三星(Samsung)一直在努力为其所有产品寻找一流的设计,自 2014 年发布三星 Galaxy S6 旗舰(Samsung Galaxy S6 flagship)智能手机以来,该公司似乎对开发越来越有吸引力的高端设备特别感兴趣。在这一特定类别的 IT 产品中,最残酷的部分是高端平板电脑,因为只有少数知名公司有能力创造引领潮流的设备。这是一个不断试验和激烈竞争的领域,因为每个制造商都试图找到最终产品的配方。为此,这家韩国电子巨头继续推进设计(design push),为我们提供了一款精致、超轻且功能强大的Android 平板电脑(Android tablet),即三星 Galaxy Tab S2 8.0(Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0)(SM-T710)。它是Galaxy Tab 系列(Galaxy Tab series)的新旗舰吗?阅读(Read)此评论以了解:
三星 Galaxy Tab S2 8.0(Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0) ( SM-T710 )拆箱
三星 Galaxy Tab S2 8.0(Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0)采用紧凑、明亮的白色纸板箱(cardboard box),顶部有三星标志,(Samsung logo)底部和侧面(bottom and sides)印有设备的主要功能。此外,在包装的侧面,您会找到制造商的安全封条。
盖子很容易脱落,在它下面你会发现平板电脑坐在里面的纸板托盘(cardboard tray)上,在其他所有东西的顶部。平板电脑本身放置在聚乙烯保护套内(polyethylene sleeve),这对设备非常有用,但对环境不利。
在里面(Inside),连同您的新平板电脑,您会发现它附带的所有配件:microUSB 充电和数据传输线(microUSB charging and data transfer cable)、电源充电器(power charger)(具有自适应快速充电功能)、micro-SD卡弹出针(card eject pin)、耳机(以及额外的耳塞(ear buds))、保修和快速入门指南(Quick Start Guide)。
三星(Samsung)为其Galaxy Tab S2 8.0提供 3 种颜色:白色、黑色和金色。正如您可能从上面的图片中注意到的那样,我们测试的模型是白色变体 - 一个很好的选择,特别是因为它不太容易弄脏。
三星Galaxy Tab S2(Samsung Galaxy Tab S2) ( SM-T710 ) 拥有有趣的 8.0 英寸QXGA Super AMOLED 显示屏(QXGA Super AMOLED display),分辨率为 2048x1536,像素密度为 320 ppi。当然,屏幕受到康宁大猩猩玻璃(Gorilla Glass)的保护。
该平板电脑在八核芯片组上运行,该芯片组将四个 64 位 1.9 Ghz Cortex A57内核和四个 1.3 Ghz Cortex A53内核组合成big.LITTLE配置,即三星 Exynos 5433(Samsung Exynos 5433)。这款出色的芯片组配备了集成的Mali T628MP6 GPU,运行频率为 700 MHz,并支持 OpenGL ES(MHz and supports OpenGL ES) 3.0。您还将获得 3GB 的LPDDR3 RAM 内存(LPDDR3 RAM memory)。在存储部门(storage department),它有 32GB 的内部存储空间(storage space),您可以使用其中大约 25GB。可以增加存储空间(storage space)借助高达 128GB 的 microSD 卡。平板电脑由不可拆卸的 4000mAh 锂离子电池供电。
无闪光灯主摄像头拥有 8 兆像素、自动对焦和 HDR 功能(autofocus and HDR capabilities),而前置摄像头(facing camera)的分辨率仅为 2.1 兆像素。
在连接性方面,我们可以告诉您Galaxy Tab S2 ( SM-T710 ) 包括一个microUSB 2.0端口、一个蓝牙 4.1(Bluetooth 4.1) 芯片和(chip and wireless networking)使用 802.11 a/b/g/n 标准和现代 802.11ac 标准的无线网络. 您将能够连接到 2.4 GHz和 5 GHz Wi-Fi网络。
三星 Galaxy Tab S2 8.0(Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0)的高度为 199 毫米(7.82 英寸),宽度为 135 毫米(5.31 英寸),厚度仅为 5.6 毫米(0.22 英寸)。这些机身尺寸加上 265 克(9.35 盎司)的重量。
这些是三星 Galaxy Tab S2 8.0(Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0) ( SM-T710 ) 的一般硬件规格,但如果您想了解更多详细信息,请查看此页面:三星 Galaxy Tab S2 8.0" 32GB (Wi-Fi)(Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0" 32GB (Wi-Fi))。
三星 Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 是一款高端平板电脑,它建立在第一款 Tab S 系列的成功基础之上,并进行了一系列明显的硬件改进。它具有令人印象深刻的八核处理器 (Exynos 5433)、3GB DDR3 RAM 和充满活力的 2048x1536 Super Amoled 显示屏。(The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 is a high-end tablet that builds on the success of the first Tab S series, with a clear set of hardware improvements. It features an impressive octa-core processor (Exynos 5433), 3GB of DDR3 RAM and a vibrant 2048x1536 Super Amoled display.)
