学习如何制作Discord 服务器(Discord server)非常容易。您可以在几分钟内设置好服务器,整个过程完全免费。
拥有Discord 服务器(Discord server)后,您可以邀请您的朋友、设置权限以及自定义您的文本和语音频道(text and voice channels)。

如何制作 Discord 服务器(How To Make a Discord Server)
无论您是否安装了Discord Android或iPhone 应用程序(iPhone app),拥有桌面应用程序(desktop app),或者您使用的是浏览器版本(browser version),创建Discord 服务器(Discord server)都遵循相同的步骤。

首先选择Discord 用户(Discord user)界面左侧的+ sign在移动设备上,您必须点击屏幕左上角的三行才能访问此面板。

这是添加服务器(add a server)选项。单击或点击它后,选择创建服务器(create a server)选项。

接下来,为服务器命名。您还可以单击带有服务器名称(server name)缩写的圆圈,为服务器选择特色图像。完成名称和特色图片后,单击(Click) 创建。(create)

现在将要求您向您的朋友发送邀请。您可以稍后再执行此操作,但如果它只是供朋友使用的服务器,那么现在开始非常好。您可以点击立即邀请好友列表中的任何好友。如果朋友不在(friend isn)您的朋友列表中,您将需要该朋友的Discord 用户名(Discord username)和他们的标签。一个例子是 - Discord 用户(Discord Username)名 #0343。
之后,您可能会想要制作一些频道。Discord中有两种类型的频道。你有文字频道和语音频道(voice channel)。文本频道可以像服务器中的一个单独选项卡一样查看,并将保存发送到那里的任何消息以供以后查看,无论谁在线。语音通道(voice channel)不同 。
当您单击它时,您将加入该语音频道(voice channel),并能够与该频道中的任何人进行交流。通话结束后,您必须通过单击左侧面板(side panel)底部的断开连接按钮离开语音频道(voice channel)。

要创建新频道,您可以单击Discord 服务器(Discord server)上语音和文本频道部分下的 + 按钮。或者,您可以单击自动创建的通用频道上的编辑按钮(edit button)来更改其名称。
如何添加新用户和管理权限(New Users and Manage Permissions)

如果您需要再次邀请其他人,请在左侧面板中单击您的服务器名称。(server name)在移动设备上,您必须在面板出现之前点击三个堆叠的线。接下来(Next),单击邀请人员(Invite People)。您现在可以再次直接邀请他人。

或者,您可以复制并粘贴提供的链接。任何使用该链接的人都会收到加入您服务器的即时邀请。如果您单击编辑邀请链接(edit invite link)按钮,您可以控制该链接在过期之前的使用次数或使用时长。这对于限制谁可以访问您的服务器可能很有用。
如果只有您和几个朋友,则在创建Discord 服务器(Discord server)后使用服务器是安全的,但如果您想与更多的观众一起使用服务器或与您可能不太信任的人聊天,您应该创建角色和权限。

为此,请单击左侧面板上(side panel)服务器名称(server name)右侧的按钮。在移动设备上,您需要再次点击三个菜单按钮才能看到此面板。接下来,单击服务器设置(server settings)。在出现的新页面上,单击角色(Roles)。

在角色页面上,单击角色(Roles)旁边的+按钮。为角色命名和颜色——当他们在(color –)文本通道(text channel)中发送消息时,它们将显示为这种颜色。您现在可以滚动列表,为这个特定角色赋予不同的权限。例如,您可以选择此角色是否可以踢其他成员,使用@everyone 角色通知所有成员,或者创建自定义邀请到服务器以发送给其他人。
要给用户一个角色,只需在右侧面板(side panel)中右键单击他们的用户名。此面板附加到浏览器和桌面版本的屏幕上。在移动设备上,您可以通过从显示屏的右边缘向左滑动来调出右侧面板(side panel)。

在桌面上,右键单击列表中的用户名并将鼠标悬停(list and hover)在角色部分上。您可以单击以将它们分配给任何角色。在移动设备上,您必须点击一个用户,然后点击管理用户(manage user)。之后,您将看到将此用户添加或删除到任何角色的选项。
如果您想限制对某些文本或语音频道(text or voice channels)的访问,您还必须为这些频道分配角色。为此,请单击频道旁边的编辑 cog 按钮。(edit cog button)在移动设备上,您必须先点击频道名称(channel name),然后点击编辑频道(edit channel)。

对于文本频道,您必须单独单击每个角色并设置阅读消息(read messages )和发送消息(send messages )的权限。为此,请单击或点击红十字、绿色勾号或灰色斜线以获得所需的结果。绿色勾号表示该角色可以访问该权限,红色勾号表示他们无法访问它。灰色斜线表示它将采用该角色类型(role type)的默认权限。(管理员或非管理员角色(administrator role)。)

