许多用户希望在他们的Android智能手机和平板电脑上使用的一个特定功能是保护他们敏感的Android 应用程序(Android apps)的一种方式。例如,您是一位家长,您想将智能手机交给您的孩子玩一些游戏,并且您想确保他或她无法访问某些不适合孩子的应用程序。或者,您可能有一些包含机密信息的应用程序,并且您想确保只有您可以访问它们,而不是您的另一半、您的孩子或其他可能知道您在智能手机上设置的PIN的人。(PIN)有很多方法可以做到这一点,在本指南中,我们将分享其中一种(share one)。有很多地方需要覆盖,所以让我们开始吧:
为什么要保护您的某些Android 应用程序(Android apps)?
为什么您只想保护某些应用程序而不是所有Android 应用程序(Android apps)?如果答案不明显,让我们考虑几种情况:
- 首先,让我们以我个人为例:我拥有一部Android 智能手机(Android smartphone),还有一个小女儿。有时,她想在我的智能手机上玩。对她来说,演奏意味着不规律地点击屏幕上任何发光的东西。你能想象如果她可以访问我的在线购物应用程序(online shopping apps)之一,她会做什么吗?我可能有一天早上醒来,门廊上有一堆毛绒玩具。🙂
- 如果您的智能手机上有一些包含机密数据的商业应用程序怎么办?您希望它们被除您之外的任何人访问吗?
- 再有一个更琐碎的案例:如果您不时使用Tinder并且不想让您的女朋友访问它怎么办?(Tinder)🙂
在其他情况下,保护您的某些Android 应用程序(Android apps)也很有意义。如果您需要保护您的某些应用程序,这是一种方法:使用包含应用程序锁定(App Lock)功能的安全应用程序,例如(security app)Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus。
如何使用Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus使用密码 ( (Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus)PIN ) 保护我的Android设备上的应用程序?
Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus是一款出色的Android安全产品(security product),我们在此处对其进行了评测。
它最好的功能之一是应用程序锁定,它允许您在(App Lock)PIN 码(PIN code)的帮助下保护您的应用程序免受未经授权的访问。任何尝试访问其中一个(access one)应用程序的人都需要输入您设置的PIN 码(PIN)才能使用它们。显然,这意味着访问过您的 Android平板电脑或智能手机(tablet or smartphone)的人已经知道您为设备设置的锁屏(lock screen) PIN,因此您应该为您的应用设置不同的PIN。
Bitdefender 的App Lock正是这样做的:它允许我使用PIN 码(PIN code)来阻止我选择的应用程序。为此,您必须启动Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus。通过点击看起来像三个堆叠线的按钮打开其主菜单。您可以在Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus(Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus)应用程序的左上角找到它。(left corner)

然后,点击应用程序锁定(App Lock)选项。

首次使用App Lock功能时, Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus会要求您设置一个PIN 码(PIN code),它可以有 4 到 8 位数字。下次访问此功能时,App Lock会要求您提供 首次设置的PIN 码。(PIN code)

设置PIN后,选择安装在您的Android 设备(Android device)上的哪些应用程序将受Bitdefender的应用程序锁(App Lock)保护。

每次有人(time someone)试图打开我选择保护的应用程序之一时,他或她都必须提供我的PIN 码(PIN code)。显然,我的小女儿不知道我的PIN 码(PIN),所以她永远无法打开我的企业电子邮件、查看我的Facebook 帐户(Facebook account)或给我买一辆奔驰(buy me a Mercedes Benz)。🙂
如何打开使用Bitdefender的应用程序锁(App Lock)保护的应用程序?
使用受密码 ( PIN ) 保护的应用程序意味着您每次启动时都必须输入其PIN 码。(PIN)如下所示,PIN 码(PIN code)屏幕简单明了。您会被告知该应用程序已使用App Lock 锁定(App Lock),并且您必须输入您的PIN才能继续。

键入后,应用程序将打开,您可以正常使用它。如果您想检查您输入的PIN 码(PIN code)是否正确,您可以点击PIN 字段(PIN field)右侧的小眼睛图标(eye icon)。

而已!如果您记得您设置的PIN(PIN) ,解锁您的应用程序很容易。我们建议您为解锁您的应用程序设置一个与用于解锁您的Android 设备的(Android device)PIN完全不同的 PIN 。
当您忘记使用Bitdefender的App Lock设置 的PIN时会发生什么?
到目前为止,一切看起来都不错,但是如果您有点健忘并且不记得您使用Bitdefender的App Lock设置的PIN 码(PIN code),会发生什么?
如果发生这种情况,请尝试启动您使用Bitdefender保护的任何应用程序,然后在PIN 屏幕上(PIN screen),点击"Log in to https://central.bitdefender.com to recover it"的链接。

