Wondershare Video Converter用于将您的视频转换为 1000 多种不同的格式。易于使用的界面也可以更快地识别来自外部设备的视频。您还可以使用Wondershare Video Converter进行压缩、修复、刻录、编辑、录制、下载和备份视频和DVD(DVDs)。由于其超快的转换时间和高质量的输出,它在各种视频转换器软件中独树一帜。每当您在您的设备上安装Wondershare Video Converter时, (Wondershare Video Converter)Wondershare Helper Compact也会安装在您的 PC 上。更准确地说,当您安装其他Wondershare(Wondershare)时,此软件包会自动安装在您的计算机中万兴恢复专家之(Recoverit)类的应用程序。如果您对在许多社交讨论论坛中发布在该软件上的病毒威胁感到困惑,请阅读本指南,您将得到相同的结论。
什么是 Wondershare Helper Compact?(What is Wondershare Helper Compact?)
如前所述,Wondershare Helper Compact是Wondershare Video Converter的一个组件。Wondershare Video Converter是一款了不起的视频转换器软件,支持多种格式,如下所示。
Supported Input Formats |
Supported Output Formats |
DVD, ISO files, DVD folder, IFO files, VOB files |
DVD, ISO files, DVD folder, IFO files, VOB files |
Audio |
Video |
MP4, Apple Videos(MOV, M4V, QT), Windows Media Video(WMV, AVI, ASF), HD Video(AVCHD, MTS, M2TS, TS, M2T, 1080P), MPG, MPEG-1, 2, 4, H.263, H.264, H.265, TOD, MOD, DVD, VOB, ISO, IFO, BUP, SVCD, DV, DVR-MS, VCD, DAT, DivX, Xvid, Real Video(RM, RMVB), 3GP, 3G2, MKV, FLV, F4V, AMV, DVR-MS, AMR, TP, TRP, etc. |
MP4, ASF, MOV, M4V, WMV, MKV, AVI, OGV, XVID, DV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, 3GP, 3G2, HEVC, H.265, HEVC MP4, HEVC MKV, DIVX, WEBM, PRORES PROXY, PRORES 422 LT, PRORES 422, PRORES 422 HQ, PRORES 4444, H.264, MXF; 4K: 4K MOV, 4K MKV, 4K MP4; 3D: 3D MP4, 3D WMV, 3D AVI, 3D MKV, 3D MOV; HD: HD MKV, HD TS, HD TRP, TS, TRP, HD AVI, HD MP4, HD MPG, HD WMV, HD MOV; Online video formats: YouTube video, Vimeo, Facebook Video, FLV, SWF, F4V, etc. |
以下是Wondershare Helper Compact的功能。
- 它是Wondershare Video Converter的视频转换器包。
- 它是在转换视频文件时创建和构建弹出窗口的程序。
- 它主要用作帮助您遵循视频转换过程的指南。
如果要确认Windows PC 中的任何合法进程,可以从可执行文件本身的位置进行评估。Wondershare Video Converter文件应该从C:\Program Files\Wondershare\DVD Creator\DVDCreator.exe运行,而别处。
我应该删除 Wondershare Helper Compact 吗?(Should I Delete Wondershare Helper Compact?)
给出一个诚实的答案,没有必要在您的 PC 上安装Wondershare助手紧凑型。(Wondershare)虽然它指导操作Wondershare Video Converter,但拥有这款软件并没有真正的目的。许多用户抱怨说,安装该软件后,计算机的性能明显变慢。该应用程序及其相关软件在后台运行并消耗所有CPU和RAM资源。确保(Make)您的 PC 不会经常崩溃和重新启动。
- 频繁的系统崩溃会导致您工作数小时的数据丢失和未保存的数据。因此(Hence),您可以从 PC 上卸载它。然而,卸载这个包并不是一件容易的事。即使您卸载了可执行文件,该文件的一些不可删除的痕迹仍保留在您的计算机中,使您的 PC 像往常一样太慢。如果您害怕如何卸载Wondershare Helper Compact,本指南将为您提供很多帮助。
- 请始终注意,无正当理由卸载可执行文件会影响 PC 上相关程序的性能。为避免文件损坏和配置错误导致的问题,请始终保持操作系统和程序为最新。检查(Check)驱动程序的更新,因此您将不会面临性能问题的风险。
Wondershare Helper Compact 是病毒吗?(Is Wondershare Helper Compact A Virus?)