使用三星 Galaxy Tab S2 8.0(Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0) ( SM-T710 )
三星Galaxy Tab S2 8.0是(Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0)当今市场(market today)上最轻、最薄的平板电脑之一。这款平板电脑采用优雅的设计,采用金属侧面、哑光塑料背面和屏幕顶部的大猩猩玻璃。(Gorilla Glass)这些功能突出了高端外观,并清楚地表明您正在处理高级设备。如果您担心塑料后部(plastic rear),我们可以告诉您它非常坚固,这要归功于橡胶表面处理,这有助于防止任何划痕或碎裂。
平板电脑的圆角与平直的边缘相结合,成功地提供了足够大的表面,以便在使用时将手指放在两侧。用一只手处理它并不是最容易的事情,但是,它会牢牢地握在您的手中,并且后部柔软,天鹅绒般的涂层(velvety coating)会使其非常舒适。为了让事情变得更好,三星 Galaxy Tab S2(Samsung Galaxy Tab S2)的轻巧设计使其非常适合长时间使用,例如在阅读或玩游戏时。因此,在任何这些情况下,我们的手和手腕都不会感到疲倦或酸痛。
从下图可以看出,顶部挡板的右侧是 2.1 MP 前置(MP front)摄像头。然后,朝向中心,您会发现光传感器(light sensor),它使用环境光水平来调整屏幕亮度和对比度(brightness and contrast)。
在平板电脑的右侧,典型的三星(Samsung)设备,您会发现三个按钮:电源按钮(power button)和音量(volume rocker)键。我们真的很喜欢它们的金属饰面以及它们坚固且反应灵敏的事实。
右侧边缘(right edge)还装有 microSD卡插槽(card slot)。要插入 microSD 卡,您必须使用小针弹出托盘。您可以使用粗针或回形针(paper clip),但幸运的是,三星(Samsung)提供了一个微型 SD卡托盘(card tray)弹出销,使用户可以轻松插入或取出卡。
底部边缘(bottom edge)有一个微型 USB 连接器,可让您轻松地在三星 Galaxy Tab S2(Samsung Galaxy Tab S2)和计算机之间传输内容,当然还可以为它充电。在它旁边,您会找到耳机的 3.5毫米音频插孔(mm audio jack)。同样在这个区域,整齐地放置在平板电脑的下角,您会发现两个中型扬声器。这些小家伙的威力很大,因为他们成功地比我们的笔记本电脑响亮。它们还提供经过良好校准的声音,清晰、坚实、三维。
既然我们在谈论声音,我们还应该提到一两件关于Galaxy Tab S2 8.0附带的耳机。乍一看,您会看到一对带有橡胶头的普通耳塞,但如果您仔细观察,它们可能会让您大吃一惊。耳塞本身有一个坚固的机身,由实心塑料制成,尖端有金属饰面,给人一种优质的感觉。标准耳塞可能不太适合您的耳朵,但三星(Samsung)预见到这个可能的问题,并额外运送了两套不同尺寸的耳塞,这将使这些耳塞佩戴起来更加舒适。音质令人印象深刻,他们成功地以清晰明快的方式成功地处理了我们向他们扔的任何东西(从音乐到游戏)。此外,您还可以在内嵌遥控器上获得一个方便的音量摇杆。(volume rocker)
在底部边框上,您会发现两个电容式按钮,可让您轻松访问和使用任何 Android 设备:返回(Back)和最近使用的应用程序(Recent Apps)。这些物理按钮完美无瑕,它们的背光非常好。在中央,在上述按钮之间,您会发现三星(Samsung)标志性的Home按钮。这个正面的物理按钮还提供了一个自定义指纹扫描仪(custom fingerprint scanner),如果用户在指尖的帮助下证明自己的身份,它可以让用户解锁平板电脑或批准特定操作。
Galaxy Tab S2的后盖包含两个金属圈,可以用来连接三星(Samsung)的键盘盖(keyboard cover)。不幸的是,我们没有收到这款平板电脑的键盘盖(keyboard cover),因此,我们只能推测它的特性。尽管如此,如果您想知道这个特定的细节,我们发现重要的是要注意该设备存在第一方键盘盒。(party keyboard case)至于背面的其余部分,除了略微突出的相机堆栈(camera stack)外,它是一块相当光滑的硬塑料。
Galaxy Tab S2(Galaxy Tab S2) ( SM-T710 ) 配备 8 英寸Super AMOLED 显示屏(Super AMOLED display),高清分辨率(HD resolution 2048x1536)为 2048x1536,像素密度为 320 ppi。三星(Samsung)不断使用Super AMOLED 技术(Super AMOLED technology)与这些屏幕能够通过对像素充电以产生颜色来显示更深、更丰富的黑色有关。这意味着黑色是通过停止像素的电荷产生的。总而言之,对于普通用户来说,这些改进的黑色有助于提高屏幕的整体性能,并使色彩充满活力和丰富。此外,与第一代 Galaxy Tab S相比,(Galaxy Tab S generation)三星(Samsung)改变了这块屏幕的纵横比,从 16:9 到 4:3。这种用户生成的变化意味着它非常适合阅读书籍和杂志,但在观看电影和视频时,您会发现屏幕顶部和底部会出现两个大黑条。
