索尼 WH-1000XM2(Sony WH-1000XM2)是一款流行的无线耳机(wireless headset),具有自适应降噪(noise canceling)功能,以及许多有趣的功能,如触控、快速充电和高品质声音(high-quality sound)。我们喜欢它们的外观,并且对它们的硬件规格印象深刻,因此我们决定对它们进行两周的测试。如果您想知道他们必须提供什么样的用户体验,请阅读我们对Sony WH-1000XM2的评论:
索尼 WH-1000XM2 无线(Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless)耳机是以下设备的绝佳选择:
- 想要高品质移动音频体验的用户
- 想要使用优质材料的耐用耳机的人
- 欣赏优雅设计并负担得起的用户
购买索尼 WH-1000XM2 无线(Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless)耳机的主要优点如下:
- 出色的音质
- 有效的噪音消除
- 坚固的构建质量
- 优雅的设计
- 良好的电池寿命
- 它可以用作有线和无线耳机
- 包装捆绑有用的配件
- 您必须使用Sony Headphones Connect移动应用程序才能访问最佳功能
- 没有适用于Windows 或 Mac OS X(Windows or Mac OS X)的应用程序。没有它,索尼 WH-1000XM2(Sony WH-1000XM2)听起来更像是一款中档耳机,而不是高级耳机
- 麦克风无法很好地将您的声音与环境声音隔离开来
具有自适应降噪(noise cancelling)功能的索尼 WH-1000XM2 无线(Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless)耳机是一款优质设备,具有出色的音质(sound quality)。它需要您安装和配置适用于Android 或 iOS(Android or iOS)的移动应用程序,以释放其真正潜力,这一事实强调了它对移动音频体验的关注。它看起来很棒,很坚固,它的自适应降噪(noise canceling)很有效,而且您获得的音质(sound quality)是市场上最好的之一。如果您想要优质的无线耳机(wireless headset),索尼 WH-1000XM2(Sony WH-1000XM2)必须在您的候选名单上。
拆箱索尼 WH-1000XM2 无线(Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless)耳机与降噪(noise cancelling)
索尼 WH-1000XM2 无线(Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless)耳机采用漂亮的白色包装盒。首先(First),您会看到耳机的图片、型号名称(model name)以及一些最重要的功能。
侧面有关于盒子内物品的更多信息,以及此耳机随附的移动应用程序的链接。打开盒子,你会发现里面还有一个黑色的盒子,上面印着索尼的标志(Sony logo)。
打开便携袋和黑盒内的所有物品后,您会发现以下物品:耳机、耳机线(headphone cable)、micro-USB 线、保修和快速设置指南(setup guide)。
一个令人惊讶的配件是隐藏在手提箱内的飞机适配器插头。(airplane adapter plug)如果您经常飞行,您会喜欢将它放在这款耳机的标准包装中。
索尼 WH-1000XM2 所提供的开箱体验,不愧是高端设备。包装丰富的配件,可以在各种情况下为您服务。(The unboxing experience offered by Sony WH-1000XM2 is worthy of a premium device. The packaging is rich in accessories that can serve you in all kinds of situations.)
Sony WH-1000XM2是一款使用蓝牙 4.1(Bluetooth 4.1)进行无线连接的耳机,以及以下蓝牙(Bluetooth)配置文件:高级音频分配配置文件(Advanced Audio Distribution Profile)( A2DP )、Audio/Video Remote Control Profile( AVRCP )、免提配置文件(Profile)( HFP )、耳机配置文件(Headset Profile)( HSP )、领导力发展和咨询委员会(Leadership Development and Advisory Council)( LDAC )。它还支持通过NFC进行一键配对,并且借助其 3.5mm(NFC)音频线(audio cable)也可以作为有线使用。他们的无线范围(wireless range)大约 30 英尺或 10 米,它们重 9.7 盎司或 275 克。
索尼 WH-1000XM2(Sony WH-1000XM2)是包耳式的,这意味着它们可以覆盖您的整个耳朵,并使用相当大的 1.57 英寸驱动单元。理论上,驱动器越大,声音越好。它们的频率响应(frequency response)为 4 Hz-40,000 Hz,阻抗可在 14 到 46 欧姆之间变化,具体取决于它们的使用方式。
他们的身体主要由塑料制成,头带上有抛光金属,耳朵有合成皮革。头带和耳垫由聚氨酯泡沫制成(polyurethane foam)。这款耳机有两种颜色版本:黑色和金色(或米色)。我们测试了黄金版。
在右侧耳机上,您有一个可感应触摸手势的触感表面。您可以使用它来调高或调低音量、接听电话或在听音乐时跳过歌曲。在它上面,您还有用于为耳机充电的微型USB 端口(USB port)。在左侧耳机(left headphone)上,有音频插孔、电源按钮(Power button)以及用于打开和关闭降噪功能(noise cancellation feature)的按钮。