此链接将打开您的默认网络浏览器并带您进入Bitdefender Central仪表板,您可以在其中恢复您的PIN 码(PIN code)。使用您的Bitdefender 帐户(Bitdefender account)登录后,找到您的Android 设备(Android device)。如果您没有在其他设备上安装其他Bitdefender 安全(Bitdefender security)产品,那么您只会看到您的Android 设备(Android device)显示。如果您有其他受Bitdefender产品保护的设备,请查找您现在正在使用的Android 设备。(Android device)例如,我使用的是摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6),就我而言,它来自Bitdefender Central的名称是Nexus 6. 或者,您也可以使用其他设备(例如您的 PC)登录Bitdefender Central仪表板并了解您设置的PIN。

找到您的Android 设备(Android device)后,点击看起来像三个垂直点的按钮。它位于设备的右侧。


在设置(Settings)中,您可以重命名您的设备,也可以检查应用程序 PIN(Application PIN)。这是您在Bitdefender的App Lock中设置的(App Lock)PIN 码(PIN code),用于保护您的应用程序。要查看它,请点击“应用程序 PIN(Application PIN) ”字段中的小眼睛图标。(eye icon)

现在显示应用程序 PIN(Application PIN)。您可以使用它来打开您使用Bitdefender的应用程序锁定(App Lock)功能保护的应用程序。

当有人反复输入错误的PIN 码(PIN code)时会发生什么?
我们非常喜欢Bitdefender Mobile Security中的(Bitdefender Mobile Security)App Lock模块的一个功能是,当有人在您的Android 设备上反复输入错误的(Android device)PIN 码(PIN code)时,它会使用您设备的摄像头拍摄该人的照片。这种情况发生在PIN 码(PIN code)连续 3 次输入错误之后。拍照过程不会通知输入错误PIN 码(PIN code)的人,这很棒。事后你可以很容易地抓住罪魁祸首。
Bitdefender 会自动执行此操作,下次打开Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus应用程序时,您会看到有关试图打开受保护应用程序的人的通知。

在上面的截图中,罪魁祸首是我,试图记住我设置的PIN 码。(PIN code)🙂
如果您拥有Android 智能手机或平板电脑(Android smartphone or tablet),并且希望它不被窥探,您可能已经使用了锁屏密码(lock screen)。但是,经常待在您附近的人可以很快学会锁码。同事、朋友或家人(friend or family member)只需要几分钟的观察就可以了解您用于锁定屏幕(lock screen)的代码。为您要保护的应用程序设置不同的PIN 码(PIN code)可增加另一层安全性和隐私性(security and privacy)。使用Bitdefender Mobile Security时,您绝对应该尝试使用App Lock模块并进行设置,正如我们在本指南中分享的那样。一旦你这样做了,不要犹豫,使用下面的评论表与我们分享你的意见。
Password-protect sensitive Android apps with Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus
Оne specific feature that many users want on their Android smartphones and tablets is a way to prоtect their sensitive Android apps. For example, you are a parent and you want to give уour smartphone to your child, to play some game, and you want to make ѕυre that he or shе can't access certain apps, which are not suited for children. Or maybe you have some apps that contain confіdential information and you want to make sure that only you can access them and nоt your significant other, your children or other people who may know the PIN yоu have set on your smartphone. There are ways to do that and, in this guide, we are going to share one of them. There's plenty of ground to cover so let's get started:
Why would you want to protect some of your Android apps?
Why would you want to protect only some apps and not all your Android apps? In case the answer is not obvious, let's consider a couple of situations:
- First, let's take my personal example: I own an Android smartphone and I also have a little daughter. From time to time, she wants to play on my smartphone. For her, playing means to erratically tap anything that shines on the screen. Can you imagine what she could do if she had access to one of my online shopping apps? I'd probably wake up one morning with a bunch of stuffed cats on my porch. 🙂
- What if you have some business apps on your smartphone, which contain confidential data? Do you want them to be accessed by anyone else except you?
- What about a more trivial case: what if you are using Tinder from time to time and you don't want it to be accessed by your girlfriend? 🙂
There are other scenarios too, where protecting some of your Android apps makes a lot of sense. If you need to protect some of your apps, here's one way to do this: using a security app that includes an App Lock feature, like Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus.
How do I password (PIN) protect the apps from my Android devices with Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus?
Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus is a great security product for Android, which we reviewed here.
One of its best features is named App Lock and it allows you to protect your apps from unauthorized access, with the help of a PIN code . Anyone who tries to access one of those apps, is asked to enter the PIN that you have set, in order to use them. Obviously, this means that the people who have accessed your Android tablet or smartphone, already know the lock screen PIN that you have set for your device, so you should set a different PIN for your apps.
Bitdefender's App Lock does exactly that: it allows me to use a PIN code to block the apps I choose to. In order to do that, you must launch Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus. O pen its main menu by tapping on the button that looks like three stacked lines. You'll find it in the top left corner of the Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus app.

