Minecraft是一款关于休闲休闲和探索(leisure and discovery)的游戏,同时也是关于严格生存的游戏。生存模式非常流行,玩家对Minecraft的态度比过去更加认真。拥有一个体面的家庭基地(home base)是这种模式的关键部分。为了您在游戏中的生存,您将需要一个Minecraft 房屋或地基(Minecraft house or foundation)。您通常会在这里更改您的出生点(spawn point)、存储收集到的资源以及建造、酿造或附魔商品。我们有各种各样的现代Minecraft 房屋(Minecraft house)创意供您查看,从现代房屋到地下基地、树屋到农舍。这些中的每一个都充分利用了各种(Minecraft block)其建筑师选择使用的Minecraft 块。这些Minecraft 房屋(Minecraft house)设计将为您提供最可爱的Minecraft 房屋(Minecraft house)创意,适合您想要建造的任何类型的房屋。获取(Get)、设置(Set)、构建(Build)!
十大可爱的 Minecraft 房子创意(Top 10 Cute Minecraft House Ideas)
大多数Minecraft(Minecraft)玩家提出的现代Minecraft 房屋(Minecraft house)创意之一是在太阳第一次落山时匆忙竖立起来的一个朴素的木箱。(modest wooden box erected in a hurry)在Minecraft(Minecraft)中建造房屋,尤其是对于新手来说,是很困难的。每个人都需要从某个地方开始,但是当他们打算在Minecraft中构建具有视觉吸引力的东西时,他们就会开始寻找资源并收集它们(look for resources and collect them)。资源的数量可能超过必要的数量。要建造房屋,您可能需要蓝图或建筑设计(need a blueprint or architectural design)和想法。那里有许多可爱的设计,但其中许多都非常复杂,即使有向导,新手也很难掌握。在Minecraft(Minecraft)中建造房屋需要花费大量时间,但是当您将其建造完成时,没有什么能比得上您从山顶隐蔽处看到舒适小屋的窗户时所体验到的感觉。您也可以参考一些关于逐步 构建Minecraft 房屋设计的 youtube 视频。(Minecraft house)
要记住的要点(Points to Remember)
- 一个 Minecraft 的家可能像一个带有门和窗户的立方体一样简单(as simple as a cube),或者像一个具有许多层次、房间、窗户、天窗甚至瀑布的多层结构一样复杂,如果您喜欢冒险的话。(or as complicated as a multi-story)
- 要建造 Minecraft 住宅,您可以使用任何类型的方块(use any sort of block)。有些方块比其他方块更能有效地保护你免受怪物的伤害,而另一些方块则更令人愉悦。
- 即使不使用修改, Minecraft(Minecraft)玩家也可以自定义游戏中多种块的颜色(color) 和纹理。(and texture)
- 如果您是Minecraft新手并且仍在学习如何使用所有部件,最好从更简单的住宅开始。(start with simpler dwellings)
- 房子的美感(aesthetics)不仅仅取决于它的形状和大小。(shape and size.)
