什么比没有互联网连接更烦人?(What is more annoying than no internet connection?)一个慢的(Slow one)。几乎每个人都可以证明下载/上传速度慢是多么令人恼火。幸运的是,新的Windows 11提供了许多提升它的技巧。在本文中,我们将探索 10 种提高Windows 11互联网速度(internet speed)的方法。重要的是要了解影响您的网速(internet speed)的因素有很多,例如:
- 网络连接(Network connection)适应太多设备
- 配置不当的带宽分配
- ISP与用户(user leading)之间的距离导致Wi-Fi 信号较弱
- 破损的电线和电缆
- 恶意软件攻击系统
- 标记为计量连接的网络
如何在 Windows 11 中提高 Internet 速度(How to Increase Internet Speed in Windows 11)
您应该首先学习如何估计您的WiFi/Ethernet connection速度和强度(speed and strength)。
1. 访问Ookla Speed Test 网页(Ookla Speed Test webpage)并单击GO开始计算过程。
2. 记下当前的上传和下载速度(upload and download speeds)(以Mbps为单位)。
注意:(Note:) 我们强烈建议您在每次调整系统配置(system configuration)时检查并记下速度。这将帮助您了解您是否做出了积极的改变以及改变的程度。
方法 1:关闭计量连接(Method 1: Turn Off Metered Connection)
计量连接用于数据有限的情况下,以确保不会超过预定义的限制。但是,这可能会导致互联网速度变慢。以下是通过禁用计量连接功能(connection feature)来提高互联网速度的方法:
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys启动 Windows设置(Settings)。
2. 点击左侧窗格中的网络(Network) 和(&) 互联网和右侧窗格中的(internet)Wi-Fi选项,如图所示。
3. 现在,点击网络 SSID 属性(network SSID properties),如下图所示。
4. 并关闭计量连接(Metered connection)选项,如图所示。
方法 2:限制 Windows 更新的带宽
(Method 2: Limit Bandwidth for Windows Updates
Windows 检查更新并在后台下载它们。这可能会导致互联网速度(internet speed)变慢。要解决这个问题:
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)窗口。
2. 在这里,单击左侧窗格中的Windows 更新和右侧的(Windows Update)高级(Advanced) 选项(Options )。
3. 向下滚动到Additional options并选择Delivery Optimization,如图所示。
4. 关闭允许从其他 PC 下载(Allow downloads from other PCs)选项,下面突出显示。
5. 然后,点击高级选项(Advanced options)。
6A。选择下载设置部分下的(Download settings)绝对带宽(Absolute Bandwidth)选项并检查以下内容:
- 限制用于在后台下载更新的带宽(Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background)
- 限制用于在前台下载更新的带宽(Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the foreground)
然后,以 Mbps(speed in Mbps)为单位输入您要设置为限制的速度。
6B。或者,选择下载设置下(Download settings)的测量带宽百分比(Percentage of measured bandwidth )选项并检查以下选项:
- 限制用于在后台下载更新的带宽(Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background)
- 限制用于在前台下载更新的带宽(Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the foreground)
然后,移动滑块(move the sliders)以设置带宽百分比作为限制。
7. 在上传设置(Upload settings)下,选中标记为:
- 限制使用多少带宽将更新上传到 Internet 上的其他 PC(Limit how much bandwidth is used for uploading updates to other PCs on the Internet)
- 每月上传限制(Monthly upload limit)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 5种最佳带宽监控和管理工具(Best Bandwidth Monitoring and Management Tools)
方法三:关闭高带宽消耗后台进程(Method 3: Close High Bandwidth Consumption Background Processes)
后台(Background)服务和进程可能会占用资源,消耗太多数据。以下是在Windows 11中提高互联网速度(internet speed)的方法:
1. 同时按Windows + X keys打开快速(Quick) 链接(link)菜单。
2.从列表中选择任务管理器。(Task Manager)
3. 切换到性能(Performance)选项卡并单击突出显示的打开资源监视器。(Open Resource Monitor)