4000 mAh 电池(mAh battery)在正常使用情况下可续航 2 或 3 天,在重载使用情况下可续航 8 至 10小时(duty usage)。但是,电池续航(battery stamina)能力与您的个人习惯密切相关,因此,它因用户而异。总而言之,这款平板电脑的电池续航(battery life)能力不错,但与其他类似的高端设备相比并不出色。
三星 Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 是一款令人印象深刻的纤薄设备,平衡性好,重量轻。坚固的大猩猩玻璃前部、金属侧面和真正坚固的塑料后部使制造质量非常好。Super AMOLED 屏幕提供自然准确的色彩,使图像和电影看起来清晰而充满活力。新的 4:3 纵横比让这款平板电脑在阅读或上网时真正闪耀(The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 is an impressively svelte device, that is well balanced and lightweight. Build quality is great thanks to the tough Gorilla Glass front, metallic sides, and a really solid plastic rear. The Super AMOLED screen offers natural and accurate colors, that make images and movies look sharp and vibrant. The new 4:3 aspect ratio makes this tablet really shine when reading or surfing the web)。Galaxy S2 8.0 结合了精心设计的机身和当今平板电脑上最好的屏幕之一。(The Galaxy S2 8.0 combines a well-designed body with one of the best screens found on a tablet today.)
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 Review - What to expect from a premium mini tablet?
Samsung has constantly strived to find a stellar design for all its products аnd, since the releaѕe of their Samsung Galaxy S6 flagship smartphone in 2014, the company seemѕ to have taken а special interest in the development of more and morе appealing premium devices. In this partiсular сategory of IT products, the most cutthroat segment is that of high end tаblets, as only a few prestigiоus companieѕ have thе ability to create trend-sеtting devices. This іѕ an area of continuous experіmentation and great competition, as each manufacturer tries tо find the recipe for the ultimate product. For this purpose, the Soυth Korean electronics giant continues its design push and offers us an exquisite, ultra-lіght and highly powerfυl Android tablet, namely the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 (SM-T710). Is it the new flagship of the Galaxy Tab series? Read this review to find out:
Unboxing the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 (SM-T710)
Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 comes in a compact, bright white cardboard box, that has the Samsung logo on its top side and the device's main features printed on the bottom and sides. Also, on the sides of the package you will find the manufacturer's safety seals.
