如果您想知道如何在Windows 11的任务栏中添加图标,这完全取决于您想要什么。有几种方法可以将快捷方式固定到Windows 11中的任务栏,您还可以添加任何您认为有用的任务栏项目和任务栏角图标。(taskbar corner)或者,也许您想知道如何从Windows 11的任务栏中删除图标,以便为您每天需要的快捷方式腾出更多空间。无论哪种方式,请阅读本指南以了解如何在Windows 11的任务栏中添加或删除图标。我们还展示了如何使用设置应用程序来管理(Settings)任务栏角落溢出(Taskbar corner overflow)菜单中的图标,这是一种奇特的方式来说明您决定哪些应用程序显示或隐藏在系统托盘(system tray)。让我们开始吧:
如何在Windows 11中显示或隐藏任务栏图标(用于搜索(Search)、任务视图(Task view)、小部件(Widgets)和聊天(Chat))
默认情况下,Windows 11任务栏包括四个新按钮,位于前面和中间。微软(Microsoft)称它们为任务栏项目(Taskbar items):

Windows 11 中的任务栏项目
- 搜索(Search)- 让您可以在您的计算机或设备(computer or device)以及网络上查找项目。有关详细信息,请查看我们关于如何在Windows 11中使用(Windows 11)搜索(Search)的指南。
- 任务视图(Task view)- 允许使用多个虚拟桌面以更好地专注于您的任务。我们在Windows 10(Windows 10)中首次引入该功能时解释了什么是任务视图(Task view)。
- 小部件(Widgets)- 打开Windows 11 小部件(Widgets),这是一个有用的面板,您可以对其进行自定义以显示您需要的信息,从新闻和天气预报(weather forecast)到您的日历、待办事项列表等。在我们看来,小部件是(Widgets)Windows 11最棒的地方之一。
- 聊天- (Chat)Microsoft Teams的快捷方式,这是Windows 11中包含的消息应用程序(messaging app)。
要控制显示这些图标中的哪一个,请右键单击或按住任务栏上的空白区域,然后单击或点击任务栏设置(Taskbar settings)。

(Access Taskbar)在Windows 11中(Windows 11)访问任务栏设置
这将在“个性化”选项卡的“(Personalization)任务栏(Taskbar)”部分打开“设置”(Settings)应用程序。您可以在右侧面板的顶部看到任务栏项目。(Taskbar items)使用每个选项旁边的开关来隐藏或显示Windows 11中任务栏上的图标。


如何从Windows 11的任务栏中删除图标(Windows 11)
提示:(TIP:)如果您不喜欢新设置,您是否知道可以在Windows 11中将(Windows 11)开始菜单和任务栏(Start Menu and taskbar)移到左侧?
如何在Windows 11中自定义(Windows 11)任务栏角(Taskbar corner)
任务栏设置(Taskbar settings)部分还提供了用于控制任务栏右侧显示的图标的选项 - 在系统托盘(system tray)或通知区域(Notification area)中,正如以前版本中所命名的那样。
首先,您在Windows 11中的(Windows 11)键盘语言图标(keyboard language icon)旁边显示了任务栏角图标(Taskbar corner icons)。

Windows 11 中的任务栏角图标
右键单击或按住任务栏上的空白区域,然后单击或点击任务栏设置(Taskbar settings)。在“任务栏角落图标”(“Taskbar corner icons”)部分,使用每个选项旁边的开关来显示或隐藏以下图标:

- 笔菜单(Pen menu)- 如果您在带有触控笔的触摸屏设备上运行Windows 11 ,您可以使用此图标来访问其他选项和应用程序。(Windows 11)
- 触摸键盘(Touch keyboard)- 可用于在触摸屏设备上打字。有关更多详细信息,请查看我们在Windows 11中启用(Windows 11)触控键盘(Touch Keyboard)的指南。
- 虚拟触控板(Virtual touchpad)- 启用虚拟触控板,取代鼠标,可以帮助用户在平板电脑上运行Windows 11。
提示:单击或点按(TIP:)任务栏角落(taskbar corner)中的网络、音量或电池图标可打开Windows 11 快速设置(Quick Settings)。
任务栏角落溢出(Taskbar corner overflow)菜单是一个可展开的窗格,通过单击或点击系统托盘(system tray)左侧的箭头来显示。

