十大最糟糕的操作系统(Top 10 Worst Operating Systems)
操作系统(Operating System)通常缩写为OS,它处理系统数据并充当计算机硬件和软件之间的接口。简而言之(Simply),它充当 PC 操作人员和机器本身的通信媒介。操作系统可以(Systems)分为:
现在让我们分别讨论有史以来最糟糕的 10 个操作系统(Systems)。
1. MS-DOS 4.0
微软1986年开发(developed in 1986)的专有产品,1988年上市。与早期版本相比,它被标记为微软(Microsoft)篮子里的臭鸡蛋,原因如下:
- 它会突然停止运行。
- 它不能多任务;所以,它一次只能运行一个程序
- 由于无法进行多任务处理(inability to multitask),因此不适合工作站应用
- 该操作系统高度依赖用户(highly user-dependent)。因此,如果用户忘记了它的命令,它就不能使用。
- 对于新用户来说,很难记住所有的命令。这使他们远离了这个软件。
- 它在访问任何存储空间超过640 MB的(640 MB)RAM时遇到了困难。
- 它不接受自动中断请求 (IRQ) 命令(Interrupt Request (IRQ) command)。因此,用户在暂停已经运行的程序时不能运行任何新程序。
2. 视窗我(2. Windows ME)
Windows ME 或Windows Millennium Edition是Microsoft于 2000 年 9 月推出(launched in September 2000)的专有软件。它有以下缺点:
- 由于漏洞百出,它变成了一个高度不稳定的系统。
- 系统还原和程序安装等(System Restore & Program Installation were a complete disaster)功能完全是一场灾难,因为它们在计算机上重新安装了已经删除的病毒。
- 这使它成为一个非常缓慢、不安全和不稳定的系统(slow, insecure, and unstable system)。
- 部分设备系统(System)参数不支持预装硬件。
- 很多时候,在回到工作岗位后移动鼠标会导致Windows ME崩溃。
- 另一个原因是它的使用仅限( usage was limited)于家庭用户。
- 该操作系统在公开市场上不可用。
- 缺乏安全更新是该软件的另一个主要问题。
- 试图同时作为16 位和 32 位操作系统(16-bit & 32-bit OS)在其操作中带来了更多的混乱,而不是对其进行改进。
- 其失败的主要原因是微软自己 撤回了支持。(withdrawal of support by Microsoft)
- Windows XP的推出,仅仅在这个软件发布一年之内,就被证明是一个致命的打击。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 睡眠模式不起作用(Fix Windows 10 Sleep Mode Not Working)
3. 视窗(3. Windows Vista)
Windows Vista于2006 年 11 月(month of November in 2006)发布,在其强大的前身Windows XP发布之后。显然,它必须努力在市场上出名。不幸的是,它无法建立自己的声誉,并被标记为有史以来十大最糟糕的操作系统之一。原因如下:
- 这个软件很容易膨胀(bloating),即程序变慢。
- 由于预装了许多程序以及在现有程序中添加了不需要的新功能,它还占用了更大的内存空间。这被称为软件蠕变。
- 这种软件的蔓延(software creeping)使得它令人困惑,有时难以使用这个失败的操作系统。
- 硬件和软件之间的兼容性很差。(poor compatibility)例如,Windows 7与Windows Vista不兼容。因此,由于硬件要求不同,通常不能在同一台 PC 上同时使用两者。因此,Windows Vista只需要与 Vista 兼容的计算机。
- 出于安全原因,它只允许安装(only allowed the installation of) 签名的驱动程序(signed drivers)。这意味着软件开发人员需要从Microsoft获得(Microsoft)Authenticode证书。对于较小的非品牌开发商而言,该认证非常昂贵且遥不可及。
- 此操作系统不允许某些程序(例如Android Package Kit)用于安装移动应用程序、移动游戏、Aero工程、Windows电影制作版本等。
(Poor marketing)该操作系统的营销不佳成为其排名不佳的另一个原因。
4. Windows 8/8.1
本着彻底改变用户界面的想法,该软件于2012 年推出(launched in the year 2012)。微软(Microsoft)意识到人们不再在单一设备上工作,即个人电脑。相反,他们使用的是笔记本电脑、平板电脑、手机等各种设备。因此,引入了 Windows 8 来满足多种设备的需求(Windows 8 was introduced to cater to the requirements of multiple devices)。它未能实现其目标,因为:
- 开始按钮(start button)的停用是(discontinuation of the) 这个版本的一个完全令人困惑的功能。
- 它不适合家用电脑的需求,因为用户越来越感到困惑和沮丧,而不是放松。
- 它禁用了启动(disabled booting),即启动计算机或桌面的过程。相反,它启用了启动屏幕的启动,再次让用户感到困惑。
- 最终,微软不得不恢复(Microsoft had to restore the Start button)桌面上的“开始”按钮,以避免所有不必要的骚动。
- 此操作系统中的大多数应用程序无法跨平台(unable to work cross-platform)运行,只能在Windows 8中运行。
- 必须搜索搜索图标(search for the search icon),才能在您的计算机上启动任何搜索。
- 这个功能可以很容易地放在桌面上,并且完全可以避免这种困境。
- Windows 8需要(required training)对公司员工进行培训才能在组织中使用该软件。这不仅导致不必要的培训成本,还导致员工生产力的损失。让非技术用户熟悉该软件需要更多的时间、精力和金钱,对上述组织造成的弊大于利。
- 升级到该系统涉及更改(change of drivers)连接到计算机的外围设备中的驱动程序。因此(Hence),打印机、麦克风、扬声器、相机等所有设备都需要新的驱动程序,从而增加了系统成本,甚至更多。
- 要使用Windows 8(Windows 8)笔记本电脑邀请远程扬声器,远程麦克风需要更改兼容的驱动程序。这常常使远程会议的使用变得不可行(remote meetings unfeasible)。
- 在使用 Windows 8 系统的办公室中产生了一种脑裂综合症的情况。它可能导致数据损坏或不一致(data getting corrupt or inconsistent)。
- Windows 8 导致组织中的不同员工和世界各地的不同用户之间缺乏有效的信息交换。
鉴于上述弊端,微软(Microsoft)于 2013年10 月(October 2013)发布了Windows 8.1 ,比(Windows 8.1)Windows 8发布晚一年。Window 8.1 通过克服Windows 8(Windows 8)中的不一致来修复现有缺陷,并使用户能够获得更有效的功能。虽然,这也很快被放弃,转而支持Windows 10。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复当前没有可用的电源选项(Fix There Are Currently No Power Options Available)
5. 窗口 1.01(5. Window 1.01)
它是一个微软(Microsoft)封闭源代码、图形用户界面而非DOS命令行界面的商业软件。尽管它在1983(November 1983)年 11 月宣布公开,但最终在 1985 年 11 月作为 MS-DOS 的附加版本发布(released as an added version of MS-DOS in November 1985)。由于以下原因,它被列入了有史以来最糟糕的 10 个操作系统列表:
- 其糟糕的用户界面设计(poorly designed user interface)无法满足消费者的特定需求。
- 它在运行程序中突然崩溃表明它的可操作性很差(poor workability)。这只是火上浇油。
- 该系统的引入延迟两年进一步导致其垮台。
- 性能卓越的 Mac 2.1 操作系统(superior Mac 2.1 OS)(包括 AppleTalk网络、带有激光打印机的PostScript打印以及基于 PC 的复杂(PostScript)分层文件系统(Hierarchical File System))的可用性压倒了它的功能。因此,微软在(Microsoft)Windows 8发布时并没有引起太多用户对它的兴趣。
- 它强调使用鼠标输入(use of mouse input)来控制用户界面在当时并不普遍。它超出了用户的理解范围,因此无法获得粉丝群。
- 其非 Y2K 合规性(non-Y2K compliance)加上较低的(lower) 硬件规格(hardware specifications)导致了性能问题。
- 它有限的资源可用性(limited resource availability)无法产生预期的兴趣和/或给新的Windows用户留下深刻印象。
6.Corel Linux
在Windows(Windows)、Mac和Linux三大计算机操作系统中,Linux是被提及最少的开源失败操作系统。Linux由 Debian 创建并于1999 年 11 月在公开市场上发布(released in the open market in November of 1999)。它被吹捧为最终阻止了微软(Microsoft)的垄断,但它惨遭失败,因为:
