Windows 10提供了多种视频编辑程序,您可以在其中执行基本的视频编辑任务。您无需依赖昂贵的软件程序来编辑简单的视频。您也可以编辑家庭视频以娱乐或为您的YouTube频道制作视频。在这种情况下,Windows 10 视频编辑器(Video Editor)将帮助您完美地编辑您的视频。阅读到最后,了解如何在Windows 10中修剪视频的各种方法。
如何在 Windows 10 中修剪视频(How to Trim Video in Windows 10)
Windows 10 视频编辑器(Video Editor)无需为此安装第三方工具。
- Windows 10 Photos应用程序由一个出色的视频编辑器组成,人们可以通过它更简单地修剪视频的一个或多个部分。
在本 Windows 10 指南中,非常简单地解释了使用照片应用程序剪切视频的步骤。(Photos)
方法 1:使用照片应用程序
1. 从文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中选择要编辑的视频。
2. 单击Open with > Photos。
3. 选择右上角的编辑和创建按钮。(Edit & Create)
4. 现在,单击 修剪(Trim) 选项。
5. 使用 白色(white) 针脚(pins )(左右)选择要修剪的视频部分。
6. 使用 蓝色(blue) 别针(pin )停止素材并确保您正在修剪正确的部分。
7. 单击右上角的 另存为(Save as )选项并保存编辑后的视频。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用 VLC 在 Windows 10 中剪切视频(How to Cut Video in Windows 10 using VLC)
方法 2:使用照片视频编辑器应用程序(Photos Video Editor App)
虽然在照片(Photos)应用程序中修剪视频是一项非常简单的任务,但它只允许您保存特定部分。如果您需要删除某些部分并保存视频的其余部分怎么办?这就是照片(Photos)应用程序内置的高级视频编辑器(Video Editor)派上用场的地方。视频编辑器(Video Editor)允许您将多个视频组合在一起,添加音乐、效果、文本等。以下是在Windows 10照片视频编辑器应用程序(Photos Video Editor App)中修剪视频的方法:
1.在Cortana搜索栏中搜索Video Editor应用程序。
2. 单击新建视频项目(New Video Project)按钮。
3. 将出现一个为您的视频命名的弹出窗口。输入(Type)适当的名称(appropriate name)并按回车(enter)键或完全单击跳过(Skip)。
4. 在Project Library窗格中,单击+ Add 按钮并选择From this PC。
5. 找到并选择您要修剪的视频文件,然后单击(video file)打开(Open)。
6. 等待应用程序完成将视频文件添加到您的项目。
7. 将视频文件( video file )从Project Library 窗格拖到( Project Library pane )Storyboard并( Storyboard)选择Split选项。
注意:(Note: )我们将首先将视频文件拆分为多个较小(可管理)的部分,然后根据需要修剪各个部分。然后将修剪的部分附加在一起以创建最终视频。
8. 在以下窗口中,将蓝色指针(blue pointer)拖到占视频总时间三分之一的时间戳上。例如 – 如果视频是 38 秒长,就像我们的例子一样,将指针放在 38/3 = 12.7 秒。
9. 单击完成(Done )按钮,将此部分与原始视频分开。
您现在将返回到主项目屏幕。故事板上(Storyboard)的第一个视频将是我们在上一步中创建的分割部分(前 12.7 秒),其右侧将是剩余部分。接下来(Next),按照其余步骤在Windows 10中修剪视频。
10. 选择剩余部分( remaining portion)并再次单击拆分(split )。
11. 这次,将分割指针(split pointer)放在将剩余视频分成两等份的时间戳上,然后单击完成(Done)。
注意:(Note: )根据视频的总长度,您可能需要将其分成多个部分,而不仅仅是三个部分。此外,分割不必是完美的或具有相同的长度。
12. 选择 Storyboard 上的第一个视频(first video),然后单击Trim。
注意:(Note: )您可以使用后退和前进框架按钮微调您的选择。
14. 单击完成(Done)保存修剪的部分。
15. 对Storyboard(Storyboard)中剩余的视频重复上一步,剪掉所有需要的部分。
16. 要预览最终视频,请单击播放(Play )按钮。
17. 单击右上角的完成视频(Finish video)以保存副本。
18. 随意设置视频质量( Video Quality)。
注意:(Note: )视频文件大小将与所选视频质量相对应,因此质量越高,文件大小越大。
19. 展开更多选项(more options)菜单并勾选下一个使用硬件加速编码( Use hardware-accelerated encoding)。
20. 最后,点击导出(Export )并选择目标文件夹(destination folder)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Windows 10 的 5 款最佳视频编辑软件(5 Best Video Editing Software For Windows 10)
照片视频编辑器应用程序的功能(Features of Photos Video Editor App)
无论(Irrespective)您如何创建自定义视频项目,您最终都会看到带有项目库、视频预览和情节提要(Storyboard)窗格的屏幕。添加视频后,您将在情节提要(Storyboard)窗格中看到一些编辑工具。您还可以调整大小、添加滤镜、视觉效果、运动效果,甚至应用 3D 效果。
- 修剪(Trim )工具的工作方式与您在编辑单个视频时看到的修剪工具相同。您可以从单个视频中剪切和裁剪多个视频。
- 您可以使用调整大小(Resize )工具从视频中移除黑条,如果您要合并多个视频,这将是必不可少的。
- 过滤器(Filters)工具提供了各种过滤器——从棕褐色(Sepia)到像素(Pixel)的一切。
- 您还可以使用文本(Text)工具放置不同样式和布局的动画文本。
- 运动(Motion )工具可让您为视频或照片选择不同类型的相机运动。
- 3D 效果(3D Effects)工具提供了可应用于视频的 3D 效果库。
- 主题(Themes)允许您选择各种主题,而不是自己修改每个单独的选择。这将选择与之配合的过滤器、音乐和文本样式,以及向您展示它们外观的评论录音。
- 要将音乐应用到视频,请单击顶部栏上的音乐按钮。(Music)照片(Photos)应用程序包含几个您可以浏览的音乐选项。您还可以选择您的音乐(Your Music)以嵌入自定义音乐记录。
