上个月,三星(Samsung) 推出了一款设计出色的智能手表。三星 Gear S2(Samsung Gear S2)在某些领域成功超越了Apple Watch 和 Android Wear(Apple Watch and Android Wear)。截至11 月 12 日(November 12),他们将在英国、德国或罗马尼亚(Germany or Romania)等许多欧洲国家推出。继续阅读以了解更多关于它的外观、它所提供的内容、它的成本以及在哪里购买它。
在任何智能设备出现之前,手表行业(watch industry) 就拥有悠久而完善的业绩记录。(track record)一些最成功的制造商是瑞士人,他们设法以全球市场上销售的手表数量的 2.4% 攫取了 54% 的美元销售额。瑞士手表外观精美,走时精准。相比之下,第一款智能手表使用起来很笨拙,而且看起来相当笨重。这表明智能手表制造商似乎忘记了客户端与经典手表相同。

三星 Gear S2(Samsung Gear S2)带回了卓越的设计。使用起来简单直观,手表看起来不错,戴在手腕上感觉自然。一个根本性的变化是拥抱圆形设计(round design)。其他制造商采用圆形手表,但在整个用户界面中保持直角。三星(Samsung)致力于这款手表的硬件和软件的每一个细节。(hardware and software)它的面部和应用程序都是圆形的,从而形成了一种外观和感觉都令人愉悦的智能设计。

三星 Gear S2(Samsung Gear S2)有两种变体,表带由银色和深灰色的弹性体制成。“经典”款式配有皮革表带(leather strap)。注意带子的专有捕捉系统(catch system),它可以防止您用任何其他替代品替换它。
三星 Gear S2(Samsung Gear S2)配备 6 个传感器,可进行健身追踪(fitness tracking)。它无法与市场上最好的专用追踪器匹敌,但对于智能手表来说,它做得不错。要完全访问其监控功能,您需要将智能手表与智能手机相匹配。与之前版本的三星 Gear(Samsung Gear)不同,S2 可以连接到任何Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)。不过,连接和应用程序最适合三星智能手机(Samsung smartphone)。
此外,NFC 支持(NFC support)允许引入Samsung Pay,该公司承诺将在未来的固件更新中引入该功能。
三星(Samsung)为专有操作系统(operating system)付出的代价是可用应用程序的稀缺性。三星确实努力在其(Samsung)应用商店(app store)中引入新的大牌,比如优步和推特(Uber and Twitter)。目前,您确实可以满足您的重要需求。然而,三星(Samsung)要赶上Apple Watch 和 Android Wear(Apple Watch and Android Wear)生态系统将是一个挑战。
智能手表制造商在宣布成功之前还有一段路要走。三星(Samsung)朝着这个方向迈出了重要的一步,在外观和功能上都得到了改进。除了您获得的价值之外,高昂的价格标签(price tag)感觉就像投资于研发。(research and development)如果您现在渴望获得智能手表,三星 Gear S2(Samsung Gear S2)是一个值得(option worth)考虑的选择。
经典版在 Amazon.com 上的售价为 349.99 美元,在(on Amazon.co.uk)Amazon.co.uk 上(on Amazon.com)的售价为 295.99 英镑。三星 Gear S2 Silver(Samsung Gear S2 Silver)在 Amazon.com 上(on Amazon.com)的售价为 299.00 美元,而Gear S2 深灰色版本(Gear S2 Dark Gray version)的$295.99。
Samsung Gear S2 - Is it the best designed smartwatch?
Last month, Samsυng launched a smartwatch with an excellent design. Samsung Gear S2 manages to gеt ahead of Apple Watch and Android Wear in certаin areas. As of Noνember 12, they are rolling it out in many European countries like the UK, Germany or Romania. Reаd on tо learn more about how it looks, what it has to offer, how much it costs and where to buy it.
Round and round
The watch industry had a long and well established track record before any smart device came about. Some of the most successful manufacturers are Swiss, and they manage to grab 54% of the dollar sales with 2.4% of the number of watches sold on the global market. Swiss watches look exquisite and keep time with precision. In contrast, the first smartwatches were awkward to use and looked rather clunky. This shows that smartwatch manufacturers seemed to forget that the client is the same as for the classic watch.

Samsung Gear S2 brings back the excellence in design. Using it is simple and intuitive and the watch looks good and feels natural on your wrist. One radical change is the embrace of the round design. Other manufacturers went for a round form of the watch but left right angles throughout the user interface. Samsung worked on every detail of the hardware and software of this watch. Its faces as well as its apps are rounded, resulting in a smart design that looks and feels pleasing.

The best innovation is the moving bezel. Although you do get a touch screen, after a few uses you will want to stick with the bezel for navigation. Selecting the options on the screen is fast and precise. More importantly, the fingers do not hide the display when you use the bezel.
Two buttons, left and right, should be familiar for Samsung users, taking you to the Menu and Back. The battery lasts longer than the usual one day of use. You are safe in case you skip the nightly recharge as the battery lasts for two full days.
Samsung Gear S2 has two variants with the strap made from elastomer on silver and dark grey. The "Classic" variant has a leather strap. Pay attention to the proprietary catch system of the strap, which prevents you from replacing it with any other alternative.
Fitness and wallet on the go
Samsung Gear S2 features 6 sensors that allow fitness tracking. It will not match the best dedicated trackers on the market, but for a smartwatch it does a decent job. For full access to its monitoring abilities you need to match the smartwatch with a smartphone. Different from the previous version of Samsung Gear, S2 can connect to any Android smartphone. The connection and the apps work best with a Samsung smartphone though.
Additionally, the NFC support allows for the introduction of Samsung Pay, which the company promises to bring on with future firmware updates.
Where are the apps?
The price paid by Samsung for a proprietary operating system is the scarcity of apps available. Samsung does work to bring new big names in its app store like Uber and Twitter. For the time being, you do get your important needs covered. However, it will be a challenge for Samsung to catch up to Apple Watch and Android Wear ecosystems.
Smartwatch manufacturers still have a way to go before they declare success. Samsung takes an important step in that direction improving on both looks and features. The hefty price tag feels like investing in research and development besides the value you get. If you are keen to get a smartwatch right now, Samsung Gear S2 is an option worth considering.
Where to buy?
The Classic version sells for $349.99 on Amazon.com and for £295.99 on Amazon.co.uk. Samsung Gear S2 Silver sells for $299.00 on Amazon.com and the Gear S2 Dark Gray version for $295.99.