索尼 WH-1000XM2(Sony WH-1000XM2)是出色的耳机,但也存在一些缺陷。现在索尼(Sony)推出了下一代:索尼WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)。新模型有望比其前身更好。它提供高端降噪(noise canceling)功能和优质音频质量(audio quality),同时比其前身更轻、更舒适且电池寿命更长。(battery life)这是真实的还是好得令人难以置信?我们很想知道,所以我们每天测试和使用索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3),持续了大约两周。在这篇评论中查看我们对这些耳机的看法:
索尼 WH-1000XM3 蓝牙耳机(Sony WH-1000XM3 Bluetooth headset)是以下设备的绝佳选择:
- 想要高品质移动音频体验的用户
- 想要抑制环境噪音并享受清晰音频的人
- 欣赏并负担得起优雅、高品质设计和优质建造质量的用户(build quality)
- 想要具有蓝牙和触控功能的创新耳机的人(Bluetooth and touch controls)
购买索尼 WH-1000XM3 无线(Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless)耳机的主要优点是:
- 均衡的音质
- 可能是市场上最好的降噪器
- 精心打造和精心制作
- 他们的设计既美观又实用
- 长电池寿命(battery life)和快速充电功能
- 它们既可以用作无线耳机,也可以用作有线耳机
- 大量有用的配件
- 麦克风在将您的声音与环境噪音隔离方面做得很好
- Sony Headphones Connect 应用程序(Sony Headphones Connect app)仅适用于Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS),但不适用于 Windows 或Mac OS X
- 价格很高
索尼WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless)自适应降噪(noise canceling)无线耳机是索尼(Sony)最好的高端蓝牙耳机(Bluetooth headset),音质(sound quality)非常出色。耳机看起来很漂亮,并且是我们佩戴过的最轻、最舒适的耳机。他们的主要功能是降噪(noise canceling),这是我们迄今为止测试过的最好的。如果你买得起,你绝对应该给自己买一副索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)耳机。这是您不会后悔的购买。你肯定会得到索尼(Sony)提供的最好的东西。
拆箱索尼 WH-1000XM3 无线(Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless)耳机
索尼 WH-1000XM3 无线(Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless)耳机采用优质白色纸板制成的精美盒子。在正面,您会看到头显的头像、制造商和型号名称(manufacturer and model name),以及一些基本功能。
在包装的背面和侧面,索尼打印了一些其他照片以及有关(Sony)索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)的更多信息。您还可以获得链接和二维码(QR code),让您可以找到并安装适用于 iPhone 和Android智能手机的Sony Headphones Connect应用程序。(Sony Headphones Connect)
在从外壳(outer shell)滑动打开的盒子内部,您会发现一个由纺织材料制成的坚固手提箱(carrying case),以及一些文件和传单。当您打开外壳和包装盒内的所有(case and everything)其他物品时,您会发现以下内容:耳机、耳机线(headphone cable)、带Type-A到Type-C连接器的USB 线、(USB cable)飞机适配器插头(airplane adapter plug)、保修和快速设置指南(setup guide).
拆箱索尼 WH-1000XM3 是一种令人愉快的体验,不愧为高级设备。该包装捆绑了许多您会喜欢的配件。(Unboxing the Sony WH-1000XM3 is a delightful experience, worthy of a premium device. The package bundles many accessories that you are going to appreciate.)