您可以对语音通道执行相同操作,但权限略有不同。您需要为每个角色更改查看频道(view channel)、连接和发言的权限。
希望本文能帮助您学习如何制作Discord 服务器(Discord server)。您现在还应该知道如何在您的服务器中管理用户和频道权限。需要更多帮助吗?为什么不在下面的部分发表评论,我们会尽力提供帮助。
How To Make a Discord Server
Learning how to makе a Discord server is surprisingly eаsy. You сan get set up with a server within a few minutes and the whole proceѕs is entirely free.
Once you have your Discord server, you can invite your friends, set permissions, and customize your text and voice channels.

Don’t worry if you’re inexperienced with Discord, this guide will make sure you know everything important about setting up a server.
How To Make a Discord Server
Whether you’ve installed the Discord Android or iPhone app, have the desktop app, or you’re using the browser version, creating a Discord server follows the same steps.

Start by selecting the + sign on the left side of the Discord user interface. On mobile, you must tap the three lines at the top left of the screen to access this panel.

This is the add a server option. Once you’ve clicked or tapped it, select the create a server option.

Next, give the server a name. You can also click the circle with your server name initials to choose a featured image for the server. Click create once you’ve finished with your name and featured image.

You’ll now be asked to send out invites to your friends. You can do this later, but if it’s a server just for friends, it’s great to start now. You can click to immediately invite any friends on your friends list. If a friend isn’t on your friends list, you will need both the friend’s Discord username and their tag. An example would be – Discord Username#0343.
After that, you will probably want to make some channels. There are two types of channels in Discord. You have text channels and voice channels. A text channel can be viewed like a separate tab within your server and will save any messages sent there for later viewing regardless of who is online. A voice channel is different.
When you click it, you’ll join that voice channel and will be able to communicate with anybody also in that channel. You’ll have to leave a voice channel once you’ve finished talking by clicking the disconnect button at the bottom of the left side panel.

To create a new channel, you can click the + buttons under the voice and text channel sections on your Discord server. Alternatively, you can click the edit button on the automatically created general channels to change their name.
How to Add New Users and Manage Permissions

If you need to invite others again, click your server name in the left panel. On mobile, you must tap the three stacked lines before the panel will appear. Next, click Invite People. You can now invite people directly again.

Alternatively, you can copy and paste the provided link. Anybody that uses that link will get an instant invite to join your server. If you click the edit invite link button you can control how many uses the link has before it expires, or how long it has. This could be useful for restricting who has access to your server.
It’s safe to just use the server as it is once you’ve made a Discord server if it’s just you and a few friends, but if you want to use your server with a larger audience or to chat with people you may trust less, you should create roles and permissions.

To do this, click the button to the right of your server name on the left side panel. On mobile, you’ll need to tap the three menu button again before you’ll be able to see this panel. Next, click server settings. On the new page that appears, click Roles.

On the Roles page, click the + button next to Roles. Give the role a name and a color – they will appear as this color when they send messages in the text channel. You can now scroll through the list to give this particular role different permissions. For example, you can choose whether this role can kick other members, use the @everyone role to notify all members, or create custom invites to the server to send to others.
You may want to create a role for your closest friends so that they can have full control over the server when you’re offline, or a new role for untrusted users so that you can restrict access to what they see.
To give a user a role, simply right click their username in the right side panel. This panel is attached to the screen on the browser and desktop versions. On mobile, you can bring up the right side panel by swiping left from the right edge of your display.

On desktop, right click a username in the list and hover over the roles section. You can click to assign them to any roles. On mobile, you must tap a user, then tap manage user. After, you’ll see the option to add or remove this user to any role.
If you want to restrict access to some text or voice channels, you must also assign roles to those channels. To do this, click the edit cog button next to a channel. On mobile, you must tap the channel name first, and then tap edit channel.

For text channels, you must click on each role individually and set the read messages and send messages permissions. To do this, click or tap the red cross, green tick, or gray slash to get the required results. A green tick means that role can access that permission, a red tick means they can’t access it. A gray slash will mean it will take whatever permissions are default for that role type. (Either an administrator or non administrator role.)

You can do the same for voice channels, but the permissions are slightly different. You’ll want to change the permissions for view channel, connect, and speak for each role.
Hopefully this article has helped you to learn how to make a Discord server. You should now also know how to manage users and channel permissions within your server. Need any more help? Why not leave a comment in the section below and we’ll try to help.