- 它的较晚版本(late release)和其他操作系统(如 Microsoft Windows 98、Windows 2000和Apple Mac OS 9)的现有可用性并没有帮助它获得普及。
- 与Windows和Mac有很多确定的版本不同,Corel Linux 没有标准版本(had no standard edition)。市场上有数百个用户开发的版本,选择最好的版本变得非常具有挑战性。这种混乱阻止了新用户接受它。
- 这个操作系统的安装过程(installation process of this OS was) 非常繁琐(very cumbersome),让新用户安装新的程序文件成了一场马拉松。
- 大多数时候,由于固有的软件错误(inherent software errors),该软件的安装失败。
- 通常,它在安装文件的初始重新启动后崩溃。(crashed)
- Corel Linux文件管理器无法轻松访问其驱动程序,并且加载文件需要很长时间。这使得difficult to upload/download files online,进一步阻止了新用户选择它。
- 在需要时很难( difficulty in getting) 找到精通Linux的计算机技术人员的(Linux)技术支持(technical support)。
- 由于大多数人习惯于Windows和Mac,因此使用这个失败的操作系统需要更多的努力(required more effort)和更广泛的知识库。这对新用户来说非常具有挑战性,并阻止了他们追求它。
- 尽管发布较晚,但Corel Linux在图形上远远领先于时代。许多人无法理解或关联(could not understand or correlate),因此退出它是一个更容易的选择。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中设置警报(How to Set Alarms in Windows 10)
7.Java 操作系统
(7. Java OS
Sun Microsystems 的(brainchild of Sun Microsystems)这个创意是在IBM计算机的帮助下开发的,并于 1996 年(in 1996)向公众发布。不幸的是,尽管得到了IBM(IBM)计算机的大力支持,但它并没有像预期的那样起飞。造成其失败的主要原因如下:
- 它的表现无法与竞争对手相提并论。它被认为比用other programming languages like C, C++, etc编写的软件要慢(drastically slower)得多。
- Java操作系统是用Java编写的,与更简单的 C、C++ 语言相比,Java是最难的编程语言之一。(hardest programming languages)人们总是更喜欢更简单的选择,这导致用户远离Java。
- 与其他操作系统相比, Java 操作系统消耗更多的内存(consumed higher memory) 空间(space),因为它被设计为在Java网络机器和嵌入式系统上运行。
- 由于其性能缓慢和内存要求高,所需的硬件更加复杂。这导致更高的硬件成本(higher hardware costs)使其成本更高。
- 它没有提供备份设施(no backup facility)。因此,无法恢复因硬件或软件故障而丢失的数据。
- 同样,如果发生恶意病毒或恶意软件攻击、数据损坏或意外数据删除,您也无法恢复任何以前存储的数据。
- Java 操作系统缺乏良好的 GUI(lacked a good GUI)并反复死机(froze repeatedly)。
8.塞班(8. Symbian)
诺基亚推出( launched by Nokia)的塞班操作系统于1997年( in the year 1997)问世。它被设计为智能手机的移动操作系统和计算系统。在 2002 年诺基亚 S60(Nokia S60)软件平台推出期间,它的存在让人感觉到并受到了欢迎。但该系统存在许多谬误,将其列入有史以来最糟糕的十个操作系统之列。让我们看几个:
- 这个失败的操作系统很容易受到错误和病毒的影响(easily affected by bugs and viruses)。
- 它很容易出错(highly prone to errors)。
- Symbian OS 提供的默认浏览器在市场反应方面非常糟糕,(poor in terms of market response)无法与 2007 年的Apple iOS 和次年的Android竞争。(Android)
- 它永远无法纠正缺陷或改进其用户界面(User Interface)。它反映了其竞争对手苹果(Apple)和安卓的用户界面。(Android)
- 诺基亚(Nokia)并没有让人感受到它的存在,也没有为其失败的操作系统寻找新的应用程序来改善其市场足迹。
- Symbian OS 发现很难加载支持 WAP 的网页(difficult to load WAP-enabled web pages)。WAP或无线应用协议(Wireless Application Protocol)是一种合约,可实现手机和互联网等无线设备之间的即时连接。
