虽然我早就知道可以在 Intel 驱动的Mac上安装(Mac)Windows,但我认为我没有太多尝试的理由。但后来我坐下来,真正阅读了名为Boot Camp的(Boot Camp)Mac 实用程序(Mac utility)的使用说明,并很快意识到安装Windows 8不仅很容易,而且还可以解决我的电源不足、小屏幕上网本的问题。我的 Mac Mini(My Mac Mini)功能强大,它连接到一个漂亮的宽屏显示器(widescreen monitor),应该可以完美地展示Windows 8。哦,我终于可以从Windows Store获取应用程序了(Windows Store)!所以我决定试一试。这就是我的做法。并在此过程中学到了一些新东西。
在Mac(Order)上安装Windows 8需要(Mac)什么
有几种方法可以在Mac上安装(Mac)Windows 8。例如,可以使用名为Parallels的商业软件来完成。但是您无需购买任何第三方软件即可。Boot Camp内置于OS X中,它允许您将Mac设置为与您想要的任何其他操作系统(operating system)一起双启动OS X。
为此,您将需要 64 位完整版的Windows 8。Windows 8的 32 位版本和升级版本将无法使用。您还需要至少 30 GB 的硬盘可用空间和一个 8GB 的 USB 驱动器(USB drive)来存储Mac/Windows驱动程序。
与任何其他此类项目一样,在您做任何其他事情之前,您要做的第一件事就是确保OS X和您的所有应用程序都是最新的。单击(Click)左上角(left corner)的Apple 菜单(Apple menu),然后选择Software Update。
一旦一切都是最新的,请务必对您的Mac进行完整备份。OS X的内置Time Machine可以做到这一点,这里是Apple的官方说明:Mac Basics: Time Machine。我使用名为SuperDuper!为我的自动Time Machine备份添加更多选项。正如您在之前的文章中可能已经注意到的那样,我对备份很感兴趣。🙂
SuperDuper!非常容易配置,我通常将其设置为仅备份自上次备份以来已更改的文件。虽然Time Machine全天定期运行,但SuperDuper!可以设置为按您自己的时间表运行。
从Dock或Finder中,打开Applications文件夹,然后选择Utilities文件夹。从"Applications -> Utilities"中,启动Boot Camp Assistant。
新兵训练营助手(Boot Camp Assistant)首先解释了它将做什么。单击继续(Continue)以启动它。
运行Boot Camp 助手(Boot Camp Assistant)后,您会看到一些选择。
接下来要做什么取决于您的Windows 8的形式。如果您有安装盘(installation disc),则无需勾选第一个选项- “创建Windows 7或更高版本的安装盘”("Create a Windows 7 or later version install disk")。如果您的Windows 安装光盘以(Windows installation)磁盘映像(disk image)( ISO )的形式提供给您,则可以使用它。因为我在DVD上安装了Windows 8,所以我没有选中它。所有Boot Camp (Boot Camp)Windows安装都需要第二个和第三个选项。正如您可能猜到的那样,Mac(Macs)没有安装Windows驱动程序,因此您需要下载这些驱动程序才能使您的硬件正常工作(hardware work) 正确使用Windows 8(第二选择)然后,当然,您将要安装Windows(第三选择)。
在下一个屏幕上,您将选择存储您在上一个屏幕上选择下载的必要Windows驱动程序的位置。我选择了我的U 盘(USB stick)。驱动程序下载(driver download)开始后,您可以高枕无忧了。🙂
下载并保存必要的驱动程序后,系统会要求您对硬盘驱动器进行分区。虽然建议的最低容量为 30GB,但您可以根据需要分配更多空间。确保留出足够的空间供Mac正常运行和存储文件。只需拖放(Just drag)分隔线即可选择您的驱动器大小(drive size)。我将Boot Camp分区(标记为Windows)设置为 40GB。如您所见,如果您想为OS X 和 Windows(OS X and Windows)分配相等的空间,甚至可以单击一个按钮。
创建分区后,系统会要求您重新启动Mac。确保(Make)您的 Windows 8安装盘(installation disk)正确插入您的光驱(如果您的软件在USB 记忆棒上,则插入(USB stick)USB 插槽(USB slot))。
有时,Mac(Macs)不会“正常工作(Just work)”。我的USB连接导致问题!