- 你可以在它附近建造一个下界传送门(build a Nether portal),以保持一个可以返回的位置,同时阻止敌人进入。
以下是十大奇妙而简单可爱的现代Minecraft 房屋(Minecraft house)创意,您可以查看以构建您的Minecraft 房屋(Minecraft house)设计。
1. 生存主义者的农舍(1. Farmhouse for Survivalists)
这是一个适合初学者的设计(beginner-friendly design)。用木头、圆石(wood and cobblestone)等普通资源建造起来很简单,未来也很容易扩展。如果您建造这种类型的房屋,请确保它保存完好。下面列出了此类房屋设计的其他用例。(house design)
- 您可以在不考虑设计的情况下为建筑物添加更多房间。(add more rooms)
- 您还可以使用耕地(access to farming land)和方便的方式到达那里,而无需离开家或(house or travel)夜间旅行。
2. 储物空间充足的房子(2. House with Plenty of Storage)
拥有大量存储空间的房子也是现代Minecraft 房子(Minecraft house)的想法之一。这种家居设计(home design)的主要组成部分并没有对带有大多数玩家已经建造的屋顶设计的盒子进行太多改进。(roof design)另一方面,增加的功能是使房子更具吸引力的东西,例如:
提高房屋的主要部分(Raising the main portion)使其更具吸引力,
- 它对爬行者更安全(safer against Creepers),它提供了更多的地下空间(room underground)。
- 房子下面的区域(area below)可以用来饲养动物、储存东西(store stuff),也可以用来容纳第二个玩家。
- 它允许家庭周围的空间(space around)用于各种目的,如照片所示。
但是,如果你不点亮下方的这个区域,就会生成小怪。这并不意味着游戏玩家必须在各处点燃火炬。为了使其更具观赏性和美观性,玩家可以使用栅栏和蜡烛以视觉上美丽的方式照亮室外地下室。(illuminate outdoor basement)
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3. Smithers Boss 的橡木和云杉木(3. Oak & Spruce Wood by Smithers Boss)
如果您想建造并希望它看起来有吸引力,这所房子值得一看。它主要由木头制成,这是最常见的Minecraft 方块(Minecraft block)类型之一。
- 它可能由各种木材(variety of woods)制成,但橡木和深色橡木看起来最好。
- 其他块如圆石和玻璃( cobblestone and glass)也被使用,因为它们很容易找到和收集。
- 这所房子的唯一缺点是它主要由木头制成,这使得它容易受到暴徒( vulnerable to mobs)的攻击。
您的房子将根据您安装的着色器看起来,如下图所示(image below)。
4. 河边的圆屋(4. Roundhouse by The River)
- 为了给室内设计提供额外的层次和复杂性(additional levels and complexity),这种结构在一个较大的圆圈之上有一个较小的圆圈。
- 这种设计提供的开放式印象非常适合想要将所需的一切都放在一个地方的人们(keep everything they need in one place)。
- 如果需要更多房间,可以简单地在下面添加另一层(add another layer)或扩展现有的层以扩展得更高。
- 此外,在河边建造房屋会给您的在线朋友留下深刻印象,并且还可以让玩家更快地进入顶层(faster access to the top floors)。
- 只需在(Simply)所选楼顶(chosen floor roof)上选择一个位置。
- 放一个水块(water block)来创造一个小瀑布。
- 接下来,在水落的地方一个接一个地挖一个洞(hole one),以限制它并防止弄脏。如下图所示,这将作为一个水电梯(water elevator),并为河滨住宅(riverfront home)提供更多的水上吸引力。
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5. 坚固的石屋(5. Sturdy Stone House)
坚固的石屋(Sturdy Stone House)是最可爱的Minecraft 房屋(Minecraft house)创意之一。如果您不想用木头建造房屋,那么这个基本的石头房屋值得建造,因为它不太可能受到伤害。(stone home)这所房子的一些特点如下:
- 它使用像石头(stone)这样的传统块,但添加了一些块变体以使最终的结构看起来更有趣,而不仅仅是一个石头立方体(stone cube)。
- 房子很大(pretty large),在升级之前你可以在里面住很长一段时间。
- 它也不是那种让你觉得离开的房子很糟糕,因为你付出了这么多努力。
6. 内山(6. Inside Mountain)
大概是第一个晚上没有制作木箱的玩家,而是挖到(night dug)了山的一边。
- 在山上挖出几个房间(carve out a few rooms in a mountain)相当简单,内部几乎可以按照玩家想要的任何方式装饰。
- 另一方面,外部可能不仅仅是山腰的门户。整个空间感延伸(extended out)到山的一侧,透过一扇窗户可以看到整个东西。
- 这不仅从外面看起来不错,而且还意味着玩家不必依赖人工照明来进行室内照明,因为它会给它带来宜人的阳光感(pleasant sunny feel)。
