为了您的计算机的安全和保障(safety and security),设置密码非常重要。它不会让任何陌生人未经您的许可访问或使用您的 PC。但是你有没有想过如果你忘记了电脑的密码会发生什么?在这种情况下,即使您将无法访问您的计算机,因为输入设置的密码(set password)是访问或使用您的计算机的唯一方法。
但是现在,如果您忘记了计算机密码(computer password),您不必担心,因为Windows 操作系统(Windows operating)具有不同的功能,即使您忘记了密码,您也可以使用这些功能访问或使用您的计算机。这可以通过使用不同的方法恢复密码来实现。例如,您可以使用锁定屏幕恢复您的(lock screen)计算机密码(computer password)。但是,只有在使用新版本的Windows 操作系统(Windows operating)并且拥有在线保存密码的Microsoft 帐户时,才能使用(Microsoft account)锁定屏幕恢复密码。(lock screen)如果您使用旧版本的Windows 操作系统(Windows operating)系统或如果您没有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account),则您将无法使用锁定屏幕(lock screen)恢复密码。那么,在这种情况下你会怎么做呢?
(Recover)使用PCUnlocker恢复Windows 10忘记的密码(Forgotten Passwords)
什么是PCUnlocker?(What is PCUnlocker?)
PCUnlocker是一个可引导程序,可帮助您恢复丢失的Windows 密码(Windows password)或重置您现有的Windows 密码(Windows password)。它由Top Password Software Incorporated设计。使用PCUnlocker,您可以恢复或重置您的本地密码以及您的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)的密码。它完美、简单且易于使用,特别是对于具有一定技术知识的人。该工具与各种版本的Windows操作系统兼容,如Windows 10、Windows 8.1、Windows 7、Windows Vista、Windows XP等。它同时支持 32 位和 64 位Windows操作系统。
当您遇到以下任何一种情况时,您可以使用PCUnlocker :
- 忘记(Forgot)或丢失计算机密码(computer password)。
- 如果您购买了一台新/旧计算机并且您不知道已存在帐户的密码。
- 如果使用该计算机的人被解雇或退出并且没有告诉任何人该计算机的密码。
- 您的密码已通过入侵您的计算机或服务器(computer or server)而被更改。
- 您需要重新获得对Windows AD ( Active Directory ) 域控制器的管理员访问权限。
基本上,PCUnlocker带有 3 个不同的软件包,命名如下:
1. 标准(Standard):不支持创建U(USB flash)盘作为启动盘,这是它最大的限制。
2. 专业(Professional):不支持从USB 或 CD(USB or CDs)启动基于 UEFI 的计算机。这是它唯一的限制。
3. 企业版(Enterprise):它没有任何限制,使其成为在任何PC 或计算机型号上恢复(PC or computer model)Windows 密码(Windows password)的完整解决方案。
现在,您可能想知道如何使用此 PCUnlocker 来恢复或重置丢失的密码(lost password)。因此,如果您正在寻找上述问题的答案,请继续阅读本文,如本文所述,逐步(step process)说明使用 PCUnlocker 恢复 Windows 10 忘记密码的过程。(recover Windows 10 forgotten passwords using the PCUnlocker.)
在开始使用PCUnlocker恢复忘记的密码(forgotten password)之前,您需要拥有的第一件事是访问另一台计算机,因为您需要创建一个可启动驱动器(create a bootable drive)来恢复如果您未登录则无法创建的密码。
一旦您可以访问另一台 Windows 计算机,请按照以下步骤使用(Windows computer)PCUnlocker恢复Windows 10密码。
1. 使用此链接(this link)下载 PCUnlocker 。
2. 从三个可用的包(标准(Standard)、专业(Professional)和企业(Enterprise))中选择。
注意:(Note:)无论您选择什么版本或软件包(edition or package),获取PCUnlocker并对其进行设置的过程对于所有三个版本或软件包都是相同的。
3. 单击您要下载的软件包下方的“下载”按钮。(Download)
4. 下载完成后,您将获得一个Zip文件。解压缩Zip(Zip)下的文件。
5. 解压下载的Zip 文件(Zip file)后,您将得到一个 ISO 文件和一个文本文件。(you will get one ISO file and one text file.)
