您需要相当多的时间来编辑电影或使用数码相机或智能手机拍摄的照片和剪辑创建新电影。Windows Movie Maker 桌面(Windows Movie Maker desktop)应用程序是可用于此类任务的最简单的产品之一,而且它也是免费的。在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用其主要的电影编辑功能。在其他选项中,Windows Live Movie Maker允许您分割和修剪视频剪辑并调整它们的速度。让我们停止“说话”并开始编辑视频:
注意:(NOTE:)在开始之前,请确保您已安装Windows Essentials。如果您需要有关如何设置此套件的说明,请阅读本教程:什么是Windows Essentials 以及如何(Windows Essentials & How)安装它们(Them)。
当您导入视频剪辑(video clip)或照片(s or photos)时,它们会自动插入到您在时间轴上选择的剪辑之后的时间轴中。如下图所示,如果您选择第一张图像,则新添加的视频剪辑(video clip)将插入到剪辑 1(clip 1)和剪辑 2 之间。


因此,周围的视频将在时间线上移动。请注意,Windows Movie Maker不允许在时间轴上出现任何“空白” - 时间轴的每一秒都必须由照片、视频、过渡或标题卡填充。


您还可以使用上下文菜单中的相应命令剪切、复制和粘贴剪辑,或者选择(copy and paste)剪辑并分别按(clip and pressing) CTRL+X、CTRL+C或CTRL+V。
复制剪辑的更快方法是在拖放剪辑时按住CTRL 。剪辑的精确副本将放置在您释放鼠标的位置,而原始剪辑将保留在原位。


如果要拆分剪辑,则需要将播放光标(play cursor)定位在要拆分的位置。为此,请单击黑色长垂直光标(vertical cursor)并将其拖到剪辑的中间。

或者,您可以单击预览窗格上的“播放(Play)”,然后在到达剪辑中要拆分的点时单击“暂停” 。(Pause)



有两种方法可以修剪视频剪辑。最简单的方法是设置起点(start point)和终点(end point)。当您设置起点时,Windows Movie Maker会删除光标之前的剪辑素材。(clip footage)当您设置结束点(end point)时,光标后的剪辑片段(clip footage)将被移除。要设置起点和终点(start and end points),请像上面一样定位光标,然后单击设置起点(Set start point)或设置终点(Set end point)。


您可以通过拖动预览下方的滑块或手动输入时间来设置起点和终点。(start point)您可以通过单击设置起点(Set start point)和设置终点(Set end point)来进行多次修剪。这会使用新的起点和终点(start and end points)更新剪辑,因此您可以再次修剪它。完成后,按Save trim。

不幸的是,没有简单的方法可以在Windows Movie Maker中加入剪辑或组合剪辑。如果您绝对需要此功能,您可以使用要组合的剪辑创建一个项目并将其导出为.WMV,然后将其重新导入您的主项目。
如果要更改剪辑的速度,请选择它并从 Speed 旁边的下拉菜单中选择一个速度(Speed)。这可以在功能区的“编辑(Edit)”选项卡的“调整(Adjust)”部分中找到。

请注意,当您更改视频剪辑(video clip)的速度时,Windows Movie Maker会从中删除音频。这是因为音频的音高会受到速度变化的影响。如果要保留音频,可以使用Audacity或AoA Audio Extractor之类的程序提取它,但是当你重新添加它时,它会不同步。
您可以通过选择每个视频剪辑(video clip)并单击视频音量(Video volume)按钮并拖动滑块来更改其音量。此按钮位于功能区的“编辑(Edit)”选项卡的“音频(Audio)”部分。
您还可以让音频(audio fade)以三种不同的速度淡入或淡出:慢速、中速和快速(medium and fast)。只需从功能区“(Simply)编辑”(Edit)选项卡的“( tab on the ribbon.)音频(Audio)”部分的下拉菜单中选择您的fade in/fade

