亚马逊(Amazon)是世界上发展最快的电子商务公司之一。为确保顺利运营,亚马逊通过动态(Amazon)招聘流程(recruitment process)招聘员工。其主要动机是通过进行多次背景调查,为合适的职位聘用合适的人选。我们为您提供了一份有用的指南,它将指导您了解亚马逊的(Amazon)基本背景调查政策(Basic Background Check Policy)、可能导致您的申请被拒绝的危险信号,最后是亚马逊招聘(Amazon hiring)流程的概述。因此,请继续阅读本文以了解更多信息!
什么是亚马逊背景调查政策?(What is Amazon Background Check Policy?)
亚马逊由 Jeff Bezos 于 1994 年创立(established in 1994 by Jeff Bezos)。它最初是一家在线书店(book store),现在有数百万用户以日常方式购买商业商品。该行业依赖于熟练和非熟练劳动力(both skilled and unskilled labor)。它在超过 13 个国家/地区拥有 170 多个中心,在全球(170 centers in over 13 countries)拥有超过150 万名员工(1.5 million employees)。
亚马逊做背景调查吗?(Does Amazon Do Background Checks?)
- 您必须完成评估(complete the assessment)或与招聘人员会面(meet the recruiter)进行面试。
- 在下一阶段,亚马逊将由(Amazon)Accurate Backgrounds等第三方公司进行多项背景调查(background checks)。您必须有资格参加所有背景调查才能通过亚马逊背景调查政策(Amazon Background Check Policy)。
- 巨大的公共记录检查平台(record checking platform)用于与您以前的雇主确认事实。 (corroborate facts with your previous employers. )
- 只有在您确认之后,一旦您满足所有必要的要求,您的工作才能在组织中得到确认。
在本文中,我们讨论了亚马逊(Amazon)在招聘新候选人时使用的背景调查政策。(check policy)
亚马逊雇佣重罪犯吗?(Does Amazon Hire Felons?)
这个问题的答案取决于你申请的地点、职位和重罪。根据您所犯重罪的严重程度,亚马逊人力资源团队(Amazon HR team)将做出决定。以下是您在申请之前应该了解的一些提示:
- 如果您在过去 7 年中有任何重罪定罪,那么在一些州会避免使用他们的背景调查政策。(Background Check Policy)
- 如果您接受采访,请不要在介绍后的几分钟内暴露您的重罪。相反,建立希望和信心(build hope and confidence),相信你会适应这个职位并在接近尾声时揭露你的重罪。
- 在谈论您的重罪时始终保持同理心,并确保您不会破坏(be empathic)面试过程(interview process)。
直截了当,亚马逊雇佣重罪犯临时工作(hires felons for temporary jobs),然后根据你的技能和重罪的严重程度决定让你成为永久职位。
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亚马逊背景调查政策包括什么?(What Does Amazon Background Check Policy Include?)