6. 现在,使用任何 CD 或 USB 驱动器(take any CD or USB drive)(推荐)。将其插入计算机并检查其驱动器号。
7. 您需要将提取的ISO 文件(ISO file)传输到您的USB 驱动器(USB drive)或 CD 中。要将提取的ISO 文件(ISO file)传输到您的USB 驱动器或 CD(USB drive or CD),您可以使用公司自己的ISO 刻录(ISO burner)实用程序。
(Also Read:)另请阅读:永久删除(Remove)激活 Windows 10(Activate Windows 10) 水印(Watermark)
如何使用 ISO 刻录机将文件刻录到 CD 或 USB 驱动器(How to use ISO burner to burn files to CD or USB drive)
要使用公司的ISO 刻录(ISO burner)实用程序将ISO 文件(ISO file)传输到CD 或 USB 驱动器(CD or USB drive),请按照以下步骤操作:
1.使用此链接下载(this link)ISO 刻录(ISO burner)实用程序。
3.单击(Click)文件并按照屏幕上的说明在您的 Windows PC 上安装应用程序。
4. 最后,单击完成(Finish)按钮完成ISO 设置(ISO setup)并启动ISO2Disc。
6.将打开一个新对话框。(dialog box)单击(Click)浏览(Browse)以添加 ISO 文件路径。
7. 如果您使用CD/DVD作为可启动驱动器,请使用之前选中的驱动器号选择刻录(Burn)到CD/DVD旁边的单选(radio)按钮。
8. 如果您使用USB 驱动器(USB drive)作为可启动驱动器,则使用之前检查的驱动器号选择刻录(Burn)到USB 闪存驱动器(USB Flash Drive)旁边的单选按钮。(radio)
9. 单击对话框(dialog box)底部的开始刻录(Start Burn)按钮。
10.稍等(Wait)片刻,ISO 文件(ISO file)将传输到选定的CD/DVD或USB 驱动器(USB drive)。
11. 传输过程完成后,取出CD/DVD或USB 驱动器(USB drive)并妥善保管,因为它现在已成为您的可启动驱动器。
完成上述步骤后,您将获得bootable drive in the form of a CD/DVD or the USB drive.
使用 PCUnlocker 恢复 Windows 10 忘记的密码(Recover Windows 10 Forgotten Passwords with PCUnlocker)
1. 将上述创建的可启动驱动器插入帐户被锁定或忘记密码的计算机。
2. 现在,通过按电源按钮(power button)启动计算机,同时开始按F12键以进入计算机的BIOS。
3.打开BIOS后,您会发现不同的启动选项。在启动优先级(Boot priority)中,make sure to set the first boot priority to CD/DVD or USB drive而不是硬盘,以便使用PCUnlocker启动您的 PC 。
4. 保存新设置并退出BIOS。
5. 现在,您的系统将使用新插入的可引导驱动器开始引导。
6.系统启动(system is booted)后,将显示PCUnlocker 屏幕(PCUnlocker screen)。
7. 将分为三个步骤:
一种。选择一种恢复模式:(a. Select a recovery mode: )在此模式下,将有两个选项Reset Local Admin/User Password and Reset Active Directory Password。根据您的需要选择任何一个选项。(Choose)
湾。选择 Windows SAM 注册表文件:(b. Select the Windows SAM registry file: )Windows SAM 注册表(Windows SAM registry)文件是一个数据库文件(database file),它以加密格式存储Windows用户的登录详细信息。PCUnlocker将自动检测来自Windows 操作系统(Windows operating)的文件。如果PCUnlocker未能自动检测到文件,则需要浏览文件并手动选择文件。
C。从列表中选择一个用户帐户:(c. Select a user account from the list: )在此下方,您将看到用户列表及其从SAM 文件(SAM file)中获取的帐户详细信息。选择您尝试恢复密码或要重置密码的帐户。
8. 选择要恢复或重置密码的帐户后,单击重置密码(Reset Password )按钮。
9.将弹出一个对话框供您确认。(dialog box)单击(Click)是按钮(Yes)继续。
10.将弹出另一个对话框,(dialog box)输入所选帐户的新密码(enter the new password)。输入新密码,或者如果您不想为所选帐户设置任何密码,可以将其留空。(Enter the new password or you can leave it blank)
11. 几分钟后,将打开一个对话框,显示该帐户的(dialog box)成功重置密码(Successful reset password for the account)(您选择的帐户名称)。(account name)
12. 单击确定(OK)按钮继续。
13. 您的密码已被重置。现在,重新启动您的计算机。
计算机重新启动后,如果您设置了新密码,则通过输入该密码登录Windows 操作系统。(Windows operating)
如果您忘记了,上述解决方案是恢复或重置 Windows 或计算机密码的永久解决方案。(computer password)
临时绕过 Windows 帐户(Temporary ByPass the Windows account)
如果您暂时想在不重置密码的情况下绕过Windows 帐户(Windows account),您也可以按照以下步骤操作。
1. 执行上述所有步骤,直到您单击“重置密码(Reset Password )”按钮的步骤。
2. 选择您想要绕过(ByPass)的帐户后,现在不要单击“重置密码(Reset Password)”按钮,而是单击“重置密码”按钮左侧的“选项”(Options)按钮(reset password button)。
3. 将打开一个菜单。从打开的菜单中单击(Click)绕过Windows 密码选项。(Bypass Windows Password)
4. 重新启动您的计算机。
推荐的: (Recommended: )
- 如何在Windows 10中将(Windows 10)已安装的程序(Installed Programs)移动到另一个驱动器
- 如何在Windows 10中重设(Windows 10)密码(Password)
- 从Windows 10轻松删除您的登录密码(Your Login Password From)
因此,通过逐步仔细执行上述过程,您将能够使用PCUnlocker轻松重置或恢复忘记的 Windows 10 密码。
Recover Windows 10 Forgotten Passwords with PCUnlocker
For the safetу and ѕecurity of your comрuter, it is very important to set a password. It doesn’t let any stranger access or use your РC wіthoυt your permission. But hаve you eνеr thought about what would hapрen if you forgot the passwоrd of yоur computer? Іn that case, even you won’t be able to access your computer as entering the set password is thе only way to access or use yoυr computer.
