索尼(Sony)发布了一套专为世界上所有低音爱好者设计的新耳机。它们被称为Sony MDR-XB950N1,它们是无线的(通过蓝牙和 NFC(Bluetooth and NFC)),具有额外的低音、降噪(noise canceling)和令人愉悦的设计。我们对它们进行了一段时间的测试,现在我们想与您分享我们的印象。无论它们是否是您的绝佳选择,您都可以在此评论中找到:
索尼 MDR-XB950N1(Sony MDR-XB950N1):它对谁有好处?
在以下情况下, Sony MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机是绝佳的选择:
- 你喜欢低音和(bass and music)有很多低频声音的音乐
- 您想要一副提供降噪功能的耳机
- 您希望耳机上有触摸控制(按钮)
购买索尼 MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机的主要优点是:
- 它们旨在提供强劲的低音
- 它们可以减少环境声音,以便您享受音乐
- 他们可以使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)和NFC以无线方式连接到您的设备
- 它们具有良好的制造质量(build quality),可能会持续几年
- 即使长时间使用也很舒适
- 您可以折叠和旋转耳罩(ear cups),让您在旅行中更轻松地携带它们。
- 他们的电池可以使用几个小时
索尼 MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机有以下弱点:
- 额外的低音对某些人来说太强了,他们可能不喜欢
- 您只能在Android和 iOS 设备上使用该应用程序来自定义贝司,但不能在装有Windows 或 OS X的 PC 上使用(Windows or OS X)
- 充电需要很长时间
索尼 MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机对于喜欢低音并打算主要与Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)或 iPhone 一起使用的人来说是一个绝佳的选择。我们最喜欢这些耳机的地方在于它们的舒适度以及它们在降低环境噪音方面做得很好。它们看起来不错,而且很坚固。如果您喜欢低频声音,那么索尼 MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机值得购买。但是,如果您想要一副能够提供均衡声音的耳机,您应该尝试其他不像这些耳机那样强调低音的型号。
索尼 MDR-XB950N1(Sony MDR-XB950N1)无线降噪耳机开箱
索尼 MDR-XB950N1(Sony MDR-XB950N1)耳机采用精美的包装盒包装。它上面的几乎所有东西(Almost everything)都印有黑色和深灰色,重点在于“超低音”("Extra Bass")功能。
与正面相比,盒子的背面充满了更多的信息。除其他细节外,我们发现耳机具有增强低频声音的(low-frequency sound)电子低音(Electro Bass Booster)增强器,它们可以以数字方式消除环境噪音,并且索尼(Sony)创建了一个用于控制耳机某些功能的应用程序,可用于Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS) .
打开盒子,发现里面还有一个盒子。这个是由厚厚的黑色纸板制成的,在里面,耳机位于模制塑料支架(plastic support)的顶部。我们的第一印象是这些耳机看起来很高级,但也有点笨重。与它们捆绑在一起,您会发现一个由柔软织物制成的便携袋、一根两端带有 3.5 毫米立体声迷你插头的(stereo mini)音频线(audio cable),以及常见的文书工作:用户手册(user manual)、快速入门指南(start guide)和保修。
在索尼(Sony)的网站上,我们了解到这些耳机还配备了USB 数据线(USB cable)用于充电。我们没有在盒子里找到它,但我们测试的样品不是用于零售店,而是用于营销目的。
我们对 Sony MDR-XB950N1 无线耳机的拆箱体验非常愉快。索尼在包装这些耳机时注重细节。(The unboxing experience we had with the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones was pleasant. Sony paid attention to details when packaging these headphones.)
