这是三星(Samsung)的好时机:他们最近发布了优秀的三星 Galaxy S22(Samsung Galaxy S22)智能手机阵容和Tab S8平板系列;他们在Android(Android)市场上处于领先地位,并通过他们的产品不断突破技术的界限。现在,我并不是平板电脑的粉丝,我认为它们占据了笔记本电脑和智能手机之间的不稳定空间。但我必须用几周的时间测试顶级三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra平板电脑,这让我重新考虑了我的假设。(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)如果它们以这种速度发展,平板电脑就有未来。阅读此评论以查看我的结论:
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra):它对谁有好处?
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)是以下设备的绝佳选择:
- 想要最好的交易工具的平面设计师、画家或素描师
- 寻找最佳 Android 平板电脑的用户
- 喜欢在旅行时看视频或听音乐的人,可以买得起这款出色的平板电脑
- 想要轻装上阵又不想携带笔记本电脑但仍需要在旅途中工作的旅行者
在测试了三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)之后,我喜欢的东西有很多:
Buy now
- 平板的设计令人叹为观止,厚度不到 6 毫米,拥有 14.6 英寸的超大屏幕
- 它的建造质量是首屈一指的
- AMOLED屏幕非常好,视角很广
- S-Pen不仅可用于绘图和记笔记,还可用作遥控器
- 平板电脑的性能是最好的
- 平板电脑具有可扩展存储(microSD 卡插槽)
- Samsung DeX模拟桌面环境,从而消除了在Android平板电脑上工作的许多缺点
- 包装不包括充电器。考虑到通用充电器的充电时间很长,这可能是一个真正的问题
- 平板电脑的价格使其危险地接近一些超便携笔记本电脑或二合一笔记本电脑
- 书皮键盘(Book Cover Keyboard)也非常昂贵,而且没有应有的刚性。
毫无疑问,三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)是最好的 Android 平板电脑,至少目前是这样。它相当昂贵,但您可以得到最好的:最快的芯片组、漂亮(大)的屏幕、出色的声音、出色的S-Pen和精致的用户界面。对于生产力任务(尤其是可选配件)以及平面设计师和艺术家来说,它是一个有用的工具。当然,它也非常适合媒体播放,这要归功于它的AMOLED屏幕和一流的扬声器。如果您有预算,请毫不犹豫地购买它。
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)拆箱
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的包装盒非常纤薄。其尺寸为 13.58 x 8.93 x 0.78 英寸(345 x 227 x 20 毫米)。白色背景强调了平板电脑的图片和盒子正面的名称。盒子的侧面和背面几乎没有其他功能。
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的包装盒
在里面,您可以找到装在柔软保护袋中的平板电脑和配件:USB-C转USB-C电缆、S-Pen、SIM托盘工具和手册。可悲的是,没有充电器,但假设您已经拥有带充电器的智能手机。除非该智能手机是三星 Galaxy S21 FE(Samsung Galaxy S21 FE)或任何较新的Galaxy智能手机,后者也不包括任何一款。
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra):盒子里有什么
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra 的开箱体验与许多三星高端设备一致:配件少、包装高档、单色盒设计。如果三星在其高端设备中加入快速充电器,那就太好了。(The unboxing experience of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra is in line with many Samsung premium devices: few accessories, premium packaging, monochromatic box design. Once in a blue moon, it would be nice if Samsung would include a fast charger with its premium devices.)
