当我回顾这本书的第一版 - Windows 8 Step By Step时,我说它是“那种可以放在你的计算机上方便参考的书,因为它会让你有信心做任何事情。优胜者!” 包括亚马逊(Amazon)在内的其他网站,评论家出了名的脾气暴躁,也给了它 5 星和 4 星评级,它是微软出版社(Microsoft Press)2013 年最畅销的书籍之一。所以这个新版本在生活中享有很高的声誉取决于。作者Ciprian Adrian Rusen(Did)和 Joli Ballew是否成功应对了(Ciprian Adrian Rusen and Joli Ballew)逐步(Windows 8.1 Step by Step)开发新 Windows 8.1 的挑战?更大更好?让我们来看看他们这次完成了什么。
逐步(Step)开始使用Windows (Windows 8.1) 8.1(Step)
与其前身一样,Windows 8.1 Step By Step假定读者正在查看已安装Windows 8.1的(Windows 8.1)PC 或平板电脑。(PC or tablet)由于Windows 8.1是一个最近的版本,对我来说,将升级说明放在开头会更有意义,而不是放在最后的附录中,因为很多人会升级而不是看到附带的计算机预装Windows 8.1。介绍性章节不包括升级说明在附录(Appendix)中的说明,我认为这是一个严重的缺陷。
介绍 Windows 8.1(Introducing Windows 8.1)一章旨在作为概述,指向更详细地涵盖主题的章节。在大多数情况下,这是可行的,但本章的某些部分似乎比其他部分更敷衍。开始(Start)屏幕和桌面(Desktop)的方法明显不一致。虽然大量使用“开始(Start)”屏幕会帮助新手适应它,但无论是谁写了本章,都承认人们会在桌面(Desktop)上完成大部分工作——即使鼓励他们不要使用它。这种方法是从本书的前一版本继承而来的,在我看来,它应该被修改。
不过,尽管如此,介绍性章节确实清楚地解释了Windows 8.1的功能,并配有大量插图。在继续之前,新手可以很容易地了解应用程序、魅力和磁贴。
微软(Microsoft)区分了他们所谓的“应用程序”和他们所谓的“桌面应用程序(desktop apps)”。我希望他们使用不同的术语,因为这两种应用程序在风格和方法(style and approach)上非常不同,但名称却太相似了。更令人困惑的是,您可以在“开始(Start)”屏幕上放置桌面应用程序(desktop apps)的磁贴,这些磁贴与用于本机Windows 8.1应用程序的磁贴几乎相同,因此在单击之前可能不清楚您单击的是哪种应用程序或不会将您切换到桌面(Desktop)。Windows 8.1 一步一步(Windows 8.1 Step By Step)通过继续关注开始(Start) 屏幕应用程序(screen apps)(桌面应用程序得到提及,但仅此而已),有助于教育新手了解两种应用程序之间的差异。专门使用这些应用程序应该可以帮助读者理解全屏方法并更轻松地使用它。使用过旧版本Windows的人已经知道桌面应用程序的工作原理(desktop apps work),因此无需详细介绍这些应用程序。有很好的说明,用于试验照片、音乐、视频(Photos, Music, Videos)和地图(Maps)等内置应用程序。Windows 8和Windows 8.1之间的这些应用程序发生了哪些变化也有详细的解释——你会在整本书中找到一些东西,这是一个非常受欢迎的功能。新手可以按照说明使用有用的练习文件,并且应该很容易掌握它。那些已经熟悉Windows 8的人可以浏览一下以查找Windows 8.1的更改和添加,并在此过程中使用流行的应用程序来提高他们的技能。
认真对待 Windows 8.1
描述File Explorer和Internet Explorer 11的章节与本书上一版中的章节一样好(上一版涵盖了Internet Explorer 10)。Windows 8世界的新手绝对应该花时间阅读这些章节。Windows 8和Windows 8.1与它们的前辈有很大的不同,大多数人需要时间和一点点牵手才能对新的处事方式感到放心。将这本书放在您面前并按照自己的方式完成练习(使用练习文件,可在Microsoft 网站(Microsoft web)上获取,使用URL 和说明)(URL and instructions)从本书的开头)应该让几乎每个人都能轻松进入文件管理和互联网浏览(management and internet browsing)。Windows 8.1在(Windows 8.1)库(Libraries)中引入了一些我不确定我是否同意的更改。早在Microsoft(Microsoft)将库包含在Windows中之前,我就一直是库(Libraries)概念的粉丝。习惯了Windows 8处理库(Libraries)的方式的人会发现对更改的解释,以及关于将事情恢复原状(如果你愿意的话)的好方法的建议,非常受欢迎。
Windows 8.1 Step By Step继续关注现代应用程序,鼓励读者使用Internet Explorer 11的全屏版本,尽管全屏版本被描述为“极简主义”并且不如桌面(Desktop)版本通用. 例如,它不支持任何类型的扩展和工具栏。尽管如此,这本书还是很好地解释了全屏版本的工作原理以及读者如何充分利用它。对于使用平板电脑和混合设备(如Microsoft Surface(Microsoft Surface) )的人来说,本章应该是必读的,因为这个版本的Internet Explorer 11针对触摸屏进行了很好的优化。网盘(SkyDrive)对于大多数人来说,这仍然是一个相当新的功能,那些没有利用这种易于使用的云存储(或没有探索过它的选项)的人会发现很多有价值的信息,这些信息应该让他们充分利用云在很短的时间内。作为SkyDrive的新手,我非常欣赏这一部分。SkyDrive不仅仅是一种网络服务,而且对访问和使用它的所有方式都有清晰的解释是一个加分项。它可能已经添加到本章中,以简要提及可以直接从SkyDrive网站使用的纯 Web Office套件。(Office)“社交”应用程序有自己的章节。这些是邮件、人脉、日历、相机等应用程序(Mail, People, Calendar, Camera)和Skype。由于越来越多的人正在购买电脑,以便与家人和朋友保持联系,这一章可能会在很多人的必读清单中名列前茅。再一次,读者可以轻松地了解可能是一种新的体验,并且这些解释应该让几乎任何人都有信心(anyone confidence)直接投入其中。
