虽然Windows操作系统的某些元素(例如系统内核(system kernel))对其工作至关重要,但其他部分则不那么重要。如果您试图降低系统资源,您可能希望考虑禁用一些不必要的系统服务和进程,尽管您需要先了解它们。
SearchUI.exe是一个相当容易理解的过程。顾名思义,SearchUI.exe(或SearchApp.exe)是Windows 10搜索功能的一个组件——尤其是最初属于Cortana 个人助理(Cortana personal assistant)的搜索工具。这是您需要了解的所有信息。

什么是 SearchUI.exe(或 SearchApp.exe),您应该禁用它吗?(What Is SearchUI.exe (or SearchApp.exe) and Should You Disable It?)
SearchUI.exe是允许任务栏上的搜索栏工作的进程。SearchUI.exe之前与Windows 10个人助理(Windows 10)Cortana结合使用,但在2019 年 4 月的(April 2019)Windows 19 19H1 更新中从Cortana中删除,并重命名为SearchApp.exe以与其他组件区分开来。
就目前而言,SearchApp.exe是一个典型的低资源进程,位于后台。但是,它使用一些资源来确保当您按下左下方的搜索栏时,搜索菜单几乎会立即出现,允许您搜索您的 PC 或网络、打开某些应用程序或更改您的 PC 设置。

这是一个非常基本的搜索工具,它依赖于其他进程(例如Windows Search Indexer)来管理文件索引或 Web 搜索,允许Windows在您搜索时快速提取文件和已安装的应用程序。作为Windows系统进程,SearchApp.exe(或SearchUI.exe)运行和使用是完全安全的。
如何在 Windows 10 上隐藏搜索栏(How to Hide the Search Bar on Windows 10)
在考虑在Windows(Windows)上禁用SearchApp.exe(或SearchUI.exe)之前,您可能更喜欢隐藏搜索栏。这可确保Windows的搜索功能保持活跃和可用,但搜索栏本身是隐藏的。SearchApp.exe (或SearchUI.exe )进程将保持暂停但(SearchApp.exe)已(SearchUI.exe)启用。
- 为此,请右键单击搜索栏(或任务栏)并从菜单中 选择搜索(Search )>隐藏。( Hidden)

- 要随时重新启用搜索栏,请右键单击任务栏并选择搜索(Search )>显示搜索框。( Show search box. )或者,选择“搜索”(Search ) > “显示搜索图标( Show search icon)”以使其在视图中隐藏,同时允许通过较小的图标访问搜索功能。

如何手动停止 Windows 10 搜索栏进程(How to Manually Stop the Windows 10 Search Bar Process)
Windows 10搜索栏(SearchApp.exe或SearchUI.exe )始终在您的 PC(SearchApp.exe)上(SearchUI.exe)运行,即使您从视图中隐藏了搜索栏。但是,如果它在任何时候变得不稳定,您需要停止该过程并重新启动它。
例如,如果搜索菜单本身反复冻结,您可能需要结束该过程以解决问题。您可以使用Windows 任务管理器(Windows Task Manager)或使用 Windows PowerShell来执行此操作。
使用任务管理器(Using Task Manager)
- 要使用任务管理器(Task Manager)停止SearchApp.exe(或SearchUI.exe),您需要打开一个新的任务管理器(Task Manager)窗口。右键单击任务栏并选择任务管理器(Task Manager)来执行此操作。

- 在任务管理器窗口的(Task Manager)详细信息(Details)选项卡中,搜索SearchApp.exe或SearchUI.exe。应用名称会有所不同,具体取决于您的Windows 10版本。找到该应用程序后,右键单击它并选择“结束任务”(End Task)选项。

- 任务管理器(Task Manager)将要求您确认是否要停止该进程 - 选择结束进程(End process)以执行此操作。

- 结束运行过程后,再次选择搜索栏。Windows将重新打开SearchApp.exe(或SearchUI.exe)进程,恢复搜索栏的功能。

使用 Windows PowerShell(Using Windows PowerShell)
在Windows 10(Windows 10)上快速禁用损坏的搜索栏进程的另一种方法是使用Windows PowerShell。
- 为此,请右键单击开始(Start)菜单并选择Windows PowerShell (Admin)选项。

- 在新的 PowerShell 窗口中,键入taskkill /f /im SearchUI.exe (如果您的Windows版本使用SearchUI.exe进程)或taskkill /f /im SearchApp.exe(如果您的Windows版本使用SearchApp.exe),然后选择键盘上的Enter键。