4. 在资源监视器窗口的(Resource Monitor)网络(Network)选项卡下,右键单击不需要的后台进程(unwanted background process)并选择结束进程(End Process),如下图所示。
5. 对所有此类任务重复相同的操作,并检查下载/上传速度是否有所提高。
方法 4 (Method 4):手动禁用后台应用程序(: Manually Disable Background Apps)
您还可以禁用应用程序在后台运行以提高您在Windows 11中的互联网(Windows 11)连接速度(connection speed):
2. 点击应用(Apps) 和(&) 功能(features),如图所示。
3. 单击给定列表中不需要的应用程序旁边的三点图标。(three-dotted icon)
4. 在这里,选择高级选项(Advanced options)。
5. 然后,在后台下拉菜单中点击让这个应用程序运行,然后选择(Let this app run in the background)从不(Never)。
6. 对所有不必要的应用程序重复上述步骤,以防止它们在后台运行。
另请阅读: (Also Read: ) WinZip 安全吗
方法 5:更改 DNS 服务器地址(Method 5: Change DNS Server Address)
有许多DNS服务器可以提高Windows 11台式机/笔记本电脑的互联网速度。
1. 单击搜索图标,(Search icon,) 键入查看网络连接,(view network connections,)然后按 Enter。(Enter.)
2. 右键单击您当前的网络连接(network connection),如Wi-Fi,然后单击属性(Properties),如图所示。
3. 在这里,选择Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)并单击属性(Properties)按钮。
4. 选中使用以下 DNS 服务器地址(Use the following DNS server addresses )选项并键入:在首选 DNS 服务器
(备用 DNS 服务器中的1.0.0.1
5. 最后,单击确定(OK)保存更改并退出。
方法 6:扫描病毒和恶意软件(Method 6: Scan for Viruses & Malware)
恶意软件(Malware)可以通过将其用于恶意目的来影响互联网速度。以下是通过扫描恶意软件并将其从您的 PC 中删除来提高Windows 11上的互联网速度的方法:
注意:此处以(Note: )McAfee为例。选项可能因防病毒应用程序(antivirus app)而异。
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并输入McAfee LiveSafe。然后,单击打开(Open)以启动它。
2. 在这里,点击PC。
3. 然后,选择突出显示的防病毒(Antivirus)选项。
4. 现在,单击扫描(Scan) 类型(types)。
5. 选择运行完整扫描(Run a full scan )选项。等待(Wait)扫描完成并根据结果和建议采取行动。(take action)
另请阅读:(Also Read: )什么是Google Chrome 提升服务(Google Chrome Elevation Service)
方法 7:更改 Web 浏览器(Method 7: Change Web Browser)
您可以尝试其他可用的浏览器选项,看看是否是您的浏览器的问题。有许多浏览器具有优化 PC 性能和提高Windows 11中的(Windows 11)互联网速度(internet speed)的功能。下面列出了一些流行的网络浏览器及其功能:
Chrome:作为当今网络公民的首选浏览器,Chrome是最受欢迎的网络浏览器之一。由于(Due)其简单的界面,它受到大多数用户的喜爱。然而,Chrome也以(Chrome)占用内存(RAM hogging)而闻名。
Opera: Opera提供了两种不同的选择,以满足不同人的需求。Opera用于常规使用,而Opera GX可通过内置的Discord 和 Twitch 集成(Discord and Twitch integrations)供游戏社区(gaming community)使用。在Chromium 引擎(Chromium engine)上开发的Opera还允许您从(Opera)Chrome Web Store安装扩展程序,以便您享受两全其美的体验。
Firefox: Firefox虽然曾经被认为是Chrome的最大竞争对手,但在某种程度上已经落后了。但是,它本身仍然是一个有价值的竞争者。其惊人的功能,如自动播放(Autoplay)阻止、文本(Text)到语音、内置(In-built)截图工具在其他浏览器中仍然缺乏。
Brave: Brave浏览器是当今可用的以隐私为中心的浏览器之一。它可以完全阻止跟踪器和广告,使您的浏览体验顺畅无干扰(experience smooth and distraction-free)。
Microsoft Edge:Microsoft Edge是由Microsoft开发并预装在Windows 11中的快速且安全的浏览器。它提供了各种功能来提升浏览器性能,例如启动提升(Startup boost)、硬件加速(Hardware acceleration)和后台(Background)扩展和应用程序,如下图所示。
方法 8:启用无线访问控制
(Method 8: Enable Wireless Access Control
有时您的路由器可能会超出设备连接限制(connection limit)。这可能会导致您的互联网速度变慢。因此,您可以添加无线访问控制(access control)来限制联网设备。
注意:(Note:)由于路由器没有相同的设置选项,并且它们因制造商而异,因此在更改之前确保正确设置。以下步骤是在PROLINK ADSL 路由器(PROLINK ADSL Router)上执行的。
以下是通过限制设备数量来提高Windows 11中的(Windows 11)互联网速度(internet speed)的方法:
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon)并输入命令提示符(command prompt)。然后,单击打开。(Open.)
2.在命令提示符(Command Prompt)中输入ipconfig /all命令,然后按 Enter(Enter)。
3. 找到突出显示的默认网关( Default Gateway)地址。
注意:(Note:)通常,网关地址(gateway address)在路由器背面或路由器手册(router manual)中给出。
4. 然后,在任何 Web 浏览器上打开默认网关(Default Gateway)地址。使用您的凭据(credentials)登录(Log)。
5. 在设置(Setup)选项卡下,单击左侧窗格中的WLAN选项。
6. 在这里,单击访问控制列表(Access Control List),然后从无线访问控制模式(Wireless Access Control Mode)下拉菜单中选择允许列出(Allow Listed)选项,如下所示。
7. 然后,添加允许使用此互联网连接的设备的(internet connection and click)MAC 地址(MAC address )(例如ABE0F7G601 ),然后单击(ABE0F7G601)添加(Add)。
8. 最后,点击Apply Changes并退出。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何以安全模式(Mode)启动 Windows 11(Boot Windows 11)
专业提示:(Pro Tip:) 如何找到您的小工具的 MAC 地址(How to find MAC address of your gadget)
对于 Windows:(For Windows: )在命令提示符(Command Prompt)中执行ipconfig /all并记下 Physical address(Physical address)。
对于 Android:(For Android: )导航到设置(Settings)>系统(System)>关于手机(About phone)>状态(Status)选项。记下此处的Wi-Fi MAC 地址(Wi-Fi MAC address )。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)在Windows、Linux 或 Mac(Linux or Mac)上更改您的 MAC 地址(Your MAC Address)
方法9:升级上网计划(Method 9: Upgrade Internet Plan)
也许是时候升级您的互联网计划(internet plan)了。致电您的Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service provider)并询问提供更好速度选项的计划。
方法 10:更换路由器或电缆
(Method 10: Replace Router or Cables
有故障或损坏的硬件会导致连接不稳定和网速(internet speed)不佳。因此,您应该检查有故障的电线、电缆和以太网(cable & Ethernet),并在需要时更换它们。如果可能的话,购买一个提供更好带宽的新路由器。
- 如何在 Windows 11 上更新应用程序
- 如何在Windows 11上更改(Windows 11)DNS 服务器(DNS Server)
- 如何下载和安装 Windows(Download and Install Windows) 11 更新
- 如何在Windows 11上隐藏(Windows 11)最近的文件和文件夹(Recent Files and Folders)
我们希望您发现这篇文章有助于(article helpful)了解如何在 Windows 11 上提高互联网速度(how to increase internet speed on Windows 11)。您可以在下面的评论部分(comment section)发送您的建议和查询。我们很想知道您希望我们接下来探索哪个主题。
How to Increase Internet Speed in Windows 11
What is more annoying than no internet connection? A Slow one. Almost everyone can testify how infuriating slow download/upload speeds can be. Fortunately, the new Windows 11 provides many tricks to boost it. In this article, we are going to explore 10 ways to increase internet speed on Windows 11. It is important to understand that there could be many factors affecting your internet speed, such as:
- Network connection catering to too many devices
- Ill-configured Bandwidth allocation
- Distance between ISP & user leading to a weak Wi-Fi signal
- Broken wires and cables
- Malware attack on the system
- Network marked as metered connection
How to Increase Internet Speed in Windows 11
You should first learn how to estimate the speed and strength of your WiFi/Ethernet connection.