您可以通过多种测试策略确定Wondershare助手是否压缩病毒。如前所述,此软件包只能从C:\Program Files\Wondershare\DVD Creator\DVDCreator.exe 运行,不能在其他任何地方运行。以下是您需要确定的一些可靠事实。
- 文件夹位置: C: Program Files\Wondershare\DVD Creator子文件夹;
- 出版商: Wondershare Software
- 完整路径: C:\Program Files\Wondershare\DVD Creator\DVDCreator.exe
- 帮助文件: cbs.wondeshare.com/go.php?pid=619&m=ds
- 发布者网址: www.wondershare.com
- 大约为 79.52 MB (Windows)。
根据多个平台记录的报告,超过 19% 的已安装该软件的用户在认为该文件无用后将其删除。但是,如果它不被认为是病毒并且仍然要删除它,请继续阅读该指南。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将 WAV 转换为 MP3(How to Convert WAV to MP3)
现在,让我们深入了解从您的 PC 完全卸载Wondershare Helper软件的过程。(Wondershare Helper)本节汇编了从已知方法收集的步骤。尽管它是由连续的方法编译而成,但它们是相互关联的,因此您可以删除每个软件。按照相同顺序按照所有列出的方法从您的 PC 中完全删除Wondershare Helper软件。(Wondershare Helper)
方法一:通过控制面板(Method 1: Through Control Panel)
删除Wondershare Helper(Wondershare Helper)软件的可执行文件的主要方法是从控制面板(Control Panel)中卸载它。前进(Move)到控制面板,找到可执行文件并将其删除,如下所示。
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key )并在搜索栏中键入控制面板,如图所示。(Control Panel )
2. 设置View by > Category,然后点击卸载程序(Uninstall a program ),如下图所示。
3. 现在,如图所示单击Wondershare Helper Compact 2.5.3,然后选择卸载(Uninstall )选项,如图所示。
4. 然后,如果有提示,请确认,并等待程序从您的 PC 中删除。
卸载可执行文件后不要忘记重新启动(reboot) PC 。(your PC)
方法二:通过Windows设置(Method 2: Through Windows Settings)
如果您在控制面板(Control Panel)中找不到Wondershare Helper软件组件,或者由于过程中的任何故障而没有完全删除该软件,您可以尝试按照以下说明从“设置”(Settings)中卸载它。
1. 同时按住Windows + I keys 打开“设置”(Settings )窗口。
2. 现在,单击应用程序(Apps ),如下所示。
3. 然后,在搜索菜单中搜索Wondershare ,然后单击与(Wondershare )Wondershare Helper Compact 2.5.3对应的卸载(Uninstall ),如图所示。
4.接下来,如果有提示,请确认,并确保在卸载程序后重新启动(reboot )PC。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何为电影永久添加字幕(How to Add Subtitles to a Movie Permanently)
方法三:使用第三方工具(Method 3: Use Third-Party Tool)
如果您在通过传统的控制面板(Control Panel)和设置(Settings)卸载软件时遇到任何困难,您可以使用任何可靠的第三方程序卸载工具。您可以信任Microsoft (Microsoft) Program Install and Uninstall 疑难解答(Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter)软件,而不是使用任何不可靠的程序卸载工具来源。以下是此工具的功能。
- 此工具将解决阻止卸载过程的所有问题,并帮助您自动修复任何问题。
- 此工具也可以在Windows 7、8、8.1和 10 上运行。
- 该软件解决了阻止在您的 PC 中安装/卸载任何程序的问题,修复了损坏的注册表项,并解决了阻止您从控制面板(Control Panel)删除程序和应用程序的问题。
以下是使用程序安装(Program Install)和卸载(Uninstall)疑难解答软件卸载Wondershare软件的一些简单说明。(Wondershare)
1.从官网(official website)下载Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter。
2. 现在,导航到我的下载(My downloads )并双击已安装的文件。
3.程序安装和卸载疑难解答(Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter) 软件将解决您在卸载程序时遇到的所有困难。现在,单击下一步(Next )并按照屏幕上的说明安装下载的文件。
4.在这里,在提示下选择卸载,(Uninstalling )您在安装或卸载程序时遇到问题(Are you having a problem installing or uninstalling a program)吗?