Sony MDR-XB950N1是一副无线耳机,它使用蓝牙4.1 版(version 4.1)(Advanced Audio Distribution Profile A2DP、Audio/Video Remote Control Profile AVRCP、Hands-Free Profile HFP、Headset Profile HSP)连接到您的设备,它还支持通过NFC一键配对。它们也可以通过标准的 3.5 毫米音频线(audio cable)作为有线使用。
索尼 MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机是包耳式的,这意味着它们可以覆盖您的整个耳朵,并使用相当大的 1.57 英寸驱动单元。理论上,驱动器越大,声音越好。
它们还具有Extra Bass功能,只需按一下按钮,即可将低端声音频率提高到更高水平。同样只需按下一个按钮,耳机就可以激活另一个很酷的功能:数字降噪(Digital Noise Cancelling)。这意味着它们可以“删除”不需要的环境噪音(ambient noise),这样您就可以享受您所听的音乐而不会被交通或人(traffic or people)打扰。
无线意味着耳机需要电池才能运行。幸运的是,即使在开启降噪功能(noise canceling feature)的情况下,充满电的自主性也很充足,大约 22 小时。为耳机充满电大约需要 7 小时。不幸的是,这是一个很长的时间。
索尼 MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机有两种颜色可供选择:黑色和绿色。我们测试的是黑色版本。
如果您想详细了解这些无线耳机的硬件规格和所有功能,请访问此网页: (hardware specs)Sony MDR-XB950N1 - 完整规格和功能(Sony MDR-XB950N1 - Full Specifications and Features)。
使用索尼 MDR-XB950N1(Sony MDR-XB950N1)无线降噪耳机
索尼 MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机看起来很高级,但正如我们之前提到的,感觉有点笨重。这并不是说他们不好看。耳罩很大,上面覆盖着柔软的毛绒,即使您将它们戴在头上数小时也很舒适。
我们喜欢索尼 MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机的一件事是索尼(Sony)在耳罩上放置了许多不同的按钮。在这些耳机上听一两个小时的音乐后,您会了解每个按钮的位置及其作用。它们具有不同的形状和大小,因此只需触摸即可轻松识别它们,而无需将它们从头上移开或拿到智能手机。
右侧耳罩(ear cup)上有电源键(power button)、低音效果键(bass effect button)、micro USB接口(USB port)、3.5mm音频接口、降噪键。
在左耳罩上,您可以看到音量摇杆(volume rocker)和播放/暂停/电话、前进和后退开关。
在Sony MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机上聆听音乐是一种享受,尤其是如果您喜欢低音丰富的曲目。我们喜欢嘻哈、trip-hop、电子或雷鬼等流派的音乐。但是,当您聆听其他类型的音乐(如摇滚、重金属或古典音乐)时,低音频率会感觉有点过于强大。即使我们禁用了耳机上的Extra Bass,低频声音仍然有点过于强大。
幸运的是,索尼(Sony)还提供了一个应用程序,您可以使用它来稍微调整低音。我们在 iPhone SE 上进行了尝试,结果好坏参半。它确实设法降低了低点,但是当你将它们削减太多时,感觉中频被过分强调了,而高点则没有应有的清晰。所以,也许索尼(Sony)应该稍微调整一下它的均衡器算法。此外,不幸的是,该应用程序仅适用于Android和 iOS 设备 - 它不能在Windows或 macOS 计算机上使用。
降噪(noise canceling)效果很好,我们觉得它的效果很好:当你打开它时,它会将环境噪音减半。我们在一个交通繁忙的城市用了一周的时间测试了这些耳机,而我们所在的公寓就在一条主要街道旁边。交通拥挤(Traffic),你可以听到汽车、电车和救护车冲过车道。戴上索尼 MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机后,这些噪音会被发送到后台,即使您仍然可以听到它们,它们也不会像关闭降噪(noise canceling)功能时那样令人不安。
索尼 MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机也可以作为耳机使用,这意味着它们还具有内置麦克风。我们在几个电话中尝试了它,我们可以说它做得很好。我们通过电话与之交谈的人说,他们可以清楚地听到我们的声音。
作为最终测试,我们还在一些我们喜欢玩的游戏中使用了索尼MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机,例如英雄(Legends)联盟(League)、刺客(Assassin)信条黑旗(Creed Black Flag)和地铁 2033(Metro 2033)。它们不是为游戏而设计的,但它们在这方面做得很好。由于强劲的低音,射击枪听起来特别令人满意。🙂
索尼 MDR-XB950N1 无线耳机是低音爱好者的绝佳选择。我们喜欢它们的设计、长时间使用舒适的事实、它们的降噪功能以及它们在收听电子音乐或trip-hop音乐时的声音。然而,我们觉得低音被过分强调了,中音和高音可以更好地校准。(The Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones are an excellent choice for bass lovers. We like their design, the fact that they are comfortable to use for extended periods, their noise-canceling feature, and how they sound when listening to electronic or trip-hop music. However, we feel that the bass is overemphasized and the mids and highs could be better calibrated.)
