您(Are)是否正在寻找一款出色的条形音箱来让您的客厅(living room)充满高保真声音(fidelity sound)?您想要一个易于设置、音质出色且低音强劲的无线 2.1条形音箱吗?(wireless 2.1)索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱(Sony HT-S350 soundbar)可能正是您想要的。阅读这篇评论,了解它的优缺点,以及它是否适合您的预算和您的需求:
索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱(Sony HT-S350 soundbar):它适合谁?
索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱(Sony HT-S350 soundbar)是以下应用的绝佳选择:
- 想要在客厅中获得高品质声音的人(high-quality sound)
- 那些想要易于设置和使用的条形音箱的人
- 想要强大的独立无线低音炮的用户(wireless subwoofer)
- 想要在条形音箱上播放智能手机音乐的用户
关于索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱(Sony HT-S350 soundbar),我们有很多好话要说:
- 它有很大的力量
- 它提供高质量的声音,非常适合电影和音乐
- 低音炮与底座无线连接
- 它支持HDMI ARC,但可以回退到光纤连接(如果您有旧电视)
- 考虑到你从这个条形音箱中得到的东西,它的价格很平衡(sound bar)
我们在索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱(Sony HT-S350 soundbar)中发现的唯一不利因素是它几乎没有可用的音频输入。HDMI ARC、光纤和蓝牙(Bluetooth)都是现代连接方式,但如果您有一台不支持任何这些连接的旧电视,那么您就不走运了。我们很想看到这个条形音箱至少有一个立体声插孔。(stereo jack)
索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱(Sony HT-S350 soundbar)是一款出色的设备,从我们第一次在其上播放音乐的那一刻起,我们就喜欢使用它。它功能强大,打开低音炮的音量时很容易注意到这一点,但它也提供了良好的声音保真度(sound fidelity)。您从此条形音箱获得的声音,无论是在 4K 电影中还是在听音乐时,都清晰而独特。我们喜欢音频体验,以及易于设置和使用(setup and use)。如果您想要一款音质好、设计周到(discreet design)、制作质量好的(build quality)条形(sound bar)音箱(sound quality),那么设置起来轻而易举,索尼 HT-S350(Sony HT-S350)是您可以做出的最佳选择之一。但是,如果您想要一个带有模拟连接的条形音箱,您可能想看看其他地方,因为这个没有这些。
拆箱索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱
索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱装(Sony HT-S350 soundbar)在一个 L 形的巨大盒子中,以适应其内容。在盒子的正面,您可以看到产品的名称和靠近电视的图片。您还可以看到它的主要功能和硬件规格(hardware specs)。
在盒子的另一边,索尼(Sony)打印了条形音箱的其他信息和图片(information and pictures)。当您打开盒子时,您会看到里面(everything inside)的所有东西都用保护泡沫包装。拆箱后,您会得到条形音箱及其无线低音炮(wireless subwoofer)、遥控器、两节索尼 AAA(Sony AAA)电池、一根光纤音频线(audio cable)、一堆手册和保修文件。
索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱提供的拆箱体验令人愉悦。包装盒中唯一缺少的是 HDMI ARC 电缆。(The unboxing experience offered by the Sony HT-S350 soundbar is a pleasant one. The only thing that's missing from the box is an HDMI ARC cable.)