一旦您将平板电脑从包装中取出,您就会不禁对平板电脑设计的进步感到惊讶。这款平板电脑看起来简直令人惊叹,厚度仅为 0.21 英寸(5.5 毫米)。它比任何现代智能手机都更薄,并且与如今的平板电脑一样薄。它不仅很薄,而且还很大:平板电脑的宽度和高度为 8.23 x 12.83 英寸(209 x 326 毫米)。它的重量为 1.60 磅或 728 克。尽管尺寸很大,但漂亮的拉丝铝制底盘是坚固的,根本不会弯曲。屏幕自然也很大,对角线为 14.6 英寸,分辨率为 2960x1848 像素。这相当于每英寸大约 240 个像素的像素密度。该面板是具有 120 Hz 刷新率和HDR10+AMOLED。它受保护康宁大猩猩玻璃 5(Corning Gorilla Glass 5) . 除了令人印象深刻的屏幕和小的摄像头缺口,三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的正面没有任何功能。
该设备的背面也缺少类似的功能:您在这里看到的唯一东西是双摄像头组件,它被抬高了几毫米,并继续带有黑色塑料条。这条带不仅仅是为了展示,它也是S-Pen的“停车位” 。这是S-Pen(S-Pen)可以(无线)充电的唯一位置,其方向至关重要。仅当S-Pen的笔尖朝向相机时,磁性保持才有效。
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的后置摄像头
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的顶部和底部(或左侧和右侧,如果您在横向模式下握住它)装有四个扬声器,每侧两个。底部还包含一个 USB-C 端口,而顶部则是一个麦克风。
按钮(音量键和电源)位于三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的右侧。右侧还有一个麦克风和一个SIM卡托盘(用于 5G 型号)。托盘还装有一张 SD 卡。可扩展存储,耶!
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的右侧(纵向)或顶部(横向)
左侧装有书皮键盘(the Book Cover Keyboard)的金属触点,我们也随产品一起收到了该触点。您应该注意,键盘和后盖以 350 美元的高价单独出售。
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的左侧(纵向)或底部(横向)
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)采用最新的 Snapdragon 8 Gen 1芯片组 - 八核CPU和Adreno 730 GPU。它具有 8 到 16 GB 的RAM,具体取决于型号,以及 128、256 或 512 GB 的存储空间。我测试了 8GB/128GB 型号。
三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的技术规格
电池也很大:容量为 11200 mAh。我怀疑有这么大的屏幕,它需要它。其宣传的 45W 快速充电器充电时间为 82 分钟。
- 前置(自拍)摄像头都有 12 MP 传感器,但一个位于 f/2.2、26mm(广角)镜头后面,另一个则使用具有 120 度视野的 f/2.4 超广角镜头。
- 背面的摄像头具有不同的传感器:一个是 13 MP,具有 f/2.0、26mm 广角镜头,而另一个是 6 MP、f/2.2 超广角镜头。
平板电脑有GPS(带GLONASS、BDS、GALILEO和A-GPS)、Wi-Fi 6e、蓝牙 5.2(Bluetooth 5.2),但没有NFC。S-Pen是一个技术奇迹:它有蓝牙、(Bluetooth)加速度计、陀螺仪,并且可以无线充电。三星Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)具有屏下光学指纹传感器和常见的传感器范围:加速度计、陀螺仪、接近度、指南针和光传感器。
有关三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的更多信息,请访问此处的产品页面:Compare Galaxy Tab S8, S8+ & S8 Ultra。
使用三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)
在查看了技术规格后,我预计三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的性能非常好,无论我扔给它什么。果然,这次经历真的很特别。快速的芯片组肯定得益于良好的用户界面和动画,这使一切看起来都非常流畅和快速。但我没想到的是出色的多媒体体验。屏幕近乎完美,色彩丰富,对比鲜明。视角令人惊叹,即使以极端角度观看,您也看不到任何颜色偏移。它唯一不擅长的地方是亮度,但屏幕在强光下仍然可用。
三星Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)非常适合媒体播放
不过,这不仅仅是屏幕。扬声器也非常出色,响亮且低音充足。打开杜比全景声(Dolby Atmos),你会为四个扬声器所提供的效果而感到惊讶。三星Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)在游戏中也表现完美。我玩了几个小时的PUBG Mobile,所有设置都调好了,我的问题为零。帧速率很好,设备从来没有过热,触摸屏的响应能力非常适合竞技游戏。
我还尝试在平板电脑上绘图。我不是这个领域的专家,但我很确定平面设计师会喜欢使用三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)。S-Pen非常准确,它的低延迟(2.8 毫秒)使其在视觉上类似于使用真正的笔进行绘图,并且屏幕的防手掌误触非常好(因此您可以在绘图时将手放在屏幕上而不会出现问题) .