您对索尼 MDR-XB950N1(Sony MDR-XB950N1)无线降噪耳机有何看法?
阅读我们的评测后,您对Sony MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机有何看法?您想要这种具有降噪(noise canceling)功能和强劲低音的耳机吗?你已经买了一双吗?使用下面的评论部分分享您对Sony MDR-XB950N1 无线(Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless)耳机的想法或体验。
Sony MDR-XB950N1 review: Noise-cancelling headphones for bass lovers
Sony has released a new set of headphones designed for all the bass lovеrs in the world. They are сalled Sony MDR-XB950N1, they are wireless (through Bluetooth and NFC), have extra bass, noise canceling, and a pleasant design. We tested them for a while, and now we want to share our impresѕions with you. Whether they are a great choice for you, or not, you can find out in this review:
Sony MDR-XB950N1: Who is it good for?
The Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones are an excellent choice if:
- You love bass and music with a lot of low-frequency sounds
- You want a pair of headphones that offers noise cancelling
- You want your headphones to have touch controls (buttons) on them
Pros and cons
The main pros for buying the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones are:
- They are designed to deliver powerful bass
- They can cut down ambient sounds, so that you can enjoy your music
- They can connect to your devices wirelessly, using Bluetooth, and NFC
- They have a good build quality and will probably last you for a couple of years
- They are comfortable to use even for extended periods of time
- You can fold and swivel the ear cups, to carry them more easily on your travels
- Their battery lasts many hours
The Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones have the following weaknesses:
- The extra bass is too strong for some people, and they might not like it
- You can use the app that lets you customize the bass only on Android and iOS devices, but not on PCs with Windows or OS X
- It takes a long time to charge them
The Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones are an excellent choice for anyone who loves bass and intends to use them mainly with an Android smartphone or with an iPhone. What we like most about these headphones is how comfortable they are and the fact that they do a good job at cutting down ambient noise. They look good, and they are sturdy. If low-frequency sounds are your thing, the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones are worth buying. However, if you want a pair of headphones that deliver well balanced sound, you should try other models that do not emphasize the bass as much as these do.
Unboxing the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless noise-canceling headphones
The Sony MDR-XB950N1 headphones are packaged in a premium looking box. Almost everything on it is printed in black and dark gray colors, and the emphasis falls on the "Extra Bass" features.
Compared to its front side, the back side of the box is filled with much more information. Among other details, there we find that the headphones feature an Electro Bass Booster that enhances the low-frequency sound, that they can digitally cancel ambient noise, and that Sony created an app for controlling some features of the headphones, available for Android and iOS.
When you open the box, you find out that there is another box inside. This one is made from thick black cardboard, and inside it, the headphones are sitting on top of a molded plastic support. Our first impression is that these headphones look premium but also a bit bulky. Bundled with them, you find a carrying pouch made from soft textile, an audio cable with 3.5mm stereo mini plugs on its ends, and the usual paperwork: the user manual, the quick start guide, and the warranty.
On Sony's website, we learned that these headphones are also supplied with a USB cable for charging them. We did not find it in the box, but the sample we tested was not meant for retail stores, but for marketing purposes.
The unboxing experience we had with the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones was pleasant. Sony paid attention to details when packaging these headphones.
Hardware specifications
Sony MDR-XB950N1 is a pair of wireless headphones that use Bluetooth version 4.1 (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile A2DP, Audio/Video Remote Control Profile AVRCP, Hands-Free Profile HFP, Headset Profile HSP) to connect to your devices, and which also supports one-touch pairing via NFC. They can also be used as wired, via a standard 3.5mm audio cable.
The Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones are circumaural, meaning that they cover your entire ear, and use sizeable 1.57inch driver units. Theoretically, the larger the drivers, the better the sound.