Windows 8.1 Step By Step不仅提供简单的“点击此处与您的孙子孙女交谈”说明,还引导读者完成一些非常复杂的操作,例如将SkyDrive中的文件附加到电子邮件、连接您的Facebook 帐户(Facebook account)以及设置联系人和日历既易于使用,又功能齐全,足以成为每个人日常生活的一部分。而且,当然,任何一本物超所值的Windows 书籍都不会不讨论玩游戏、从(Windows book)Windows 商店(Windows Store)购买应用程序以及了解应用程序内购买(每个人都有(something everyone)需要知道,以免他们最终收到一张会让他们大吃一惊的账单)。关注这本书的每个人应该都能毫无困难地在Windows 应用商店中航行。(Windows Store)也有使用带有Xbox 控制台(Xbox console)的 Windows 8.1 计算机的明确说明,这确实应该很有帮助。
安全可靠 - 以及更多
关于通过有线和无线网络连接到 Internet、使用网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center)以及导航PC 设置(PC Settings)的讨论是另一个必读内容。今天的计算机所做的大部分工作都依赖于互联网连接(internet connection),因此正确连接(connection right)是绝对必要的。与上一版一样,本书以易于理解的方式引导新手完成整个过程。与其前身一样,Windows 8.1 Step By Step也非常重视安全性。如今,保护您的计算机和数据的安全比以往任何时候都更加重要。微软在(Microsoft)Windows 8.1中内置了一些强大的安全功能并注意讨论安全问题(和家长控制(Parental Controls))的章节是必不可少的。允许其他人使用计算机(Allowing others to use the computer)一章应该包含在安全性的讨论中,因为为不同的用户提供不同的帐户可以使一切变得更容易,风险也更小。需要阅读名为“保持 Windows 8.1 安全可靠(Keeping Windows 8.1 safe and secure)”的章节。安全性比我们大多数人意识到的要多得多,在这种情况下,“预先警告是预先准备好的”这句老话是绝对正确的。读者应特别注意处理真正安全密码的部分。这是一个非常短的部分,但它包含每个人都应该注意的警告。
还有一节介绍了在工作中使用Windows 8.1时可能遇到的工具(Mobility Center、Bitlocker和VPN)。由于Windows 8.1的某些功能,例如Bitlocker ,在(Bitlocker)操作系统(operating system)的消费者版本中找不到,如果一个人的工作场所使用Bitlocker加密,则必须有使其正常工作的说明。阅读Windows 8.1 Step By Step中的说明,您工作场所的IT 部门(IT department)会感谢您。🙂 我最喜欢的Windows 8 Step By Step章节之一已针对新版本进行了修订和扩展:改善计算体验的技巧(Tips for improving your computing experience)。任何人都没有理由在黑暗中跌跌撞撞地试图弄清楚这些事情,因为经验丰富的作者可以让这一切变得如此容易学习。再一次,这最后一章本身就值得购买这本书。
再一次,作者 Ciprian Adrian Rusen 和 Joli Ballew(Adrian Rusen and Joli Ballew)提供了一个易于理解的操作系统(operating system)指南,如果没有人虚拟地握住他们的手并引导他们通过它,这对于新手来说可能看起来很吓人。当我第一次学习如何浏览Windows 8时,我将前一版的书放在我面前,以解释我还没有理解的东西。与任何一本书一样,有一些可以改进的地方:
- 例如,我认为在本书的开头应该有一个注释将读者引导到讨论升级的附录。
- 从Windows XP 和 Windows Vista(Windows XP and Windows Vista)升级到Windows 8.1不包含在Windows 8.1 Step by Step中,而从Windows 7和Windows 8升级则以非常详细的方式进行了介绍。
这是一本大书(比它的前身大),但它包含了有用的信息。它是Step By Step系列的一个有价值的补充,该系列一直以兑现其承诺而享有当之无愧的声誉。任何想要快速熟悉Windows 8.1的人都应该会发现这正是他们所需要的。在升级到Windows 8.1或购买装有Windows 8.1的新设备时,请将这本书放在您面前。
Book Review - Windows 8.1 Step By Step, by Ciprian Rusen & Joli Ballew
When I reviewed the first edition of this bоok - Windows 8 Step By Step - I said that it was "the kind of book to keep handy by your computer for reference, because it will give you confidence that you can do everything right. It's a winner!" Other sites, including Amazon, where reviewers are notoriously cranky, have given it 5-star and 4-star ratings as well, and it's one of Microsoft Press' top-selling books in 2013. So this new edition had quite a reputation to live up to. Did authors Ciprian Adrian Rusen and Joli Ballew meet the challenge of making the new Windows 8.1 Step by Step bigger and better? Let's take a look and see what they accomplished this time around.
