索尼(Sony)在科技界是一个非常有名的品牌,在电子设备方面,他们是领先的制造商之一。他们为我们带来了一些历史上最好的音频设备、一些最好的电视以及有史以来最好的游戏机之一——PlayStation。但这些只是他们开发和制造的部分设备。他们还生产便携式音频扬声器(audio speaker),例如Sony SRS-X11。这个名字听起来可能不太令人印象深刻,但这个小型扬声器有很多东西要展示。在本次评测中,我们将对其进行试驾(test drive),我们将与您分享我们对此的所有想法和意见。因此,如果您正在寻找便携式音频扬声器(audio speaker),并且索尼(Sony)是您喜欢的品牌,请不要犹豫阅读此评论:
拆箱索尼 SRS-X11 便携式无线扬声器(Sony SRS-X11 Portable Wireless Speaker)带蓝牙(Bluetooth)
索尼 SRS-X11(Sony SRS-X11)便携式扬声器采用塑料制成的透明盒子(transparent box),因此您可以在打开包装之前看到实际的扬声器。
在包装的底部,还有另一个盒子,这个是纸板做的。在其侧面,您可以找到有关Sony SRS-X11的功能和规格的一些详细信息。
在纸板箱内(cardboard box),您还可以找到用于悬挂扬声器的带子、用于为其充电的 micro-USB 电缆和常用的宣传单:快速入门指南(start guide)、保修和参考指南(warranty and reference guide)。
索尼 SRS-X11(Sony SRS-X11)使用直径为 1.77 英寸的驱动器(inch diameter driver),输出功率(output power)为 10瓦(Watts)。无线连接由支持SBC 编解码器(SBC codec)和多种配置文件的蓝牙 3.0 版芯片处理: (Bluetooth Version 3.0)A2DP、AVRCP、HFP 和 HSP(A2DP, AVRCP, HFP and HSP)。这款便携式扬声器还支持NFC,因此与其他支持 NFC 的设备配对非常(NFC)容易。
索尼 SRS-X11 无线(Sony SRS-X11 wireless)扬声器提供的硬件规格和功能(hardware specs and capabilities)的另一个有趣的补充是,您可以将两个这样的扬声器配对以实现立体声设置(stereo sound setup),或者只是放大音量(如果您选择将扬声器配对单声道模式)。
除了无线蓝牙(Bluetooth),索尼 SRS-X11(Sony SRS-X11)还提供 3.5 毫米立体声迷你插孔(stereo mini-jack),您可以将其用于没有蓝牙芯片(Bluetooth chip)的设备。
扬声器的频率传输范围(frequency transmission range)在 20 - 20,000 Hz 之间,采样频率为 44.1 kHz(kHz sampling),索尼 SRS-X11(Sony SRS-X11)承诺提供令人印象深刻的 12 小时电池寿命。
这款便携式扬声器呈立方体,尺寸非常小,尺寸为 2.4 x 2.4 x 2.4 英寸(61 毫米 x 61 毫米 x 61 毫米)。重量方面,索尼(Sony)的 SRS-X11 重 7.58 盎司(215 克)。
如果您想查看索尼 SRS-X11 的全套硬件规格(Sony SRS-X11),(hardware specification)请前往官方演示网页:索尼 SRS-X11 蓝牙便携式无线扬声器 - 产品规格(Sony SRS-X11 Portable Wireless Speaker With Bluetooth - Product Specifications)。
使用带蓝牙的(Bluetooth)索尼 SRS-X11 便携式无线扬声器(Sony SRS-X11 Portable Wireless Speaker)
索尼 SRS-X11 无线(Sony SRS-X11 wireless)扬声器采用立方体形状和略微圆润的边角,具有非常吸引人的设计。扬声器的外壳部分由金属制成,部分由塑料制成,但塑料感觉像橡胶。这些材料的组合使扬声器的外观(speaker look)和感觉都很好,同时,握住它会给你一种坚固耐用(sturdiness and durability)的感觉。
索尼 SRS-X11 无线(Sony SRS-X11 wireless)扬声器有多种颜色可供选择,所有颜色都经过巧妙选择,使其对所有类型的消费者都具有吸引力。您可以购买黑色、白色、红色、粉色或蓝色的这款扬声器。
对于我们的评测,我们收到了两台Sony SRS-X11 扬声器,一台是蓝色的,一台是红色的,我们必须说我们立刻喜欢上了这些颜色。而且我们不是唯一的:我们所有看到它们的朋友都会立即询问更多关于它们是什么,它们做什么,它们是好设备等等。简而言之,这些扬声器非常引人注目!