But nowadays, you need not worry if you forget your computer password as Windows operating systems are coming with different functionalities using which you can access or use your computer even if you forgot your password. This is possible by recovering the password using different methods. For example, you can recover your computer password using the lock screen. But you can recover the password using a lock screen only if you are using the new version of the Windows operating system and you have a Microsoft account that saves the passwords online. If you use an older version of the Windows operating system or if you do not have a Microsoft account, then you will not be able to recover your password using the lock screen. So, what will you do in such a situation?
Recover Windows 10 Forgotten Passwords with PCUnlocker
Such a situation occurs especially for locally stored passwords where you cannot even change the passwords without knowing the current one. If such a situation occurs, then you need not worry as there is a tool called PCUnlocker which is going to help you in such a situation. So, let’s understand the tool in detail.
What is PCUnlocker?
PCUnlocker is a bootable program that helps you to recover the lost Windows passwords or reset your existing Windows password. It is designed by the Top Password Software Incorporated. Using PCUnlocker, you can recover or reset your local passwords as well as the passwords of your Microsoft account. It is flawless, simple, and easy to use especially for the people having some technical knowledge. The tool is compatible with various versions of Windows operating systems like Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, etc. It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems.
You can use PCUnlocker when you face any of the below situations:
- Forgot or lost the computer password.
- If you bought a new/used computer and you do not know the password of an already existed account.
- If the person using that computer is fired or quits and did not tell anyone the password of that computer.
- Your password has been changed by hacking your computer or server.
- You need to regain the admin access to a Windows AD (Active Directory) domain controller.
Basically, the PCUnlocker comes with 3 different packages named as follows:
1. Standard: It does not support creating a USB flash drive as a bootable drive which is its biggest limitation.
2. Professional: It does not support booting UEFI-based computers from USB or CDs. This is its sole limitation.
3. Enterprise: It is available without any limitations which makes it a complete solution for restoring Windows password on any PC or computer model.
Different packages have different features and lack other features. So, you need to choose one that is suitable for you according to your requirements and needs.
Now, you may be wondering how to use this PCUnlocker to recover or reset the lost password. So, if you are looking for the answer to the above question, then keep reading this article as in this article, the step by step process is explained to recover Windows 10 forgotten passwords using the PCUnlocker.
Before starting using PCUnlocker to restore the forgotten password, the first thing you need to have is access to another computer because you need to create a bootable drive to restore the password which is not possible to create if you are not logged in.
Once you will have access to another Windows computer, follow the below steps to restore the Windows 10 password using PCUnlocker.
Below are the steps which you need to perform on another computer to create a bootable drive:
1. Download the PCUnlocker using this link.
2. Choose the package among the three available (Standard, Professional, and Enterprise).
Note: Whatever edition or package you choose, the process to obtain PCUnlocker and set it up remains the same for all the three editions or packages.
