您是否曾经想与某人分享YouTube 视频(YouTube video),但希望不必从头开始?例如,如果您希望某人看到视频 6 分 23 秒发生的事情,您要么必须让他们从头开始观看,要么告诉他们需要跳到该点。
相反,您可以通过向他们发送视频链接来让自己看起来很酷且精通技术,该视频从您想要的地方开始。在本文中,我将讨论您希望为YouTube 视频指定(YouTube video)起点(starting point)的三种情况:向某人发送链接时、在网页上嵌入YouTube 视频时以及在(YouTube video)YouTube 视频(YouTube video)。
分享 YouTube 链接
如果您在YouTube 上(YouTube)观看视频,您可以随时复制地址栏中的(address bar and paste)URL并将其粘贴到电子邮件或短信中。如果您想指定视频应该开始的时间,这非常容易,因为YouTube已经为此提供了一个选项。

单击(Click)订阅按钮(Subscribe button)下方的小共享图标(share icon),下面将展开一小部分。Share 选项卡(Share tab)应该已经被选中,您将看到YouTube 视频(YouTube video)的短链接。在其下方,您将看到一个名为Start at的小复选框,您可以对其进行编辑。按以下格式输入起点:hh:mm: ss 。(starting point)
因此,如果视频时长为 1 小时 32 分钟,您可以输入 1:14:30 让视频在1(start 1) 小时 14(hour 14)分 30 秒开始。链接将更改,您将看到添加到末尾的参数网址:?t=1h14m30s。
请注意,您也可以将其添加到浏览器地址栏中显示的正常URL中,如下所示,但您必须使用&符号而不是问号。(question mark)
除了& 符号(ampersand symbol),您还可以使用hashtag 符号(hashtag symbol),但只能用于普通URL,不能用于短URL。
因此,这些几乎是您可以共享YouTube 链接(YouTube link)并指定视频开始时间的所有方式。现在让我们谈谈嵌入代码。
如果您想在您的网站上嵌入视频,请再次单击共享图标(share icon),但这次单击嵌入(time click)选项(Embed)卡。默认情况下,它只会显示您必须复制的代码,但您可以单击“显示更多”(Show More)以查看所有选项。

根据自己的喜好配置选项后,复制代码并将其粘贴(code and paste)到HTML 编辑器(HTML editor)中。在嵌入代码中,我们必须使用稍微不同的参数来指定起点。(starting point)我们必须添加?start=URL的末尾添加?t=、&t=或#t= = 。
不像我们对YouTube URL(YouTube URLs)所做的那样以小时、分钟和秒为单位输入时间,我们必须为嵌入代码输入以秒为单位的时间。因此,如果您希望视频从 7 分 29 秒开始,您将需要做一些数学运算。(7 * 60) + 29 = 449 秒。所以我们的参数是?start=429。这个等式只是分钟数乘以六十加上秒数。
您将此参数添加到YouTube嵌入 URL的末尾。这是粘贴到我的网页HTML(HTML)中的代码示例。

嵌入代码中视频的URL是https://www.youtube.com/embed/lwVW-zWdfjAURL(URLs)略有不同。最后,让我们谈谈在 YouTube 评论中添加时间。
YouTube 评论
如果您想在YouTube 评论(YouTube comment)中指定准确时间,您只需输入时间,例如 13:45。当您这样做并发表评论时,时间将自动成为一个链接,如果有人点击它,视频将从准确的时间开始播放。

因此,您可以通过这些方式为要通过文本、电子邮件或网站(email or website)与他人分享的YouTube 视频选择(YouTube video)起点(starting point)。如果您有任何问题,请随时发表评论。享受!
How to Specify a Starting Point for YouTube Videos
Have you ever wanted to share a YouTube video with someone, but wished it did not have to start at the very beginning? For example, if you want someone to see ѕomething that happens 6 minuteѕ and 23 secondѕ into the video, you either havе to let them watch it from the beginning or tell them they need to skiр to that point.
Instead, you could make yourself look cool and tech-savvy by sending them a link to the video that starts right where you want it. In this article, I’ll talk about three instances where you would want to specify a starting point for a YouTube video: when you send a link to someone, when you embed a YouTube video on a webpage and when you post a comment on a YouTube video.
Sharing YouTube Links
If you’re watching a video on YouTube, you can always just copy the URL in your address bar and paste that into an email or text message. If you want to specify a time where the video should start, it’s super easy because YouTube already has an option for this.

Click on the little share icon that is below the Subscribe button and a little section will expand below. The Share tab should already be selected and you will see the shortlink to the YouTube video. Below that, you will see a little checkbox called Start at, which you can edit. Type in the starting point in the following format: hh:mm:ss.
So if a video is 1 hour and 32 minutes long, you could type in 1:14:30 to have the video start 1 hour 14 minutes and 30 seconds in. The link will change and you will see a parameter added to the end of the URL: ?t=1h14m30s.
Note that you can also add this to the normal URL that shows up in the address bar of your browser like below, but instead of the question mark, you have to use the & symbol.
In addition to the ampersand symbol, you can also use the hashtag symbol, but only for the normal URL, not the short URL.
So those are pretty much all the ways you can share a YouTube link and specify a time for the video to start. Now let’s talk about the embed code.
Using Embed Codes
If you want to embed the video on your website, then click on the share icon again, but this time click on the Embed tab. By default, it’ll just show you the code you have to copy, but you can click Show More to see all the options.

Once you have configured the options to your liking, copy the code and paste it into your HTML editor. On the embed code, we have to specify the starting point using a slightly different parameter. Instead of adding ?t=, &t= or #t= to the end of the URL, we have to add ?start=.
Instead of putting the time in terms of hours, minutes and seconds like we did for YouTube URLs, we have to input the time in seconds for the embed code. So if you want the video to start at 7 minutes and 29 seconds, you will have to do a little math. (7 * 60) + 29 = 449 seconds. So our parameter would be ?start=429. The equation is just number of minutes times sixty plus the number of seconds.
You will add this parameter to the end of the YouTube embed URL. Here is an example of the code pasted into my webpage HTML.

The URL for the video in the embed code is https://www.youtube.com/embed/lwVW-zWdfjA, which is a little different than the sharing URLs. Lastly, let’s talk about adding a time in a YouTube comment.
YouTube Comments
If you want to specify an exact time in a YouTube comment, all you have to do is type in the time like 13:45. When you do that and post your comment, the time will automatically become a link and if anyone clicks on it, the video will start playing from the exact time.

Of course, your comments may never be read with all the spammers and trolls, but you can try! Anyway, if you have private YouTube videos shared with friends and family, it’s a cool way to comment about a specific part of the video without having to write out which part your are talking about.
So those are all the ways you can pick a starting point for a YouTube video that you want to share with someone else via text, email or website. If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment. Enjoy!