(Hand)在三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra上(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)手绘
如果你喜欢手写,你也可以用手写做笔记。大多数时候,三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)能够识别文字并将其转换为可编辑的文本。它在某些字符和书写风格上遇到了困难(例如,我是左撇子,所以我的笔迹没有相同的“流”),但总体而言,OCR做得很好。
让我们再谈谈S-Pen。正如我之前提到的,它有一些通常不会出现在触控笔上的传感器:陀螺仪和加速度计。原因如下:在多个应用程序(如媒体播放器或浏览器)中,您可以通过手势将S-Pen用作遥控器。不,不在屏幕上,在空中。就像一根魔杖。例如,您可以通过按下S-Pen上的按钮跳到下一首歌曲或视频,同时向右滑动。或者,您可以通过按住按钮并向上滑动来增加音量。Wingardium Leviosa,有人吗?按住S-Pen按钮两秒钟以上将启动相机(Camera)应用程序,然后再次按下该按钮拍摄照片。
S-Pen 锁定在边框和屏幕顶部
电话通话效果很好,当光线充足时,前置摄像头足以进行视频通话。一个不错的功能:相机系统具有自动取景(Auto Framing)功能- 它会自动缩放和调整以使您保持在框架中。
我不建议使用三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)拍照,因为它的主摄像头性能充其量只是平庸。此外,尝试使用笔记本电脑大小的平板电脑拍照时,您会看起来非常有趣。话虽如此,自拍对于社交媒体或向您的亲人发送肖像是可以接受的。
电池寿命只是平均水平。我管理了大约 8 小时的连续视频播放或繁重的游戏,并且每天使用平板电脑大约 2 小时给了我三天的轻松电池寿命。不幸的是,我无法测试快速充电时间,但我确实注意到使用通用 18瓦(Watt)充电器充电需要相当长的时间(超过三个小时)。
总的来说,我使用三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra 的体验非常棒。我享受其中的每一分钟——从游戏到媒体播放、涂鸦和生产力任务。我真的没有发现任何关于平板电脑的批评,如果你阅读我的评论,你就会知道我真的抱怨很多。(Overall, my experience with using the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra was great. I enjoyed every minute of it - from gaming to media playback, doodling and productivity tasks. I didn’t really find anything to criticize about the tablet, and if you read my reviews, you know that I really complain a lot.)
在下一页,我分析了三星 Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra)的软件环境,使用我们通常的基准测试它的原始性能和电池寿命,最后告诉你它的一些可选配件——背光键盘和非常有用的后盖。我们走吧!
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra tablet review: a premium experience
It’s a good time for Samsung: they recently relеased the exсellent Samsung Galaxy S22 smartphone lineup аnd the Tab S8 tablet series; they enjoy a cоmfortable leаd in the Andrоid market and constantly push the boundaries оf technology with their products. Now, I’m not really a fan оf tаblets, I think they осcupy a precarious space between laptops and smartphones. But I got tо test the top-of-the-range Samsυng Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra tablet for a few weeks, аnd it madе me reсonsider my assumptions. If they еvolve at this pace, tablets have a future. Read this review to see my concluѕions:
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra: who is it good for?
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra is an excellent choice for:
- Graphic designers, painters, or sketchers who want the best tools for their trade
- Users in search of the best Android tablet
- People who enjoy watching videos or listening to music while they are traveling and can afford this fantastic tablet
- Travelers who want to pack lightly and don’t want to carry a laptop but still need to work while on the road
Pros and cons
After testing the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, there are lots of things that I liked:
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- The design of the tablet is breathtaking, with a thickness of under 6 mm and a giant 14.6-inch screen
- Its build quality is second to none
- The AMOLED screen is very good and has wide viewing angles
- The S-Pen is useful not just for drawing and taking notes, it also functions as a remote control
- The performance of the tablet is up there with the best
- The tablet has expandable storage (microSD card slot)
- Samsung DeX simulates a desktop environment and thus cancels many drawbacks of working on an Android tablet
There are just a few things that could be improved:
- The package doesn’t include a charger. Considering the long charge times with generic chargers, this can be a real problem
- The price of the tablet takes it dangerously close to some ultraportable laptops or 2-in-1s
- The Book Cover Keyboard is also very expensive, and it’s not as rigid as it should be.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra is, hands down, the best Android tablet there is, at least for the time being. It’s quite expensive, but you get the best of the best: the fastest chipset, a beautiful (and large) screen, great sound, the excellent S-Pen, and a refined user interface. It’s a useful tool for productivity tasks (especially with the optional accessories) and for graphic designers and artists. Of course, it’s also excellent for media playback, thanks to its AMOLED screen and top-notch speakers. If you have the budget for it, do not hesitate to buy it.