- 此外,工具栏上还有一个纵横比(Aspect Ratio)选项。您可以使用它在视频的各种横向和图片方向之间切换。
- 您可以通过添加到云(Add to Cloud)按钮将视频文件传输到Microsoft云。(Microsoft)然后,您将能够继续在您已使用类似Microsoft帐户认可的另一台 PC 上的照片应用程序上对其进行更改。(Photos)
- 带有音乐(Automatic video with music)功能的自动视频还可以让您挑选照片或视频。照片(Photos)应用程序会自动将它们组合成您的自定义视频。要创建自定义视频,您必须至少选择一个视频或照片。您应该通过添加图像或结合想法制作视频来制作幻灯片。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中使用隐藏的视频编辑器(How To Use Hidden Video Editor In Windows 10)
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) )
Q1。您如何修剪 Windows 电影和电视应用程序上的视频?(Q1. How do you trim videos on Windows Movies & TV application?)
Ans: 以下是如何在Windows Movies & TV应用程序上修剪视频:
1.在影视(Movies & TV)中打开视频( video)。
2. 然后,单击屏幕右下角的铅笔(pencil)(或编辑(Edit))图标。( icon )
3. 选择修剪(Trim)选项。
4. 使用左右滑块(left and right sliders)选择要修剪的视频部分。
5. 然后,单击另存为(Save as)并选择一个文件夹位置来保存修剪后的视频。
Q2。Windows 10 有视频编辑软件吗?(Q2. Does Windows 10 have video editing software?)
回答:是(Ans: Yes)的,Windows 10 确实包含原生视频编辑器应用程序,它是原始(Video Editor)Movie Maker的继承者。新的视频编辑器(Video Editor)可让您添加音乐、文本、3D 效果等,制作您自己的杰作。
虽然它们可能不是Windows上最令人印象深刻的视频编辑器,但它们的技能令人震惊,适用于所有Windows 10 PC,并且可以通过有吸引力且简单的界面完成许多基本编辑任务。下次您需要在Windows(Windows) PC上更改视频时试一试。我们希望您可以学习如何在 Windows 10 中修剪视频的(trim video in Windows 10)各种方法。如果您对在Windows(Windows) PC上修剪视频仍有疑问,请随时在评论部分与我们联系。
How to Trim Video in Windows 10
Windows 10 offers a variety of video editing programs where you can perform bаsic video editing tasks. You need not rely on expensive sоftware programs to edit simple videos. You may edit a fаmily video for fun or a video for your YouTube channel too. In this case, Windows 10 Video Editor will help you edit уour videos perfеctly. Read tіll the еnd to learn the various methods of how to trim video in Windоws 10.
How to Trim Video in Windows 10
Sometimes when you record your video via smartphone or even through a digital camera, it may become too long. Smartphones do not support editing such long files or cropping off unwanted clips so easily.
Windows 10 Video Editor eliminates the need to depend on the installation of third-party tools for this purpose.
- The Windows 10 Photos app is composed of a fantastic video editor from which one can trim one or multiple parts of a video more simply.
In this Windows 10 guide, the steps to cut videos using the Photos app are explained very simply.
Method 1: Using the Photos App
To trim video in Windows using Photos, use these steps:
1. Select the video you want to edit from File Explorer.
2. Click Open with > Photos.
3. Select the Edit & Create button from the top-right corner.
4. Now, click the Trim option.
5. Make use of the white pins (right and left) to select the part of the video you want to trim.
6. Use the blue pin to stop the footage and make sure you’re trimming the correct section.
7. Click the Save as option from the top-right corner and save the edited video.
Once all these steps have been completed, Photos will process the video and will successfully save the trimmed file in the location you desire. In this process, the original video will not be affected; only a shortened version of an original video file is created in another area.
