虚拟专用网络(Private Networks)( VPN ) 提供了一种在(VPN)Internet上扩展专用网络并在需要时以安全方式(secure manner)访问它们的简便方法。您可以使用VPN从工作场所连接到网络,或者在旅途中连接到家庭网络(home network)。不管原因是什么,Windows 8和Windows 8 .1 都(.1 offer)提供了使您能够创建、配置和使用 VPN 连接(configure and use VPN connections)的功能。以下是一切的运作方式:
为了连接到您公司的虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)( VPN ) 或您设置的某些自定义VPN,您需要了解以下详细信息:
- VPN 服务器的 IP 地址。
- 连接名称(connection name)和您的VPN帐户(VPN account)详细信息(用户名和密码)。
- 为了成功建立连接,您可能需要执行任何自定义技术配置。
如果您有这些详细信息,您所需要的只是一个有效的Internet 连接(Internet connection)。如果您未连接到Internet ,则无法连接到VPN 服务器(VPN server)。然后,继续按照下一节中共享的说明进行操作。
如何在Windows 8和Windows 8.1中创建(Windows 8.1)VPN 连接(VPN Connection)
首先,您需要打开网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center)。在那里,单击或点击名为“更改网络设置”部分中的("Change your network settings")“设置新连接或网络”("Set up a new connection or network")链接。

将显示设置连接或网络(Set up a Connection or Network)窗口。在这里,选择“连接到工作场所”("Connect to a workplace"),然后单击或点击下一步(Next)。

显示连接到工作场所(Connect to a Workplace)向导。系统会询问您要如何连接。显然,您应该单击或点击“使用我的 Internet 连接 (VPN)”("Use my Internet connection (VPN)")。

现在要求您输入VPN 连接(VPN connection)详细信息。在Internet 地址(Internet address)字段中输入VPN 服务器(VPN server)的 IP 或域地址。然后,键入您要使用的目的地名称。(destination name)
接下来,选中或取消选中下面的相应字段。由于VPN连接是安全连接,我们不建议您选中“记住我的凭据”("Remember my credentials")框。如果未经授权使用您的计算机的人(case someone)可以访问它,您将使该人非常容易使用您的VPN 连接(VPN connection)。完成设置后,单击或点击(click or tap) 创建(Create)。

几秒钟后,会创建VPN 连接并显示“(VPN connection)网络(Networks)”窗格,在“连接”部分中可以看到(connection visible)新添加的连接(Connections)。

如何在Windows 8和Windows 8.1中编辑VPN 连接的(VPN Connection)属性(Properties)
对于某些VPN连接,这可能还不够,您可能需要修改一些默认设置。为此,请返回网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center),然后单击或点击左侧列中的“更改适配器设置” 。("Change adapter settings")将显示“网络连接(Network Connections)”窗口,其中列出了可用的网络连接。右键单击或(Right click or press)按住新创建的VPN 连接(VPN connection)。

在右键单击菜单中,单击或点击(click or tap) 属性(Properties)。

所选VPN 连接(VPN connection)的“属性(Properties)”窗口打开。在这里,您会发现许多带有可更改设置的选项卡,这些选项卡与安全性、网络协议等相关。

如何通过 VPN 连接
现在您已经创建并设置了VPN 连接(VPN connection),是时候使用它并连接到它了。转到桌面(Desktop)并调出网络(Networks)窗格(单击或点击任务栏通知区域中的(notification area)网络(Network)图标)。' 在连接(Connections)部分单击(section click)或点击VPN 连接(VPN connection),然后单击或点击(click or tap)连接(Connect)。

您被要求输入您的用户帐户(user account)详细信息。输入您的VPN 连接(VPN connection and click)的用户名和密码(username and password),然后单击或点击确定(OK)。

在Windows 8(Windows 8)和Windows 8.1中设置、配置和连接到VPN相对容易。如果您正在寻找其他与网络相关的教程,请不要犹豫,阅读以下我们的建议。
How to Create, Configure and Use a VPN Connection in Windows 8 & 8.1
Virtual Private Networks (VPN) provide an еasy way to extend a private nеtwork across the Internet and gain access to them when needed, in a secure manner. Yoυ may use VPN to conneсt to the network from your workplace, or to your home network when you are on the go. Indiffеrent of the reason, both Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 offer features that еnable you to create, configure and use VPN connections. Here's how everythіng works:
What You Need In Order to Connect to a VPN
In order to connect to your company's Virtual Private Network (VPN) or to some custom VPN you have set up, you need to know the following details:
- The IP address of the VPN server.
- The connection name and your VPN account details (username & password).
- Any custom technical configuration you might need to perform, in order for the connection to be established successfully.
If you have these details available, all you need is a working Internet connection. You cannot connect to a VPN server if you are not connected to the Internet. Then, go ahead and follow the instructions shared in the next section.
How to Create a VPN Connection in Windows 8 & Windows 8.1
First, you need to open the Network and Sharing Center. There, click or tap the "Set up a new connection or network" link, in the section named "Change your network settings".

The Set up a Connection or Network window is displayed. Here, select "Connect to a workplace" and click or tap Next.

The Connect to a Workplace wizard is shown. You are asked how you want to connect. Obviously, you should click or tap "Use my Internet connection (VPN)".

Now you are asked to enter the VPN connection details. Enter the IP or domain address of the VPN server, in the Internet address field. Then, type the destination name you want to use.
Next, check or uncheck the appropriate fields below. Since VPN connections are meant to be secure connections, we don't recommend that you check the box which says "Remember my credentials". In case someone that is not authorized to use your computer gains access to it, you will make it really easy for that person to use your VPN connection. When you are done setting things up, click or tap Create.

After a couple of seconds, the VPN connection is created and the Networks pane is shown, with the newly added connection visible in the Connections section.

How to Edit the Properties of a VPN Connection in Windows 8 & Windows 8.1
For some VPN connections, this may not be enough and you might need to modify some of the default settings. In order to do that, go back to the Network and Sharing Center and click or tap "Change adapter settings" in the column on the left. The Network Connections window is shown, listing the available network connections. Right click or press and hold the newly created VPN connection.

In the right-click menu, click or tap Properties.

The Properties window opens for the selected VPN connection. Here you will find lots of tabs with settings that can be changed, related to security, networking protocols, etc.

When done changing the appropriate settings, don't forget to click or tap OK, so that they are applied.
How to Connect Through VPN
Now that you have created and set up your VPN connection it is time to use it and connect to it. Go to the Desktop and bring up the Networks pane (with a click or tap on the Network icon in the notification area of the taskbar). ' In the Connections section click or tap the VPN connection, then click or tap Connect.

You are asked to enter your user account details. Type the username and password for your VPN connection and click or tap OK.

Windows takes a few seconds to connect and, when done, the Networks pane disappears automatically.
Setting up, configuring and connecting to VPN is done relatively easy, both in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. If you are looking for other networking related tutorials, don't hesitate to read our recommendations below.