尽管亚马逊(Amazon)有这么多员工,但它总是对雇佣谁持谨慎态度。因此,您必须通过一系列背景调查才能通过您的申请流程(application process)。背景(Background Check Policy)调查政策包括
1.犯罪背景调查:(Criminal background check:)这项检查是为了检查您是否有任何犯罪记录。
2.参考背景调查:(Reference background check:)这项检查是为了验证你的简历中提到的所有细节是否真实。简而言之,如果你对你的简历诚实,那么你可以很容易地通过参考背景调查。(reference background)
- 根据简历中的工作经历和工作时间(work period),您可能会一次与最近的老板(most recent boss)或两个或多个老板进行验证。
- 在准备和提交简历时,您应该始终诚实,因为它显示了(be honest)忠诚和正直(loyalty & integrity)。
- 亚马逊人力资源团队(Amazon HR team)大部分时间都很忙。所以招聘人员可能会询问你以前的雇主、以前的职位(job title)、你的角色和职责(role & responsibilities)以及你的表现。根据您的简历和面试(resume & inteview),它可能会选择不深入挖掘。
3.最终药检:(Final drug test:)通过面谈后,将进行药检(drug test)。
- 亚马逊团队会从您那里取走口腔拭子(mouth swab)。
- 然后,将测试拭子是否有可卡因、大麻、甲基苯丙胺等消遣性药物。(tested for recreational drugs)
- 如果口腔拭子(mouth swab)中有这些药物的痕迹,那么你被录用的机会就很小。
- 作为亚马逊员工(Amazon employee),您必须参加年度医疗药物测试(annual medical drug test)并获得资格才能继续在该组织工作。
当您通过所有这些初步检查后,您就可以与亚马逊团队(Amazon team)携手合作了。
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关于支票政策你应该知道的一切(Everything You Should Know About Check Policy)
在本节中,我们汇总了您应该了解的有关亚马逊(Amazon)背景调查政策(Background Check Policy)的事实清单。
- 每当您在线申请亚马逊(Amazon)职位时,您必须同意他们的背景调查政策(agree to their Background Check Policy)。填写申请表后,您也必须授权他们。(must authorize them too.)如果您没有授权,您将无法完成申请流程(application process)。
- 您必须等待 1 到 4 周(wait for 1 to 4 weeks)才能获得检查政策(Policy)结果。超过 2 周后,请联系亚马逊(Amazon)获取更新。
- 在可追溯到 7 到 10 年(dating back 7 to 10 years)的过程中收集了广泛的数据研究。因此,该过程至少应保存 7 年的数据。
- 与亚马逊背景调查政策(Amazon Background Check Policy)相关的评估流程是在招聘过程中(recruitment process)雇用您之前进行(carried out before hiring you )的。一旦您加入关注点,Accurate Backgrounds将不会继续该过程。
- 如果您没有通过背景调查(background check process),亚马逊(Amazon)会告诉您原因。此外,如果您没有收到有关该应用程序的任何更新,您可以联系亚马逊支持团队( contact Amazon support team)以获取进一步的更新。
- 所有背景调查均由名为(conducted by)Accurate Backgrounds的第三方公司进行。在他们评估亚马逊背景调查(Amazon Background Check)流程时,您将与准确背景团队取得联系。(Accurate Backgrounds team)此外,一旦他们完成了评估,他们会告诉您您的信用评分。(they will let you know your credit scores.)
在您申请亚马逊之前,请通过背景调查公司的自我调查来评估自己(evaluate yourself by self-survey),从而要求进行调查。当您从调查中获得红旗时,请尝试申请其他要求宽松的公司
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背景调查期间核实的信息(Information Verified During Background Checks)
犯罪记录:(Criminal records:)如果您在过去 7 到 10 年内有任何犯罪记录,这些数据将在背景调查中登记(background check)。该报告将提供影响招聘过程(hiring process)的轻罪的详细信息。
工作经验:(Work Experience:)您过去 7 年的所有工作经验(work experience)将与雇主详细信息一起被掩盖。它包括服务期限和工作转换(job switch)的原因。
教育细节:(Educational Details:)此外,背景调查过程(background check process)涵盖您学习过的所有教育机构,以及您的表现。
信用和财务详细信息:(Credit & Financial details:)此过程涵盖您的信用记录(credit history)以及您的财务状况。这些财务统计数据将帮助招聘人员判断您是否过着负责任的生活。