1. Visit Ookla Speed Test webpage and click on GO to begin the calculation process.
2. Note down the current upload and download speeds in Mbps.
Note: We strongly recommend that you check & note down the speed every time you tweak system configuration. This will help you understand if you have made a positive change or not and to what degree.
Method 1: Turn Off Metered Connection
A metered connection is used in a scenario where you have limited data to ensure that you do not cross the predefined limit. However, this could result in slower internet speeds. Here’s how to increase your internet speed by disabling metered connection feature:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to launch Windows Settings.
2. Click on Network & internet in the left pane and Wi-Fi option in the right pane, as shown.
3. Now, click on the network SSID properties, as depicted below.
4. And toggle off Metered connection option, as shown.
Method 2: Limit Bandwidth for Windows Updates
Windows checks for updates and downloads them in the background. This could result in slower internet speed. To fix this:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open the Settings window.
2. Here, click on Windows Update in the left pane and Advanced Options in the right.
3. Scroll down to Additional options and select Delivery Optimization, as shown.
4. Toggle off Allow downloads from other PCs option, highlighted below.
5. Then, click on Advanced options.
6A. Select the Absolute Bandwidth option under Download settings section and check the following:
- Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background
- Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the foreground
Then, input the speed in Mbps which you want to set as the limit.
6B. Alternatively, select the Percentage of measured bandwidth option under Download settings and check the following options:
- Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background
- Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the foreground
Then, move the sliders to set the percentage of bandwidth to serve as limits.
7. Under Upload settings, check the boxes marked:
- Limit how much bandwidth is used for uploading updates to other PCs on the Internet
- Monthly upload limit
Then, move the sliders to set the desired limits.
Also Read: 5 Best Bandwidth Monitoring and Management Tools
Method 3: Close High Bandwidth Consumption Background Processes
Background services and processes can be resource-hogging consuming too much data. Here’s how to increase internet speed in Windows 11:
1. Press Windows + X keys simultaneously to open the Quick link menu.
2. Select Task Manager from the list.
3. Switch to Performance tab and click on Open Resource Monitor as highlighted.
4. Under Network tab in Resource Monitor window, right-click on unwanted background process and select End Process, as illustrated below.
5. Repeat the same for all such tasks and check for improvement in download/upload speeds.
Method 4: Manually Disable Background Apps
You could also disable apps from running in the background to increase your internet connection speed in Windows 11:
1. Launch Settings as earlier and click on Apps from the left pane.
2. Click on Apps & features, as shown.
3. Click on the three-dotted icon next to the unrequired app from the given list.
4. Here, select Advanced options.
5. Then, click on Let this app run in the background dropdown menu and select Never.
6. Repeat the above steps for all unnecessary apps to prevent them from running in the background.
Also Read: Is WinZip Safe
Method 5: Change DNS Server Address
There are many DNS servers that could increase internet speed in Windows 11 desktop/laptop.