Also Read: How to Cut Video in Windows 10 using VLC
Method 2: Using Photos Video Editor App
While trimming video in the Photos application is an extremely easy task, it only allows you to save a specific section. What if you need to remove some portions and save the rest of the video? This is where the advanced Video Editor built into the Photos application comes in handy. The Video Editor allows you to combine multiple videos together, add music, effects, texts, etc. Here’s how to trim video in Windows 10 Photos Video Editor App:
1. Search for the Video Editor application in the Cortana search bar.
2. Click on the New Video Project button.
3. A pop-up to name your video will appear. Type in an appropriate name and hit enter or click on Skip altogether.
4. In the Project Library pane, click on the + Add button and select From this PC.
5. Locate and select the video file you wish to trim and click on Open.
6. Wait for the application to finish adding the video file to your project.
7. Drag the video file from the Project Library pane to the Storyboard and choose the Split option.
Note: We will be splitting the video file into multiple smaller (manageable) sections first and then trimming the individual sections as required. The trimmed portions will then be appended together to create a final video.
8. In the following window, drag the blue pointer to the timestamp which is one-third of the total video time. For example – If the video is 38 seconds long, as in our case, place the pointer at 38/3 = 12.7 seconds.
9. Click on the Done button to split this section from the original video.
You will now be brought back to the main project screen. The first video on the Storyboard will be the split section (first 12.7 secs) we created in the previous step and the one to its right will be the remaining portion. Next, follow the remaining steps to trim video in Windows 10.
10. Select the remaining portion and click on split again.
11. This time, place the split pointer at the time stamp that divides the remaining video into two equal parts, and click on Done.
The main video has now been split into three separate videos.
Note: Depending on the overall length of your video, you may need to split it into multiple sections and not just three. Also, the splits do not have to be perfect or of the same length.
12. Select the first video on the Storyboard and click on Trim.
13. Trim out the section you require in the final video using the two sliders (only move them inwards).
Note: You can fine-tune your selection by using the back and forward frame buttons.
14. Save the trimmed section by clicking Done.
15. Repeat the previous step for the remaining videos in the Storyboard and trim out all the parts you need.
16. To preview the final video, click the Play button.
17. Click on Finish video at the top-right to save a copy.
18. Set the Video Quality as you please.
Note: The video file size will correspond to the chosen video quality so the higher the quality, the greater the file size.
19. Expand the more options menu and tick the next for Use hardware-accelerated encoding.
20. Finally, click on Export and select the destination folder.
The export time will depend on the length of the final video, the export quality, and your system. Once exported, the video will automatically open up in a new window for you to play back and check. Thus, this is how you can trim video in Windows.
Also Read: 5 Best Video Editing Software For Windows 10
Features of Photos Video Editor App
Irrespective of how you create a custom video project, you will always end up on a screen with a project library, video preview, and Storyboard pane. Once you add a video, you will see some editing tools in the Storyboard pane. You can also resize, add filters, visual effects, motion effects, and even apply 3D effects.
- The Trim tool works the same as the trim tool you see when editing an individual video. You can cut and crop multiple videos from a single video.
- You can remove black bars from a video using the Resize tool, which is essential if you’re combining multiple videos.
- The Filters tool provides a variety of filters—everything from Sepia to Pixel.
- You can also place different styles and layouts of animated text using the Text tool.
- The Motion tool lets you choose different types of camera motion for the video or photo.
- The 3D Effects tool provides a library of 3D effects that you can apply to the video.
- Rather than modifying every individual choice yourself, the Themes allows you to pick various themes. This will choose filters, music, and text styles that cooperate—total with review recordings that show you how they will look.
- To apply music to a video, click the Music button on the top bar. The Photos application incorporates a couple of music options you can browse. You can also choose Your Music to embed a custom music record.
- Additionally, there’s an Aspect Ratio option on the toolbar. You can use it to switch between various landscape and picture orientations for your video.
- You can transfer your video file to Microsoft cloud through the Add to Cloud button. You will then be able to continue altering it on the Photos application on another PC you’ve endorsed with a similar Microsoft account.
- The Automatic video with music features also let you pick your photos or videos. The Photos app automatically combines them into a custom video for you. To create a custom video, you must select at least one video or photo. You are supposed to make a slideshow by adding images or combining the ideas to make a video.
Also Read: How To Use Hidden Video Editor In Windows 10
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. How do you trim videos on Windows Movies & TV application?
Ans: Here’s how to trim videos on Windows Movies & TV application:
1. Open the video in Movies & TV.
2. Then, click on the pencil (or Edit) icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
3. Select the Trim option.
4. Use the left and right sliders to select the portion of the video you would like to trim out.
5. Then, click on Save as and select a folder location to save the trimmed video.
Q2. Does Windows 10 have video editing software?
Ans: Yes, Windows 10 does include a native Video Editor application, a successor to the original Movie Maker. The new Video Editor lets you add music, text, 3D effects, etc. to make a masterpiece of your own.
While they may not be the most impressive video editor on Windows, they are shockingly skilled, included for all Windows 10 PCs, and can do many basic editing tasks with an attractive and simple interface. Give it a try the next time you need to alter a video on a Windows PC. We hope you could learn various methods of how to trim video in Windows 10. If you still have queries on trimming videos on your Windows PC, please feel free to contact us in the comment section.