参考资料详细信息:(Reference Details:)当您提交在线申请时,您必须列出您的参考资料。作为一个过程,准确(Accurate)背景团队将联系您的推荐人以了解您的绩效和基准列表(performance and benchmark lists)。通话期间收集的详细信息将在您的背景报告(background report)中准确提及。
亚马逊应用程序中的危险信号(Red Flags in Your Amazon Application)
重罪:如果您(Felony: )在过去七年内(criminal record in the last seven years)有犯罪记录,您的申请很可能会被拒绝,以维持其客户和员工的信任。因此,如果亚马逊(Amazon)认为任何申请人可能有害,该申请将不加考虑地被拒绝。那些犯有信用卡欺诈(credit card fraud)、盗窃、殴打或性犯罪的人可能会在申请的最初阶段被拒绝。
不诚实信息:(Dishonest Information: )如果个人在填写申请时提供了不正确的信息(incorrect information),并且根据亚马逊背景调查政策(Amazon Background Check Policy)发现,他们将被自动取消资格。(automatically disqualified.)因此,在填写申请表时,请始终保持 100% 的确定和诚实,因为不诚实将导致取消资格。
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管理(Laws Governing )背景调查政策的法律
所有美国公司都根据每个州制定了法律法规。因此(Hence),亚马逊(Amazon)根据公平信用报告法(Fair Credit Reporting Act)( FCRA ) 遵守其规则和规定。如果您在申请后七年内犯罪,您必须查看《公平信用报告法》(Fair Credit Reporting Act)(FCRA)法律,该法律涵盖以下内容:
- 该法案规定,任何雇主都不应考虑(Act)在过去 7 年内犯罪(crime in the last 7 years)的个人的申请。因此,如果您的犯罪记录(criminal record)在 7 年前登记,您可以放心地申请亚马逊(Amazon)工作。
- 此外,在某些州,有一些解放(liberations) 措施可以缩短此时间跨度(to reduce this time span)。当然,它始终取决于位置及其法律。
如何对自己进行背景调查?(How to Run Background Check on Yourself?)
在您申请亚马逊(Amazon)之前,建议您对自己进行犯罪背景调查(background check),以便对您的申请更有信心。有很多专业的背景调查(background check)平台供雇主和雇员使用。此外,任何人都可以访问的可靠公共平台很少。此类平台的几个显着特点包括:
- 他们没有任何法律限制( legal restrictions),并且比专业的在线背景调查网站提供更多的细节。
- 它们更可靠,经过(reliable)深入分析(thorough analysis),您可以获得最佳结果。
您必须选择正确的在线犯罪背景调查员(background checker)。这可能类似于大海捞针的过程。我们在下面列出了一些您可能会觉得有用的在线背景调查网站。(online background)
1. 使用即时 CheckMate (1. Use Instant CheckMate )
使用Instant CheckMate,您的背景调查过程(background check process)可以获得比预期更多的结果。
- 它也可以从您的手机和 PC 访问(accessed from your mobile and PC)。
- 它包括一个精心设计的管理工具。(well-designed management tool.)
- 一个月的费用约为$33 for a month美元,三个月的套餐费用约为 28 美元。
如果您的目标是获得快速、精确的结果,那么Instant CheckMate将是您的选择。
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2. 使用 TruthFinder (2. Use TruthFinder )
- 浏览器仪表板(browser dashboard)可以在iOS 和 Android(both iOS and Android)平台上访问,但它们的搜索速度(search speed)可能会根据您使用的网络连接(network connection)而有所不同。
- 它在全球用户中获得5 星评价。( 5-star reviews)
- 您可以从私人和公共数据库中过滤您的数据。(filter your data)
- 所有结果都是透明、准确(transparent, accurate,)和最新的。
- 您将被收取$28 per month和 23 美元的两个月会员套餐费用。拥有会员资格后,您可以根据需要多次进行背景调查。
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那么,亚马逊(Amazon)为什么要雇佣重罪犯呢?它只有在根据其背景调查政策(Background Check Policy)进行全面检查后才会这样做,以确保其员工没有犯罪记录,并且事实上是诚实和真诚的。请(Feel)随时通过下面的评论部分与我们联系,提出您的疑问和建议。
What is Amazon Background Check Policy?