3. Click on the Download button that is available below the package you want to download.
4. Once the download is completed, you will get a Zip file. Extract the files under the Zip.
5. After extracting the downloaded Zip file, you will get one ISO file and one text file.
6. Now, take any CD or USB drive (recommended). Insert it into the computer and check its drive letter.
7. You need to transfer the extracted ISO file into your USB drive or the CD. To transfer the extracted ISO file to your USB drive or CD, you can use the company’s own ISO burner utility.
Also Read: Permanently Remove The Activate Windows 10 Watermark
How to use ISO burner to burn files to CD or USB drive
To use the company’s ISO burner utility to transfer ISO file to CD or USB drive, follow the below steps:
1. Download the ISO burner utility by using this link.
2. Once the file is downloaded, it will be an exe file.
3. Click on the file and install the application on your Windows PC by following the on-screen instructions.
4. Finally, click on the Finish button to finish the ISO setup and to launch the ISO2Disc.
6. A new dialog box will open up. Click on Browse to add the ISO file path.
7. If you are using a CD/DVD as a bootable drive, select the radio button next to Burn to CD/DVD by using the previously checked drive letter for the same.
8. If you are using a USB drive as the bootable drive, then select the radio button next to Burn to USB Flash Drive by using the previously checked drive letter for the same.
9. Click on the Start Burn button available at the bottom of the dialog box.
10. Wait for a few moments and the ISO file will be transferred to a selected CD/DVD or the USB drive.
11. Once the transferred process is completed, take out the CD/DVD or the USB drive and keep it safe as it has now become your bootable drive.
After completing the above steps, you will get a bootable drive in the form of a CD/DVD or the USB drive.
Recover Windows 10 Forgotten Passwords with PCUnlocker
Now, below are the steps you need to carry out on the computer which is locked or you forgot the password of.
1. Insert the above created bootable drive into the computer whose account is locked or whose password you have forgotten.
2. Now, start your computer by pressing the power button and simultaneously start pressing the F12 key in order to enter the BIOS of your computer.
3. Once the BIOS opens up, you will find different boot options. From Boot priority, make sure to set the first boot priority to CD/DVD or USB drive instead of the hard disk in order to boot your PC with the PCUnlocker.
4. Save the new settings and exit from the BIOS.
5. Now, your system will start booting using the newly inserted bootable drive.
6. Once the system is booted, the PCUnlocker screen will be shown.
7. There will be three steps:
a. Select a recovery mode: Under this, there will be two options of Reset Local Admin/User Password and Reset Active Directory Password. Choose any one option as per your need.
b. Select the Windows SAM registry file: Windows SAM registry file is a database file that stores the login details of the Windows users in an encrypted format. PCUnlocker will automatically detect the file from the Windows operating system. If PCUnlocker failed to detect the file automatically, then you need to browse the file and manually select the file.
c. Select a user account from the list: Under this, you will see the list of users with their account details that are fetched from the SAM file. Select the account for which you are trying to recover the password or want to reset the password.
8. Once the account has been selected for which you want to recover or reset the password, click on the Reset Password button.
9. A dialog box will be popped up for your confirmation. Click on the Yes button to continue.
10. Another dialog box will pop up to enter the new password for the selected account. Enter the new password or you can leave it blank if you do not want to set any password for the selected account.
11. After a few minutes, a dialog box will open up saying a Successful reset password for the account (account name which you have selected).
12. Click on the OK button to continue.
13. Your password has been reset. Now, restart your computer.
Once the computer restarts, if you have set a new password, then login to the Windows operating system by entering that password.
The above solution is the permanent solution for recovering or resetting your Windows or computer password if you have forgotten.
Temporary ByPass the Windows account
If you temporarily want to ByPass the Windows account without resetting the password, then you can also do so by following the below steps.
1. Perform all the steps as mentioned above till the step where you click on the Reset Password button.
2. Once the account is selected you want to ByPass, now instead of clicking on the Reset Password button, click on the Options button which is available at the left side of the reset password button.
3. A menu will open up. Click on the Bypass Windows Password option from the menu that opens up.
4. Restart your computer.
After the computer restarts, you will be temporarily allowed to enter into the system without entering any password but this is not a permanent solution to enter into your system every time if you have forgotten your password. So, it is advised to perform the permanent solution.
So, by following the above process carefully step by step, you will be able to reset or recover the forgotten Windows 10 password easily using the PCUnlocker.