Unboxing the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra's box is very slim. Its dimensions are 13.58 x 8.93 x 0.78 inches (345 x 227 x 20 mm). The white background emphasizes the picture of the tablet and the name on the front of the box. There are very few other features on the sides and back of the box.
The box that the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra comes in
Inside, you find the tablet, packed in a soft, protective pouch, and the accessories: a USB-C to USB-C cable, an S-Pen, a SIM tray tool, and the manuals. Sadly, there is no charger included, but it’s assumed that you already have a smartphone that has a charger. Unless that smartphone is a Samsung Galaxy S21 FE or any of the newer Galaxy smartphones, which don’t include one either.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra: what's in the box
The unboxing experience of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra is in line with many Samsung premium devices: few accessories, premium packaging, monochromatic box design. Once in a blue moon, it would be nice if Samsung would include a fast charger with its premium devices.
Design and hardware specifications
Once you get the tablet out of its package, you cannot help but be amazed by how far tablet design has come. The tablet looks simply stunning, with a thickness of just 0.21 inches (5.5 millimeters). It’s way thinner than any modern smartphone and as thin as a tablet gets these days. Not only is it thin, but it’s also huge: the width and height of the tablet are 8.23 x 12.83 inches (209 x 326 mm). Its weight is 1.60 lb or 728 grams. Despite the dimensions, the beautiful brushed aluminum chassis is solid and doesn’t flex at all. The screen is naturally huge as well, with a diagonal of 14.6 inches and a resolution of 2960x1848 pixels. This equates to a pixel density of roughly 240 pixels per inch. The panel is a Super AMOLED capable of a 120 Hz refresh rate and HDR10+. It’s protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 5. Apart from the impressive screen and the small camera notch, there are no features on the front of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra.
The notch for the front-facing cameras is tiny compared to the size of the device
The back of the device has a similar lack of features: the only thing you’ll see here is the dual-camera assembly, which is raised a few millimeters and continues with a black plastic strip. The strip is not there just for show, it’s also the “parking space” for the S-Pen. That is the only location where the S-Pen can charge (wirelessly), and its orientation is essential. The magnetic retention only works if the S-Pen is positioned with the tip facing the cameras.
The back cameras of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
The top and the bottom of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra (or the left and right sides, if you hold it in landscape mode) house four speakers, two on each side. The bottom also contains a USB-C port, while on the top you will find a microphone.
The USB-C port is flanked by two speakers
The buttons (volume rocker and power) are located on the right side of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra. Also on the right side, there is a microphone and a SIM tray (for the 5G model). The tray also holds an SD card. Expandable storage, yay!
The right side (portrait) or the top (landscape) of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
The left side houses the metallic contacts for the Book Cover Keyboard, which we also received with the product. You should note that the keyboard, together with the back cover, is sold separately at the steep price of $350.
The left side (portrait) or bottom (landscape) of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra is powered by the very latest Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chipset - an octa-core CPU coupled with an Adreno 730 GPU. It has between 8 and 16 GB of RAM, depending on the model, and 128, 256, or 512 GB of storage. I tested the 8GB/128GB model.
The technical specs of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
The battery is massive as well: it has a capacity of 11200 mAh. I suspect that with such a large screen, it needs it. Its advertised charging time with a 45W fast charger is 82 minutes.
Since I mentioned the cameras before, here are a few details about them:
- The front (selfie) cameras both have 12 MP sensors, but one is behind an f/2.2, 26mm (wide) lens, while the other uses an f/2.4 ultrawide lens with a 120-degree field of view.
- The cameras on the back have different sensors: one is a 13 MP and has an f/2.0, 26mm wide-angle lens, while the other is a 6 MP, f/2.2 ultrawide.