当我开始安装Windows 8时,我很快发现Mac有一个烦人的怪癖,这对我来说使这个原本简单的过程变得复杂。当它重新启动时,如果您使用USB 设备(USB device)(外部DVD 驱动器(DVD drive)或USB 记忆棒(USB stick))来安装Windows,您可能会看到黑屏。
如果发生这种情况,官方说明说按住电源键(power key)直到Mac关机,然后断开除安装设备(installation device)、鼠标和键盘之外的所有USB设备。(USB)然后再次按电源键(power key),并按住Option键(如果您使用的是PC 键盘,则为(PC keyboard)Alt键),直到您看到一个屏幕,您可以从中选择从哪个设备启动。选择您的Windows 安装(Windows installation)设备,一切顺利。
或者这就是它在纸上的运作方式。在实践中,如果您有一个便携式DVD 驱动器(DVD drive),它通过插入两个USB端口从计算机获取所有电源,Mac会将其视为两个设备并拒绝。
所以我拿了我的 Windows 8安装盘(installation disk)并使用我的DVD 驱动器(DVD drive)附带的OEM 版本(OEM version)的Nero来创建一个光盘映像。(抱歉(Sorry)没有截图;当时我有些疲惫。)
然后我使用名为Rufus的小型免费实用程序制作了一个可启动的(Rufus)USB 记忆棒(USB stick)。我建议为此使用 16GB 的USB 记忆棒(USB stick),以确保您有足够的空间。
全部完成后,我终于准备好开始安装过程(installation process)了。幸运的是,没有更多的打嗝!我重新启动了Mac,只检测到一个额外的USB 设备(USB device),一切都按预期进行。
如何在 Mac 上安装 Windows 8
Mac重新启动后,系统会询问您要将Windows安装到哪里。选择名为BOOTCAMP的(BOOTCAMP)磁盘分区(disk partition)。此分区需要为NTFS 格式(NTFS format),因此选择“Drive Options (advanced)”,然后从那里选择Format。Windows 8安装程序将负责正确格式化以进行安装。从这里你将不得不忍受我手机里的照片......是的,我知道我需要买一个真正的相机。🙂
安装开始时,系统会询问您想要哪种安装方式。选择“自定义:仅安装 Windows(高级)”("Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)")。
做出选择后,您可以坐下来让Windows 8完成它的工作。🙂
与在 PC 上安装一样,您的计算机将在此过程中重新启动几次。不要担心这个,不要碰任何东西。去喝杯咖啡或点心或找点别的事做,因为安装确实需要一段时间。
如果您想了解新的Windows 8安装的完整描述,请查看此处:如何从Windows 7、Windows Vista 或更早版本升级到(Windows Vista or Earlier)Windows 8。
安装Windows 8(Windows 8)后您应该做的第一件事是插入您在开始时创建的USB 驱动器(USB drive)(包含所有Apple特定驱动程序的驱动器)。如果安装程序没有自动启动,请使用文件资源管理器(File Explorer)查看U 盘(USB stick)上的文件并运行安装程序(Setup)。从那里开始,这个过程是自动的。完成后,您需要重新启动计算机。
重新启动后,转到Windows Update并安装所有必要的更新。这是我们的教程:如何检查和安装 Windows 更新(Install Windows Updates)。
完成更新后,您的 Mac 上就拥有了功能齐全的Windows 8 !
如何在 Windows 8(Between Windows 8)或Mac OS X之间切换(Mac OS X)
您的Mac现在可以启动到OS X 或 Windows(OS X or Windows) 8。要从一个切换到另一个,如果您从OS X启动,请转到Apple菜单并选择Restart。
在Windows 8中,从右侧滑入或将鼠标移动到右上角(right-hand corner),点击或单击设置(Settings)图标,选择电源(Power),然后重新启动(Restart)。
按住Option或Alt 键,直到(key till)出现可以从中选择操作系统(operating system)的屏幕。
尽管在我的运行OS X Mountain Lion的(OS X Mountain Lion)Mac Mini上安装(Mac Mini)Windows 8并不像官方说明所显示的那样快速和容易,但仍然不难做到。而且我怀疑大多数人不会像我那样遇到绊脚石,因为统计数据表明绝大多数Mac用户拥有便携式计算机,USB 端口(USB port)问题不会成为问题。
这种双启动设置的一个非常棒的事情是,来自每个操作系统(operating system)的文件对另一个完全可用,无论是从OS X 中的Finder还是(Finder)Windows 8中的文件资源管理器(File Explorer)。没有更多的文件通过网络或通过sneakernet!