回到SRS-X11的设计,在它的顶部,你会发现一个电源按钮(power button),它还可以作为蓝牙(Bluetooth)配对按钮、一个接听或关闭电话的按钮和两个音量按钮。所有这些按钮都隐藏在扬声器的外壳内,而电话按钮(phone button)则更深。我们发现这种设计方法(design approach)可以让您即使在不看扬声器的情况下也能轻松按下正确的按钮。
仍然在扬声器的顶部,Sony的标志印在靠近顶部边缘的位置,在中间你可以看到NFC 符号(NFC symbol)。当您想要将此扬声器与启用NFC的设备配对时,您应该在此处将两者相互轻拍。
这款立方体扬声器的正面和侧面是金属格栅。然而,驱动单元(driver unit)面向前格栅(front grille),因此侧格栅更多地是一种设计选择(design choice),而不是功能(function one)选择。
在索尼 SRS-X11 无线(Sony SRS-X11 wireless)扬声器的背面,您会发现一个名为Add的按钮,用于配对两个 SRS-X11 扬声器,一个用于当事情失控时的重置(Reset)按钮(我们从未使用过它),一个音频输入(Audio In)3.5 毫米插孔和微型 USB充电插孔(charging jack)。
通常,在电子设备的底部没有什么可看的。不过,索尼(Sony)做出了另一个相当不错的设计选择(design choice),将所有的LED都放在了(LEDs)SRS-X11 扬声器(SRS-X11 speaker)的底部。好吧(Well),不是完全在底部,而是靠近它——在扬声器的轮辋上。您将获得用于充电、蓝牙(Bluetooth)(已建立连接、等待连接或扫描(connection or scanning))的跟踪LED 灯(LED light)以及用于显示扬声器在使用立体声设置时是设置为左侧还是右侧的两个(stereo setup)LED(LEDs)。
谈到索尼 SRS-X11 无线(Sony SRS-X11 wireless)扬声器的音质,我们对它提供的音质非常满意。音量相当高,声音很平衡。确实,在最高级别时,声音往往会有点失真,但这是可以预期的便携式无线扬声器(wireless speaker),甚至更多来自如此小的设备。但是,如果您觉得不需要总是按音量调高(Volume Up)按钮,那么您会对这款设备所提供的功能感到非常满意。如果你真的想要更高的容量,你绝对应该考虑为自己购买两台这样的设备,并在双重设置中使用它们。虽然其中一个扬声器足以让一个大小适中的房间充满声音,但使用两个扬声器将为您提供所有声功率(sound power)需要填满一个大房间,甚至是一个 3000 平方英尺的庭院。而且我们说的并不便宜:我们实际上已经尝试过了,即使在这种情况下,音频水平也相当不错。
我们还尝试了索尼 SRS-X11(Sony SRS-X11)扬声器提供的电话选项,虽然我们可以很容易地听到我们正在与之交谈的人,但反过来说却不一样。扬声器有一个内置麦克风,但为了让你说话的人能够很好地听到你的声音,你需要将索尼 SRS-X11(Sony SRS-X11)放置在某个位置。在房间内使用扬声器没问题,但我们不建议您在移动时使用此功能,例如在开车时。
通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接到Sony SRS-X11是一个简单而快速的过程,我们从未遇到过任何问题。我们已经将扬声器与诺基亚 Lumia 930(Nokia Lumia 930)、HP DV7 多媒体笔记本电脑(HP DV7 multimedia notebook)和亚马逊 Kindle Fire HDX 平板电脑(Amazon Kindle Fire HDX tablet)配对,它们都运行良好。没有任何中断,也没有任何故障。我们还想提一下,我们非常喜欢扬声器提供的NFC功能。(NFC)将Lumia 930(Lumia 930)与Sony SRS-X11配对非常简单:点击并播放 - 这就是它的全部功能!