索尼 WH-1000XM2 耳机(Sony WH-1000XM2 headset)承诺提供高分辨率音频(high-resolution audio),使用各种工具和功能,如均衡器、数字声音增强引擎 HX(Digital Sound Enhancement Engine HX) ( DSEE HXTM )、环境声音控制(sound control)、数字噪音消除(noise cancellation)和虚拟环绕声(surround sound)。
开启降噪功能后,自主权最长可达 30 小时,关闭后最长可达 38 小时。电池充电时间(battery charging time)相对较长:长达四个小时。但是,有一个快速充电功能(charging feature),只需充电 10 分钟即可让您玩 70 分钟。
如果您想详细了解这些无线耳机的硬件规格和所有功能,请访问此网页: (hardware specs)Sony WH-1000XM2 - 完整规格和功能(Sony WH-1000XM2 - Full Specifications and Features)。
使用索尼 WH-1000XM2(Sony WH-1000XM2)无线降噪耳机
我们首先在台式电脑上使用索尼 WH-1000XM2 耳机(Sony WH-1000XM2 headset),并借助随附的线缆。由于没有适用于Windows 或 Mac OS X(Windows or Mac OS X)的软件,因此我们无法配置它们的工作方式。在这种情况下,我们注意到低音往往比其他耳机更明显。这使得索尼 WH-1000XM2(Sony WH-1000XM2)非常适合聆听强调低音的音乐流派。但是,当您想要干净的人声,或者您听古典音乐或金属音乐(music or metal)时,体验会有点平淡无奇。我们还玩了一些电脑游戏,我们享受了声音体验(sound experience)。由于更明显的低音,射击枪听起来特别令人满意。
降噪功能效果很好。在某些情况下太好了。(Too)如果您在家、在办公室或乘汽车或火车旅行,您会对消除或减弱环境声音的方式感到满意。此功能可提供身临其境的音频体验(audio experience)。一个巧妙的小技巧是,您可以将手放在右耳罩上(ear cup),让外界进入。
我们不建议在交通中或在繁忙的街道上行走时使用降噪功能。(noise cancellation)我们这样做了,有一次,我们几乎陷入了一场事故,因为我们没有听到我们周围发生的事情。为确保您自己的安全,您应在此类情况下禁用噪音消除,或使用适用于(noise cancellation)Android和iOS的(iOS)Sony Headphones Connect移动应用程序进行个性化设置。说到这个应用程序,如果您想从索尼 WH-1000XM2 耳机(Sony WH-1000XM2 headset)中获得最佳体验,您必须将其安装在您的移动设备上。
所有基本功能仅通过Sony Headphones Connect进行个性化。您应该从打开自适应声音控制(sound control)开始,然后运行降噪优化器,这样您就可以获得最佳体验,而不会让自己处于危险之中。您还应该使用均衡器、音质模式(sound quality mode)和DSEE HX 功能(DSEE HX feature)。
在我们个性化了我们想要的一切之后,我们享受了更好的声音体验。感觉就像我们在使用具有高品质声音(high-quality sound)的高级耳机。声音更有动感。在聆听前卫摇滚、古典音乐或后摇滚等音乐流派时,我们享受清晰的人声和出色的音频体验。(audio experience)看电影也是一种享受。
索尼 WH-1000XM2 耳机(Sony WH-1000XM2 headset)的另一个特点是右耳(ear cup)罩上的触控。我们使用了几次,并且了解到暂停和恢复音乐每次都效果很好。接电话的手势也是如此。其他手势,比如调高或调低音量,并不总是能达到预期的效果,我们最终暂停了音乐,而不是提高音量。
我们还用索尼WH-1000XM2耳机(Sony WH-1000XM2 headset)接听电话,虽然我们听到了和我们交谈好的人,但对方也听到了我们周围的环境噪音,让谈话有点不愉快。应改进此耳机上使用的麦克风的环境声音隔离。
佩戴Sony WH-1000XM2 耳机(Sony WH-1000XM2 headset)通常是一种愉快的体验,即使在使用几个小时后也是如此。它们看起来也不错,而且你周围的人很明显,你没有戴普通的耳机。但是,如果您在炎热的晴天穿着它们,不可能不很快出汗。当您想随身携带这些耳机时,一个积极的特点是它们的耳罩是可折叠的并且可以旋转。虽然它们很大,但它们很容易安排,随身携带。
索尼 WH-1000XM2 是一款出色的无线耳机,具有自适应降噪功能,只要您安装并配置适用于 Android 和 iOS 的 Sony Headphones Connect 移动应用程序,它就可以很好地工作。不幸的是,PC 用户并没有从应用程序中受益,他们的体验也没有那么好。(Sony WH-1000XM2 is an excellent wireless headset, with adaptive noise cancelling, that works very well, as long as you install, and configure the Sony Headphones Connect mobile app for Android and iOS. Unfortunately, PC users do not benefit from an app, and their experience is not as great.)