在任务栏设置中(Taskbar settings),单击或点击“任务栏角落溢出”(Taskbar corner overflow”)以决定哪些应用程序图标显示在任务栏角落(taskbar corner)。如果您将开关设置为Off,该图标将从任务栏中隐藏,但您可以在任务栏角落溢出(Taskbar corner overflow)窗格中找到它。

如何通过将图标隐藏在任务栏角落(Taskbar corner)溢出中来从Windows 11的任务栏中删除图标(Windows 11)
注意:(NOTE:)任何特定应用程序的角图标(corner icon)仅在该应用程序在您的 Windows 11计算机或设备(computer or device)上运行时显示。无论您选择在任务栏角落溢出(Taskbar corner overflow)或显示在任务栏上的应用程序图标都没有关系,它只会在您启动相应的应用程序或程序(app or program)时显示。
如何在Windows 11中将快捷方式固定到任务栏(Windows 11)
如果您想知道如何在Windows 11中固定到任务栏,最简单的方法是首先启动应用程序,然后右键单击或按住(right-click or press-and-hold)其任务栏图标(taskbar icon)。然后,从上下文菜单中,单击或点击(click or tap) “固定到任务栏(“Pin to taskbar)。”

如何使用应用程序的任务栏图标(taskbar icon)固定到Windows 11中的任务栏(Windows 11)
您还可以右键单击或按住“开始”菜单中(Start Menu)固定(Pinned)的快捷方式之一。然后,单击或点击“固定到任务栏”(“Pin to taskbar)。”

如何从“开始”菜单(Start Menu)中固定的应用程序将快捷方式固定到Windows 11中的任务栏(Windows 11)
您还可以从开始菜单中显示的(Start Menu)所有应用(All apps)列表中将应用固定到任务栏。有关以这种方式查找您喜爱的应用程序的更多详细信息,请查看我们的在Windows 11中使用“(Windows 11)开始”菜单(Start Menu)的指南。右键单击或按住应用程序,访问更多(More),然后单击或点击“固定到任务栏”(“Pin to taskbar)。”

如何从所有应用程序固定到Windows 11中的任务栏(Windows 11)
如果要在Windows 11中取消固定或隐藏任务栏图标,请右键单击或按住要删除的应用程序。从上下文菜单中,单击或点击(click or tap) “从任务栏取消固定”(“Unpin from taskbar)。”

如何在Windows 11中从任务栏取消固定(Windows 11)
注意:(NOTE: ) Windows 11(Windows 11)任务栏非常有用,但整体体验让我们有点不知所措,您可以从我们关于Windows 11任务栏无法做的 7 件事的文章中找到。
您是否在(Did)Windows 11的任务栏中添加或删除了图标?
现在您知道如何在Windows 11的任务栏和(Windows 11)任务栏角落(taskbar corner)添加或删除图标了。在您关闭本指南之前,我们很想知道您的意图是什么。如果您添加或删除了图标,请在评论中告诉我们。(Please)你保留了哪些图标,删除了哪些图标,为什么?
How to add or remove icons from the taskbar in Windows 11
If you’re wondering how to add an icon to thе taskbar in Windows 11, it all depends on what you want. There are several waуs to pin a shortcut to the taskbar in Windows 11, and you can аlso include any taskbar items and taskbаr corner іcons you find usefυl. Or maybe you want to know how tо remove icons from the taskbar in Windows 11 tо get more room for the shortcutѕ you need every day. Either way, read this guide to lеarn how to add or remove icons frоm the taskbar in Windows 11. We also shоw how to use thе Settings app to manage the icons in the Taskbar corner overflow menu, which is a fancy way of saying you decide which apps are shown or hidden in the system tray. Let’s get started:
How to show or hide the taskbar icons in Windows 11 (for Search, Task view, Widgets, and Chat)
By default, the Windows 11 taskbar includes four new buttons front and center. Microsoft calls them Taskbar items:

The Taskbar items in Windows 11
- Search - lets you find items on your computer or device, as well as on the web. For details, check out our guide on how to use Search in Windows 11.
- Task view - enables the use of multiple virtual desktops to better focus on your tasks. We explained what Task view is when the feature was first introduced in Windows 10.
- Widgets - opens the Windows 11 Widgets, a useful panel that you can customize to show the info you need, from news and the weather forecast to your calendar, to-do lists, and more. In our opinion, Widgets are one of the greatest things about Windows 11.
- Chat - a shortcut to Microsoft Teams, a messaging app included in Windows 11.
To control which of these icons are shown, right-click or press-and-hold on a free area on your taskbar, and then click or tap on Taskbar settings.