- 该软件与各种版本的Symbian操作系统不兼容,导致其在用户中的受欢迎程度进一步下降。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复未在 Windows 10 中显示的硬盘(Fix Hard Drive Not Showing Up in Windows 10)
9. 它的(9. ITS)
不兼容的分时系统(Incompatible Timesharing System)或 ITS 操作系统是1960 年代后期的产品(product of the late 1960s)。它是用DEC PDP-6和PDP-10汇编语言编写的,每个文件都存储在其指定的目录中。这个失败的操作系统支持每个目录一个单一大小写、六个字符的文件名。它经不起时间的考验,因此被列为有史以来最糟糕的十个操作系统之一,原因如下:
- ITS 不需要密码即可登录,这导致系统安全性减弱(weakened system security)。任何人都可以登录您的交互式会话。
- 用户利用系统漏洞,使用崩溃命令使系统崩溃,故意造成滋扰和干扰。
- 使用隐私也受到损害,因为任何人都可以编辑(anyone could edit)您的文件、在线文档甚至源代码。
- 使用名为OS 或 Out Spy(OS or Out Spy)的命令,任何人都可以查看同一网络上的其他用户终端中正在发生的活动。
- 用户可以向任何人发送即时消息(instant message to anyone),无论他们是否认识他们。
- 无论是否有来宾帐户,都允许轻松访问。因此,任何人都可以像游客一样进入并积极加入会话。这不仅催生而且鼓励了黑客文化(encouraged the Hacker culture)。
- 随着时间的推移,UNIX的兴起和流行(rise and popularity of UNIX),一个多用户、多任务和更稳定的操作系统在这个系统上获得了普及。它成为计算机与其用户之间更好、更安全的链接,使他们远离ITS。
10. 林多斯(10. Lindows)
Lindows Inc. 在2001(year 2001)年尝试合并并创建Linux 和 Windows 的混合或混合版本(hybrid version of Linux and Windows),将其命名为Lindows。为了占领Microsoft市场并吸引其客户,它的开发人员想出了这个绝妙的主意,将Windows的 UX 和 Debian (Windows)Linux的开源功能结合起来。他们的尝试惨遭失败,原因如下:
- 该系统过于复杂(unnecessarily complicated),普通计算机用户难以使用。
- 它很容易受到错误和病毒的影响。
- 大多数应用程序无法(apps did not work)在此平台上运行。
- 这些应用程序需要使用WINE软件,而且运行速度非常慢(ridiculously slow)。
- 尽管Red Hat Linux 8 ( RH 8 ) 声称是免费软件,但它隐藏的支持成本很高(high hidden support costs),即使是一些基本支持也是如此。
- Lindows 看起来很笨拙(clumsy-looking),没有太多可谈或可写的东西。
- 如果您真的想在Linux上运行(Linux)Windows应用程序,最好使用 CodeWeavers 'CrossOver' Linux 应用程序作为替代方案。
就个人而言,除了上述之外,还有一些其他失败的操作系统,如GNU Herd和SCO Open Desktop ,它们在(SCO Open Desktop)有史以来最糟糕的操作系统列表(worst operating systems) 中(of all time)并没有落后太多。这个列表并不详尽,但现在就足够了。让我们知道您接下来想了解什么。
Top 10 Worst Operating Systems
It іs important to understand this befоre we delve any further. Just like we visit a salon to modify оur look and become trendy. Similarly, you need to fashion the hardware capabilities of your pеrsonal comрuters. Υou mυst be aware of the best Oрerating Systems available for use todаy. But, you should also dwell on the worst operating systеms to save yourself from slоw or dаmaged computers. We bring to you the list of the best failed operating systеms in this article.
