Windows 8 和 8.1 为连接到无线网络提供了一个简单的界面。该过程取决于网络是否广播其名称(也称为SSID -服务集标识符(Service Set Identifier))。如果名称是广播的,连接到网络就像输入密码一样简单。但是说得够多了,让我们看看它是如何工作的:
注意:由于(NOTE:)Windows 8和Windows 8.1的过程非常相似,因此在本指南中,我们将主要使用在Windows 8.1中截取的屏幕截图。在存在重大差异的地方,我们还提供了Windows 8的屏幕截图。
如何连接到广播无线网络(Broadcasting Wireless Network)
当网络广播其名称或SSID时,它将出现在其范围内的所有计算机或设备上的可用网络列表中。要在Windows 8(Windows 8)或 8.1 中从桌面(Desktop)访问此列表,只需单击或点击系统托盘(system tray)中的网络图标(network icon)。

要从“开始(Start)”屏幕访问可用网络列表,请将光标移动到屏幕的右下角以打开超级按钮。在具有触控功能的设备上,从屏幕右侧滑动。然后,点击或点击(click or tap) 设置(Settings),然后点击网络(Network)。

找到您要连接的网络,然后单击或点击其名称。如果您经常使用此网络,请选择“自动连接” , ("Connect automatically")Windows将在您在范围内的任何时候自动连接到网络。

注意:(NOTE:)列表顶部的飞行模式滑块禁用您的(airplane mode slider)无线网络适配器(wireless network adapter),这将阻止您的设备尝试连接到任何网络。当您不需要在线工作时,这也可以延长电池寿命。(battery life)
Windows 将扫描网络的安全设置,然后提示您输入安全密钥(security key)。仔细输入(Enter)密钥以确保准确性,然后单击(accuracy and click)或点击下一步(Next)。您可以在按下一步之前通过单击或点击(Next)密码字段(password field)右侧的眼睛状图标来查看它。

如果您使用的是Windows 8,您应该会看到类似于以下屏幕截图的内容:

如果您使用的是私人网络,例如您家中的网络,您应该选择“是,打开共享并连接到设备”("Yes, turn on sharing and connect to devices")。如果您在公共网络上,则应选择“否,不要打开共享或连接到设备”("No, don't turn on sharing or connect to devices")。
而且,如果您在Windows 8.1上,对话框看起来有点不同:


此外,任务栏通知区域中的(taskbar notification area)网络图标(network icon)将更改以描述您的连接强度。

如何断开与广播无线网络的连接(Broadcasting Wireless Network)
断开连接就像在列表中找到网络名称(network name),单击或点击它并选择“断开连接”("Disconnect")一样简单。

无线网络(Wireless Networks)连接故障排除
如果您严格按照前面的步骤操作,但仍然无法连接到广播无线网络(wireless network),7 教程(7 Tutorials)有几篇文章可供您参考寻求帮助:
- (Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems)通过无线网络(Wireless Network)解决 Internet 连接问题- Windows有一个内置实用程序,可以帮助确定连接问题的原因。本文详细介绍了如何使用它。
- 自行解决无线网络连接问题(Troubleshoot Wireless Network Connection Problems)-(Yourself)本文提供了一系列有助于确定常见网络问题的流程图。通过连续回答简单的问题,您可以自己解决常见问题。
这里的所有都是它的。按照上述步骤,您可以检查可用网络并连接到您有权访问的网络。在公共场所寻找开放网络。它们不需要使用安全密钥(security key)进行访问,但它们可能会使您面临风险。避免(Avoid)传输敏感信息,除非您使用安全加密的连接并始终使用防火墙和防病毒/间谍软件应用程序。我们在本文末尾提供了一些有用的建议供您阅读。
How to Connect to Wireless Networks in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1
Windows 8 and 8.1 provide a simplе interface for connectіng to wireless networks. Τhe procedure varies depending on whether or not the network broadcasts its namе (аlso known as SSID - Sеrvice Set Identifier). If the name is broadcast, connecting to the network is as simple as entеring a password. But enough talk, let's see how it works:
NOTE: Because the process is very similar between Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, in this guide we will use mostly screenshots taken in Windows 8.1. Where there are major differences, we also provide screenshots for Windows 8.
How to Connect to a Broadcasting Wireless Network
When a network broadcasts its name or SSID, it will appear in a list of available networks on all computers or devices within its range. To access this list in Windows 8 or 8.1 from the Desktop, simply click or tap the network icon from the system tray.

To access the list of available networks from the Start screen, move your cursor to the bottom right corner of the screen to open the charms. On a device with touch, swipe from the right side of the screen. Then, click or tap Settings and then Network.

Locate the network you wish to connect to and click or tap on its name. Select "Connect automatically" if you use this network regularly and Windows will automatically connect to the network any time you're within range.

Click or tap "Connect" to continue.
NOTE: The airplane mode slider at the top of the list disables your wireless network adapter which will prevent your device from attempting to connect to any networks. This also preserves battery life when you don't need to work online.
Windows will scan for the security settings of the network and then prompt you for a security key. Enter the key carefully to ensure accuracy and click or tap Next. You can view it before pressing Next by clicking or tapping the eye-like icon on the right of the password field.

Once connected, you'll be able to choose whether or not to enable sharing on the network.
If you're using Windows 8, you should see something similar to the screenshot below:

If you are on a private network, such as one in your home, you should select "Yes, turn on sharing and connect to devices". If you are on a public network, you should select "No, don't turn on sharing or connect to devices".
And, if you're on Windows 8.1, the dialog looks a bit different:

Either way, if you are on a private network, such as one in your home, you should select Yes. If you are on a public network, you should select No.
Once you've successfully connected, the networking entry from the charms bar will change to say it's now Connected.

Also, the network icon from the taskbar notification area will change to depict the strength of your connection.

How to Disconnect from a Broadcasting Wireless Network
Disconnecting is as simple as finding the network name in the list, clicking or tapping it and selecting "Disconnect".

Troubleshooting Connections to Wireless Networks
If you followed the previous steps closely and you still are unable to connect to your broadcasting wireless network, 7 Tutorials has a few articles that you can reference for help:
That's all there is to it. By following the steps mentioned above you can check for available networks and connect to those you have access to. Look out for open networks in public places. They won't require the use of a security key for access, but they can put you at risk. Avoid transmitting sensitive information unless you're behind a safely encrypted connection and always use a firewall and antivirus/spyware application. We have some useful recommendations for you to read at the end of this article.