Amazоn is one of the fastest-growіng e-commerce companies in the world. To ensure smooth operations, Amazon hires employees through a dynаmic recruitment process. Its primary motiνe іs to hire the right persоn for the right position by conducting several background checks. We bring tо you a helpful guide that will guide you about the Basic Background Chеck Policy of Amazon, red flаgs that will get your application rejected, and, lastly, an overview of the Amazon hiring process. So, continue rеadіng the article to learn more!
What is Amazon Background Check Policy?
Amazon was established in 1994 by Jeff Bezos. It was started as an online book store, and now, millions of users buy commercial items in a day-to-day manner. The industry is dependent on both skilled and unskilled labor forces. It has over 170 centers in over 13 countries, having more than 1.5 million employees worldwide.
Does Amazon Do Background Checks?
Yes! When you apply for a job among thousands of jobs available on the platform, there is a comprehensive process you have to undertake to get yourself selected.
- You have to complete the assessment or meet the recruiter for an interview.
- In the next stage, Amazon will carry out several background checks processes by a third-party company like Accurate Backgrounds. You must qualify for all background checks to pass Amazon Background Check Policy.
- The giant public record checking platform is used to corroborate facts with your previous employers.
- Only after your acknowledgment, will your employment be confirmed in the organization once you fulfill all the necessary requirements.
In this article, we have discussed all about Amazon background check policy used while recruiting new candidates as its employees.
Does Amazon Hire Felons?
The answer to this question depends on the location, position you have applied for, and the felony. Depending upon the severity of the felony you have, Amazon HR team will make the decision. Following are some pointers you should know before applying:
- If you have had any felony convictions in the past 7 years, their Background Check Policy is avoided in a few states.
- If you are interviewed, do not expose your felony within a few minutes of your introduction. Instead, build hope and confidence that you will fit the position and expose your felony near the end.
- Always be empathic while talking about your felony and make sure you do not ruin the interview process.
To be straightforward, Amazon hires felons for temporary jobs and later decides to make you permanent according to your skills & severity of the felony.
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What Does Amazon Background Check Policy Include?
Although Amazon has so many employees, it is always cautious about who it hires. As a result, you must go through a series of background checks before passing your application process. The Background Check Policy includes
1. Criminal background check: This check is made to check if you have any criminal records over time.
2. Reference background check: This check is undergone to verify whether all the details mentioned in your resume are true. Concisely put, if you are honest on your CV, then you may pass the reference background checks very easily.
- Depending on the history of employment in your resume and the work period, you may be verified with the most recent boss or two or more bosses at a time.
- You should always be honest while preparing & submitting your resume since it shows loyalty & integrity.
- Amazon HR team is mostly quite busy. So the recruiter may ask about your previous employer, about the previous job title, your role & responsibilities, and your performance. It may choose to not dig too deep depending on your resume & inteview.
3. Final drug test: After you pass an in-person interview, there will be a drug test.
- The Amazon team will take a mouth swab from you.
- Then, the swab will be tested for recreational drugs like cocaine, cannabis, methamphetamine.
- If there are any traces of these drugs in the mouth swab, there are very few chances that you will be hired.
- As an Amazon employee, you have to take an annual medical drug test and qualify it to continue working in the organization.
When you pass all these preliminary checks, you are ready to join hands with the Amazon team.
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Everything You Should Know About Check Policy
In this section, we have compiled a list of facts that you should know about Background Check Policy of Amazon.
- Whenever you apply for Amazon jobs online, you must agree to their Background Check Policy. Once you have filled out the application, you must authorize them too. If you did not authorize it, you will not be able to complete the application process.
- You must wait for 1 to 4 weeks to obtain the Check Policy results. Once you have crossed more than 2 weeks, contact Amazon for an update.
- Extensive research of data is collected during the process dating back 7 to 10 years. Hence, at least 7 years data should be kept handy for this process.
- The evaluation processes pertaining to Amazon Background Check Policy are carried out before hiring you during the recruitment process. Once you have joined the concern, Accurate Backgrounds will not continue the process.