Top 10 Worst Operating Systems
Generally abbreviated as OS, Operating System handles system data and acts as an interface between the hardware and the software of a computer. Simply put, it acts as a medium of communication for the person operating the PC and the machine itself. Operating Systems can be classified into:
- General-purpose computer operating systems
- Real-time mobile operating systems.
Let us now discuss the 10 worst Operating Systems of all time individually.
1. MS-DOS 4.0
A proprietary product of Microsoft developed in 1986, was released in the market in 1988. Compared to the earlier versions, it was tagged to be the rotten egg of the Microsoft basket for the reasons listed below:
- It would just stop operating in the middle, out of nowhere.
- It could not multi-task; so, it would run only one program at a time
- Due to its inability to multitask, it was unsuitable for work-station applications
- This OS was highly user-dependent. Hence, it could not be used in case the user forgot its commands.
- For new users, it was difficult to remember all of the commands. This made them move away from this software.
- It faced difficulty in accessing any RAM with more than 640 MB of storage space.
- It did not accept the automatic Interrupt Request (IRQ) command. Thus, a user could not run any new program while putting the program already running on hold.
2. Windows ME
Windows ME or the Millennium Edition of Windows was a proprietary software of Microsoft launched in September 2000. It had the following drawbacks:
- Being ridden with bugs, it became a highly unstable system.
- Features like System Restore & Program Installation were a complete disaster because they re-installed the already deleted viruses on the computer.
- This made it a very slow, insecure, and unstable system.
- System parameters of some devices did not support the pre-installed hardware.
- Many a time, moving the mouse after returning to work post small breaks, resulting in Windows ME crashing.
- Another reason was that its usage was limited to home-users only.
- This OS was not available in the open market.
- Lack of security updates was another major problem with this software.
- Trying to function as both, 16-bit & 32-bit OS brought about more chaos in its operation rather than improving it.
- The major reason for its failure was the withdrawal of support by Microsoft itself.
- The launch of Windows XP, just within one year of the release of this software, proved to be a fatal blow.
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3. Windows Vista
Windows Vista was released in the month of November in 2006, after the release of Windows XP, its powerful predecessor. It obviously had to toil hard to make a name for itself in the marketplace. Unfortunately, it could not build on its reputation and was flagged to be amongst the ten worst operating systems of all time. Here’s why:
- This software was prone to bloating i.e slowing down of programs.
- It also occupied larger memory space due to numerous pre-installed programs and the addition of unwanted new features to the existing programs. This is known as software creep.
- Such software creeping made it confusing and at times, difficult to use this failed operating system.
- There was poor compatibility between the hardware and the software. For example, Windows 7 is not compatible with Windows Vista. So, usually, both cannot be used simultaneously, on the same PC, due to different hardware requirements. Therefore, Windows Vista required only Vista-compatible computers.
- For security reasons, it only allowed the installation of signed drivers. This meant that a software developer would need to obtain an Authenticode certificate from Microsoft. This certification was very costly and out of reach for smaller, non-branded developers.
Pricing was another issue with this software as it was very costly for most people.
- This OS did not allow certain programs such as Android Package Kit for installation of mobile apps, mobile games, Aero engineering, Windows movie maker versions, etc.
Poor marketing of this operating system became another cause of its poor ranking.
4. Windows 8/8.1
With the idea of bringing out sweeping changes to the user interface, this software was launched in the year 2012. Microsoft realized that people no longer worked on a single device viz the personal computer; instead, they were using various devices like laptops, tablets, phones, etc. Therefore, Windows 8 was introduced to cater to the requirements of multiple devices. It failed to achieve its objective because:
- The discontinuation of the start button was an utterly confusing feature of this version.
- It did not fit the needs of a home computer as users kept getting more confused and frustrated than at ease.
- It disabled booting i.e. the process of starting a computer or a desktop. Instead, it enabled the booting of the start screen, leaving the users bewildered, yet again.
- Eventually, Microsoft had to restore the Start button on the desktop to avoid all of the uncalled-for commotions.
- Most of the applications in this OS were unable to work cross-platform and were functional in Windows 8 only.