5. 现在,软件会检查注册表是否存在补丁(Patch)相关问题。
6.接下来,选择要卸载的程序。如果您没有看到您的程序,请选择未列出(Not Listed )并单击下一步(Next)。
7B。不过,如果您找不到您的程序,那么您将被要求提供产品代码(product code)。您可以在MSI(MSI)文件的属性表中找到您的产品代码。访问代码并按照屏幕上的说明卸载软件。
方法四:删除Appdata(Method 4: Delete Appdata)
即使您已从 PC 中删除Wondershare,您的文件夹中仍隐藏着大量剩余文件,从而影响 PC 的性能。要从 PC 文件夹中删除文件,请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 同时按下Windows + E keys 打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)。
2. 然后,导航到C:\Program Files (x86)\Wondershare或C:\Program Files (x86)\ Common Files \Wondershare 并删除文件夹中的所有文件。
3. 再次导航到C:\ProgramData\Wondershare 并删除文件夹中的所有文件。
4. 现在,点击Windows 键(Windows key)并输入%appdata%
5. 选择AppData Roaming 文件夹(AppData Roaming folder)并导航到Wondershare 文件夹(folder)。
6. 现在,右键单击并删除(delete)它。
7. 再次单击Windows 搜索框(Windows Search box)并键入%LocalAppData%
8.使用搜索菜单找到Wondershare 文件夹并将其(folder)删除(delete)。
现在,您已成功从系统中删除了Wondershare软件的所有剩余损坏配置文件。(corrupt configuration files)确保在实施此方法后重新启动 PC。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用 VLC、Windows 媒体播放器、iTunes 将 MP4 转换为 MP3(How to Convert MP4 to MP3 Using VLC, Windows Media Player, iTunes)
方法 5:删除注册表项(Method 5: Remove Registry Keys)
尽管您从您的 PC 中删除了Wondershare(Wondershare) helper compact的安装文件和剩余数据,但任何特定程序或软件的注册表项都会被删除。您可以使用在线注册表清理器删除数据或手动删除与软件对应的注册表项。处理注册表项时必须非常小心,因为微小的更改可能会对 PC 的性能产生巨大影响。
1. 同时按住Windows + R keys 打开运行对话框(Run dialog box)。
2. 现在,在框中键入regedit并按(regedit )Enter。
4. 然后,在这些路径中的任何一个中找到并右键单击Wondershare文件夹,然后选择(Wondershare )删除(Delete )选项,如图所示。
5. 现在,确认提示,您确定要永久删除此密钥及其所有子密钥吗?(Are you sure you want to permanently delete this key and all of its subkeys? )通过单击是(Yes)。
6. 重新启动您的 PC 以实施更改。
现在,您已成功从 PC 中删除了所有注册表项。
方法 6:运行恶意软件扫描(Method 6: Run Malware Scan)
现在,您已经删除了Wondershare(Wondershare)软件的可执行文件、剩余文件、注册表项和程序文件。尽管如此,要删除Wondershare(Wondershare)的不可见剩余威胁文件,始终建议扫描 PC 以查找恶意软件。按照下面提到的步骤扫描 PC 以查找Wondershare helper compact 的恶意软件文件。
1. 同时按Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 在这里,单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 设置,如图所示。
3. 转到 左侧窗格中的Windows 安全性。(Windows Security)
4. 单击右窗格中的 病毒和威胁防护(Virus & threat protection) 选项。
5. 单击 快速扫描(Quick Scan) 按钮搜索恶意软件。
6A。扫描完成后,将显示所有威胁。单击(Click)当前威胁(Current threats)下 的 开始操作 (Start Actions )。
6B。如果您的设备中没有威胁,设备将显示 无当前威胁 (No current threats )警报。
最后,扫描过程完成后, Microsoft Windows Defender将删除剩余Wondershare软件的所有威胁文件。(Wondershare)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用 VLC 在 Windows 10 中剪切视频(How to Cut Video in Windows 10 using VLC)
方法 7:使用系统还原点(Method 7: Use System Restore Points)
