Apple将(Apple)Safari吹捧为目前最快的浏览器,这在 iOS 上可能是正确的,但我经常在我的Mac上使用(Mac)Chrome ,因为Safari太慢了。有时网页无法加载,或者我无法在页面之间来回导航,或者我无法滚动而不滞后。
考虑到Safari包含在OS X中并且您希望它能够正常工作,这非常令人沮丧。当它出现时,它是一个很棒的浏览器,但当它没有时,你真的必须切换到一个新的浏览器。

此外,请务必查看我们的YouTube 视频(YouTube video),其中我们介绍了其他几个可能与Safari无关的慢速互联网(Internet)原因:
方法 1(Method 1) – 缓存、历史(History)、扩展(Extensions)
如果您是重度网络用户,并且(web user)Mac上没有太多空间,则可能值得清空缓存、禁用扩展程序并清除历史记录以减轻Safari上的负载。为了做到这一点,你首先必须去Safari然后是Preferences。

单击高级(Advanced)选项卡,然后选中对话框底部的菜单( Show Develop menu in menu) 栏中的显示开发菜单框。(bar box)

退出首选项(Preferences) 对话框并单击(dialog and click)Safari 菜单(Safari menu)中的开发(Develop)。继续并单击Empty Caches。缓存为空后,再次单击Develop并选择Disable Extensions。

最后,点击Safari,而不是我们上面选择的 Preferences,点击Clear History。

在下拉框中,确保选择所有历史记录(all history),然后单击清除历史记录( Clear History)按钮。
方法 2 (Method 2) – 手动清除 Cache.DB 文件(– Manually Clear Cache.DB File)
上述步骤应该会清除Safari中的缓存,但如果某些内容无法正常工作,则可能无法正常进行。在这种情况下,您可以手动执行此操作。打开Finder,然后单击底部的Go和Go To Folder 。

现在 将以下路径复制并粘贴(copy and paste)到文本框中,然后单击(text box and click) Go。

最后,右键单击Cache.db 文件并选择Move to Trash。确保(Make)在执行此步骤时关闭Safari 。(Safari)

方法 3 (Method 3) – 安装最新的 OS X 版本(– Install Latest OS X Version)
我注意到很多购买Mac(Macs)的人根本没有将他们的系统更新到最新版本的OS(OS X) X。即使我们现在在El Capitan 上(El Capitan right),我也有朋友在Mountain Lion、Mavericks、Yosemite甚至Snow Leopard上奔跑!
如果您不更新OS X,您也不会获得最新版本的Safari。这意味着您可能会被困在几个版本后面,并且会错过最新版本的所有改进和优化。
最简单的升级方法是前往App Store 并单击(App Store and click)最新版OS X的链接,该链接通常位于右侧。

方法 4 – 关闭仪表板
如果您仍在使用较旧的Mac(2010 或更早版本),则可能存在显卡问题。您可以尝试一些简单的方法,看看它是否对Safari有帮助。我说的是禁用Mission Control中的Dashboard 功能(Dashboard feature)。
为此,请打开系统(System) 偏好设置(Preferences),然后单击任务控制(Mission Control)。在Dashboard(Dashboard)旁边的下拉列表中,选择Off。

这不是万无一失的解决(surefire fix)方法,但它对某些人有用,包括我自己。我有一台 2009 年中期的MacBook Pro,仪表板肯定会减慢速度。
方法 5 – 更改搜索设置
您可以尝试的另一件事是更改Safari中的搜索设置。在 Safari 中打开首选项(Preferences) ,然后单击搜索(Search)选项卡。

尝试将搜索引擎(search engine)更改为Bing,重新启动Safari,看看速度是否有任何差异。将其更改回Google,然后再次检查。您还可以尝试取消选中所有选项,如搜索引擎(search engine)建议、Safari建议、快速网站搜索(website search)、预加载热门(preload top hit)等,看看是否有所作为。
有时在非常慢的Internet 连接(Internet connection)上,所有这些额外的功能可能会导致Safari更慢。
方法 6 (Method 6) – 更改网络服务顺序(– Change Network Service Order)
如果您的机器同时连接到WiFi 和以太网(WiFi and Ethernet),您的问题可能是由于以两种不同的方式连接到网络引起的。要查看您的连接,请转到系统偏好设置(System Preferences),然后单击网络(Network)。
您可以尝试断开一个网络源(network source),看看是否会有所不同。只切换到另一个并进行测试。如果您想保持两者连接,请继续阅读。