- 运行taskkill命令将结束搜索栏进程。要恢复它,请选择搜索栏——Windows 将自动重新启动该过程。

如何在 Windows 10 上禁用 SearchApp.exe 或 SearchUI.exe(How to Disable SearchApp.exe or SearchUI.exe on Windows 10)
上述步骤应该可以帮助您隐藏或停止正在运行的搜索栏进程——但只是暂时的。如果要阻止SearchApp.exe或SearchUI.exe运行,则需要使用Windows PowerShell获取可执行文件的所有权,然后重命名可执行文件(executable file)以停止运行。
禁用搜索栏进程(Disabling the Search Bar Process)
- 为此,请右键单击开始(Start)菜单并选择Windows PowerShell (Admin)选项。

- 在新的PowerShell窗口中,键入cd C:\Windows\SystemApps并选择Enter以移动到SystemApps目录。在那里,键入ls以查看子文件夹列表。查看列表并确定您是否列出了Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy或Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy文件夹。
键入cd Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy或cd Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy(后跟Enter)以在此时移动到正确的文件夹。

- 一旦PowerShell位于正确的文件夹中,按顺序键入以下命令以获取SearchApp.exe(或SearchUI.exe)文件的所有权并重命名它。
如果您位于Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy文件夹中,请将file.exe(SearchUI.exe)替换为SearchUI.exe(file.exe)。如果您位于Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy文件夹中,请将file.exe(SearchApp.exe)替换为SearchApp.exe(file.exe )。按顺序运行这些命令以完成该过程:
- takeown /f file.exe
- icacls file.exe /grant administrators:F
- taskkill /f /im file.exe
- mv file.exe 文件-old.exe(mv file.exe file-old.exe)

- 随着SearchApp.exe(或SearchUI.exe)进程停止并重命名,搜索栏将不再起作用。您需要按照上述步骤输入正确的文件夹,然后键入mv SearchApp-old.exe SearchApp.exe或mv SearchUI-old.exe SearchUI.exe,具体取决于您的Windows版本。

运行这些命令将阻止Windows打开搜索栏进程——实际上是完全禁用它。不幸的是,(目前)无法使用Windows PowerShell或其他工具删除该应用程序,因此这仍然是阻止它在您的 PC 上运行的最佳方法。
解决 Windows 10 上的搜索问题(Resolving Search Issues on Windows 10)
如果您更喜欢使用Windows搜索栏来搜索您的 PC 或 Web,您需要让SearchUI.exe进程在您的 PC 上运行。但是,如果您希望限制 Microsoft 记录(limit the amount of data Microsoft records)在您身上的数据量,最好使用上面列出的方法完全禁用它。
如果您在 Windows 10 上遇到搜索问题(search issues on Windows 10),您可能需要通过重建搜索索引来解决问题。如果这不起作用,您可能需要查看进一步的故障排除步骤(further troubleshooting steps),例如使用Windows 故障排除程序(Windows Troubleshooter)或SFC 等高级命令(advanced commands like SFC)来恢复您的系统文件。
What is SearchUI.exe and Do You Need It?
While certain elements of the Windows оperating system (such as the system kernel) are vital for it to work, other parts are less important. If you’re trying to lower your system resources, you may wish to consider disabling some unnecessary system services and processes, although you’ll need to understand them first.
One fairly simple-to-understand process is SearchUI.exe. As the name suggests, SearchUI.exe (or SearchApp.exe) is a component of Windows 10’s search features—in particular, the search tool that was originally part of the Cortana personal assistant. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

What Is SearchUI.exe (or SearchApp.exe) and Should You Disable It?
SearchUI.exe is the process that allows the search bar on your taskbar to work. SearchUI.exe was previously combined with Cortana, the Windows 10 personal assistant, but was removed from Cortana in the Windows 19 19H1 update in April 2019 and renamed SearchApp.exe to distinguish it from other components.
As it stands now, SearchApp.exe is a typically low-resource process that sits in the background. It uses some resources, however, to ensure that when you press the search bar in the bottom left, the search menu appears almost instantly, allowing you to search your PC or the web, open certain apps, or change your PC settings.