1. Click on the Search icon, type view network connections, and hit Enter.
2. Right-click on your current network connection like Wi-Fi and click on Properties, as shown.
3. Here, select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click on the Properties button.
4. Check the Use the following DNS server addresses option and type: in Preferred DNS server in Alternate DNS server
5. Finally, click OK to save changes and Exit.
Method 6: Scan for Viruses & Malware
Malware can affect internet speed by using it for malicious purposes. Here’s how to increase internet speed on Windows 11 by scanning for malware and removing it from your PC:
Note: McAfee is used as an example here. The options may differ according to the antivirus app.
1. Click on the Search icon and type McAfee LiveSafe. Then, click on Open to launch it.
2. Here, click on PC.
3. Then, select the Antivirus option shown highlighted.
4. Now, click on Scan types.
5. Select the Run a full scan option. Wait for the scan to finish and take action according to the results & suggestions.
Also Read: What is Google Chrome Elevation Service
Method 7: Change Web Browser
You can try other available browser options to see if it is the fault of your browser. There are many browsers with features to optimize the performance of your PC and increase internet speed in Windows 11. Some of the popular web browsers and their features are listed below:
Chrome: Being the top choice for browsers among cyber citizens today, Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers. Due to its simple interface, it is loved by most users. However, Chrome is also notoriously known for RAM hogging.
Opera: Opera gives two different options catering to the needs of different people. Opera is used for regular use, while Opera GX is available for the gaming community with inbuilt Discord and Twitch integrations. Opera being developed on Chromium engine also lets you install extensions from Chrome Web Store so that you can enjoy the best of both worlds.
Firefox: Firefox, though once considered as the biggest rival of Chrome, is somehow lagging behind. However, it is still a worthy contender on its own. Its amazing features like Autoplay blocking, Text to speech, In-built screenshot tool are still lacking in other browsers.
Brave: Brave browser is one of the more privacy-centric browsers available today. It can block trackers and ads completely making your browsing experience smooth and distraction-free.
Microsoft Edge: Microsoft Edge is a fast and secure browser developed by Microsoft and pre-installed in Windows 11. It provides various features to boost browser performance such as Startup boost, Hardware acceleration, and Background extensions & apps, as illustrated below.
Method 8: Enable Wireless Access Control
Sometimes your router may exceed the device connection limit. This may cause your internet to slow down. So, you can add wireless access control to limit the network-connected devices.
Note: Since Routers do not have the same settings option, and they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, hence ensure the correct settings before changing any. The following steps were performed on PROLINK ADSL Router.
Here’s how to increase internet speed in Windows 11 by limiting the number of devices:
1. Click on the Search icon and type, command prompt. Then, click Open.
2. Type ipconfig /all command in Command Prompt and hit Enter.
3. Find the Default Gateway address shown highlighted.
Note: Typically, the gateway address is given at the back of the router or the router manual.
4. Then, open Default Gateway address on any web browser. Log in with your credentials.
5. Under Setup tab, click on WLAN option from the left pane.
6. Here, click on Access Control List and choose Allow Listed option from the Wireless Access Control Mode dropdown menu, as depicted below.
7. Then, add the MAC address (e.g. ABE0F7G601) of the devices to be allowed to use this internet connection and click Add.
8. Finally, click on Apply Changes and exit.
Also Read: How to Boot Windows 11 in Safe Mode
Pro Tip: How to find MAC address of your gadget
For Windows: Execute ipconfig /all in Command Prompt and note Physical address.
For Android: Navigate to Settings > System > About phone > Status option. Note the Wi-Fi MAC address from here.
Also Read: Change Your MAC Address on Windows, Linux or Mac
Method 9: Upgrade Internet Plan
Maybe it is time for you to upgrade your internet plan. Call your Internet Service provider and ask for plans that give better speed options.
Method 10: Replace Router or Cables
Faulty or damaged hardware will result in unstable connections and poor internet speed. So, you should check for faulty wires, cable & Ethernet and replace these, if needed. Get a new router that offers better bandwidth too, if possible.
We hope you found this article helpful to learn how to increase internet speed on Windows 11. You can send your suggestions and queries in the comment section down below. We would love to know which topic you want us to explore next.