在当前的气候下,“病毒式传播”已恢复其原始含义,在家工作的可能性急剧增加。直系亲属以外的社交互动处于历史最低水平,与同事进行视频会议的需求有所增加。(Social interaction)
来回发短信(forth texting)可以完成工作,但它的缺点是通过翻译会丢失一些东西。与电子邮件通信不同,它也被视为相当不专业。然而,电子邮件通信过于客观,在大多数情况下,面对面似乎是更好的方式。

什么是最好的视频会议应用程序(App)?4 比较
您(Did)知道在家工作是保持健康的最有效方法之一吗?远程(Telecommuting)办公也是办公室同事参加会议、举办网络研讨会和其他在线活动的一种廉价方式。不仅用于内部业务交互(business interaction),而且视频会议应用程序具有实时和面对面参与客户查询的优势,即使通过屏幕也是如此。

所有最好的视频会议(video conferencing)服务往往提供的不仅仅是面对面的互动。它们还将实现屏幕共享、远程访问他人桌面、数字白板通信、文本聊天(text chat)、文件交换和直播。
以下(Below)是我们今天为您提供的 4 款最佳视频会议应用程序列表。了解哪些福利对您最有利将有助于确定哪个应用程序是最适合您的视频会议应用程序。

Cisco Webex有两个视频会议选项:会议(Meetings)和团队(Teams)。会议(Meetings)是严格的视频会议,带有一些集成工具,可实现更顺畅的通话。Teams是围绕协作而设计的。
Teams更专注于实时项目交互。(project interaction)开始通话后,您会看到一个虚拟白板,旁边有聊天和视频。通话中的每个人都可以添加到白板上,以便快速轻松地进行头脑风暴。
对于一个简单易用的选项,Meetings提供了您真正需要的一切。对于更具协作性的活动,Teams是不二之选。两者都提供 1GB 云存储的免费试用版,可在所有主要设备上使用。

此协作套件(collaboration suite)最适合使用Office 365的任何企业。如果您属于此类别,那么您很有可能已经熟悉Microsoft Teams。Skype是您可能已经使用或继续使用的流行VoIP 应用程序(VoIP app),它已经存在了很长时间。
这两个选项都提供与视频会议应用程序类似的功能。您可以通过面对面通话获得高清音频和视频,可以私下聊天,甚至可以进行任何通话成员都可以激活的屏幕共享和录音。(audio and video)
任何使用过Skype的人都会发现在设计和应用方面都对(design and application)Microsoft Teams很熟悉。与Teams(Teams)的主要区别在于能够设置指定的聊天频道、保存对话、搜索聊天和以前的对话、自定义通知以及接收企业级安全性。
对于与同事、朋友和家人免费面对面交流,Skype是一个很棒的工具。唯一的缺点是所有相关方都需要注册自己的帐户。如果高价标签不会(price tag doesn)吓到(t scare)您,要获得具有相似美感的更深入的基于团队的选项,请选择Microsoft Teams。

需要一个包含专业功能的视频会议应用程序?GoToMeeting 以黑桃形式提供它们。它已经是一个非常流行的桌面应用程序(desktop app),具有出色的移动版本。您可以使用清晰的VoIP 音频(VoIP audio or jump)主持面对面的会议,或者无需注册自己的帐户即可直接参加会议。
您将能够与其他会议参与者共享您的屏幕、查看演示文稿,并且在主持时将演示文稿控制权(presentation control)移交给其他与会者。会议可以提前设置,您可以在其中查看日程安排以及接收有关会议何时开始的警报。通话录音也可供所有参与者使用。
For those already using GoToMeeting at the office, your calendar can be synced to your mobile device and, with commuter mode enabled, you can save up to 90% of data when joining a meeting via mobile. Three participants can use the app for free, but for a larger group, there is a $19/month Starter plan available.

Zoom Cloud Meetings is a truly impressive way to telecommute making it an easy entry into a best video conferencing app list. Zoom is an easy way for collaborative teams and clients to stay connected no matter where they are in the world. Even with poor internet connectivity, Zoom will keep your video conference running, albeit at a reduced quality.
使用此应用程序,您将获得高质量的视频(high-quality video)、音频、屏幕共享和跨平台即时消息(cross-platform instant messaging)。创建联系人列表并开始邀请最多 100 名成员参加您的会议。真的就是这么简单。您将能够记录会议反应、以完整视频录制通话、共享屏幕和应用程序、聊天或使用 Zoom 的电话服务列表。您甚至可以直接从浏览器加入会议。
Zoom的一个缺点是会议时间有限,三个或更多用户的免费计划是 40 分钟,而付费计划允许更长的讨论和更多的成员。但是,您可以主持的会议数量没有限制,这意味着您可以在 40分钟计时器(minute timer)到时开始新的通话。
What Is The Best Video Conferencing App? 4 Compared
In the current climаte, where “going viral” has reverted back to іts originаl meaning, the likelihood оf working from home has incrеased dramatically. Social interaction outside of immediate family is at an all time low and the need for video conferencing with colleagues has seen a boost.
Back and forth texting could get the job done but it has the downside of losing some things through translation. It’s also seen as rather unprofessional unlike email correspondence. However, email correspondence is far too impersonal and, in most cases, a face-to-face seems the better way to go.