The tablet has GPS (with GLONASS, BDS, GALILEO, and A-GPS), Wi-Fi 6e, Bluetooth 5.2, but no NFC. The S-Pen is a technological marvel: it has Bluetooth, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and it is charged wirelessly. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra has an under-screen optical fingerprint sensor and the usual range of sensors: accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, and a light sensor.
For more information about the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, visit the product page here: Compare Galaxy Tab S8, S8+ & S8 Ultra.
Using the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
After looking at the technical specifications, I expected the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra to perform very well, whatever I threw at it. Sure enough, the experience was really special. The fast chipset is definitely helped by the good user interface and animations, which make everything look smooth and blazing fast. But what I wasn’t expecting was the brilliant multimedia experience. The screen is almost perfect, with rich colors and solid contrast. The viewing angles are amazing, and you don’t see any color shift even when viewing at extreme angles. The only place where it doesn’t excel is the brightness, but the screen remains usable in bright light.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra is excellent for media playback
It’s not just the screen, though. The speakers are excellent as well, loud and with sufficient bass. Turn on Dolby Atmos, and you will be truly surprised by what the four speakers can deliver. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra performs flawlessly in games too. I played PUBG Mobile for hours with all the settings cranked up, and I had zero issues. The frame rate was good, the device never got more than a little warm, and the responsiveness of the touchscreen was perfect for competitive gaming.
The powerful chipset handles most games at maximum settings
I also tried drawing on the tablet. I am not an expert in this field, but I’m pretty sure graphic designers will love using the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra. The S-Pen is very accurate, its low latency (2.8 ms) makes it visually similar to drawing with a real pen, and the palm rejection from the screen is excellent (so you can rest your hand on the screen without issues when drawing).
Hand drawing on the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
If you enjoy writing by hand, you can also take notes with handwriting. Most of the time, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra is able to recognize the writing and convert it to editable text. It struggles with some characters and writing styles (for example, I’m left-handed, so my handwriting doesn’t have the same “flow”), but overall the OCR does a pretty good job.
Text recognition is generally good
Let’s talk about the S-Pen some more. As I mentioned before, it has a few sensors that aren’t usually present on a stylus: a gyroscope and an accelerometer. Here’s why: in several applications (like media players or browsers), you can use the S-Pen as a remote by making gestures. No, not on the screen, in the air. Like a wand. For example, you can skip to the next song or video by pressing the button on the S-Pen while simultaneously swiping right with it. Or you can increase the volume by keeping the button pressed and swiping up. Wingardium Leviosa, anyone? Pressing the S-Pen button for more than two seconds starts the Camera app, then pressing the button again takes a picture.
While the S-Pen only charges when it’s placed on the back of the tablet, you can place it on other parts of the tablet, and it will stick to it. It’s an excellent design choice that compensates somewhat for the fact that the S-Pen doesn’t sit flush somewhere on the tablet and can be easily displaced when it’s charging. If you want to make sure that the stylus stays put when charging, you’ll have to dish out more money for the back cover (which includes a compartment for securing the S-Pen to its charging location). More on that in the last chapter of the review.
The S-Pen locks in place on the bezels and on the top of the screen
Phone calls worked great, and the front-facing cameras are more than enough for video calling when there is enough light. A nice feature: the camera system has Auto Framing - it automatically zooms and adjusts to keep you in the frame.
I do not recommend using the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra for taking pictures, as its main camera performance is mediocre at best. Also, you’ll look really funny trying to take a picture with a laptop-sized tablet. That being said, selfies are passable for social media or sending a portrait to your loved ones.
The cameras are only as good as the lighting
The battery life is just average. I managed about 8 hours of continuous video playback or heavy gaming, and using the tablet for about 2 hours per day gave me an easy three days of battery life. I wasn’t able to test the fast charging time, unfortunately, but I did notice that with a generic 18 Watt charger, it takes quite a long time to recharge (more than three hours).
Overall, my experience with using the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra was great. I enjoyed every minute of it - from gaming to media playback, doodling and productivity tasks. I didn’t really find anything to criticize about the tablet, and if you read my reviews, you know that I really complain a lot.
On the next page, I analyze the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra software environment, use our usual benchmarks to test its raw performance and battery life and finally tell you about some of its optional accessories - a backlit keyboard and a very useful back cover. Let's go!