索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)是一款漂亮的无线耳机(wireless headset),带有大包耳式耳机。它们覆盖您的整个耳朵,并受益(ear and benefit)于带有钕磁铁的 1.57 英寸大型驱动单元。频率响应(frequency response)在4 Hz-40,000 Hz之间,如果您将它们与有线连接一起使用,它们的阻抗可以是 16 或 47 欧姆,具体取决于它们是打开还是关闭。
索尼 WH-1000XM3 耳机(Sony WH-1000XM3 headset)使用蓝牙4.2 版(Bluetooth version 4.2)进行无线连接,支持 NFC(NFC support),并支持高级音频分发配置文件(Advanced Audio Distribution Profile)( A2DP )、Audio/Video Remote Control Profile( AVRCP )、免提配置文件(Profile)( HFP ) 和耳机配置文件(Headset Profile)(热休克蛋白(HSP))。音频格式方面,索尼WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)支持LDAC(索尼(Sony)开发的高品质声音编解码器(high-quality sound codec))、aptX HD(高通(Qualcomm)开发的高品质声音编解码器)(high-quality sound codec))、aptX、SBC和AAC。与蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备一样,您从这些耳机获得的无线范围(wireless range)约为 30 英尺或 10 米。
您还可以通过带有 3.5 毫米连接器的音频线使用有线索尼 WH-1000XM3 耳机。(Sony WH-1000XM3 headset)包装盒中的那个具有镀金连接器,长度为 3.94 英尺或 1.2 米。它的质地很好,但包装完全由塑料材料制成。
在右侧耳机上,索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)有一个触感表面(tactile surface),您可以使用它来控制耳机。根据您在其表面点击的位置,您可以调高或调低音量、接听电话、跳过歌曲,甚至只是暂时降低音量以聆听周围环境。这也是您可以找到用于为耳机充电的USB Type-C 端口的地方。(USB Type-C port)
在左侧耳机(left headphone)上,您有一个 3.5 毫米音频插孔、电源按钮(Power button)和NC/Ambient button。后者用于启用或禁用索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)提供的降噪功能(noise cancellation feature)。您可以使用Sony Headphones Connect应用程序为该按钮分配其他操作,例如打开Google Assistant 或 Amazon(Google Assistant or Amazon)的Alexa。
索尼 WH-1000XM3 耳机(Sony WH-1000XM3 headset)承诺提供高分辨率音频(high-resolution audio),使用各种工具和功能,如均衡器、数字声音增强引擎 HX(Digital Sound Enhancement Engine HX) ( DSEE HXTM )、环境声音控制(sound control)、数字噪音消除(noise cancellation)和虚拟环绕声(surround sound)。
开启降噪功能后,自主权最长可达 30 小时,关闭后最长可达 38 小时。完全充电时间(charging time)为 3 小时,但只需充电 10 分钟即可获得长达 5 小时的播放时间。(play time)仅当使用可提供至少 1.5 安培电流的交流适配器时,才能进行快速充电。(AC adapter)
您可以购买两种颜色版本的索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3):黑色和银色。我们测试的是黑色的。
索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)重8.99 盎司,约合 255 克。如果您想详细了解这些无线耳机的硬件规格和所有功能,请访问此页面: (hardware specs)Sony WH-1000XM3 - 规格和功能(Sony WH-1000XM3 - Specifications and Features)。
索尼 WH-1000XM3 的设计既美观又实用。我们喜欢它,我们相信你也喜欢。如果您对高端硬件规格是否能转化为优质音频感到好奇,请继续阅读。(The Sony WH-1000XM3 has a design that is both beautiful and functional. We like it, and we are sure that you do too. If you are curious whether the high-end hardware specifications translate in premium audio quality, read on.)