我现在拥有一台运行速度快、屏幕大小适中的Windows 8计算机,并且可以打开我可能想要的Windows 应用商店中的任何内容。(Windows Store)我肯定会花时间浏览所有应用程序,现在我可以获得它们,并查看我们的优秀教程以了解如何个性化Windows 8。它们列在本文下方。
How to Install Windows 8 on a Mac running OS X Mountain Lion
Although I'd known for a while that one can install Wіndows on an Intel-рowered Mac, I dіdn't think I had much reason to try it. But then I sat down and actυally read the directions for using the Mac utility named Boot Camp, and quickly realized that installing Windows 8 would not only be easy, it would also be an answer to my problems with my underpowered, small-screened netbook. My Mac Mini has plenty of power, and it's attached to a nice widescreen monitor that should show off Windows 8 perfectly. Oh, and I'd finally be able to get apps from the Windows Store! So I decided to give it a try. Here's how I did it. And learned several new things along the way.
What You Need in Order to Install Windows 8 on a Mac
There are several ways one can install Windows 8 on a Mac. It can be done using commercial software called Parallels, for example. But you don't need to buy any third-party software to do it. Boot Camp is built right into OS X, and it will allow you to set up your Mac to dual boot OS X with any other operating system you want.
You will need the 64-bit full version of Windows 8 for this endeavor. The 32-bit version and upgrade versions of Windows 8 won't work. You'll also need at least 30 GB of free space on the hard drive, and an 8GB USB drive to store the Mac/Windows drivers on.
As with any other project of this nature, the very first thing you want to do before you do anything else is make sure that OS X and all your apps are up to date. Click on the Apple menu in the upper left corner and choose Software Update.
The Mac will search to see if any of your installed software needs to be updated. In my case, nothing needed to be dealt with.
Once everything is up to date, be sure to make a full backup of your Mac. OS X's built-in Time Machine can do this, and here are Apple's official instructions for that: Mac Basics: Time Machine. I use commercial software called SuperDuper! to add more options to my automatic Time Machine backups. As you may have noticed in previous articles, I am a nut about backups. 🙂
SuperDuper! is very easy to configure, and I usually have it set to back up only the files that have changed since the last backup. While Time Machine runs at regular intervals all day long, SuperDuper! can be set to run on your own schedule.
Once you've backed everything up, you're ready to begin.
How to Use Boot Camp
Either from the Dock or the Finder, open the Applications folder and then choose the Utilities folder. From "Applications -> Utilities", launch Boot Camp Assistant.
The screenshot above shows it being launched from the Dock.
Boot Camp Assistant begins by explaining what it's going to do. Click Continue to start it.
Once you're running the Boot Camp Assistant, you are presented with some choices.
What you do next depends on the form of your Windows 8. If you have an installation disc, you do not need to check the first selection - "Create a Windows 7 or later version install disk". That's to be used if your Windows installation disc came to you in the form of a disk image (ISO). Since I had Windows 8 on a DVD, I un-checked that. The second and third choices are necessary for all Boot Camp Windows installations. As you might guess, Macs don't come with Windows drivers installed, so you will need to download those to make your hardware work properly with Windows 8 (the second choice) and then, of course, you will want to install Windows (the third choice).
At the next screen you'll choose where to store the necessary Windows drivers that you chose to download on the previous screen. I've chosen my USB stick. Once the driver download starts, you can sit back and relax for a while. 🙂
Once you've downloaded and saved the necessary drivers, you'll be asked to partition your hard drive. While 30GB is the minimum recommended, you can assign more space if you prefer. Make sure you leave enough space for your Mac to operate properly and store its files. Just drag and drop the divider to choose your drive size. I set up my Boot Camp partition (which is labeled as Windows) to be 40GB. As you can see, there is even a button to click if you want to assign equal space to OS X and Windows.