- 如果大窗墙(window wall)周围的区域(surrounding area)保持质朴和有机(rustic and organic),那么优雅的室内和自然山腰之间的对比会更加明显和相得益彰。
但是,在巨大的窗户入口(window entry)前种植一个小花园以增加一些风情,同时又不减损山间静修的氛围(mountain retreat ambiance)并没有错。
7. 两层小型现代住宅(7. Two-Story Small & Contemporary House)
这是比较困难的建筑之一,收集材料需要一些时间。如果您想要一个坚固的大房子,请查看WiederDude 设计(WiederDude design)。以下是这个现代Minecraft 房屋(Minecraft house)理念的一些特点:
- 房子包括两层( two levels)和一个游泳池(swimming pool)。
- 您可以通过将泳池区域转换(converting the pool area into a farm)为方便访问的农场来进行切换。
- 混凝土的使用,尤其是需要骨粉(requires bonemeal)的白色混凝土,使这座房子的建造具有挑战性。
- 您也可以制作光滑的石块(smooth stone blocks)并使用它们。
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8. 多人游戏小屋(8. Bunkhouse for Multiplayer)
与您的朋友一起玩Minecraft(Minecraft)非常有趣,尤其是当他们是游戏新手时。但是,这意味着无论创建什么房屋,除非它是独立建造的,否则必须adequate space for both/all players,这就是该设计的亮点。下面提到了这个可爱而现代的Minecraft 房屋创意的一些特点:(Minecraft house)
- 这种高架房屋设计(house design)以其令人愉悦的对称结构(pleasingly symmetrical structure)为每个玩家提供了自己的空间,拥有完整舒适的起居区和卧室(area and bedroom)。
- 开放式桥梁(open bridge)的位置可以让怪物远离,同时也提供新鲜空气。(providing fresh air.)
- 在它下面,是一个可爱的小农场( lovely small farm)。
- 底层也(bottom layer)可以用来创造额外的内部空间,例如社区房间(community room)。
如果他们有很多朋友住在一个住宅里,玩家也许可以创造双层床( create bunk beds)来营造更亲密的氛围。只需(Simply)使用栅栏柱和木板在床上构建一个小结构,然后在上面放另一张床。
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make sure)下铺有足够的空间,这样睡在那里的玩家就不会被卡住。
9. 简易城堡(9. Easy Castle)
建造城堡的冲动在Minecraft(Minecraft)玩家中相当普遍。那些看过极其复杂和巨大的人的人相信他们永远无法实现他们的愿望。情况并非如此,因为没有规定城堡必须大或精致。虽然住在一个复杂的房间和走廊网络中,但与住在城堡里并不完全相同。有很多方法可以让简陋的房子看起来像一个。以下是这种可爱的Minecraft 房子(Minecraft house)创意的特点:
- 必要的炮塔(necessary turrets)包括在这个设计中,通向一个大入口,然后是开放的中央空间(large entranceway followed by open central space)。
- 如果您觉得这太简单了,您可以添加更多炮塔或增加当前炮塔之间的差距(increase the gaps)以使其更有趣。
- 这种设计几乎是用一种更独特的石头制成的。就像砖块和凿石砖一样,因为这些块的更详细的纹理(detailed textures of these blocks)会使一座城堡看起来像是用最基本和最丰富的材料建造的。
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10. 分层农舍(10. Tiered Farmhouse)
分层农舍(Tiered Farmhouse)也是最可爱的Minecraft 房屋(Minecraft house)创意之一,具有以下值得注意的特点:
- 玩家将在他们的世界中相当快地需要一个农场,他们最终将需要一个大农场。这种三层设计对于需要种植的任何作物都具有吸引力和功能性。(both attractive and functional)
- 如果需要,玩家甚至可以将农作物区域换成动物宿舍(swap crop areas for animal quarters)。
- 房子的设计是狭长(long and narrow)的,但没有什么是不能改变的。例如,玩家可以轻松地将房屋向下扩展到可用的巨大房间区域(room area)。
- 由于在此设计中使用了层级,玩家可以将单独的石墙( individual stone walls)放置在承重区域以建造薄石柱。
- 此外,当这些石柱彼此相邻放置时,它们会自动创建墙壁,为玩家提供房屋支撑元素的多种视觉可能性(variety of visual possibilities)。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。在 Minecraft 中建造房屋最有效的方法是什么?(Q1. What is the most efficient approach to construct a house in Minecraft?)