Then, tap the App Lock option.

The first time you use the App Lock feature, Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus asks you to set a PIN code, which can have anywhere from 4 to 8 digits. The next time you access this feature, App Lock asks you to provide the PIN code you set the first time.

After setting up the PIN, select which of the apps installed on your Android device will be protected by Bitdefender's App Lock.

Each time someone tries to open one of the apps I chose to protect, he or she will have to provide my PIN code. Obviously, my little daughter doesn't know my PIN, so she will never be able to open my business emails, check my Facebook account or buy me a Mercedes Benz. 🙂
How do you open an app that you have protected with Bitdefender's App Lock?
Using a password (PIN) protected app means that you will have to enter its PIN every time you launch it. As you can see below, the PIN code screen is simple and straightforward. You are informed that the app is locked with App Lock and that you have to type your PIN to continue.

Once you type it, the app is opened and you can use it normally. If you want to check that you entered the PIN code correctly, you can tap the small eye icon from the right side of the PIN field.

That's it! Unlocking your apps is easy, if you remember the PIN that you have set. We recommend that you set a PIN for unlocking your apps that is very different from the one used for unlocking your Android device.
What happens when you forget the PIN you have set with Bitdefender's App Lock?
So far, everything looks good but what happens if you're a bit forgetful and you can't remember the PIN code that you have set with Bitdefender's App Lock ?
If that happens, try launching any of the apps that you have protected with Bitdefender and, on the PIN screen, tap the link that says "Log in to https://central.bitdefender.com to recover it".

This link opens your default web browser and takes you to the Bitdefender Central dashboard, where you can recover your PIN code. Once you log in with your Bitdefender account, locate your Android device. If you don't have other Bitdefender security products installed on other devices, than you will only see your Android device displayed. If you have other devices that are protected by Bitdefender products then look for the Android device you're using right now. For instance, I'm using a Motorola Nexus 6 and, in my case, its name from Bitdefender Central is Nexus 6. Alternatively, you can also use another device, like your PC, to log in to the Bitdefender Central dashboard and learn the PIN that you have set.

Once you've located your Android device, tap the button that looks like three vertical dots. It's located on the right side of your device.

Then, in the new menu, tap Settings.

I nside Settings , you can rename your device and you can also check the Application PIN. That's the PIN code you've set in Bitdefender's App Lock , for protecting your apps. To see it, tap the small eye icon from the Application PIN field.

The Application PIN is now displayed. You can use it to open the apps that you have protected with Bitdefender's App Lock feature.

What happens when someone repeatedly enters the incorrect PIN code?
One feature that we like a lot about the App Lock module in Bitdefender Mobile Security is that, when someone repeatedly enters the incorrect PIN code for an app on your Android device, it uses your device's camera to take a mugshot of that person. This happens after the PIN code has been typed incorrectly three times in a row. The picture taking process does not notify the person who's typing the wrong PIN code, which is great. You can easily catch the culprit afterwards.
Bitdefender does this automatically and, the next time you open the Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus app, you see a notification about the person(s) who tried to open your protected apps.

In the screenshot above the culprit was me, trying to remember the PIN code I've set. 🙂
If you own an Android smartphone or tablet and you want it safe from prying eyes, you probably already use a code for the lock screen. However, lock codes can be learned very quickly by people that stay near you regularly. It takes only a couple of minutes of observation for a colleague, friend or family member to learn the code you use for the lock screen. Having a different PIN code for the apps that you want to protect, adds another layer of security and privacy. When using Bitdefender Mobile Security , you should definitely try the App Lock module and set it up, as shared by us in this guide. Once you do, don't hesitate to share your opinion with us, using the comments form below.