索尼 HT-S350(Sony HT-S350)是一款功能强大的条形音箱,总输出功率(power output)为 320瓦(Watts),这意味着您可以将音量提高不少。整个功率通过安装在条形音箱末端的两个扬声器和无线低音炮(wireless subwoofer)传递。
索尼(Sony)告诉我们,条形音箱配备了一项名为S-Force Pro Front Surround的技术。那是什么意思?索尼(Sony)表示,这项技术“通过模拟影院式环绕声(surround sound),让您置身于您喜爱的电影的中心,而无需额外的后置扬声器。” 如果确实如此,我们将在本次审查的稍后部分看到。🙂
得益于其巨大的 6.30" 扬声器,无线低音炮(wireless subwoofer)可以提供强大而深沉的低频声音。如果您查看扬声器下方的大管道,很容易注意到它的功率。此外(Furthermore),索尼(Sony)还提到低音炮有一个相当大的6.16 加仑的体积。
索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱(Sony HT-S350 soundbar)可以安装在墙上,例如电视下方,以帮助您节省空间。至于低音炮,你显然不能把它安装在墙上。它以无线方式连接到条形音箱,您可以将其放置在房间内附近有电源插座(power socket)的任何地方。
条形音箱必须做的一件事是它提供了各种连接选项。如果您的电视没有HDMI ARC 端口(HDMI ARC port),您可以使用HDMI ARC(音频回传通道(Audio Return Channel))或光纤音频线(audio cable)将Sony HT-S350连接到电视机。此外,条形音箱可以通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)从与其连接的任何设备(例如智能手机、平板电脑或笔记本电脑)流式传输音乐。条形音箱使用蓝牙版本 5(Bluetooth version 5),但它也与旧蓝牙(Bluetooth)版本兼容。
当它处于活动状态并播放声音时,索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱(Sony HT-S350 soundbar)需要 30瓦(Watts),而低音炮需要另外 25瓦(Watts)。在购买此类设备之前,您可能还想知道它有多大,以便知道它是否适合您的家。索尼 HT-S350(Sony HT-S350)的条形音箱单元(soundbar unit)的宽x 高(x height)x 深(x depth)为 35.5 x 2.52 x 3.47 英寸(900 x 64 x 88 毫米),重量为 5.30 磅或 2.4 千克。低音炮的宽x 高(x height)x 深(x depth)为 7.48 x 15.04 x 15.36 或 190mm x 382mm x 390mm ,重量为 17.20 磅或 7.8 公斤。那是相当沉重!
如果您想了解有关此产品硬件规格的更多详细信息,请访问索尼 HT-S350 完整规格和功能(Sony HT-S350 Full Specification and Features)。
索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱看起来像是一款高品质设备。它的硬件规格是功能强大的设备的规格,应该提供优质的聆听体验。(The Sony HT-S350 soundbar looks like a high-quality device. Its hardware specifications are those of a powerful device that should offer a premium listening experience.)
使用索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱
索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱(Sony HT-S350 soundbar)易于使用和连接。无论是您的电视、笔记本电脑还是智能手机,都没有关系,因为它们都可以快速连接。您可能想要在家中使用条形音箱的主要原因可能是因为您希望电视获得更好的声音。在这种情况下,如果您的电视有HDMI ARC 端口(HDMI ARC port),那么您应该使用它来将其连接到条形音箱。
但是,如果您的电视较旧且没有HDMI ARC,您可以回退到使用光缆。尽管条形音箱还支持蓝牙(Bluetooth),但我们不建议将其与您的电视一起使用,因为这种类型的无线连接无法为您提供该条形音箱所能提供的音质水平。有线连接总是更快,并提供最高的音质。
索尼 HT-S350(Sony HT-S350)是看电影和听音乐这两个我们最喜欢的娱乐选择的绝佳选择。观看电影时,条形音箱提供清晰易懂的声音和深沉而丰富的低音,听起来很棒,尤其是在动作电影中。有人喜欢死侍或复仇者联盟(Deadpool or Avengers)吗?
该条形音箱上的所谓 S-Force Pro Front Surround技术是让电影观看体验更加出色的一项功能。尽管条形音箱没有侧置或后置扬声器,但 S-Force Pro增强了对话效果,让您感觉声音来自四面八方。如果您在相对较小或中等的房间中使用条形音箱,它不是真正的环绕声,但它很接近。
听音乐也是一种同样美妙的体验,尤其是在听现代俱乐部音乐(club music)时。索尼 HT-S350(Sony HT-S350)不仅提供强劲的低音,而且同样表现出色的中音和清晰的高音。每种声音都丰富且与其他声音区分开来。我们喜欢听古典音乐,但我们也被浩室音乐或金属音乐所(house or metal music)激发。
遥控器布局简单,易于理解。除了改变条形音箱的音量外,它还可以让您调节无线低音炮(wireless subwoofer)、切换声音模式等。顺便说一句,索尼(Sony)还为遥控器捆绑了一套索尼 AAA电池。(Sony AAA)
条形音箱和低音炮看起来(soundbar and subwoofer look)制作精良且坚固耐用。低音炮由木头制成,漆成黑色。如果您问我们,这是一个绝佳的选择。条形音箱和低音炮(soundbar and subwoofer)在扬声器所在的位置都有略微圆形的形状。此外,它们的正面都使用了大型金属格栅,以保护内部的扬声器,同时也使它们看起来不错。总体而言,设计令人愉悦且简单明了,并且构建质量令人满意。
我们喜欢索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱,无论是功率还是音质。构建质量是您对带有价格标签的设备的期望,并且所有用户都会赞赏其易用性。(We enjoyed the Sony HT-S350 soundbar, both its power and sound quality. The build quality is what you expect from a device with its price tag, and the ease of use is going to be appreciated by all users.)