答。(Ans. )要在Minecraft(Minecraft)中构建任何结构,只需放置块(just put blocks)来创建墙壁。通过将块堆叠在一起来建造一些墙壁,并通过将块并排堆叠在顶部来建造屋顶。大多数块,无论是Dirt、Wood还是Cobblestone,都将用作原型住宅(prototype home)。
Q2。Minecraft 豪宅的外观是怎样的?(Q2. What is the appearance of a Minecraft mansion?)
答。(Ans. )林地府邸(Woodland Mansion)是一种自然出现在Minecraft中(Minecraft)的建筑。它有着巨大豪宅的外观,只能在黑暗森林生物群系(found in the Dark Forest biome)中找到。它的外部由深色橡木(oak wood)板、深色橡木(oak wood)和鹅卵石组成,并带有巨大的玻璃窗。
Q3。Minecraft 中最不常见的物品是什么?(Q3. What is the most uncommon item in Minecraft?)
答。(Ans. )龙蛋是(Dragon Egg)Minecraft中最稀有的物品,因为它在每个 Minecraft 世界中只出现一次(only appears once per Minecraft world)。当玩家第一次与末影龙战斗时,龙蛋(Ender dragon)会在(Dragon Egg)出口门户(exit portal)顶部孵化。此外,不可能用镐直接开采它。
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我们希望这个建议有助于找到一些顶级可爱和现代的 Minecraft 房屋创意(cute & modern Minecraft house ideas)。让我们知道哪种设计最容易构建和最有用。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Top 10 Cute Minecraft House Ideas
Minecraft is a game that is as mυch about casual leiѕure and discovery as it is about rіgorous surνiνal. Surνiνal mode is quite popular, and players are taking Minecraft more ѕeriously than they had in the past. Having a decent hоme base iѕ a crucial part of this mode. For your survival in the game, you will need a Minecraft house or foundation. It is where you usually changе your spawn point, store collected resources, and construct, brew, or enchant goods. We have got a terrific variety of modern Minecraft house ideas for you to check out, ranging from contemporary hoυses to subterranean bases, trеe houses to fаrmhouseѕ. Each of these makes the most of every sort of Minecraft block that its architects chоose to utilize. These Minecraft house designs will provide you with top cute Minecraft house ideas for whatever type of home you want to construct. Get, Set, Bυild!
Top 10 Cute Minecraft House Ideas
One of the modern Minecraft house ideas most Minecraft players come up with is a modest wooden box erected in a hurry when the sun sets for the first time. Building a house in Minecraft, especially for novices, is difficult. Everyone needs to start somewhere, but when they aim to construct something visually appealing in Minecraft, they start to look for resources and collect them. The number of resources might be more than what is essential. To construct your house, you might need a blueprint or architectural design and ideas. There are many lovely designs out there, but many of them are incredibly complicated and would be tough for novices to grasp, even with a guide. It would take quite a lot of time to build a house in Minecraft, but when you built it to completion, nothing would compare to the sensation you would experience when you glance out the window of your cozy cabin from your mountaintop hideaway. You may also refer to some youtube videos on building Minecraft house designs step by step.
Points to Remember
- A Minecraft home may be as simple as a cube with a door and a window, or as complicated as a multi-story structure with many levels, rooms, windows, a skylight, and even a waterfall if you are feeling adventurous.
- To build a Minecraft home, you may use any sort of block. Some blocks are more effective at defending you from monsters than others, while others can be more pleasing.
- Minecraft players may customize the color and texture of many sorts of blocks in the game even without the use of modifications.
