake the computer to run this task)的框,如下图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Windows 10 中启用 Telnet
(Step II: Set Action in Create Task Window
最后,至少设置一个您希望 PC 在触发时执行的操作,例如播放一些音乐或(trigger time)视频剪辑(video clip)。
7. 转到Actions选项卡并单击New...按钮,如图所示。
8. 在操作旁边:(Action: c)从下拉菜单中选择启动程序。(start a program)
9. 单击浏览...(Browse…)按钮选择要打开的应用程序(application)(音乐/视频播放器)的位置。
10. 在添加参数(可选):(Add arguments (optional):)文本框中,键入要在触发时播放的文件的地址。(address of the file)
注意:(Note: )为避免错误,请确保文件位置路径(file location path)中没有空格。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)适用于Windows 11的9 个最佳日历应用程序(Best Calendar Apps)
第三步:允许唤醒定时器(Step III: Allow Wake Timers)
此外,您需要为任务启用唤醒计时器(Wake Timers),如下所示:
1. 点击开始(Start),输入编辑电源计划,(Edit power plan,)然后按回车键(Enter key),如图所示。
2. 在这里,点击更改高级电源设置(Change advanced power settings)。
3. 双击睡眠(Sleep)然后允许唤醒定时器(Allow wake timers)选项。
4.从电池(On battery)和插入(Plugged in)选项的下拉菜单中单击启用(Enable ),如下图所示。
5. 单击Apply > OK以保存这些更改。
而已。您的 PC 现在将在指定时间自动唤醒,并希望通过启动所需的应用程序成功唤醒您。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。有没有办法在我的电脑上设置闹钟?(Q1. Is there a way to set an alarm on my computer?)
答。(Ans.)您可以在“闹钟和时钟”(Alarms & Clock)应用程序中设置闹钟,或者简单地命令Cortana为您设置闹钟。
Q2。如何在 Windows 10 中设置多个警报?(Q2. How do I set multiple alarms in Windows 10?)
答。(Ans.)要设置多个闹钟,请打开闹钟和时钟(Alarms & Clock)应用程序,然后单击 + Add an alarm button。设置(Set)所需时间的闹钟并重复相同的程序以设置任意数量的闹钟。
Q3。我可以在我的电脑上设置闹钟来叫醒我吗?(Q3. Can I set an alarm on my computer to wake me up?)
答。(Ans.)不幸的是,闹钟应用程序中设置的闹钟(Alarm & Clock applications)仅在系统处于活动状态时才会响起。如果您希望计算机在特定时间唤醒自己和您,请使用任务计划(Task Scheduler)程序应用程序来允许唤醒计时器。
- 如何在Windows 10中加密(Windows 10)文件夹(Folder)
- 如何检查Windows 11是否支持现代待机(Standby)
- 如何在您的 PC上创建(Your PC)Windows 10 睡眠定时器(Sleep Timer)
- 如何在Windows 11中启用(Windows 11)休眠模式(Hibernate Mode)
我们希望上述方法可以帮助您了解如何在 Windows 10 中设置闹钟(how to set alarms in Windows 10)并允许唤醒计时器( also allow wake timers)。如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。另外,不要忘记与他人分享这篇文章。
How to Set Alarms in Windows 10
With each passing day, computer technology is deνeloping and activities more advanced than yesterday can be performеd today. While this list of аctiνitieѕ keeps expanding, it is easy to forget that your PC iѕ also capable of performing a plethora of mundаne tasks. One ѕuch task is setting an alarm or reminder. Many Windows users like you, might not be аware of the Alаrms and Clock aрplication that is natively prеsent in the operating system. We bring to you a рerfect guide that will teach you how to set alarms in Windows 10 and how to allow wake timerѕ. So, continue reading!
How to Set Alarms in Windows 10
Alarms & Clock app originally rolled out with Windows 8 and was absent in the previous versions. Shocking, right? People use PC to set up an alarm, or remainders for their daily activities. In Windows 10, along with the alarm, there is an additional feature of a stopwatch and a timer. In this article, we will show you how to set alarms & wake timers in Windows 10.
Why Use Alarms in Windows 10?
Even though we use clocks for setting up alarms, Windows alarm feature will help you keep your tasks & work-life organized. Some of its prominent features are:
- Your meetings won’t be delayed or forgotten.
- You won’t forget or miss out on any events.
- You will be able to keep track of your work or projects.
- Moreover, you will be able to keep up with deadlines.
What is the Use of Wake Timers?
- It enables or disables Windows OS automatically to wake your PC from sleep on a timer for tasks that have been scheduled.
- Even if your PC is in sleep mode, it will wake up to perform the task that you priorly scheduled. For example, if you set a wake timer for your Windows update to take place, it will ensure that your PC wakes up and performs the scheduled task.
If you are one of those users who gets lost in web browsing, gaming, or any other PC activities and completely forgets about meetings or appointments, just set an alarm to knock you back into reality. Read the next segment to learn how to set alarms in Windows 10.
Method 1: Through Windows Application
The alarms in Windows 10 work exactly as they do on your mobile devices. To set an alarm on your PC, select a time, choose the alarm tone, the days you would like it to repeat and you are all set. As obvious, the alarm notifications will only appear if your system is awake, so only rely on them for quick reminders and not to wake you up from a long slumber in the morning. Below is a detailed guide on how to set up an alarm in Windows 10:
1. Click on Start, type Alarms and Clock, and click on Open.
Note: The application retains its previous state and displays the last active tab.