使用索尼 WH-1000XM3 无线(Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless)耳机
我们用索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)耳机进行了近两周的测试,我们每天都在使用它们。在那段时间里,我们发现它们即使长时间使用也很舒服。大耳罩和非常柔软的毛绒有助于解决这个问题。
金属头带还覆盖着柔软的毛绒,因此您不会感到头部有任何压力。但是,如果你是秃头,上面的人造皮革可能会让你的头很容易出汗。(head sweat)
如果您经常旅行,您会喜欢索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)的一个关键功能(key feature)是耳机可折叠并且可以旋转。这使耳机更加紧凑,并且可以完美地放入随附的手提箱中。然后,无论您走到哪里,都可以轻松带走。此外,机上使用的插头适配器(plug adapter)绝对是人们乘飞机旅行时欣赏的一个很好的补充。
触摸控件都在右耳罩上(ear cup)。它们易于使用,触摸板反应灵敏。所有手势都运行良好,包括暂停和恢复音乐、接听电话或调高或调低音量。
索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)的降噪功能是我们听过的最好的。我们在户外使用耳机,在一个交通繁忙的城市——汽车、电车和救护车总是冲过车道。但是,戴上索尼 WH-1000XM3 无线(Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless)耳机后,那些大城市的噪音就会被发送到后台并留在那里。您仍然可以微弱地听到它们,但即使是耳塞也不能做得比这更好。
在索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)耳机上听音乐是我们在任何蓝牙(Bluetooth)耳机上的最佳体验。音频质量非常好,声音平衡良好。所有范围都得到了很好的体现:强劲的低音,温暖的中音,清晰的高音。一切(Everything)都是为了提供完美的音频体验。无论(Regardless)您喜欢哪种音乐类型(music genre),聆听您最喜欢的歌曲都是一种享受。
我们还使用索尼 WH-1000XM3 耳机(Sony WH-1000XM3 headset)拨打电话,可以说它做得非常出色。我们通过电话与之交谈的每个人都说他们可以清晰地听到我们的声音。麦克风的质量是这款耳机之前型号Sony WH-1000XM2 的致命(Sony WH-1000XM2)弱点(Achilles)。但是,索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)不再是这样。这一次,我们对麦克风没有任何抱怨。效果很好!
最后,让我们也谈谈索尼为Android和iOS提供的(iOS)Sony Headphones Connect移动应用程序。如果您想从Sony WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)耳机中获得最佳体验,这是必不可少的。您可以自定义耳机工作方式的所有内容都只能通过Sony Headphones Connect完成。它可以让您打开自适应声音控制(sound control)、运行降噪优化器、调整声音均衡器(sound equalizer)和音质模式(quality mode),以及控制DSEE HX 功能(DSEE HX feature)。只有在您的iPhone 或 Android 智能手机上安装应用程序后,所有这些以及更多功能才可能实现(iPhone or Android smartphone). 不幸的是,索尼(Sony)没有为Windows 或 macOS(Windows or macOS)提供类似的应用程序,这很遗憾。
索尼 WH-1000XM3 是我们测试过的最好的自适应降噪蓝牙耳机。音频质量在所有范围内都非常出色,降噪功能令人惊叹。此外,这些耳机可能是您可以佩戴的最舒适的耳机。(Sony WH-1000XM3 is the best Bluetooth headset with adaptive noise canceling that we have ever tested. The audio quality is excellent on all ranges and the noise canceling feature is amazing. Also, these headphones are probably some of the most comfortable you can wear.)
您对索尼 WH-1000XM3 耳机(Sony WH-1000XM3 headset)有何看法?
如您所知,索尼 WH-1000XM3(Sony WH-1000XM3)给我们留下了深刻的印象。我们喜欢它们,我们认为它们是市场上最好的无线耳机之一。你同意吗?你测试过还是你拥有它们?在下面发表评论(Comment)并告诉我们您的想法。
Sony WH-1000XM3 review: Probably the best Bluetooth headphones!
Sony WH-1000XM2 wеre excellent headphones, but they had a few flaws. Now Sony has launched the next generatіon: Ѕony WH-1000XM3. The new model promises to be better than its predecessor. It offers high-end noise cancelіng features and prеmium аudio qualіty, while also being lighter, more comfortable and offering a longer battery life than its predеcessor. Is this real or toо good to be true? We were curious to find out, so we tested and used Sony WH-1000XM3 daily, fоr about two weеks. See our opinion about theѕe headphones, in this review:
Sony WH-1000XM3: Who is it good for?