- It is better to start with simpler dwellings if you are new to Minecraft and are still learning how to use all of the pieces.
- The aesthetics of a house are not exclusively determined by its shape and size.
- You can build a Nether portal near it for maintaining a location to return to while keeping enemies out.
Here are the top ten fantastic yet simple & cute modern Minecraft house ideas you can check out to build your Minecraft house designs.
1. Farmhouse for Survivalists
This is a beginner-friendly design. It is simple to construct with ordinary resources such as wood and cobblestone and it is easy to expand in the future. If you build this type of house, make certain it is well-kept. Other use cases of this type of house design are listed below.
- You can add more rooms to the building without thinking about the design.
- You also have access to farming land and a convenient means to get there without having to leave the house or travel at night.
2. House with Plenty of Storage
The house with plenty of storage is also one of modern Minecraft house ideas. The primary component of this home design does not offer much to improve on the box with a roof design that most players would already have constructed. The added features on the other hand are the things that make the house much more appealing to the eye, such as:
Raising the main portion of the home makes it more attractive,
- It is safer against Creepers and it provides more room underground.
- The area below the house can be utilized to keep animals, store stuff, or it can be used to accommodate the second player.
- It permits the space around the home to be used for various purposes, as illustrated in the photograph.
However, if you do not light up this area below, mobs will spawn. This does not mean that the gamers will have to light torches all over the place. To make it more ornamental and beautiful, players can illuminate outdoor basement in a visually beautiful manner by using fenceposts and candles.
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3. Oak & Spruce Wood by Smithers Boss
This house is worth looking at if you wish to build and want it to look attractive. It is largely made of wood, which is one of the most frequent Minecraft block kinds.
- It may be made out of a variety of woods, but oak and dark oak look the finest.
- Other blocks such as cobblestone and glass are also utilized since they are easy to find and collect.
- The sole disadvantage of this house is that it is largely made of wood which makes it vulnerable to mobs.
Your house will look according to the shaders that you have installed, as utilized in the image below.
4. Roundhouse by The River
Some use cases of this house are listed below:
- To provide additional levels and complexity to the interior design, this structure has a smaller circle on top of a larger one.
- The open impression that this design offers is ideal for folks who want to keep everything they need in one place.
- If more rooms are required, it would be simple to add another layer beneath or to expand the present ones to expand much higher.
- Moreover, building houses near the river will impress your online friends and it will also allow the gamers for faster access to the top floors.
Here’s how to build this design:
- Simply select a location on the chosen floor roof.
- Put a water block to create a little waterfall.
- Next, dig a hole one by one where the water lands to confine it and prevent making a mess. This will serve as a water elevator as well as give one riverfront home a more aquatic appeal, as depicted below.
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5. Sturdy Stone House
Sturdy Stone House is one of the top cute Minecraft house ideas. This basic stone home is worth creating if you do not want to build a house out of wood because it is less likely to survive harm. Some features of this house are as follows:
- It uses conventional blocks like stone but adds a few block variants to make the final construction appear more interesting, rather than just a stone cube.
- The house is pretty large, and you will be able to live in it for quite some time before upgrading.
- It is also not the kind of house where you feel awful about leaving since you put so much effort into it.
6. Inside Mountain
Probably, the players who did not create a wooden box on their first night dug into the side of a mountain instead.
- It is rather simple to carve out a few rooms in a mountain, and the interior may be decorated in almost any way the player wants.
- The outside, on the other hand, might be much more than a mountainside gateway. The whole sense of the space is extended out onto the side of the mountain, and the entire thing is visible through a window.
- This not only looks good from the outside, but it also means that players do not have to rely on artificial lighting for the interior as it will have a pleasant sunny feel to it.
- The contrast between the elegant interior and natural mountainside will be more obvious and complementing if the surrounding area around the big window wall is kept rustic and organic.
However, there is nothing wrong with planting a little garden in front of the huge window entry to add some flair without detracting from the mountain retreat ambiance.