This is a very basic search tool that relies on other processes (such as the Windows Search Indexer) to manage file indexing or web searches, allowing Windows to quickly pull up files and installed apps when you search for them. As a Windows system process, SearchApp.exe (or SearchUI.exe) is entirely safe to run and use.
If you’d prefer to disable the search tool, however, you can. You can hide it from view, ensuring that the process runs but doesn’t use any of your system resources. Alternatively, you can stop the process from running, ensuring that the search feature is disabled (either temporarily or permanently).
How to Hide the Search Bar on Windows 10
Before you consider disabling SearchApp.exe (or SearchUI.exe) on Windows, you may prefer to hide the search bar instead. This ensures that Windows’ search features remain active and available, but the search bar itself is hidden. The SearchApp.exe (or SearchUI.exe) process will remain paused but enabled.
- To do this, right-click the search bar (or the taskbar) and select Search > Hidden from the menu.

- To re-enable the search bar at any point, right-click the taskbar and select Search > Show search box. Alternatively, select Search > Show search icon to keep it hidden from view while allowing the search feature to remain accessible with a smaller icon.

How to Manually Stop the Windows 10 Search Bar Process
The Windows 10 search bar (SearchApp.exe or SearchUI.exe) is always running on your PC, even if you hide the search bar from view. Should it become unstable at any point, however, you’ll need to stop the process and restart it.
For instance, if the search menu itself repeatedly freezes, you may need to end the process to fix the problem. You can do this using Windows Task Manager or by using Windows PowerShell.
Using Task Manager
- To stop SearchApp.exe (or SearchUI.exe) using the Task Manager, you’ll need to open a new Task Manager window. Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager to do this.

- In the Details tab of the Task Manager window, search for either SearchApp.exe or SearchUI.exe. The app name will vary, depending on your version of Windows 10. Once you’ve located the app, right-click it and select the End Task option.

- Task Manager will ask you to confirm that you want to stop the process—select End process to do this.

- Once you’ve ended the running process, select the search bar again. Windows will reopen the SearchApp.exe (or SearchUI.exe) process, restoring the search bar’s functions.

Using Windows PowerShell
Another way to quickly disable a broken search bar process on Windows 10 is to use the Windows PowerShell.
- To do this, right-click the Start menu and select the Windows PowerShell (Admin) option.

- In the new PowerShell window, type taskkill /f /im SearchUI.exe (if your version of Windows uses the SearchUI.exe process) or taskkill /f /im SearchApp.exe (if your version of Windows uses SearchApp.exe), then select the Enter key on your keyboard.

- Running the taskkill command will end the search bar process. To restore it, select the search bar—Windows will restart the process automatically.

How to Disable SearchApp.exe or SearchUI.exe on Windows 10
The steps above should help you to hide or stop the running search bar process—but only temporarily. If you want to stop SearchApp.exe or SearchUI.exe from running, you’ll need to use the Windows PowerShell to take ownership of and then rename the executable file to stop it running.
Disabling the Search Bar Process
- To do this, right-click the Start menu and select the Windows PowerShell (Admin) option.

- In the new PowerShell window, type cd C:\Windows\SystemApps and select Enter to move to the SystemApps directory. Once there, type ls to view a list of sub-folders. Look through the list and identify whether you have a Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy or Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy folder listed.
Type cd Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy or cd Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy (followed by Enter) to move into the correct folder at this point.

- Once PowerShell is in the correct folder, type the following commands in sequence to take ownership of the SearchApp.exe (or SearchUI.exe) file and rename it.
If you’re in the Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy folder, replace file.exe with SearchUI.exe.
If you’re in the Microsoft.Windows.Search_cw5n1h2txyewy folder, replace file.exe with SearchApp.exe instead. Run these commands in sequence to complete the process:
- takeown /f file.exe
- icacls file.exe /grant administrators:F
- taskkill /f /im file.exe
- mv file.exe file-old.exe

- With the SearchApp.exe (or SearchUI.exe) process stopped and renamed, the search bar will no longer function. You’ll need to follow the steps above to enter the correct folder, then type mv SearchApp-old.exe SearchApp.exe or mv SearchUI-old.exe SearchUI.exe, depending on your version of Windows.

Running these commands will stop Windows from opening the search bar process—in effect, disabling it completely. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible (at present) to remove the app using Windows PowerShell or other tools, so this remains the best method for stopping it from working on your PC.
Resolving Search Issues on Windows 10
If you prefer to use the Windows search bar to search your PC or the web, you’ll need to leave the SearchUI.exe process running on your PC. If you’d prefer to limit the amount of data Microsoft records on you, however, it may be best to disable it fully using the methods listed above.
If you’re running into search issues on Windows 10, you might need to troubleshoot the problem by rebuilding your search index. If that doesn’t work, you may need to look at further troubleshooting steps, such as using the Windows Troubleshooter or advanced commands like SFC to restore your system files.