- If you did not pass the background check process, Amazon will let you know why. Also, if you did not receive any update regarding the application, you can contact Amazon support team for further updates.
- All the Background Checks are conducted by a third-party company named, Accurate Backgrounds. You will get in touch with the Accurate Backgrounds team while they evaluate Amazon Background Check processes. Also, once they have completed the evaluation, they will let you know your credit scores.
Before you apply to Amazon, evaluate yourself by self-survey with background check firms, thereby requesting a survey. When you get a red flag from the survey, try applying for other companies with lenient requirement
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Information Verified During Background Checks
Criminal records: If you have any criminal records for the past 7 to 10 years, this data will be registered in a background check. The report will be available with the details of misdemeanors that will impact the hiring process.
Work Experience: All your work experience in the past 7 years will be covered up along with the employer details. It covers the period of service and the reason for the job switch.
Educational Details: Also, the background check process covers all the educational institutions you have studied, along with your performance.
Credit & Financial details: This process covers your credit history along with your financial status. These financial statistics will help the recruiter to judge whether you live a responsible life or not.
Reference Details: When you submit your online application, you have to enlist your references. As a process, the Accurate backgrounds team will contact your references to know about your performance and benchmark lists. The details gathered during the call will be accurately mentioned in your background report.
Red Flags in Your Amazon Application
Here are a few red flags that will make your application more prone to rejection:
Felony: If you have had a criminal record in the last seven years, your application will most likely be rejected to maintain the trust of its customers and staff. Thus, if Amazon considers any applicant potentially harmful, the application will be rejected without any consideration. Those who have committed credit card fraud, theft, assault, or sexual crimes may be rejected at the very initial stage of application.
Dishonest Information: If an individual provides incorrect information while filling the application, and when it is found as per the Amazon Background Check Policy, they will be automatically disqualified. Therefore, always be 100% sure and honest while filling out the application as dishonesty will lead to disqualification.
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Laws Governing Background Check Policy
All US-based companies have defines laws and regulations according to each state. Hence, Amazon follows its rules and regulations according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). If you have committed a crime within seven years of application, you have to check the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) laws which cover the following:
- The Act declares that any employer should not consider the application of an individual who has committed a crime in the last 7 years. Therefore, you can confidently apply to Amazon jobs if your criminal record is registered seven years earlier.
- Also, in some states, there are some liberations to reduce this time span. Of course, it always depends on the location and its laws.
How to Run Background Check on Yourself?
Before you apply to Amazon, it is recommended to run a criminal background check on yourself to be more confident about your application. There are a lot of professional background checks platforms for employers as well as employees. In addition, there are few reliable public platforms online that can be accessed by anyone. Few notable features of such platforms include:
- They do not have any legal restrictions and provide more details than professional online background checking sites.
- They are more reliable, and you can obtain the best results after thorough analysis.
You have to choose the right online criminal background checker. This may be similar to the process of finding a needle in a haystack. We have listed a couple of online background checking websites below that you may find useful.
1. Use Instant CheckMate
Using Instant CheckMate, you can attain more results for your background check process than expected.
- It can be accessed from your mobile and PC as well.
- It includes a well-designed management tool.
- It costs around $33 for a month or around $28 for a three-month package.
If you aim to obtain speedy, precise results, then Instant CheckMate would be your choice.
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2. Use TruthFinder
TruthFinder is known for its accuracy. Following are the remarkable features of this platform:
- The browser dashboard can be accessed on both iOS and Android platforms, but their search speed may vary according to the network connection you use.
- It has 5-star reviews among users worldwide.
- You can filter your data from both private and public databases.
- All the results are transparent, accurate, and up to date.
- You will be charged $28 per month and $23 for a two-month package for a membership. With a membership, you can run multiple background checks as many times as you like.
So, why does Amazon hire felons? It does so only after comprehensive checks as per its Background Check Policy intended to ensure its employees are free of criminal records, and in fact, honest & sincere. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below.