- One had to search for the search icon, to initiate any search on your computer.
- This feature could have been easily placed on the desktop and this predicament could have been avoided, altogether.
- Windows 8 required training of company employees to use this software in an organization. This resulted not only in unwanted training costs but also, in the loss of employee productivity. It took more time, effort, and money to familiarize non-technical users with this software, generating more harm than good for the said organization.
- Upgradation to this system involved a change of drivers in the peripheral devices attached to the computer. Hence, all devices like printers, microphones, speakers, cameras, etc. required new drivers, thereby increasing system costs, even more.
- To invite a remote speaker using Windows 8 laptop, the remote microphone required a change to a compatible driver. This often made the use of remote meetings unfeasible.
- A split-brain syndrome kind of situation was created in an office employing Windows 8 systems. It could lead to data getting corrupt or inconsistent.
- Windows 8 resulted in a lack of efficient exchange of information amongst different employees in an organization and various users the world over.
In view of the above drawbacks, Microsoft released Windows 8.1 in October 2013, one year after the release of Windows 8. Window 8.1 fixed the existing flaws by overcoming the inconsistencies in Windows 8 and enabled the users to get a more efficient functioning. Although, that too was quickly given up in favor of Windows 10.
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5. Window 1.01
It is a Microsoft closed source, graphical user interface rather than DOS command-line interface commercial software. Though it was announced to be made public in November 1983, it was finally released as an added version of MS-DOS in November 1985. It was included in the list of 10 worst operating systems of all time due to the following reasons:
- Its poorly designed user interface could not meet the specific needs of the consumers.
- Its sudden collapse in the midst of a running program showed its poor workability. This just added fuel to the fire.
- The delay in the introduction of this system by two years further caused its downfall.
- The availability of the far superior Mac 2.1 OS which included AppleTalk networking, PostScript printing with laser writer printer, and sophisticated PC-based Hierarchical File System overpowered its features. Consequently, Microsoft could not generate much user interest in Windows 8 at the time of its launch.
- Its emphasis on the use of mouse input to control the user interface was not widespread at the time. It was beyond user comprehension and thus, couldn’t garner a fanbase.
- Its non-Y2K compliance coupled with lower hardware specifications resulted in performance issues.
- Its limited resource availability was unable to generate the desired interest and/or impress the new Windows users.
6. Corel Linux
Of the three major OS for computers namely Windows, Mac, and Linux, Linux is the least talked about the open-source failed operating system. Linux was created by Debian and was released in the open market in November of 1999. It was touted to finally stop the monopoly of Microsoft but it failed miserably because:
- Its late release and existing availability of other operating systems like Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Apple Mac OS 9, didn’t help it gain popularity.
- Unlike Windows and Mac, which had many definite versions, Corel Linux had no standard edition. With hundreds of user-developed editions floating in the market, it became very challenging to choose the best one. This confusion dissuaded new users from accepting it.
- The installation process of this OS was very cumbersome making the installation of new program files by new users a marathon.
- Most times, the installation of this software failed due to inherent software errors.
- More often than not, it crashed after an initial reboot of the installation files.
- Corel Linux file manager did not provide easy access to its drivers and took a long time to load files. This made it difficult to upload/download files online, further, discouraging new users from choosing it.
- There was difficulty in getting technical support in finding computer technicians well versed in Linux, as and when needed.
- With most of the people used to Windows and Mac, it required more effort and a broader knowledge base to use this failed operating system. It was quite challenging for new users and deterred them from pursuing it.
- Despite its late release, Corel Linux was graphically way ahead of its times. Many people could not understand or correlate, making a withdrawal from it an easier option.
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7. Java OS
This brainchild of Sun Microsystems was developed with the assistance of IBM computers and was released to the public in 1996. Unfortunately, it did not take off as anticipated, in spite of the tremendous support from IBM computers. The main reasons responsible for its failure are listed below:
- Its performance was not at par with its competitors. It was considered to be drastically slower than the software written in other programming languages like C, C++, etc.