The Sony WH-1000XM3 Bluetooth headset is an excellent choice for:
- Users who want a high-quality mobile audio experience
- People who want to suppress ambient noises and enjoy clear audio
- Users who appreciate and can afford elegant, high-quality design, and a premium build quality
- People who want an innovative headset, with Bluetooth and touch controls
Pros and cons
The main pros of buying the Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless headphones are:
- Well-balanced sound quality
- Probably the best noise canceling on the market
- Well-built and well-crafted
- Their design is both beautiful and functional
- Long battery life and fast charging features
- They can be used both as wireless and wired headphones
- A generous bundle of useful accessories
- The microphone does an excellent job at isolating your voice from ambient noise
There are also some negatives to consider:
- The Sony Headphones Connect app is only available on Android and iOS, but not on Windows or Mac OS X
- The price is high
The Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless headset with adaptive noise canceling is the best high-end Bluetooth headset from Sony, and its sound quality is excellent. The headphones look beautiful and manage to be some of the lightest and most comfortable we have ever worn. Their top feature is noise canceling, which is the best that we tested so far. If you can afford them, you should definitely buy yourself a pair of Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones. It is a purchase that you won't regret. You definitely get the best that Sony has to offer.
Unboxing the Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless headphones
The Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless headset comes in a beautiful box made from premium white cardboard. On the front, you see a profile picture of the headset, its manufacturer and model name, alongside some of its essential features.
On the back and the sides of the package, Sony printed a few other photos and a lot more information about the Sony WH-1000XM3. You also get the link and a QR code that lets you find and install the Sony Headphones Connect app for iPhones and Android smartphones.
Inside the box, which opens by sliding it from the outer shell, you find a sturdy carrying case made of textile materials, as well as a few documents and leaflets. When you open the case and everything else inside the box, you find the following: the headset, a headphone cable, a USB cable with Type-A to Type-C connectors, an airplane adapter plug, the warranty, and the quick setup guide.
Unboxing the Sony WH-1000XM3 is a delightful experience, worthy of a premium device. The package bundles many accessories that you are going to appreciate.
Design and hardware specifications
The Sony WH-1000XM3 is a beautiful wireless headset with large circumaural headphones. They cover your entire ear and benefit from large 1.57-inch driver units with neodymium magnets. The frequency response is between 4 Hz-40,000 Hz and, if you use them with a wired connection, their impedance can be 16 or 47 ohms, depending on whether they are on or off.
The Sony WH-1000XM3 headset uses Bluetooth version 4.2 for wireless connections, with NFC support, and supports the Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP), Hands-Free Profile (HFP), and Headset Profile (HSP). As for the audio formats, Sony WH-1000XM3 supports LDAC (a high-quality sound codec developed by Sony), aptX HD (a high-quality sound codec developed by Qualcomm), aptX, SBC, and AAC. As with Bluetooth devices, the wireless range you get from these headphones is of 30 feet or 10 meters, approximately.
You can also use the Sony WH-1000XM3 headset wired, via an audio cable with 3.5mm connectors. The one bundled in the box has gold-plated connectors and a length of 3.94 feet, or 1.2 meters. It has a nice texture, but the wrapping is made entirely out of plastic materials.
The body of the headphones is also almost entirely made out of plastic. However, the headband is made from metal, and both the headphones cushions and the headband are covered in synthetic leather with soft plush inside.
On the right headphone, the Sony WH-1000XM3 has a tactile surface which you use to control the headset. Depending on where you tap on its surface, you can turn the volume up or down, answer calls, skip songs, or even only temporarily lower the volume to hear your surroundings. This is also the place where you will find the USB Type-C port that is used for charging the headphones.
On the left headphone, you get a 3.5mm audio jack, the Power button, and the NC/Ambient button. The latter is used to enable or disable the noise cancellation feature offered by the Sony WH-1000XM3. You can use the Sony Headphones Connect app to assign other actions to this button such as to turn on Google Assistant or Amazon's Alexa.