此方法不仅仅是故障排除方法,它是您在 PC 上安装任何软件之前要遵循的基本步骤。即使出现问题,这也可以使您的计算机远离麻烦。始终在安装任何应用程序之前创建系统还原点,如果需要运行不正常的东西,您可以在需要时还原您的 PC。如果您之前创建了系统还原点,您可以按照下面提到的说明从您的 PC 中完全摆脱Wondershare helper compact。
第一步:创建系统还原点(Step I: Create System Restore Point)
注意:(Note: )建议您在安装任何软件之前(before )创建系统还原点(System Restore),而不是在安装后创建。
1. 单击开始(Start),键入还原点(restore point),然后按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 现在,切换到系统保护(System Protection )选项卡并单击创建...(Create… )按钮。
3. 现在,输入描述(type in a description )以帮助您识别还原点。此处会自动添加当前日期和时间。
5. 最后,单击关闭(Close )按钮退出窗口。
第二步:使用系统还原(Step II: Use System Restore)
幸运的是,如果您在安装Wondershare Video Converter之前已恢复您的 PC ,您可以将您的 PC 恢复到以前的状态,以便从 PC 上完全卸载Wondershare助手压缩。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入msconfig并按Enter打开 系统配置。( System Configuration.)
3. 现在,在打开的新窗口中,切换到引导(Boot )选项卡。
4. 在这里,选中Boot options 下的(Boot )Safe boot框,然后单击OK。
5. 现在,屏幕上会弹出一个提示,“您可能需要重新启动计算机才能应用这些更改。在重新启动之前,保存所有打开的文件并关闭所有程序”。确认您的选择,然后单击Restart或Exit without restart。您的系统将被引导至安全模式。
6. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
7. 键入rstrui.exe命令并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
8.系统还原(System Restore )窗口现在将在屏幕上弹出。在这里,单击下一步,(Next, )如下图所示。
9. 最后,单击“完成(Finish )”按钮确认还原点。
我们希望本指南对您有用,并且您已成功从您的 PC 中卸载Wondershare Helper Compact 。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您对本指南感到满意,请在评论部分投下一颗心。
What is Wondershare Helper Compact?
Wondershare Video Convеrter is used to convert your video into more than 1000 dіfferent formats. The easy-to-use interface offers quicker recоgnition of videos from external devices too. You сan also use Wonderѕhare Video Converter for compressing, fixing, burning, editing, recording, downloаding, and backіng up videos and DVDs. It stands unique among various video converter software due to its ѕuрer-fast conversion time with high-quality output. Whenever you install Wondershare Video Converter on your device, Wondershare Helper Compаct also installs on your PC. To be more precise this software pack gets installed automatically іn your computer when you install other Wondershare аpplications like Reсoverit. If you are confused about the virus threat posted on this software in many social discussing forums, read this guide and you will gеt a conclusion regarding the same.
What is Wondershare Helper Compact?
As discussed earlier, Wondershare Helper Compact is a component of the Wondershare Video Converter. Wondershare Video Converter is an amazing video converter software that supports a wide variety of formats as listed below.