They also come with an Extra Bass feature that can enhance low-end sound frequencies to a higher level, with a simple touch of a button. Also just by pressing a button, the headphones can activate another cool feature: Digital Noise Cancelling. That means that they can "delete" unwanted ambient noise so that you can enjoy the music you listen to without being bothered by traffic or people, for example.
Being wireless means that the headphones need a battery to run. Fortunately, the autonomy on a full charge is generous, about 22 hours, even with the noise canceling feature turned on. Charging the headphones entirely takes approximately 7 hours. Unfortunately, that is a long time.
The Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones are available in two color variations: black and green. The ones that we tested were the black version.
If you want to read more about the hardware specs and all the features of these wireless headphones, visit this webpage: Sony MDR-XB950N1 - Full Specifications and Features.
Using the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless noise-canceling headphones
The Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones look premium but, as we mentioned a bit earlier, feel a bit bulky. That is not to say that they are not good looking. The ear cups are large and are covered in soft plush that makes them comfortable, even if you keep them on your head for many hours.
The headband is made of metal that is rigid but does not squeeze your head, just as it should be, and it is also covered with soft plush. The sliders on the headphones are long enough to let you adjust them comfortably even if your head is large or if you dreadlock your hair. 🙂
If you are a traveler and you want to take these headphones with you, a good thing about them that you should know is that their ear cups are foldable and can swivel. Although they are still large, they are relatively easy to take away with you.
One thing that we like about the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones is the fact that Sony has put a lot of distinct buttons on the ear cups. After an hour or two of listening to music on these headphones, you learn where each button is found and what it does. They have different shapes and sizes, so it is easy to identify them all using only touch, and not having to get them off of your head or reach your smartphone.
On the right ear cup, there is the power button, the bass effect button, the micro USB port, the 3.5mm audio jack, and the noise canceling button.
On the left ear cup, you get the volume rocker and a switch for play/pause/phone, forward and back.
Listening to music on the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones is a pleasure, especially if you like bass rich tracks. We loved how music from genres such as hip-hop, trip-hop, electronic or reggae sounds. However, the bass frequencies feel a bit too powerful when you listen to other types of music such as rock, heavy metal or classical music. Even if we disabled the Extra Bass on the headphones, the low-frequency sounds were still a bit too powerful.
Fortunately, Sony also offers an app that you can use to adjust the bass a little. We tried it on an iPhone SE, and we got some mixed results with it. It does manage to cut down the lows, but when you cut them too much, it feels like the mids are overemphasized, and the highs are not as clear as they should be. So, maybe Sony should try to adjust its equalizer algorithms a bit. Also, it is rather unfortunate that the app is available only for Android and iOS devices - it cannot be used on Windows or macOS computers.
The noise canceling works well, and we felt its results in a good way: when you turn it on, it halves the ambient noise. We tested these headphones during a week in a city with lots of traffic, and the apartment in which we were was right next to a main street. Traffic was intense, and you could hear cars, trams, and ambulances rushing through the lanes. With the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones on your head, those noises are sent to the background and, even if you can still hear them, they are not as disturbing as when the noise canceling is off.
The Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones can also work as a headset, meaning that they also have a built-in microphone. We tried it in a few phone calls, and we can say that it does a good job. The people to whom we have spoken over the phone said that they could hear us well and clear.
As a final test, we also used the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones in a few games that we like to play, such as League of Legends, Assassin's Creed Black Flag, and Metro 2033. They are not designed for gaming, but they do a good job in this area. Thanks to the powerful bass, firing guns sound especially satisfying. 🙂
The Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones are an excellent choice for bass lovers. We like their design, the fact that they are comfortable to use for extended periods, their noise-canceling feature, and how they sound when listening to electronic or trip-hop music. However, we feel that the bass is overemphasized and the mids and highs could be better calibrated.
What is your opinion about the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless noise-canceling headphones?
After reading our review, what do you think about the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones? Do you want such headphones with noise canceling features and powerful bass? Have you already bought a pair? Use the comments section below to share your thoughts or experiences about the Sony MDR-XB950N1 wireless headphones.