Once the partition is created, you'll be asked to reboot your Mac. Make sure that your Windows 8 installation disk is inserted properly in your optical drive (or a USB slot if your software is on a USB stick).
Sometimes, Macs don't "Just work." My USB connections cause problems!
When I began the Windows 8 installation I quickly found that the Mac has an annoying quirk that complicated this otherwise simple procedure for me. When it reboots, if you are using a USB device (either an external DVD drive or a USB stick) to install Windows from, you may get a black screen.
If this happens, the official instructions say to hold down the power key until your Mac shuts off, and then disconnect all USB devices except your installation device, mouse, and keyboard. Then press the power key again, and hold down the Option key (which is the Alt key if you're using a PC keyboard) until you see a screen from which you can choose which device to boot from. Choose your Windows installation device and you're good to go.
Or that's how it works on paper. In practice, if you have a portable DVD drive that gets all its power from the computer by plugging into two USB ports, the Mac will see it as two devices and balk.
So I took my Windows 8 installation disk and used the OEM version of Nero that came with my DVD drive to create a disc image from it. (Sorry no screenshot of this; I was somewhat frazzled at the time.)
Then I made a bootable USB stick using a small free utility called Rufus. I'd suggest using a 16GB USB stick for this, just to be sure you've got enough space.
Once THAT was all done, I was finally ready to start the installation process. Fortunately, there were no more hiccups! I rebooted the Mac, and with only one extra USB device detected, everything went as it was supposed to.
How to Install Windows 8 on a Mac
After your Mac reboots, you'll be asked where you want to install Windows. Choose the disk partition called BOOTCAMP. This partition needs to be in NTFS format, so choose "Drive Options (advanced)" and from there choose Format. The Windows 8 installer will take care of formatting it properly for installation. From here you'll have to put up with photos from my phone... yes, I know I need to buy a real camera. 🙂
When the installation begins, you will be asked what kind of installation you want. Choose "Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)".
Once you've made your choice, you can just sit back and let Windows 8 do its thing. 🙂
As with an installation on a PC, your computer will reboot several times during the process. Don't worry about this and don't touch anything. Go get a cup of coffee or a snack or find something else to do, because the installation does take a while.
If you'd like a full description of what a new Windows 8 installation looks like, check here: How to Upgrade to Windows 8 from Windows 7, Windows Vista or Earlier.
Finally, you will be rewarded. Ta-daaa!
Mandatory Post Installation Steps
The first thing you should do after Windows 8 installs is to insert the USB drive you created at the beginning (the one that contains all the Apple specific drivers). If the setup doesn't start automatically, use File Explorer to view the files on the USB stick and run Setup. From there, the process is automatic. You will need to restart your computer when it's finished.
Once you've restarted, go to Windows Update, and install all the necessary updates. Here's our tutorial for that: How to Check for & Install Windows Updates.
Once you're finished with the updates, you've got a fully functional Windows 8 on your Mac!
How to Switch Between Windows 8 or Mac OS X
Your Mac can now boot into either OS X or Windows 8. To switch from one to the other, if you're starting from OS X, go to the Apple menu and choose Restart.
From Windows 8, either swipe in from the right or move your mouse to the upper right-hand corner, tap or click the Settings icon, choose Power and then Restart.
Hold down the Option or Alt key till you get the screen from which you can choose your operating system.
Click the drive labeled Windows, and you're good to go.
Although installing Windows 8 on my Mac Mini running OS X Mountain Lion wasn't quite as quick and easy as the official instructions made it appear it would be, it was still not difficult to do. And I suspect most people will not run into the stumbling blocks that I did, because statistics say that the vast majority of Mac owners have portable computers, where the USB port issue won't be a problem.
One really great thing about this dual-boot setup is that the files from each operating system are fully available to the other one, either from the Finder in OS X or File Explorer in Windows 8. No more schlepping files across the network or via sneakernet!
I now have a Windows 8 computer that is fast, has a reasonable sized screen and that can open up anything in the Windows Store I might desire. I'm definitely going to spend time browsing all the apps, now that I can get them, and checking our great tutorials to find out how to personalize Windows 8. They are listed just beneath this article.