Supported Input Formats |
Supported Output Formats |
DVD, ISO files, DVD folder, IFO files, VOB files |
DVD, ISO files, DVD folder, IFO files, VOB files |
Audio |
Video |
MP4, Apple Videos(MOV, M4V, QT), Windows Media Video(WMV, AVI, ASF), HD Video(AVCHD, MTS, M2TS, TS, M2T, 1080P), MPG, MPEG-1, 2, 4, H.263, H.264, H.265, TOD, MOD, DVD, VOB, ISO, IFO, BUP, SVCD, DV, DVR-MS, VCD, DAT, DivX, Xvid, Real Video(RM, RMVB), 3GP, 3G2, MKV, FLV, F4V, AMV, DVR-MS, AMR, TP, TRP, etc. |
MP4, ASF, MOV, M4V, WMV, MKV, AVI, OGV, XVID, DV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, 3GP, 3G2, HEVC, H.265, HEVC MP4, HEVC MKV, DIVX, WEBM, PRORES PROXY, PRORES 422 LT, PRORES 422, PRORES 422 HQ, PRORES 4444, H.264, MXF; 4K: 4K MOV, 4K MKV, 4K MP4; 3D: 3D MP4, 3D WMV, 3D AVI, 3D MKV, 3D MOV; HD: HD MKV, HD TS, HD TRP, TS, TRP, HD AVI, HD MP4, HD MPG, HD WMV, HD MOV; Online video formats: YouTube video, Vimeo, Facebook Video, FLV, SWF, F4V, etc. |
Following are the features of Wondershare Helper Compact.
- It is a video converter package from Wondershare Video Converter.
- It is the program that creates and builds popups while converting your video files.
- It primarily functions as a guide that will help you follow the video conversion processes.
If you want to confirm any legitimate process in Windows PC, you can evaluate from the location of the executable file itself. The Wondershare Video Converter file should run from C:\Program Files\Wondershare\DVD Creator\DVDCreator.exe and nowhere else.
Should I Delete Wondershare Helper Compact?
To give an honest answer, there is no need to have a Wondershare helper compact on your PC. Although it guides to operation Wondershare Video Converter, there is no real purpose of having this piece of software. Many users have complained that, after installing the software, the performance of the computer has slowed down apparently. The app and its associated software runs in the background and consume all the CPU and RAM resources. Make sure your PC does not crash and restart frequently.
- Frequent system crashes will lead to loss of data and unsaved data that you have been working for hours. Hence, you can uninstall it from your PC. Yet, uninstalling this pack is not an easy task. Even though you uninstall the executable file, a few non-removable traces of the file remains in your computer making your PC too slow as usual. If you are afraid of how to uninstall Wondershare helper compact, this guide will help you a lot.
- Always make a note that, uninstalling the executable file without a valid reason will affect the performance of associated programs on your PC. To avoid issues from corrupt and misconfigured files, always keep your Operating System and programs up to date. Check drivers for updates and thus you will face no risk of performance issues.
Is Wondershare Helper Compact A Virus?
Are you confused if Wondershare helper compact a Virus? Let us find out.
You can determine if Wondershare helper compact a virus or not by several test strategies. As said earlier, this software pack should run only from C:\Program Files\Wondershare\DVD Creator\DVDCreator.exe and nowhere else. Here are some reliable facts you need to know for sure.
- Folder location: C: Program Files\Wondershare\DVD Creator\ subfolder;
- Publisher: Wondershare Software
- Full Path: C:\Program Files\Wondershare\DVD Creator\DVDCreator.exe
- Help file: cbs.wondeshare.com/go.php?pid=619&m=ds
- Publisher URL: www.wondershare.com
- Approximately to be 79.52 MB (Windows).
As a first step, check if the software and the executable file are located in the mentioned location only, if not, uninstall them to avoid any threats. When your computer meets all the listed parameters, and still if it meets performance and other related issues, you can run SFC and DISM commands to resolve them.