在我们手中拥有两个索尼 SRS-X11 无线扬声器的(Sony SRS-X11 wireless)时间范围内(time frame),我们都将它们用于听音乐,它们的电池可以轻松持续超过 8 小时。也就是说 - 当我们将音量设置为最大可用音量的大约 70-80% 时。(sound volume)当我们将音量设置为扬声器功能的三分之一时,我们已经设法使用这些扬声器超过一天 - 因此我们可以确认您可以从索尼 SRS-X11(Sony SRS-X11)中挤出的电池寿命(battery life)是确实是他们做广告的 12 小时。
我们非常喜欢索尼(Sony)用于其SRS-X11 扬声器(SRS-X11 speaker)的巧妙而坚固的立方体设计,通过配对其中两个设备将您的声音扩展到真正的立体声的机会,非常简单且无问题的配对过程(pairing process)(尤其是NFC 功能(NFC feature))和最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们喜欢它所提供的声音质量。我们还认为便携式设备的电池寿命(battery life)非常好,例如,如果您将这款扬声器与智能手机或平板电脑(smartphone or tablet)一起使用,这正是您需要的寿命。毕竟,现在大多数智能手机和平板电脑的电池续航(battery life)时间都比SRS-X11的 12 小时要短(SRS-X11).
在不太好的方面,我们不得不提到索尼 SRS-X11 无线(Sony SRS-X11 wireless)扬声器不能很好地处理高音量,并且在这种情况下音频往往会失真。
总的来说,我们喜欢这个小设备,我们认为它值得我们的“为所有人购买”("Buy for Everyone")徽章。拥有这款无线扬声器(wireless speaker)您不会后悔,如果您拥有其中两个并创建自己的真正便携式立体声音响系统(stereo sound system),您会更加满意。
Reviewing The Sony SRS-X11 Portable Wireless Speaker With Bluetooth
Sony is a νery big name in the tech world and they are one of the leading manυfacturers when it comes to electronic deνices. Thеy have brоught us some of thе best audios devices in historу, some of the best TVs and also one of the best gaming consoles ever - the PlayStation. But these are only some of the devices theу develop and mаnufaсture. They also manufacture portable audіo speаkers, like the Sony SRS-X11. The name might not sound too impressive, bυt this smаll speaker has a lot to show. In this review, we're taking it for a tеst drive and we'll share with you all our thoughts and opinions about it. So if you're searching for a portable audio speaker, and Sony iѕ a brand you like, don't hesitate to read this review:
Unboxing The Sony SRS-X11 Portable Wireless Speaker With Bluetooth
The Sony SRS-X11 portable speaker comes in a transparent box made of plastic, so you can see the actual speaker before opening its package.
At the bottom of the package, there's also another box, this one made of cardboard. On its sides, you can find some details about Sony SRS-X11's features and specifications.
Inside the cardboard box you'll also find a strap for hanging the speaker, a micro-USB cable for charging it and the usual leaflets: quick start guide, warranty and reference guide.
Hardware Specifications
The Sony SRS-X11 uses a 1.77 inch diameter driver with an output power of 10 Watts. The wireless connectivity is handled by a Bluetooth Version 3.0 chip that supports the SBC codec and multiple profiles: A2DP, AVRCP, HFP and HSP. This portable speaker also supports NFC, so pairing it with another NFC enabled device is really easy.
Another interesting addition to the hardware specs and capabilities offered by the Sony SRS-X11 wireless speaker is the fact that you can pair two such speaker to achieve a stereo sound setup, or simply to amplify the volume (if you choose to pair the speakers in mono mode).
Besides its wireless Bluetooth, the Sony SRS-X11 also offers a 3.5mm stereo mini-jack that you can use with devices that don't have a Bluetooth chip.
The frequency transmission range of the speaker lies between 20 - 20,000 Hz, at 44.1 kHz sampling, and Sony SRS-X11 promises to deliver an impressive 12 hours battery life.
This portable speaker is cube shaped and its size is quite small, with dimensions of 2.4 x 2.4 x 2.4 inches (61mm x 61mm x 61mm). In terms of weight, Sony's SRS-X11 weighs 7.58 oz (215 g).
If you'd like to see the full set of hardware specification for Sony SRS-X11, head to the official presentation web page: Sony SRS-X11 Portable Wireless Speaker With Bluetooth - Product Specifications.
Using The Sony SRS-X11 Portable Wireless Speaker With Bluetooth
With its cubic shape and slightly rounded corners and edges, the Sony SRS-X11 wireless speaker sports a very attractive design. The speaker's housing is made partly from metal and partly from plastic, but a plastic that feels like rubber. The combination of these materials make the speaker look and feel good, while at the same time, holding it gives you a really nice sensation of sturdiness and durability.
The Sony SRS-X11 wireless speaker is available in multiple colors, all of which are cleverly chosen to make it attractive to all types of consumers. You can get this speaker in black, white, red, pink or blue.