您对索尼 WH-1000XM2 无线(Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless)耳机有何看法?
阅读我们的评论后,您了解我们对索尼 WH-1000XM2 无线(Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless)耳机的看法。我们很想知道您对此产品的看法。如果您已经拥有它,请在下面的评论中与我们分享您的经验。
Sony WH-1000XM2 review: The premium mobile audio experience!
Sony WH-1000XM2 is a popular wireless headset with adaptive noise canceling, and many interesting features like touch controls, qυick chargіng, and high-qualitу sound. We love the wаy they look, and we are impressed by their hardwаre ѕpeсificatіons, so we decidеd to test them for two weeks. If yoυ want to know what kind of user experience they haνe to offеr, read our review for Sony WH-1000XM2:
Sony WH-1000XM2: Who is it good for?
The Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless headset is an excellent choice for:
- Users who want a high-quality mobile audio experience
- People who want a durable headset, with premium materials
- Users who appreciate an elegant design, and can afford it
Pros and cons
The main pros of buying the Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless headset, are the following:
- Excellent sound quality
- Effective noise cancellation
- Solid build quality
- Elegant design
- Good battery life
- It can be used both as a wired and wireless headset
- The packaging bundles useful accessories
There are also some negatives to consider:
- You must use the Sony Headphones Connect mobile app to access the best features
- There is no app available for Windows or Mac OS X. Without one, Sony WH-1000XM2 sounds more like a mid-range headset, not a premium one
- The microphone does not do a great job of isolating your voice from ambient sounds
The Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless headset with adaptive noise cancelling is a premium device, with outstanding sound quality. Its focus on mobile audio experiences is emphasized by the fact that it needs you to install and configure a mobile app for Android or iOS, to unlock its true potential. It looks great, it is sturdy, its adaptive noise canceling is efficient, and the sound quality you get is one of the best on the market. If you want a premium wireless headset, Sony WH-1000XM2 must be on your shortlist.
Unboxing the Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless headset with noise cancelling
The Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless headset comes in a beautiful white box. First, you see a picture of the headset, its model name, and some of its most important features.
On the sides, there is further information about what is inside the box, and links to the mobile app that accompanies this headset. When you open the box, you find out that there is another black box inside, with the Sony logo on it.
The black box opens like a book. Inside, you see a carrying case, made of textile materials, as well as a few cables.
After you open the carrying pouch and everything inside the black box, you find the following items: the headset, a headphone cable, a micro-USB cable, the warranty, and the quick setup guide.
One surprising accessory is an airplane adapter plug, hidden inside the carrying case. If you fly a lot, you will appreciate having it in the standard packaging of this headset.
The unboxing experience offered by Sony WH-1000XM2 is worthy of a premium device. The packaging is rich in accessories that can serve you in all kinds of situations.
Hardware specifications
Sony WH-1000XM2 is a headset that uses Bluetooth 4.1 for wireless connections, and the following Bluetooth profiles: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP), Hands-Free Profile (HFP), Headset Profile (HSP), Leadership Development and Advisory Council (LDAC). It also supports one-touch pairing through NFC, and can also be used as wired, with the help of its 3.5mm audio cable. Their wireless range is approximately 30 feet or 10 meters, and they weigh 9.7 oz or 275 grams.
Sony WH-1000XM2 are circumaural, meaning that they cover your entire ear, and use sizeable 1.57-inch driver units. Theoretically, the larger the drivers, the better the sound. They have a frequency response of 4 Hz-40,000 Hz and an impedance that can vary between 14 and 46 ohms, depending on how they are used.