According to reports recorded on many platforms, more than 19% of users who have installed the software, removed the file after considering it be useless. However, if it is not considered a virus and still if you want to delete it, continue reading the guide.
Also Read: How to Convert WAV to MP3
Now, let us get down to the section to learn the procedures to uninstall Wondershare Helper software completely from your PC. This section has compiled steps collected from known methods. Though it is compiled of consecutive methods, they are interrelated to each other so that you can remove every piece of software. Follow all the listed methods in the same order to delete Wondershare Helper software completely from your PC.
Method 1: Through Control Panel
The primary way to remove the executable file of Wondershare Helper software is to uninstall it from Control Panel. Move ahead to the control panel, find the executable file and delete it as instructed below.
1. Hit the Windows key and type Control Panel in the search bar as shown.
2. Set View by > Category, then click on Uninstall a program as shown below.
3. Now, click on Wondershare Helper Compact 2.5.3 as shown and select the Uninstall option as depicted.
4. Then, confirm the prompt if any, and wait until the program gets deleted from your PC.
Don’t forget to reboot your PC after uninstalling the executable file.
Method 2: Through Windows Settings
If you cannot find the Wondershare Helper software component in the Control Panel or if the software is not deleted completely due to any glitch in the process, you can try uninstalling it from Settings as instructed below.
1. Press and hold Windows + I keys together to open the Settings window.
2. Now, click on Apps as shown below.
3. Then, search Wondershare in the search menu and click on Uninstall corresponding to Wondershare Helper Compact 2.5.3 as depicted.
4. Next, confirm the prompt if any, and make sure you reboot the PC after uninstalling the program.
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Method 3: Use Third-Party Tool
If you face any difficulties in uninstalling the software by traditional Control Panel and Settings, you may use any reliable third-party program uninstaller tool. Instead of using any unreliable sources of program uninstaller tools, you may trust Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter software. Following are the features of this tool.
- This tool will resolve all the problems that block the uninstalling process and help you automatically fix any issues.
- This tool can be operated on Windows 7,8,8.1 and 10 as well.
- The software troubleshoots the problems that prevent installing/uninstalling any program in your PC, fixes corrupt registry keys, and resolves the issue that blocks you from deleting programs & applications from the Control Panel.
Here are a few simple instructions to uninstall Wondershare software using Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter software.
1. Download Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter from the official website.
2. Now, navigate to My downloads and double-click on the installed file.
3. Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter software will solve all the difficulties that you face while uninstalling a program. Now, click on Next and follow the onscreen instructions to install the downloaded file.
4. Here, select Uninstalling under the prompt, Are you having a problem installing or uninstalling a program?
5. Now, the software checks the registry for Patch related problems.
6. Next, select the program you want to uninstall. If you do not see your program, select Not Listed and click Next.
7A. If you can find your program now, follow the onscreen instructions to uninstall the software.
7B. Still, if you cannot find your program, then you will be asked for the product code. You can find your product code in the property table of MSI file. Access the code and follow the onscreen instructions to uninstall the software.
Method 4: Delete Appdata
Even though you have deleted the Wondershare from your PC, there are huge leftover files hidden in your folders thereby affecting the performance of the PC. To delete the files from PC folders, follow the below-mentioned steps.
1. Press Windows + E keys together to open File Explorer.
2. Then, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Wondershare or C:\Program Files (x86)\ Common Files \Wondershare and delete all the files within the folder.
3. Again, navigate to C:\ProgramData\Wondershare and delete all the files within the folder.
4. Now, hit the Windows key and type %appdata%
5. Select the AppData Roaming folder and navigate to the Wondershare folder.
6. Now, right-click and delete it.
7. Click the Windows Search box again and type %LocalAppData%
8. Find the Wondershare folder by using the search menu and delete it.
Now, you have successfully deleted all the leftover corrupt configuration files of Wondershare software from your system. Make sure you reboot your PC after implementing this method.