Access Taskbar settings in Windows 11
This opens the Settings app in the Taskbar section of the Personalization tab. You can see the Taskbar items at the top of the panel on the right. Use the switch next to each option to hide or show the icon on your taskbar in Windows 11.

Click or tap on the switches to turn the Taskbar items On or Off
You can see the icons on the taskbar appear or disappear as you flip the switches On or Off.

How to remove an icon from the taskbar in Windows 11
TIP: If you don’t like the new setup, did you know you can move the Start Menu and taskbar to the left in Windows 11?
How to customize the Taskbar corner in Windows 11
The Taskbar settings section also offers options to control the icons shown on the right side of the taskbar - in the system tray or Notification area, as it was named in previous versions.
First, you have the Taskbar corner icons displayed next to the keyboard language icon in Windows 11.

Taskbar corner icons in Windows 11
Right-click or press-and-hold on a free area on your taskbar, and then click or tap Taskbar settings. In the “Taskbar corner icons” section, use the switch next to each option to show or hide the icons for:

Show or hide Taskbar corner icons
- Pen menu - if you’re running Windows 11 on a touchscreen device with a stylus, you can use this icon to get access to additional options and apps.
- Touch keyboard - useful for typing on touchscreen devices. For more details, check out our guide on enabling the Touch Keyboard in Windows 11.
- Virtual touchpad - enables the virtual touchpad, which replaces the mouse and can help users running Windows 11 on a tablet.
TIP: Clicking or tapping the network, volume, or battery icons in the taskbar corner opens the Windows 11 Quick Settings.
The Taskbar corner overflow menu is an expandable pane, revealed by clicking or tapping on the arrow to the left of the system tray.

The Taskbar corner overflow
In Taskbar settings, click or tap on “Taskbar corner overflow” to decide which app icons are shown in the taskbar corner. If you set a switch to Off, that icon is hidden from the taskbar, but you can find it in the Taskbar corner overflow pane.

How to remove icons from the taskbar in Windows 11 by hiding them in the Taskbar corner overflow
NOTE: The corner icon for any particular app is only shown when that app is running on your Windows 11 computer or device. It doesn’t matter if you chose to include an app icon in the Taskbar corner overflow or display it on the taskbar, it will only show up when you start the corresponding app or program.
How to pin a shortcut to the taskbar in Windows 11
If you want to know how to pin to the taskbar in Windows 11, the easiest way is to first launch the app and then right-click or press-and-hold on its taskbar icon. Then, from the contextual menu, click or tap “Pin to taskbar.”

How to pin to taskbar in Windows 11 using an app's taskbar icon
You can also right-click or press-and-hold on one of the shortcuts Pinned in the Start Menu. Then, click or tap on “Pin to taskbar.”

How to pin a shortcut to taskbar in Windows 11 from the apps Pinned in the Start Menu
You can also pin an app to the taskbar from the All apps list shown in the Start Menu. For more details on finding your favorite apps this way, check out our guide on using the Start Menu in Windows 11. Right-click or press-and-hold on an app, access More, and then click or tap “Pin to taskbar.”

How to pin to taskbar in Windows 11 from All apps
If you want to unpin or hide taskbar icons in Windows 11, right-click or press-and-hold on the app you want to remove. From the contextual menu, click or tap “Unpin from taskbar.”

How to unpin from taskbar in Windows 11
NOTE: The Windows 11 taskbar is pretty useful, but we are a bit underwhelmed by the overall experience, as you can find out from our article on 7 things you can’t do with the Windows 11 taskbar.
Did you add or remove icons from the taskbar in Windows 11?
Now you know how to add or remove icons from both the taskbar and the taskbar corner in Windows 11. Before you close this guide, we’re curious to know what your intentions were. Please tell us in a comment if you added or removed icons. Which icons did you keep and which did you eliminate, and why?