7. Two-Story Small & Contemporary House
This is one of the more difficult buildings, and gathering the materials will take some time. If you want a big strong house, check out WiederDude design. Here are some features of this modern Minecraft house idea:
- The house includes two levels and a swimming pool.
- You may switch things up by converting the pool area into a farm that is conveniently accessible.
- The use of concrete, especially white concrete that requires bonemeal, makes this house challenging to construct.
- You might also make smooth stone blocks and use them instead.
The home may not be as attractive, but it is still a fantastic design.
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8. Bunkhouse for Multiplayer
It is a lot of fun to play Minecraft with your friends, especially if they are new to the game. However, it implies that whatever home is created, unless it is built independently must have adequate space for both/all players, which is where this design shines. Some features of this cute & modern Minecraft house ideas are mentioned below:
- This elevated house design with its pleasingly symmetrical structure provides each player with their own space with a complete comfy living area and bedroom.
- The open bridge is positioned to keep monsters away while also providing fresh air.
- Beneath it, lies a lovely small farm.
- The bottom layer might also be used to create extra interior space, such as a community room.
If they have a lot of pals living in a single residence, players can perhaps create bunk beds for a more intimate atmosphere. Simply construct a tiny structure atop a bed using a fencepost and wooden slabs, then lay another bed on top.
Note: Make sure there is enough space for the bottom bunk so the player who sleeps there does not get stuck.
9. Easy Castle
The urge to build a castle is fairly prevalent among Minecraft players. Those who have seen the extremely intricate and large ones believe they will never be able to realize their desire. That is not the case, as there is no rule that a castle must be large or elaborate. While living in a complex web of rooms and corridors is not quite the same as living in a castle. There are lots of ways for modest homes to seem like one. Here are the features of this type of cute Minecraft house idea:
- The necessary turrets are included in this design that leads to a large entranceway followed by open central space.
- If you find this too straightforward you can just add more turrets or increase the gaps between the current ones to make it more intriguing.
- This design almost begs to be created from a more distinctive type of stone. Like bricks and chiseled stone bricks, because the more detailed textures of these blocks will make one castle appear like it was built from the most basic and plentiful materials.
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10. Tiered Farmhouse
Tiered Farmhouse is also one of the top cute Minecraft house ideas with the following noteworthy features:
- Players will need a farm in their world fairly fast, and they will ultimately need a large one. This three-tiered design is both attractive and functional for whatever crops need to be cultivated.
- If desired, players may even swap crop areas for animal quarters.
- The house design is long and narrow, but there is nothing about it that cannot be changed. For example, players may easily expand the home downwards into the enormous room area available.
- Players may put individual stone walls in load-bearing areas to build thin stone posts, thanks to the use of tiers in this design.
- Furthermore, when these stone pillars are put adjacent to one another, they will automatically create walls, giving players a variety of visual possibilities for the house supporting elements.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What is the most efficient approach to construct a house in Minecraft?
Ans. To construct any structure in Minecraft, just put blocks to create walls. Build some walls by stacking blocks on top of each other, and a roof by stacking blocks side by side on top. Most blocks, whether Dirt, Wood, or Cobblestone, will function as a prototype home.
Q2. What is the appearance of a Minecraft mansion?
Ans. A Woodland Mansion is a construction that appears naturally in Minecraft. It has the appearance of a massive mansion and can only be found in the Dark Forest biome. Its exterior is built up of dark oak wood boards, dark oak wood, and cobblestone, with enormous glass windows.
Q3. What is the most uncommon item in Minecraft?
Ans. The Dragon Egg is the rarest object in Minecraft, as it only appears once per Minecraft world. The Dragon Egg hatches on top of the exit portal when players fight the Ender dragon for the first time. Furthermore, it is not possible to mine it directly with a pickaxe.
We hope this advice was useful in finding some top cute & modern Minecraft house ideas. Let us know which design was the most easy-to-build & most useful. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.