默认情况下,一个连接将优先于另一个。正如您在上面看到的,我的 WiFi 连接的优先级高于以太网连接(Ethernet connection)。您可以通过单击列表框(list box)底部的小设置图标(齿轮)来更改此设置。

单击设置服务顺序(Set Service Order),将出现另一个弹出窗口,您可以在其中通过拖放重新排序连接。

我将以太网(Ethernet)移到顶部,然后单击“确定”。之后,确保单击“系统偏好设置”(System Preferences)对话框上的“应用(Apply)到”。
方法 7 – 删除首选项文件
这可能不会有太大的不同,但值得一试。转到Finder,单击Go,然后单击Go to Folder。输入以下路径:

方法 8 (Method 8) – 使用不同的 DNS 设置(– Use Different DNS Settings)
有时可能不是Safari导致问题,而是您的DNS设置。默认情况下,您将使用ISP提供的DNS,这在大多数情况下都很好。但是,使用公共DNS可能会加快浏览速度(faster browsing)。

我最喜欢的是Google Public DNS,我在所有计算机上都使用它。查看我关于可以免费使用的最佳公共DNS 服务器的文章。(DNS server)要在OS X上更改连接的DNS 服务器(DNS server),您需要打开系统偏好设置(System Preferences),单击网络(Network),选择连接,然后单击高级(Advanced)。

继续并单击小 + 图标,然后输入新DNS服务器的 IP 地址。使用Google不仅加快了我在Safari中的浏览速度,还加快了我在其他浏览器中的浏览速度。
方法 9 – 登录另一个帐户
有时问题出在您当前使用的用户帐户上。(user account)值得创建另一个用户帐户(user account)(需要 1 分钟),登录该帐户,然后运行Safari。如果突然变快,则说明您的用户帐户(user account)有问题。您可以尝试使用磁盘工具(Disk Utility)来解决问题。您可以转到Spotlight 并输入(Spotlight and type)“磁盘工具(Disk Utility)”以快速打开对话框。

单击(Click)左侧窗格中的硬盘驱动器,然后单击“急救(First Aid)”选项卡。系统将询问您是否要在硬盘驱动器上运行急救,因此单击(First Aid)运行(Run)。

方法 10 – 重新安装 OS X
这听起来可能有点极端,但这有点类似于您每年左右必须重新安装Windows ,因为它变得如此臃肿。(Windows)不幸的是,OS X也遇到了一些相同的问题,尤其是如果您一直升级到最新版本的OS X而不进行全新安装。
在重新安装El Capitan 之前,我从Mountain Lion升级到Mavericks,再到 Yosemite 到El (El Capitan)Capitan(El Capitan),这让事情变得更快。这绝对值得一试,因为它也使其他所有应用程序的加载速度也快了很多。
这些是我能找到的所有可能的解决方案来解决一个缓慢的Safari 问题(Safari problem)。如果您有任何其他建议,请随时在评论中告诉我们。享受!
10 Fixes When Safari Running Slow on Your Mac
Apple touts Safari as the fastest browsеr out therе, whіch may be true on iОS, but I regularly use Chrome on my Mac because Safari is just too slow. Somеtimes a webpage won’t load оr I won’t be able to navigate back and forth between pages or I can’t scroll without lagging.
It’s extremely frustrating considering Safari comes included with OS X and you expect it to just work. When it does, it’s a great browser, but when it doesn’t, you literally have to switch to a new browser.

In this article, I’ll mention all possible ways you can go about trying to speed up Safari on your Mac. If you have your own suggestions, feel free to let us know in the comments.
Also, be sure to check out our YouTube video where we cover a couple of other possible reasons for slow Internet that may have nothing to do with Safari:
Method 1 – Cache, History, Extensions
If you’re a heavy web user and you don’t have a lot of space left on your Mac, it might be worth emptying the cache, disabling extensions, and clearing up the history to ease the load on Safari. In order to do this, you first have to go to Safari and then Preferences.

Click on the Advanced tab and then check the Show Develop menu in menu bar box at the bottom of the dialog.

Exit the Preferences dialog and click on Develop in the Safari menu. Go ahead and click on Empty Caches. Once the cache is empty, click again on Develop and choose Disable Extensions.

Finally, click on Safari and instead of Preferences like we chose above, click on Clear History.