The lid comes off quite easily and underneath it you will find the tablet sitting on an inner cardboard tray, on top of everything else. The tablet itself is placed inside a protective polyethylene sleeve, which is great for the device, but not so good for the environment.
Inside, together with your new tablet, you will find all the accessories that come with it: the microUSB charging and data transfer cable , the power charger (with adaptive fast charging capabilities), the micro-SD card eject pin, the headphones (and extra ear buds), the warranty and a Quick Start Guide.
Samsung offers 3 color flavors for its Galaxy Tab S2 8.0: white, black and gold. As you might have noticed from the pictures above, the model we tested is the white variant - a great choice, especially since it is less prone to smudges.
Hardware specifications
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 (SM-T710) has an interesting 8.0 inch QXGA Super AMOLED display with a resolution of 2048x1536 and a pixel density of 320 ppi. The screen is, of course, protected by Corning Gorilla Glass .
The tablet runs on a octa-core chipset that combines four 64-bit 1.9 Ghz Cortex A57 cores with four 1.3 Ghz Cortex A53 cores in a big.LITTLE configuration, namely the Samsung Exynos 5433. This awesome chipset comes equipped with an integrated Mali T628MP6 GPU, that runs at 700 MHz and supports OpenGL ES 3.0. You will also get 3GB of LPDDR3 RAM memory. In the storage department, it has 32GB of internal storage space, out of which you will be able to use about 25 GB. It is possible to augment the storage space with the help of a microSD card of up to 128GB. The tablet is powered by a non-removable 4000mAh lithium-ion battery.
The flashless main camera has 8 megapixels, autofocus and HDR capabilities, while the front facing camera has a resolution of only 2.1 megapixels.
In terms of connectivity, we can tell you that the Galaxy Tab S2 (SM-T710) includes a microUSB 2.0 port, a Bluetooth 4.1 chip and wireless networking using both the 802.11 a/b/g/n standards and the modern 802.11ac standard. You will be able to connect to both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Wi-Fi networks.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 has a height of 199 mm (7.82 inches), a width of 135 mm (5.31 inches) and a thickness of only 5.6 mm (0.22 inches). These body dimensions come together with a weight of 265 grams (9.35 ounces).
These are the general hardware specifications of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 (SM-T710), but if you want to find out more detailed information, check this page: Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0" 32GB (Wi-Fi).
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 is a high-end tablet that builds on the success of the first Tab S series, with a clear set of hardware improvements. It features an impressive octa-core processor (Exynos 5433), 3GB of DDR3 RAM and a vibrant 2048x1536 Super Amoled display.
Using the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 (SM-T710)
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 is one of the light est and thinnest tablets available on the market today. The tablet has an elegant design that features metal sides, a matte-finish plastic back and Gorilla Glass on top of its screen. These features accentuate the high-end look and clearly demonstrate that you are handling a premium device. If you are worried about the plastic rear, we can tell you that it is quite sturdy thanks to a rubberised finish, that helps it stay clear of any scratches or chipping.
The rounded corners of the tablet combined with the flat and straight edges succeed in offering a big enough surface to rest your fingers on the sides when using it. It is not the easiest thing to handle with one hand but, nevertheless, it will fit firmly in your grasp and the soft, velvety coating of the rear will make it quite comfortable. To make things even better, the lightweight design of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 makes it great for usage over extended periods of time like when you are reading or playing games. As such, in any of these situations never did our hands and wrists get tired or sore.
As you can see from the image below, the top bezel features the 2.1 MP front facing camera towards the right. Then, towards the center, you will find the light sensor, which uses the ambient light level to adjust screen brightness and contrast.
On the right side of the tablet, typical for Samsung devices, you will find three buttons: the power button and the volume rocker. We really liked their metallic finish and the fact that they are sturdy and highly responsive.