Like most things in the digital age, there are plenty of options from which to choose when determining the best video conferencing app. And, similar to all of them, the defining factor is what you need it for and what you hope to get out of it. So, we’ve decided to do the busy work for you in determining the best video conferencing app, allowing you to get back to business as usual.
What Is The Best Video Conferencing App? 4 Compared
Did you know that working from home is one of the most effective ways to remain healthy? Telecommuting is also a cheap way for office mates to attend meetings, host webinars, and other online events. Not only for internal business interaction, but a video conferencing app has the advantage of attending customer inquiries live and face-to-face, even if through a screen.

All of the best video conferencing services tend to offer more than just face-to-face interactions. They will also enable screen sharing, remote access to another’s desktop, digital whiteboard communications, text chat, file exchange, and live broadcasting.
Below is our list of the 4 best video conferencing apps available to you today. Understanding what perks benefit you the most will help determine which app is the best video conferencing app for you.

Cisco Webex has two options for video conferencing: Meetings and Teams. Meetings is strictly video conferencing with a few integrated tools for smoother calls. Teams is designed around collaboration.
With Meetings, you’re looking at an app made for face-to-face interactions with the option of audio only. Screen sharing is also available should you need it and the entire meeting can be recorded by the host for later viewing.
Teams is focused more on project interaction in real-time. Upon starting a call, you’re treated to a virtual whiteboard with chat and videos off to the side. Everyone in the call can add to the whiteboard for quick and easy brainstorming.
For a simple and easy to use option, Meetings provides all you’ll really need. For a more collaborative event, Teams is the way to go. Both offer a free trial with 1GB of cloud storage and can be used on all major devices.

This collaboration suite works best for any business using Office 365. If you fit into this category, then chances are good that you’re already familiar with Microsoft Teams. Skype is a popular VoIP app that you’ve likely used or continue to use, which has been around for quite some time now.
Both of these options provide similar features as a video conferencing app. You get HD audio and video with face-to-face calls, the ability to chat in private, even screen-sharing and recording that any member of the call can activate.
Anyone who has used Skype will find familiarity with Microsoft Teams in both design and application. The key differences with Teams is the ability to set up designated chat channels, save conversations, search chats and previous conversations, customize your notifications, and receive enterprise-level security.
For a free of charge, face-to-face with colleagues, friends, and family, Skype is a great tool. The only downside being the need for all parties involved to sign up for their own account. If a premium price tag doesn’t scare you, for a more in-depth team-based option with a similar aesthetic, choose Microsoft Teams.

In need of a video conferencing app packed with professional-like features? GoToMeeting offers them in spades. It is already a very popular desktop app with a great mobile version. You can host a face-to-face meeting with clear VoIP audio or jump into one without the need to sign up for an account of your own.
You’ll have the ability to share your screen with other meeting participants, view presentations, and, if hosting, hand off presentation control to other attendees. The meetings can be set up ahead of time where you can view the schedule as well as receive alerts for when one is about to start. Call recording is also available to all participants.
For those already using GoToMeeting at the office, your calendar can be synced to your mobile device and, with commuter mode enabled, you can save up to 90% of data when joining a meeting via mobile. Three participants can use the app for free, but for a larger group, there is a $19/month Starter plan available.

Zoom Cloud Meetings is a truly impressive way to telecommute making it an easy entry into a best video conferencing app list. Zoom is an easy way for collaborative teams and clients to stay connected no matter where they are in the world. Even with poor internet connectivity, Zoom will keep your video conference running, albeit at a reduced quality.
With this app, you’re getting high-quality video, audio, screen sharing, and cross-platform instant messaging. Create a contacts list and begin inviting up to 100 members to your meeting. It really is that simple. You’ll be able to log meeting reactions, record a call in full-length video, share screens and applications, chat, or use Zoom’s list of phone services. You can even join a meeting directly from your browser.
A downside to Zoom would be that meeting lengths are limited, the free plan being 40 minutes for three or more users while paid plans allow for lengthier discussions and more members. However, there are no limits to the amount of meetings you can host meaning you can just begin a new call once the 40 minute timer is up.