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Method 5: Remove Registry Keys
Although you remove the installation files and leftover data of Wondershare helper compact from your PC, the registry keys are removed for any particular program or software. You can use an online registry cleaner to remove the data or manually delete the registry keys corresponding to the software. You have to be very careful while dealing with the registry keys since a minor change might cause huge impacts on the performance of the PC.
1. Press and hold Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
2. Now, type regedit in the box and hit Enter.
3. Now, navigate to the following locations one by one and search for Wondershare.
4. Then, find & right-click on the Wondershare folder in any of these paths and select the Delete option as shown.
5. Now, confirm the prompt, Are you sure you want to permanently delete this key and all of its subkeys? by clicking on Yes.
6. Reboot your PC to implement the changes.
Now, you have successfully deleted all the registry keys from your PC.
Method 6: Run Malware Scan
Now, you have deleted the executable file, leftover files, registry keys, and program files of the Wondershare software. Still, to remove the invisible leftover threat files of Wondershare, it is always recommended to scan the PC for malware. Follow the below-mentioned steps to scan the PC for malware files of Wondershare helper compact.
1. Hit Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Here, click on Update & Security settings as shown.
3. Go to Windows Security in the left pane.
4. Click on the Virus & threat protection option in the right pane.
5. Click on the Quick Scan button to search for malware.
6A. Once the scan is done, all the threats will be displayed. Click on Start Actions under Current threats.
6B. If there is no threat in your device, the device will show the No current threats alert.
Finally, all the threat files of leftover Wondershare software will be removed by Microsoft Windows Defender after the scanning process is complete.
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Method 7: Use System Restore Points
This method is more than the troubleshooting method that it is a basic step you want to follow before installing any software on your PC. This keeps your computer away from trouble even if something goes wrong. Always create a system restore point before you install any application and if there is a need in which thing does not run well, you can restore your PC whenever needed. If you have created a system restore point earlier, you can follow the below-mentioned instructions to get rid of Wondershare helper compact completely from your PC.
Step I: Create System Restore Point
Note: You are advised to create a System Restore Point before installing any software rather than doing it after installing them.
1. Click on Start, type restore point, and hit the Enter key.
2. Now, switch to the System Protection tab and click on Create… button.
3. Now, type in a description to help you identify the restore point. Here, the current date and time are added automatically.
4. Wait for a few minutes, and now, a new restore point will be created.
5. Finally, click on the Close button to exit the window.
If you need to restore your system to its initial state due to any errors or corrupt files, follow the below-mentioned steps.
Step II: Use System Restore
Luckily, if you have restored your PC before installing the Wondershare Video Converter, you can restore your PC to its previous state to uninstall Wondershare helper compact completely from the PC.
Note: Before you follow the below-mentioned steps, boot your system into safe mode. Sometimes due to system errors and faulty drivers, you cannot run the system restore usually. In such cases, boot your system into safe mode and then perform a system restore. Here are a few steps regarding how to do it.
1. Press the Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type msconfig and hit Enter to open System Configuration.
3. Now, in the new window that opens, switch to the Boot tab.
4. Here, check the Safe boot box under Boot options and click on OK.
5. Now, a prompt will be popped up on the screen displaying, “You may need to restart your computer to apply these changes. Before restarting, save any open files and close all programs”. Confirm your choice and click on either Restart or Exit without restart. Your system will be booted into safe mode.
6. Hit the Windows key, type Command Prompt, and click on Run as administrator.
7. Type the rstrui.exe command and hit Enter key.
8. The System Restore window will now pop up on the screen. Here, click on Next, as depicted in the picture below.
9. Finally, confirm the restore point by clicking on the Finish button.
The system will be restored to the previous state, and now check if the issue has been resolved.
We hope this guide was useful and that you have successfully uninstalled Wondershare Helper Compact from your PC. Let us know which method worked for you the best. If you are happy with this guide, drop a heart in the comments section.