The right edge also houses the microSD card slot. To insert a microSD card, you will have to use a small pin to eject the tray. You could use a thick needle or a paper clip, but, luckily for us Samsung ships a micro-SD card tray eject pin that makes it really easy for users to insert or remove a card.
The bottom edge accommodates a micro-USB connector which will allow you to easily transfer content between the Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 and a computer and, of course, to charge it. Next to it you will find the 3.5 mm audio jack for your headphones. Also in this area, neatly placed towards the lower corners of the tablet you will find two medium-sized speakers. These little fellas pack quite a powerful punch as they succeeded in being louder then our laptops. They also offer a well calibrated sound that is clear, solid, three-dimensional.
Since we are talking about sound, we should also mention a thing or two about the headphones shipped with the Galaxy Tab S2 8.0. At a first glance, you will see a pair of regular looking earbuds with rubber tips but, if you take a closer look, they might surprise you. The earbuds themselves have a sturdy body made of solid plastic with a metallic finish towards the tip that gives them a premium feel. The standard tips might not be perfectly shaped for your ears a little, but Samsung foresaw this possible problem and shipped two extra sets of tips of different sizes that will make these earbuds much more comfortable to wear. The sound quality was impressive and they managed to successfully tackle anything we threw at them (from music to games) in a clear and crisp manner. Also, you will get a handy volume rocker on an inline remote.
On the bottom bezel, you will find the two capacitive buttons that allow you to easily access and use any Android-powered device: Back and Recent Apps. These physical buttons worked flawlessly and their backlights are quite nice. In the center, between the above-mentioned buttons, you will discover Samsung's signature Home button. This front-facing physical button also offers a custom fingerprint scanner, that enables users to unlock the tablet or approve specific actions if they prove their identity with the help of their fingertips.
The back cover of the Galaxy Tab S2 contains two metal circles, that you can use to attach Samsung's keyboard cover. Unfortunately, we did not receive this keyboard cover with the tablet and, as such, we can only speculate about its characteristics. Still, we found it important to note that a first party keyboard case exists for this device if you were wondering about this particular detail. As for the rest of the back area, it is a fairly smooth piece of hard plastic apart from the slightly extruding camera stack.
In terms of ergonomics, we can tell you that Samsung took great care in the even distribution of the weight across the tablet. This feature together with the thin edges and the lightweight design give this device a great grip and a comfortable hold. As we stated earlier, you will not feel fatigued after holding it for long periods of time, thus encouraging you to use it more and more. It is effortless to hold it with one hand on the bus, or propped up in bed.
The Galaxy Tab S2 (SM-T710) comes with an 8 inch Super AMOLED display, that has an HD resolution 2048x1536 and a pixel density of 320 ppi. Samsung's constant use of the Super AMOLED technology is related to the fact that these screens are able to display deeper and richer blacks by electrically charging pixels to generate colors. This means that blacks are created by halting the charge of pixels. All in all, for regular users, these improved blacks help in increasing the screen's overall performance and in making colors vibrant and rich. Also, Samsung changed the aspect ratio of this screen in comparison with the first Galaxy Tab S generation, from a 16:9 to a 4:3. This user-generated change means that it is great for reading books and magazines, but when it comes to watching movies and videos you will find that two big black bars will appear at the top and bottom of the screen.
The 4000 mAh battery allowed for an autonomy of 2 or 3 days under normal use scenarios or 8 to 10 hours in heavy duty usage. However, the battery stamina is strongly related to your personal habits and, as such, it differs a lot from user to user. All in all, battery life is good for this tablet, but not outstanding when compared to other similar premium devices.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 is an impressively svelte device, that is well balanced and lightweight. Build quality is great thanks to the tough Gorilla Glass front, metallic sides, and a really solid plastic rear. The Super AMOLED screen offers natural and accurate colors, that make images and movies look sharp and vibrant. The new 4:3 aspect ratio makes this tablet really shine when reading or surfing the web. The Galaxy S2 8.0 combines a well-designed body with one of the best screens found on a tablet today.