你喜欢索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱(Sony HT-S350 soundbar)吗?
现在您知道我们对索尼 HT-S350 条形音箱的看法(Sony HT-S350 soundbar)了。我们喜欢它的很多地方,在结束这篇评论之前,我们也想看看你的意见。你家里已经有这个条形音箱了吗?与可能有兴趣购买它的其他人分享您的体验。(Share)在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
Sony HT-S350 review: High quality sound for your living room!
Are yоu looking for a great soundbar to fill your living room with high fidelity sound? Do you want a wireless 2.1 soundbar that is easy to set up, sounds great and has a powerful bass? The Sony HT-S350 soundbar might be what you are looking for. Read this review, see its strengths and weaknesѕes, and whether іt is a good fit for your budget, and your needs:
The Sony HT-S350 soundbar: Who is it good for?
The Sony HT-S350 soundbar is an excellent choice for:
- People who want high-quality sound in their living rooms
- Those who want a soundbar that is easy to set up and use
- Users who want a powerful independent wireless subwoofer
- People who want to play music from their smartphone on their soundbar
Pros and cons
We have plenty of good things to say about the Sony HT-S350 soundbar:
- It has a lot of power
- It delivers quality sound, which makes it great for movies as well as for music
- The subwoofer is wirelessly connected to the base
- It supports HDMI ARC but can fall back to an optical connection (if you have an older TV)
- Its price is well balanced, considering what you get from this sound bar
The only negative thing we found in the Sony HT-S350 soundbar, is the fact that it has few audio inputs available. HDMI ARC, optical, and Bluetooth are all modern means of connecting, but if you have an older TV that does not support any of these connections, you're out of luck. We would have loved to see this soundbar have a stereo jack at least.
The Sony HT-S350 soundbar is an excellent device that we enjoyed using from the moment we first played music on it. It is powerful, and that's easily noticeable when turning on the subwoofer's volume, but it also offers good sound fidelity. The sound you get from this soundbar, be it in a 4K movie or while listening to music, is clear and distinct. We loved the audio experience, as well as the ease of setup and use. If you want a sound bar with good sound quality, a discreet design, good build quality, that is a breeze to set up, Sony HT-S350 is one of the best choices you can make. However, you might want to look elsewhere if you want a soundbar with analog connections, because this one has none of those.
Unboxing the Sony HT-S350 soundbar
The Sony HT-S350 soundbar arrives in a huge box that's shaped like an L, to fit its contents. On the front side of the box, you see the name of the product and a picture of it near a TV. You also see its main features and hardware specs.
On the other side of the box, Sony printed other pieces of information and pictures of the soundbar. When you open the box, you see that everything inside is packed in protective foam. When you've unboxed everything, you get the soundbar and its wireless subwoofer, the remote control, and two Sony AAA batteries, an optical audio cable, a bunch of manuals, and the warranty documents.
The unboxing experience offered by the Sony HT-S350 soundbar is a pleasant one. The only thing that's missing from the box is an HDMI ARC cable.
Hardware specifications
The Sony HT-S350 is a powerful soundbar that has a total power output of 320 Watts, which means you can push the volume up quite a bit. That whole power is delivered through two speakers mounted at the ends of the soundbar, and through the wireless subwoofer.
Sony tells us that the soundbar is equipped with a technology called S-Force Pro Front Surround. What does that mean? Sony says that it's a technology that "puts you right at the heart of the movies you love by emulating theater-style surround sound, without the need for additional rear speakers." We'll see later on in this review if that is really the case. 🙂
The wireless subwoofer can deliver powerful and deep low-frequency sounds, thanks to its massive 6.30" speaker. Its power is easy to notice, if you look at the large duct under the speaker. Furthermore, Sony also mentions that the subwoofer has a sizeable 6.16-gallon volume.