如您所见,在Windows Movie Maker中编辑视频并不难。这些只是您可以在此应用程序中使用的主要选项,但此视频编辑器(video editor)还有许多其他有趣的功能,这些功能并不难使用,例如动画、过渡、视觉效果或音频效果。您甚至可以在社交媒体上分享您的电影。这就是现在的全部内容,如果您对此主题有任何疑问,请不要犹豫,使用下面的表格给我们留言。
How To Edit Videos In Windows Movie Maker
You need quite a bit of time to edit a movie or to create a new one υsing photos and clips that were captured with your dіgіtаl camera or your smartphone. The Windows Movie Maker desktoр application iѕ one of the most simple prоducts that yoυ can uѕe fоr these kinds of tasks and it is alsо free. In this article, we'll show you how to υse its main movie editing fеatures. Among others options, Windows Live Movie Maker lets you split and trim videо clips and аdjust their speeds. Let's stop "talking" and start editing videos:
NOTE: Before we begin, make sure that you have Windows Essentials installed. If you need instructions about how to set up this suite, read this tutorial: What are Windows Essentials & How to Install Them.
How To Arrange The Clips On The Timeline
When you import video clips or photos, they are automatically inserted into the timeline after the clip that you selected on the timeline. As you can see in the picture below, if you select the first image the newly added video clip is inserted between the clip 1 and clip 2.

You can easily rearrange the order of the video clips by dragging and dropping them on the timeline.

Accordingly, the surrounding videos will be shifted on the timeline. Note that Windows Movie Maker doesn't allow any "blank space" on the timeline - every second of the timeline must be filled by a photo, video, transition or title card.

Likewise, when you remove a clip from the timeline, the surrounding clips shift to fill the gap left behind and shorten the overall length of your movie. You can remove clips by right clicking them and choosing Remove or by selecting them and pressing Delete on the keyboard.

You can also cut, copy and paste the clips using the corresponding commands in the contextual menu, or by selecting a clip and pressing CTRL+X, CTRL+C or CTRL+V, respectively.
An even faster way to duplicate clips is to hold CTRL while dragging and dropping a clip. An exact copy of the clip will be placed where you release the mouse, and the original clip will remain in place.

How To Trim & Split Videos
In addition to reordering clips on the timeline, you can also trim or split them into separate clips. Both of these tools are on the Edit tab on the ribbon.

If you want to split a clip, you need to position the play cursor at the point where you'd like to split it. To do this, click the long black vertical cursor and drag it into the middle of a clip.

Or, you can click Play on the preview pane and hit Pause when you reach the point in the clip where you'd like to split it.

Once you have the cursor positioned correctly, click Split.

This creates two separate clips, which you can now rearrange, trim and apply effects to independently from one another.

There are two ways to trim video clips. The easiest way is to set the start point and end point. When you set the start point, Windows Movie Maker deletes the clip footage that precedes the cursor. When you set the end point, the clip footage after the cursor is removed. To set the start and end points, position the cursor as you did above and click Set start point or Set end point.

Alternately, you can use the Trim tool, from the Edit tab on the ribbon. It is found in the Editing section.

You can set the start point and end point either by dragging the sliders underneath the preview or by entering the times in manually. You can do multiple trims by clicking Set start point and Set end point. This updates the clip with the new start and end points, so you can trim it again. When you're finished, press Save trim.

If you make a mistake, you can press CTRL+Z to undo or delete the clip and re-import the original and start over.
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to join clips or combine clips in Windows Movie Maker. If you absolutely need this function, you can create a project with the clips you want to combine and export it as a .WMV and then import it back into your main project.
How To Speed Up & Slow Down Videos
If you want to change the speed of a clip, select it and choose a speed from the drop-down menu next to Speed. This is found in the Edit tab on the ribbon, in the Adjust section.

Note that when you change the speed of a video clip, Windows Movie Maker removes the audio from it. This is because the audio's pitch will be affected by the change in speed. If you want to retain the audio, you can extract it using a program like Audacity or AoA Audio Extractor, but when you add it back in, it will be out of sync.
How To Change The Volume Of A Video
You can alter the volume of each video clip by selecting it and clicking Video volume button and dragging the slider. This button is found in the Edit tab on the ribbon, in the Audio section.
You can also have the audio fade in or fade out at three different speeds: slow, medium and fast. Simply choose your fade in/fade out speed from the drop-down menu in the Audio section from the Edit tab on the ribbon.

As you can see, editing videos in Windows Movie Maker isn't so difficult. These are just the main options that you can use in this application, but this video editor has a lot of other interesting features that aren't so difficult to use like animations, transitions, visual effects or audio effects. And you can even share your movie on social media. That's all for now, if you have any question about this topic don't hesitate to leave us a comment using the form below.