- Java operating system was written in Java, which was one of the hardest programming languages in comparison to the simpler C, C++ languages. People always prefer the easier option, which resulted in users distancing themselves from Java.
- Java operating system consumed higher memory space as compared to other OS because it was designed to run on Java network machines and embedded systems.
- Due to its slow performance and high memory requirement, the hardware required was more complex. This resulted in higher hardware costs making it costlier.
- It provided no backup facility. So, it was not possible to recover data lost due to hardware or software failure.
- Similarly, you could not recover any previously stored data in the event of a malicious virus or malware attack, data corruption, or accidental data deletion.
- Java operating system lacked a good GUI and froze repeatedly.
8. Symbian
The Symbian operating system launched by Nokia came into existence in the year 1997. It was designed as a mobile operating and computing system for smartphones. It made its presence felt and gained popularity during the launch of the Nokia S60 software platform in 2002. But the system had many fallacies, placing it in the list of the ten worst operating systems of all time. Let us take a look at a few:
- This failed operating system was easily affected by bugs and viruses.
- It was highly prone to errors.
- The default browser provided with Symbian OS was very poor in terms of market response and could not stand in competition with Apple iOS in 2007 and Android in the following year.
- It could never rectify the deficiencies or improve its User Interface. It mirrored the user interface of Apple and Android, its competitors.
- Nokia did not make its presence felt or search for new applications for its failed operating system to improve its market footprint.
- The Symbian OS found it difficult to load WAP-enabled web pages. WAP or Wireless Application Protocol is a contract that enables instant connectivity between wireless devices like mobile phones and the internet.
- This software was incompatible with various versions of the Symbian operating system, resulting in further decreases in its popularity among its users.
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9. ITS
The Incompatible Timesharing System or ITS operating system was a product of the late 1960s. It was written in DEC PDP-6 and PDP-10 assembly languages with each file stored in its designated directory. This failed operating system supported one mono-case, six-character file name per directory. It could not stand the test of time and was thus, ranked amongst the ten worst operating systems of all time for the reasons indicated below:
- ITS did not require a password to log in which led to weakened system security. Anyone could log into your interactive sessions.
- Users made the best of system flaws and used crash commands to crash the system, on purpose to cause nuisance and disturbance.
- Privacy of use also stood compromised because anyone could edit your files, online documents, and even the source code.
- Using a command called OS or Out Spy, anyone could see what activities were taking place in other user terminals on the same network.
- A user could send an instant message to anyone, irrespective of whether they knew them or not.
- Ease of access, with or without a guest account, was allowed. Thus, anyone could enter like a tourist and actively join a session. This not only gave rise to but also encouraged the Hacker culture.
- The rise and popularity of UNIX, a multi-user, multi-tasking, and more stable operating system gained popularity over this system, with time. It became a better and safer link between the computer and its users, making them pull away from ITS.
10. Lindows
Lindows Inc. in the year 2001, tried to amalgamate and create a mix or hybrid version of Linux and Windows, naming it Lindows. In their bid to capture the Microsoft market and pull its customers away, its developers came up with this brilliant idea to combine the UX of Windows and the open-source capabilities of Debian Linux. They failed in their attempt miserably for reasons detailed below:
- This system was unnecessarily complicated and difficult to use by the average computer user.
- It was easily affected by bugs and viruses.
- The majority of the apps did not work on this platform.
- The applications required the use of WINE software and were ridiculously slow in operating.
- Though Red Hat Linux 8 (RH 8) was claimed to be free software, it had high hidden support costs, even for some basic support.
- Lindows was very clumsy-looking with not much to talk or write about.
- If you really want to run Windows applications on Linux, it is better to get CodeWeavers ‘CrossOver’ Linux application as an alternative.
Moreover, due to copyright infringement with its name, Lindows had to through various lawsuits. Microsoft had to pay a heavy compensation and then, decided to use it under a new name Linspire.
Personally, in addition to the above, there were some other failed operating systems like GNU Herd and SCO Open Desktop which were not far behind on the list of the worst operating systems of all time. This list is not exhaustive but it would have to suffice for now. Let us know what you want to learn about next.