The Sony WH-1000XM3 headset promises high-resolution audio, using all kinds of tools and features, like an equalizer, a Digital Sound Enhancement Engine HX (DSEE HXTM), ambient sound control, digital noise cancellation and virtual surround sound.
The autonomy is up to 30 hours with noise cancellation turned on, and of 38 hours with it turned off. The full charging time is of 3 hours, but you can get up to five hours of play time after just ten minutes of charging. The fast charging is available only when using an AC adapter that can deliver at least 1.5 Amperes.
You can buy the Sony WH-1000XM3 in two color versions: black and silver. The one that we tested was black.
The Sony WH-1000XM3 weighs 8.99 ounces, which is about 255 grams. If you want to read more about the hardware specs and all the features of these wireless headphones, visit this page: Sony WH-1000XM3 - Specifications and Features.
The Sony WH-1000XM3 has a design that is both beautiful and functional. We like it, and we are sure that you do too. If you are curious whether the high-end hardware specifications translate in premium audio quality, read on.
Using the Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless headphones
We had the Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones for testing for almost two weeks, and we used them daily. During that time, we found out that they are comfortable to use even for long periods of time. The large ear cups and very soft plush on them help on that matter.
The metallic headband is also covered with soft plush, so you do not feel any pressure on your head. However, if you are bald, the faux leather on it might make your head sweat rather easily.
If you travel a lot, one key feature that you are going to like about the Sony WH-1000XM3 is that the headphones are foldable and can swivel. That makes the headset more compact and it fits perfectly inside the carrying case bundled with it. Then, it is easy to take away with you anywhere you go. Furthermore, the plug adapter for in-flight use is definitely a nice addition that people appreciate if they travel by plane.
The touch controls are all on the right ear cup. They are easy to use, and the touch plate is responsive. All the gestures work well, including pausing and resuming music, answering phone calls, or turning the volume up or down.
The noise canceling feature on the Sony WH-1000XM3 is the best we have ever heard. We used the headphones outdoors, in a city with intense traffic - cars, trams, and ambulances always rushing through the lanes. However, with the Sony WH-1000XM3 wireless headphones on your head, those big city noises are sent away to the background and left there. You can still hear them faintly, but not even earplugs can do better than that.
Listening to music on the Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones is the best experience we have had on any Bluetooth headphones. The audio quality is excellent, and the sound is well balanced. All ranges are well represented: powerful bass, warm mids, clear highs. Everything is just as it should be to offer the perfect audio experience. Regardless of what music genre you prefer, listening to your favorite songs is a delight.
We also used the Sony WH-1000XM3 headset to make phone calls, and we can say that it does an excellent job. Everyone we have spoken with over the phone said that they could hear us loud and clear. The quality of the microphone was Achilles' heel for the previous model of this headset, the Sony WH-1000XM2. However, that is no longer true for the Sony WH-1000XM3. This time, we have no complaints about the microphone. It works great!
Finally, let's also talk a bit about the Sony Headphones Connect mobile app that Sony offers for Android and iOS. It is a must-have if you want the best possible experience from your Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones. Everything that you can customize on how the headphones work is done only from the Sony Headphones Connect. It lets you turn on adaptive sound control, run the noise canceling optimizer, adjust the sound equalizer and sound quality mode, and control the DSEE HX feature. All these and more are possible only if you install the app on your iPhone or Android smartphone. Unfortunately, Sony does not offer a similar app for Windows or macOS, which is a shame.
Sony WH-1000XM3 is the best Bluetooth headset with adaptive noise canceling that we have ever tested. The audio quality is excellent on all ranges and the noise canceling feature is amazing. Also, these headphones are probably some of the most comfortable you can wear.
What is your opinion about the Sony WH-1000XM3 headset?
As you know now, the Sony WH-1000XM3 managed to impress us. We love them, and we consider them to be some of the best wireless headphones on the market. Do you agree? Have you tested or do you own them? Comment below and tell us what you think.