2. If this is your first-time launching Alarms & Clocks, switch from the Timer tab to the Alarm tab.
3. Now, click on the + Add an alarm button in the bottom right corner.
4. Use the arrow keys to choose the desired alarm time. Choose carefully between AM and PM.
Note: You can edit the alarm name, time, sound, and repetition.
5. Type the alarm name in the textbox next to a pen-like icon.
Note: The name will be displayed on your alarm notification. If you are setting the alarm to remind yourself of something, type out the whole reminder text as the alarm name.
6. Check the Repeat Alarm box and click the day icon to repeat the alarm on particular days or all days as needed.
7. Click the drop-down next to the music icon and choose the preferred alarm tone from the menu.
Note: Unfortunately, Windows doesn’t allow users to set a custom tone. So choose one from the existing list, as depicted.
8. Finally, choose the snooze time from the drop-down next to the snooze icon.
Note: If you are a master procrastinator like us, we recommend choosing the smallest snooze time, i.e. 5 minutes.
9. Click Save button to save your customized alarm, as shown.
You have successfully created a new alarm and it will be listed in the Alarm tab of the application.
You will receive a notification card at the bottom-right of your screen when an alarm goes off along with the options to snooze and dismiss. You can adjust snooze time from the notification card as well.
Note: The toggle switch allows you to quickly enable or disable an alarm.
Also Read: Windows 10 Clock Time Wrong? Here is how to fix it!
Method 2: Though Cortana
An even quicker way to set an alarm in Windows 10 is to use the built-in assistant i.e. Cortana.
1. Press Windows + C keys simultaneously to launch Cortana.
2. Say set an alarm for 9:35 pm to Cortana.
3. Cortana will set an alarm for you automatically and display I’ve turned on your alarm for 9:35 PM on as depicted below.
Also Read: How to Enable Calculator Graphing Mode in Windows 10
Pro Tip: How to Delete Alarm in Windows 10
Follow the steps listed below to delete an existing alarm:
1. Launch Alarms & Clock as earlier.
2. Click on the saved alarm card, shown highlighted.
3. Then, click on the trash icon from the top-right corner to delete the alarm.
Apart from setting an alarm, the Alarms & Clocks application can also be used to run a timer and a stopwatch. Read the next section to set & allow wake times in WIndows 10.
Also Read: Synchronize Windows 10 Clock with an Internet Time Server
How to Create Task to Wake PC/Computer
As mentioned earlier, alarm notifications only appear if your PC is awake. To automatically wake up the system from sleep at a specific time, you can create a new task in the Task Scheduler application & customize it.
Step I: Create Task in Task Scheduler
1. Hit Windows key, type Task Scheduler, and click Open.
2. In the right pane under Actions, click on Create Task… option, as shown.
3. In Create Task window, enter Task Name (e.g. Wake Up!) in Name: field and check the box marked Run with highest privileges, shown highlighted.
4. Switch to the Triggers tab and click New… button.
5. Choose the Start date & time from the drop-down menu. Press on OK to save these changes.
Note: If you want your PC to regularly wake up, check Daily in the left pane.
6. Navigate to the Conditions tab, check the box titled Wake the computer to run this task, as illustrated below.
Also Read: How to Enable Telnet in Windows 10
Step II: Set Action in Create Task Window
Finally, at least set one action such as playing some music or a video clip, that you would like the PC to perform at the trigger time.
7. Go to the Actions tab and click on New… button, as shown.
8. Next to Action: choose to start a program from the drop-down menu.
9. Click Browse… button to choose the location of the application (music/video player) to open.
10. In the Add arguments (optional): textbox, type the address of the file to be played at the trigger time.
Note: To avoid errors, make sure there are no spaces in the file location path.
Also Read: 9 Best Calendar Apps for Windows 11
Step III: Allow Wake Timers
Moreover, you will need to enable Wake Timers for the tasks, as follows:
1. Click on Start, type Edit power plan, and press the Enter key, as shown.
2. Here, click on Change advanced power settings.
3. Double-click on the Sleep and then Allow wake timers option.
4. Click Enable from the drop-down menu for both On battery and Plugged in options, as depicted below.
5. Click on Apply > OK to save these changes.
That’s it. Your PC will now automatically wake up at the specified time and hopefully, be successful in waking you up by launching the desired application.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Is there a way to set an alarm on my computer?
Ans. You can set an alarm from within the Alarms & Clock application or simply, command Cortana to set one for you.
Q2. How do I set multiple alarms in Windows 10?
Ans. To set multiple alarms, open the Alarms & Clock application and click on the + Add an alarm button. Set an alarm for the desired time and repeat the same procedure to set as many alarms as pleased.
Q3. Can I set an alarm on my computer to wake me up?
Ans. Unfortunately, the alarms set in the Alarm & Clock applications only go off when the system is active. If you would like the computer to wake itself and you at a specific time, use the Task Scheduler application to allow wake timers instead.
We hope the above methods helped you with how to set alarms in Windows 10 & also allow wake timers. If you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section. Also, do not forget to share this article with others.