For our review, we received two Sony SRS-X11 speakers, one in blue and one in red, and we must say that we instantly liked these colors. And we were not the only ones: all our friends who saw them immediately asked more about what they are, what do they do, are they good devices and so on. To put it shortly, these speakers are quite some eye-catchers!
Going back to SRS-X11's design, on its top side, you'll find a power button that also acts as a Bluetooth pairing button, a button for taking or closing phone calls and two volume buttons. All these buttons are recessed within the speaker's housing, and the phone button is even more deep-set. We found this design approach to make it easy for you to press the right buttons even when you're not looking at the speaker.
Still on the speaker's top side, Sony's logo is printed close to the top rim, and in the center you get the NFC symbol. When you'll want to pair this speaker with a NFC enabled device, this is where you you should tap the two against each other.
The front and the sides of this cube-shaped speaker are metal grilles. However, the driver unit is faced towards the front grille, so the side grilles are more of a design choice than a function one.
On the back of the Sony SRS-X11 wireless speaker, you'll find a button called Add, used for pairing two SRS-X11 speakers, a Reset button for when things go out of hand (we never had to use it), an Audio In 3.5 mm jack and the micro-USB charging jack.
Usually, there's not much to see on the bottom of electronic devices. However, Sony made another quite nice design choice and placed all the LEDs on the bottom of the SRS-X11 speaker. Well, not quite on the bottom, but close to it - on the speaker's rims. You get tracking LED light for charging, Bluetooth (established connection, waiting connection or scanning) and also two LEDs for showing you if the speaker is set to be the left or right one when using a stereo setup.
Speaking of the audio quality of the Sony SRS-X11 wireless speaker, we were quite happy with what it offers. The volume levels are quite high and sound is well balanced. It's true though, that at maximum levels, the sound tends to distort a bit, but that's to be expected from a portable wireless speaker and even more from a such small device. However, if you don't feel the need to always push the Volume Up button, you'll be more than satisfied with what this device has to offer. And if you really want higher volumes, you should definitely take into consideration buying yourself two of these devices and use them in a dual setup. While one of these speakers is more than enough to fill a decently sized room with sound, using two will give you all the sound power you need to fill a large room, or even a 3000 square feet courtyard. And we're not talking cheap: we actually tried that, and the audio level is quite decent even in such situations.
We also tried the phone options offered by the Sony SRS-X11 speakers and, while we could easily hear the people we were talking to, not the same can be said about the other way around. The speaker has a built-in microphone, but for the person you speak to, to be able to hear you well, you need to place the Sony SRS-X11 in a certain position. It's OK when you use the speaker in a room, but we wouldn't recommend you use this feature when on the move, like when you're driving your car.
Connecting to the Sony SRS-X11 via Bluetooth is a simple and fast process, and we've never had any issues with it. We've paired the speaker with a Nokia Lumia 930, an HP DV7 multimedia notebook and with an Amazon Kindle Fire HDX tablet, and they all worked well. There were no interruptions and no glitches whatsoever. We've also like to mention that we really enjoyed the NFC capabilities offered by the speaker. Pairing the Lumia 930 with the Sony SRS-X11 is as simple as it could ever be: tap and play - that's all there is to it!
During the time frame we've had the two Sony SRS-X11 wireless speakers in our hands, we've used them both for listening to music, and their batteries easily lasted more than 8 hours. That is - when we've set the sound volume to a roughly 70-80 percent of the maximum available. When we've set the volume to something like a third of the speaker's capabilities, we've managed to use these speakers for more than a day - thus we can confirm that the battery life you can squeeze out of the Sony SRS-X11 is indeed the 12 hours they advertise.
We really like the clever and robust cubic design Sony used for its SRS-X11 speaker, the opportunity of expanding your sound to true stereo by pairing two of these devices, the very easy and issue-free pairing process (especially the NFC feature) and last but not least, we liked the quality of the sound delivered by it. We also consider that the battery life is very decent for a portable device and it's exactly the life you need if you're using this speaker with your smartphone or tablet, for instance. After all, the battery life you expect from most smartphones and tablets nowadays is less than the 12 hours you can get from the SRS-X11.
On the not so good side of things, we'd have to mention that the Sony SRS-X11 wireless speaker is not handling high sound volumes too well and audio tends to get distorted in such situations.
Overall, we loved this little device and we consider that it deserves our "Buy for Everyone" badge. You won't regret getting yourself this wireless speaker and you'll be even more satisfied if you get two of them and create your own truly portable stereo sound system.