The Sony HT-S350 soundbar can be mounted on a wall, like underneath your TV, to help you save space. As for the subwoofer, you evidently cannot mount it on walls. It connects wirelessly to the soundbar, and you can place it anywhere in the room where there's a power socket nearby.
One thing that's mandatory for a soundbar is that it offers various connectivity options. You can connect the Sony HT-S350 to your TV set using HDMI ARC (Audio Return Channel) or using an optical audio cable if your TV does not have an HDMI ARC port. Also, the soundbar can stream music via Bluetooth, from any device connected to it, such as from a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. The soundbar uses Bluetooth version 5 but it is also compatible with older Bluetooth versions.
When it is active and playing sound, the Sony HT-S350 soundbar needs 30 Watts and the subwoofer another 25 Watts. Before you buy such a device, you might also want to know how large it is, so that you know whether it fits in your home. The soundbar unit of the Sony HT-S350 is 35.5 x 2.52 x 3.47 inches (900 x 64 x 88 mm) in width x height x depth, and weighs 5.30 lb or 2.4 kg. The subwoofer is 7.48 x 15.04 x 15.36 or 190mm x 382mm x 390mm in width x height x depth, and weighs 17.20 lb or 7.8kg. That's quite heavy!
If you want even more details about the hardware specifications of this product, visit Sony HT-S350 Full Specification and Features.
The Sony HT-S350 soundbar looks like a high-quality device. Its hardware specifications are those of a powerful device that should offer a premium listening experience.
Using the Sony HT-S350 soundbar
The Sony HT-S350 soundbar is easy to use and connect to. Whether it's your TV, laptop, or smartphone, it does not matter because they are all quick to connect. The main reason why you might want a soundbar in your home is probably because you want better sound from your TV. In that case, if your TV has an HDMI ARC port, that's what you should use to connect it to the soundbar.
However, if your TV is older and does not have HDMI ARC, you can fall back to using an optical cable. Although the soundbar also supports Bluetooth, we do not recommend using it with your TV because this type of wireless connection won't give you the level of sound quality that this sound bar can deliver. The wired connections are always faster, and deliver maximum sound quality.
The Sony HT-S350 is an excellent choice both for watching movies and listening to music, two of our favorite entertainment options. When watching movies, the soundbar delivers crystal clear voices which are easy to understand and a deep and rich bass, which sounds fantastic, especially in action movies. Anyone enjoying Deadpool or Avengers?
A feature that makes movie watching an even better experience is the so-called S-Force Pro Front Surround tech that's found on this soundbar. Even though the soundbar has no side or rear speakers, the S-Force Pro enhances the dialogue and gives you the feeling that the sound comes from everywhere. It's not the true surround but it's close, if you are using the soundbar in a relatively small or medium room.
Listening to music is a similarly great experience, especially when listening to modern club music. The Sony HT-S350 offers not only a powerful bass, but equally well-represented mid tones and clear highs. Every sound is rich and distinguishable from the others. We enjoyed listening to classical music, but we were also energized by house or metal music.
The remote control has a simple layout that is easy to understand. Besides changing the volume of the soundbar, it also lets you adjust the wireless subwoofer, switch between sound modes, and so on. By the way, Sony also bundles a set of Sony AAA batteries for the remote control.
Both the soundbar and subwoofer look well made and robust. The subwoofer is made of wood, that's painted black. An excellent choice, if you ask us. Both the soundbar and subwoofer have slightly rounded shapes where the speakers are. Also, both of them use large metal grilles on their front sides, to protect the speakers inside, and also to make them look nice. Overall, the design is pleasant and straightforward, and the build quality is satisfying.
We enjoyed the Sony HT-S350 soundbar, both its power and sound quality. The build quality is what you expect from a device with its price tag, and the ease of use is going to be appreciated by all users.
Do you like the Sony HT-S350 soundbar?
Now you know our opinion about the Sony HT-S350 soundbar. There are many things we like about it and, before closing this review, we would like to read your opinion too. Do you already have this soundbar in your home? Share your experience with other people that might be interested in purchasing it. Comment below and let's discuss.