Disclaimer: I read some of the chapters while this book was being written, but I formed no opinion until I had a chance to read the whole thing.
Getting started with Windows 8.1 Step by Step
As with its predecessor, Windows 8.1 Step By Step assumes that the reader is looking at a PC or tablet with Windows 8.1 already installed. Since Windows 8.1 is such a recent release, to me it would make more sense to put the instructions for upgrading at the beginning, not tucked away in an appendix at the end, since many people will be upgrading rather than seeing a computer that comes with Windows 8.1 preinstalled. The introductory chapter doesn't include a note that the upgrade instructions are in an Appendix, which I consider a serious shortcoming.
The chapter Introducing Windows 8.1 is intended to be an overview, pointing to chapters that cover the topics in more detail. For the most part, this works, but some parts of the chapter seem more perfunctory than others. The approach to the Start screen and Desktop is noticeably inconsistent. While using the Start screen a lot will help the newcomer become comfortable with it, whichever author wrote this chapter acknowledges that people will do much of their work on the Desktop—even while encouraging them not to use it. This approach has carried over from the previous version of the book, and to my way of thinking it should have been revised.
Getting past that, though, the introductory chapter does explain the features of Windows 8.1 clearly and with plenty of illustrations. It would make it quite easy for a newcomer to get up to speed with understanding the apps, charms and tiles before moving on.
To app or not to app (again)
Microsoft makes a distinction between what they call "apps" and what they call "desktop apps." I wish they'd used different terminology, because the two kinds of applications are very different in style and approach, but the names are far too similar. Adding to the confusion is the fact that you can put tiles for desktop apps on the Start screen that appear nearly identical to tiles used for native Windows 8.1 apps, so it may not be apparent what kind of app you're clicking on until it does or does not switch you to the Desktop. Windows 8.1 Step By Step helps to educate the newcomer about the differences between the two kinds of apps by continuing its focus on the Start screen apps (desktop apps get a mention, but that's pretty much it). Working exclusively with these apps should help the reader understand the full-screen approach and become more at ease with it. People who have used previous versions of Windows already know how the desktop apps work, so there is less need to go into detail about those. There are good, well illustrated instructions for experimenting with built-in apps like Photos, Music, Videos and Maps. The things that have changed in those apps between Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 are also explained in detail - something you will find throughout the book, a very welcome feature. A newcomer can follow the instructions and use the helpful practice files, and should get the hang of it pretty easily. Those who are already familiar with Windows 8 can skim through to find the Windows 8.1 changes and additions, and brush up on their skills with the popular apps along the way.
Getting serious with Windows 8.1
The chapters that describe File Explorer and Internet Explorer 11 are every bit as good as those in the previous edition of the book (the previous edition covered Internet Explorer 10). Newcomers to the Windows 8 world should definitely take time to read these chapters. Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 are very different from their predecessors, and most people will require time and a little hand-holding to feel at ease with the new way of doing things. Having this book in front of you and working your way through the practice exercises (with the practice files, available on the Microsoft web site, using the URL and instructions from the beginning of the book) should ease nearly everyone into file management and internet browsing. Windows 8.1 introduces some changes in the Libraries that I am not sure I agree with. I've been a fan of the concept of Libraries since well before Microsoft included them in Windows. People who got used to Windows 8's way of dealing with Libraries will find the explanation of the changes, and the suggestion for a good way to put things back mostly the way they were (if you want to), very welcome.