Their body is mostly made of plastic, with polished metal in the headband and synthetic leather to cover the ears. The headband and the ear pads are made of polyurethane foam. This headset is sold in two color versions: black and gold (or beige). We tested the gold version.
On the right headphone, you have a tactile surface that senses your touch gestures. You can use it to turn the volume up or down, answer calls, or skip songs when listening to music. On it, you also have the micro USB port for charging the headset. On the left headphone, there is the audio jack, the Power button, and the button for turning on and off the noise cancellation feature.
The Sony WH-1000XM2 headset promises high-resolution audio, using all kinds of tools and features, like an equalizer, a Digital Sound Enhancement Engine HX (DSEE HXTM), ambient sound control, digital noise cancellation and virtual surround sound.
The autonomy is up to 30 hours with noise cancellation turned on, and of 38 hours with it turned off. The battery charging time is relatively lengthy: up to four hours. However, there is a quick charging feature available that gives you 70 minutes of play, after just 10 minutes of charging.
If you want to read more about the hardware specs and all the features of these wireless headphones, visit this webpage: Sony WH-1000XM2 - Full Specifications and Features.
Using the Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless noise-canceling headset
We first used the Sony WH-1000XM2 headset on a desktop PC, with the help of the cable that's bundled with it. Since there is no software for Windows or Mac OS X, there was nothing we could configure about the way they work. In this situation, we noticed that the bass tends to be more pronounced than on other headsets. This makes Sony WH-1000XM2 great for listening to music genres which emphasize the bass. However, when you want clean vocals, or you listen to classical music or metal, the experience is a bit underwhelming. We also played a few computer games, and we enjoyed the sound experience. Thanks to the more pronounced bass, firing guns sound especially satisfying.
The noise canceling feature works very well. Too well in some situations. If you are at home, at the office, or traveling in a car, or train, you will be satisfied with the way ambient sounds are canceled or diminished. This feature makes for an immersive audio experience. A neat little trick is that you can let the outside world in by holding your hand over the right ear cup.
We do not recommend using the noise cancellation in traffic, or while walking through busy streets. We did, once, and we almost got ourselves into an accident, because we did not hear what went on around us. To keep yourself safe, you should disable noise cancellation in such situations, or use the Sony Headphones Connect mobile app for Android and iOS, to personalize it. Speaking of this app, you MUST install it on your mobile devices, if you want the best possible experience from your Sony WH-1000XM2 headset.
All the essential features are personalized only from Sony Headphones Connect. You should start with turning on adaptive sound control, and running the noise canceling optimizer, so that you get the best possible experience, without putting yourself in danger. You should also play around with the equalizer, the sound quality mode, and the DSEE HX feature.
After we personalized everything we wanted, we enjoyed a much better sound experience. It felt like we were using a premium headset with high-quality sound. The sound was more dynamic. We enjoyed clear vocals, and an excellent audio experience when listening to musical genres like progressive rock, classical music, or post-rock. Watching movies was also a treat.
Another feature of the Sony WH-1000XM2 headset are the touch controls on the right ear cup. We used them a couple of times, and learned that pausing and resuming music, worked well each time. So was the gesture for answering phone calls. Other gestures like turning the volume up or down, did not always deliver the expected result, and we ended up pausing the music, instead of increasing the volume.
We used the Sony WH-1000XM2 headset also for taking calls, and while we heard the person we talked to well, the other person also heard the ambient noises around us, making the conversation a bit unpleasant. The isolation of ambient sounds should be improved for the microphone(s) used on this headset.
Wearing the Sony WH-1000XM2 headset is generally a pleasant experience, even after a couple of hours of use. They also look good, and it is evident to people around you, that you are not wearing your average headset. However, if you are wearing them on a hot sunny day, it is impossible not to sweat quite fast. When you want to take these headphones with you, a positive feature is that their ear cups are foldable and can swivel. Although they are large, they are easily arranged, to take away with you.
Sony WH-1000XM2 is an excellent wireless headset, with adaptive noise cancelling, that works very well, as long as you install, and configure the Sony Headphones Connect mobile app for Android and iOS. Unfortunately, PC users do not benefit from an app, and their experience is not as great.
What is your opinion about the Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless headset?
After reading our review, you know our opinion about the Sony WH-1000XM2 wireless headset. We are curious to know what is your opinion about this product. If you already own it, share your experience with us, in a comment below.