In the drop-down box, make sure to choose all history and then click the Clear History button.
Method 2 – Manually Clear Cache.DB File
The above steps should clear the cache in Safari, but if something is not working properly, it may not do so properly. In this case, you can manually do it. Open Finder, then click on Go and Go To Folder at the bottom.

Now copy and paste the following path into the text box and click Go.

Finally, right-click on the Cache.db file and choose Move to Trash. Make sure Safari is closed when you are doing this step.

Method 3 – Install Latest OS X Version
I’ve noticed that quite a few people who purchase Macs simply do not update their systems to the latest version of OS X. Even though we are on El Capitan right now, I have friends running on Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, and even Snow Leopard!
If you don’t update OS X, you won’t get the latest version of Safari either. This means you could be stuck several versions behind and will be missing out on all the improvements and optimizations of the newest version.
The simplest way to upgrade is to go to the App Store and click on the link for the latest version of OS X, which is usually on the right-hand side.

Method 4 – Turn Dashboard Off
If you’re still using an older Mac (2010 or earlier), you might have a graphics card issue. You can try something simple to see if it helps in Safari. I’m talking about disabling the Dashboard feature in Mission Control.
To do this, open System Preferences and then click on Mission Control. In the drop-down next to Dashboard, select Off.

This is not some surefire fix, but it has worked for some people, including myself. I have a Mid-2009 MacBook Pro and the dashboard was definitely slowing things down.
Method 5 – Change Search Settings
Another thing you can try is to change the search settings in Safari. Open Preferences in Safari and then click on the Search tab.

Try changing the search engine to Bing, restarting Safari, and see if there is any difference in the speed. Change it back to Google and then check again. You can also try unchecking all the options like search engine suggestions, Safari suggestions, a quick website search, preload top hit, etc. to see if that makes a difference.
Sometimes on a very slow Internet connection, all of these extra features may cause Safari to be even slower.
Method 6 – Change Network Service Order
If you have a machine that is connected to both WiFi and Ethernet, your issue could be caused by being connected to the network in two different ways. To see your connections, go to System Preferences and then click on Network.
You could try disconnecting one network source and seeing if that makes a difference or not. Switch to only the other one and test too. If you want to keep both connected, read on.

By default, one connection will get priority over the other. As you can see above, my WiFi connection was getting higher priority than the Ethernet connection. You can change this by clicking on the little settings icon (gear) at the bottom of the list box.

Click on Set Service Order and another popup will appear where you can reorder the connections by dragging and dropping.

I moved Ethernet to the top and then clicked OK. After that, make sure you click Apply to on the System Preferences dialog.
Method 7 – Delete Preferences File
This probably won’t make much of a difference, but it’s worth a shot. Go to Finder, click on Go and then Go to Folder. Type in the following path:
Scroll down the list till you see and delete that file.

Method 8 – Use Different DNS Settings
Sometimes it may not be Safari causing the issue, but your DNS settings. By default, you’ll be using the DNS provided by your ISP, which is fine most of the time. However, using a public DNS might result in faster browsing.

My favorite is Google Public DNS, which I use on all my computers. Check out my article on the best public DNS servers you can use for free. To change the DNS server for your connection on OS X, you need to open System Preferences, click on Network, select the connection and then click on Advanced.

Go ahead and click on the little + icon and then type in the IP addresses of the new DNS servers. Using Google has sped up my browsing not only in Safari, but also in other browsers.
Method 9 – Log Into Another Account
Sometimes the problem is with the user account you are currently using. It’s worth creating another user account (takes 1 min), logging into that account, and then running Safari. If it’s suddenly faster, then there is a problem with your user account. You can try to fix the problem by using Disk Utility. You can go to Spotlight and type in Disk Utility to open the dialog quickly.

Click on your hard drive in the left-hand pane and then click on the First Aid tab. You’ll be asked if you want to run First Aid on your hard drive, so click Run.

Method 10 – Reinstall OS X
This may sound a little extreme, but it’s kind of similar to how you have to reinstall Windows every year or so because it becomes so bloated. Unfortunately, OS X suffers from some of the same issues, especially if you have always kept upgrading to the latest version of OS X without doing a clean install.
I upgraded from Mountain Lion to Mavericks to Yosemite to El Capitan before doing a fresh install of El Capitan, which made things significantly faster. It’s definitely worth a shot because it also made every other app load a lot faster too.
Those are about all the possible solutions I could find to fix a slow Safari problem. If you have any other suggestions, feel free to let us know in the comments. Enjoy!