Windows 8.1 Step By Step continues its focus on the modern apps by encouraging the reader to use the full-screen version of Internet Explorer 11, even though the full-screen version is described as "minimalistic" and it is less versatile than the Desktop version. For example, it has no support for extensions and toolbars of any kind. Having said that, though, the book does a great job of explaining how the full-screen version works and how the reader can get the most out of it. The chapter should be a must-read for people who use tablets and hybrid devices like Microsoft Surface, because this version of Internet Explorer 11 is very well optimized for touchscreens. SkyDrive is still a rather new feature for most people, and those who haven't taken advantage of this easy to use cloud storage (or have not explored its options) will find plenty of valuable information that should have them getting the most out of the cloud in a very short time. As a relative newcomer to SkyDrive myself, I appreciated this section a lot. SkyDrive is a lot more than just a web service and having a clear explanation of all the ways one can access and use it is a plus. It might have added to the chapter to put in a brief mention of the web-only Office suite that can be used directly from the SkyDrive website. The "social" apps get their own chapter. These are apps like Mail, People, Calendar, Camera and Skype. Since more and more people are buying computers precisely so they can connect with their families and friends, this chapter will probably be high on the list of must-reads for a lot of people. Once again, the reader is eased into what might be a new experience and the explanations should give nearly anyone confidence to dive right in.
Windows 8.1 Step By Step doesn't just give simple "click here to talk with your grandchildren" instructions—it walks the reader through some pretty sophisticated stuff like attaching files from SkyDrive to an email, connecting your Facebook account, and setting up contacts and calendars that will be both simple to use and full-featured enough to be a part of everyone's daily lives. And, of course, no Windows book worth its price would be without a discussion of playing games, buying apps from the Windows Store, and understanding in-app purchases (something everyone needs to know about, lest they end up with a bill that will knock their socks off). Everyone who pays attention to this book should be able to sail through the Windows Store with no trouble. There are also clear instructions for using a Windows 8.1 computer with an Xbox console, which should be very helpful indeed.
Safe and secure - and more
The discussion of connecting to the internet via both wired and wireless networks, using the Network and Sharing Center, and navigating PC Settings is another must-read. So much of what today's computers do relies on an internet connection that getting the connection right is absolutely essential. As in the previous edition, the book walks the newcomer through the process in an easy to understand way. Like its predecessor, Windows 8.1 Step By Step also takes security very seriously. Nowadays, keeping your computer and your data safe and secure is more important than ever. Microsoft has built some great security features into Windows 8.1 and paying attention to the chapters that discuss security issues (and Parental Controls) is essential. The chapter Allowing others to use the computer should be included in the discussion of security, since having separate accounts for separate users makes everything both easier and less riskier. The chapter called Keeping Windows 8.1 safe and secure should be required reading. There is a whole lot more to security than most of us realize, and in this case the old saying "forewarned is forearmed" is absolutely true. The reader should pay especially close attention to the section that deals with really secure passwords. It's a very short section, but it contains warnings that everyone should heed.
There is also a section that deals with the tools one might encounter in using Windows 8.1 at work (the Mobility Center, Bitlocker and VPN). Since some of the features of Windows 8.1, like Bitlocker, are not found on consumer versions of the operating system, if one's workplace uses Bitlocker encryption, it is essential to have instructions for making it work properly. Read the directions in Windows 8.1 Step By Step and your workplace's IT department will thank you. 🙂 One of my favorite chapters from Windows 8 Step By Step has been revised and expanded for the new edition: Tips for improving your computing experience. There's no reason for anyone to stumble around in the dark trying to figure these things out, when experienced authors can make it all so easy to learn. Once again, this final chapter is worth the purchase of the book all by itself.
Summing up
Once again, authors Ciprian Adrian Rusen and Joli Ballew have delivered an easy to understand guide to an operating system that might seem intimidating to a newcomer without someone to virtually hold their hands and walk them through it. When I was first learning how to navigate Windows 8, I kept the previous edition of the book in front of me to explain things I didn't yet understand. As with any book, there are some things that could be improved:
- For example, I think there should have been a note directing readers to the appendix that discusses upgrades, at the beginning of the book.
- Upgrading from Windows XP and Windows Vista to Windows 8.1 is not covered in Windows 8.1 Step by Step, while upgrading from Windows 7 and Windows 8 is covered in a very detailed manner.
This is a large book (larger than its predecessor) but it is packed with useful information. It is a worthy addition to the Step By Step series, which has always had a well-deserved reputation for delivering exactly what it promises. Anyone who wants to get up to speed quickly with Windows 8.1 should find this to be just what they needed. When upgrading to Windows 8.1 or buying a new device with Windows 8.1, keep this book in front of you.